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▶ ✩✩✩ SHINee (샤이니) Official Thread # 2 ✩✩✩ ◀


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Guest love_guitar93

BoA closes her Twitter because of SHINee fans?

BoA was recently caught up in a controversy with SHINee fans for “spoiling SHINee’s comeback” through her Twitter, causing her to eventually set her Twitter account to private on September 29th.

On the 26th, BoA tweeted, “Inkigayo has come to an end, and  Chuseok has come to an end. Next week is our shining SHINee’s comeback! I  won’t be lonely in the waiting rooms anymore.”

The problem lies in that SHINee fans were displeased with BoA  spoiling the release of SHINee’s repackaged album and comeback date.  Various community sites began spreading rumors that SHINee’s comeback  date was set earlier than planned due to BoA’s spoiler, causing her to  receive many hateful replies from netizens.

On the 28th, BoA attempted to clarify the situation by tweeting, “You  know that our company won’t just change SHINee’s comeback date because  of my tweet, right? I tweeted it in support of the members, and articles  regarding their comeback were released today as well.


Despite BoA’s clarification, SHINee fans did not stop their attacks, causing BoA to eventually set her account to private.

Netizens expressed their disappointment in the situation by stating, “BoA loves Twitter, did you really have to go as far as to make her close it?” “Are you guys happy now?” and “They’re just supporting each other, why are the fans so angry?

Source: MyDaily

Credit: allkpop

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Guest monkeyhero

Well thats a shame ^ Shinee loves Boa and sometimes SM artist do things like this for each other. Fans shouldnt be so hostile. I mean im so happy she announced it. After waiting so long its really good to know that they are making another come back. Boa Fighting Shinee Fighting!

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Seriously?? What on earth are the netizens thinking when they were bashing her?

I don't think she meant any more than supporting and she sounded excited when she said they were coming back...

Besides, don't they think that SM would let her jsut announce it just like that if it wasn't confirmed?

She would have known better than to tweet it if the company does not allow information to be leaked out about it?

I love reading BoA's tweet! She loves tweeting and these netizens have to do this to her...


I hope BoA's fans aren't gonna bash SHINee now...we all know how powerful and strong BoA's fanbase are....

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Guest CoffeePanDuh

wow Just wow. When I say that tweet I was happy and excited, not angry. That's one of the reasons why I follow her and other on twitter. They give you updates on events and stuff. really fans should't be so angry at her. MORE LIKE THANKING HER. Would the netizens rather have not support SHINee instead of SUPPORTING them. Come on now.

It's sad how some fans take just about everything so seriously. *sigh*

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Guest lala_land

Assuming SM doesn't put the repack on iTunes for d/l anyone know where else I could buy the repack's new songs online(indivdually)? I assume they'll be up for d/l on offical Korean music sites but I don't know if/how a person living outside of Korea can buy from them.

@fatalblue I think foreigners can only register at Soribada.

You can click on "for non-subscribers" and then buy the soribada music card. With the 7000W coupon, you can help in streaming for a month and download 40 songs within the month..

But Soribada was an hour later than other sites when they released Lucifer -.- I hope they will release Hello punctually. ^^;;;;;

omg I feel so bad towards BoA and her fans D; sigh.. I just hope she'll come back to twitter soon.. Twitter is like the source of all problems > < It was the cake incident, now this... I really don't wish to see the relationship between the two fandoms turn sour! > <

Read that JYJ might be releasing their album on the 12th! Which means we will only have chance to win one week for Hello! So shawols, you have to get the album within next week! (from 4th to 10th Oct). I heard the album is only counted into Hanteo when it is sent out!

Also!!! Minho is in a MV for a girlgroup (VNT)about to debut. According to this, he shot it on tuesday. Hmmm I wonder how it'll be like ㅋㅋ Anyway looking forward!


oh! and 'Hello' will be released at 10am KST tmr right? Well, I've to sleep early tonight then! ^^

V nhi bb I don't think they're a SM group. Looking forward ^^

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Guest -N-hi_-R-ie

Seriously.. I cant help being angry at some Shawols and netizens this time><. Why blamed BoA because of this??? Wasnt the cake incident enough?? She had closed her Twitter once be4.. do they (the netizens) know how happy us fans were when she re-opened it??? Why dont they just leave her alone?? Really..

huishan bb: VNT? Is it new group of SME or what? Aww whoever they are, I'm so looking for the fact that MinHo bb is gonna have a cameo in other artists' MV xD kkk

2010.09.28 - Buncheon Celebratory Concert



cr: minhoney.net

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Guest bebesharon

hey :)

does anyone know..cause i've been trying like 1000 times.

i wanna order their "Hello" repackaged album on dvdheaven but for some odd reason it's not working for me. Everytime i'm ready to pay on paypal it's like "Sorry Your Last Action could not be completed". Does anyone know how to work this thing so i can order it? Please and thanks in advance.

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Guest lala_land

^^ hmm how about trying internet explorer or other browsers?

SHINee at Cheongwadae for performance for FIFA U-17 Female World Cup Korea National Team




source: twitter

wow shawols are good lol.. now we have a picture of SHINee together ^^


Also, Minho and Key were spotted at yesterday at a shop in Apgujeong.

See the fan account here!

@ fatalblue np (: 30th is tomorrow! hehe ^^

@ anju no prob!! ^^ and I also find your display picture of mushroom taem really cute!

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Guest babyblue-

Thanks SSS for the shares! (:

Anju & Jac: No prob ^^ Thanks for the spams <3 Btw, love your dp Anju! (:

Jina: Always thank you for the translation bb! <3

Jessica & Tinateukbum: Thanks for the new concept pics! (:

100928 Celebratory Concert


Source: Alpha Boy

Total: 3

ROFL~ >.<



Source: doobop

100928 Night Star recording

Polka dots dubu <3


Credits: Vivz

100922 Rock of Ages - 4th Musical

Total: 20








Source: chiro_hz

100916 Rock of Ages - 2nd Musical

Total: 6



100915 Rock of Ages - 1st Musical

Total: 8




Source: shinee.gogoblog.net

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Guest fatalblue

Looks like my options for buying the songs online are pretty limited afterall, I really hope they put them on iTunes^^; I may buy "Hello" off Soribada on the 30th tho...thanks for answering my question lala_land

I'm disappointed in the Shawols that bothered Boa over the "spoiler" her fangirling over Shinee's comeback was cute and I'm glad she favors them so much. On a brighter note all the repack songs sound good. "One" will be a ballad while "Get It" sounds like a "Get Down" pt 2.

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Guest anju_angel

@ jessica: thanks for sharing the article, that's really sad...poor BoA, i don't get it why they could blame her, isn't she the bearer of good news? (i.e SHINee's comeback)

@ live laugh love: thank you for your translation.

@ lala_land: thanks for all your helpful infos about the boys...always appreciate it. and they looks so tall in those photos with the girls

@ vicky: OMG that mino and pokemon pic made my day LOL, Thanks for the RoA spam, and thanks i luv my Taemin mushroom dp too keke

thanks for all the shares SSS

100928 Bucheon Celebratory Concert

v oooh fluffy and pouty maknae vv  :P







^ literally shinning SHINee LOL XD

14 images (click for full size)

source and credit as tagged/ re-up: anju/ pls do not hotlink

100829 Incheon Korean Music Wave





source and credit: please3x / re-up and shared by anju/ pls do not hotlink

v awww, no problem narumi *huggles back* , no new SHINee photos makes me sad XD

vv @ live laugh love: pls call me anju, thats one of my fave photo..hahaha thanks for Key's Me2day trans

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Thanks SSS for all the awesome shares ~

jachojac & anju ; Thanks for the picture spams everyday (; *hugs*

jina; BB thank you sooo much again for the article translations! ~ ♥ I'm so exited for the 3 new tracks! I know SHINee will never disappoint me! love all of their songs (; "Get it" reminds me of "Get Down" LOL!

huishan ; Wow Minho is so popular as an actor for Girl Group's MV's ~! Looking forward of the MV (; btw that picture of dubu with the students look so funny kekeke!

vicky ;  BB thanks for the ondrew spams ♥ LOL at Minho's squirtle pic ~ that label is so humorous haha!

▶ No offense but I'm so mad of my fellow Shawols when I read that BoA's twitter shut down (set as private/lock) today. It's so immature. I think these haters are just new to kpop & doesn't know about her. They should respect her because SHINee and other big artists respects her/idolize her so it's such a shame for Shawols. I think if SHINee, especially Key (big BoA fan) will hear this news, they/he will be mad. Key should join twitter and scold these immature fangirls seriously like what Heechul did to his fans before -_-


click for full sizes


source: Key and U



source: bling theory


2010.09.28 - Keycifer at Buncheon Concert Fancam


v Hai Jina~! You're here <333 I really love Keybummie's hairtstyle right now >.< I hope he don't change it XD Thanks for the trans!

v v  It's nice to see the 5 together today! LOL those girls are so lucky to see the boys so close ~ dubu look so happy HAHAHA ^▽^

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Guest live laugh love

^ Narumiiii~! I thought of "Get Down" immediately when I read about "Get It" too! It's like Part 2 or something. They even wrote the lyrics. ^^ I'm so excited for the song tomorrow! & I love Keybum's hair too! The stylist nunas better not do something weird to it.

lala_land, I didn't know they were scheduled to perform for the women's U-17 KNT at the Blue House! All the players look so petite next to the boys. ^^ And wow, the boys even got to take a picture next to the President and First Lady. LOL at the President's V-sign, though. xD Thank you for sharing!

Vicky, thank you for the pictures bb! Minho's Pokemon picture is so funny~! LOL.

anju_angel, this picture of Taemin is so cute! ^^ Thank you for sharing.

A big thanks to everyone for all the amazing shares! Always appreciate it. ^^

10.09.29 Key Me2Day Update


"A late thank you for the birthday wishes! Many people congratulated me and gave me gifts~Thank you so much. Hehe"

Source: SHINee Me2Day

English translation: live laugh love @ soompi

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Guest lala_land

^ live laugh love yeap I think no one knew until today ㅋㅋ wow that's the president and first lady?? omg that's wonderful for shinee hehe ^^

narumi hahah! all the girls look so happy! ^^ that would be me if i see SHINee irl too keke.. I think SHINee brought much joy to the the players hehe ^^

More from Cheongwadae performance!



^ the girls kneeling down lol xD I think they want to look at SHINee closeup keke..



^ they're all fans!! ^_^




^ LOL look at the man behind at the right! He looks so happy too hahaha!! :lol:



^ the person who photoshopped this has madskills!

They performed Noona is so pretty and Ring Ding Dong. ^^

SHINee at Cheongwadae performance

hahaha omg so cute here!


lol fans can listen to Hello first at 9:30am KST tmr through UFOtown. :sweatingbullets:

Jonghyun at Night Star Caps

V so cute



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Guest anju_angel

^ it's an honor meeting with S. Korea's President and get to perform in front of them. so proud of our SHINee boys.

100928 Bucheon Celebratory Concert

v index pic




^ ooohhh, the pinky!!! ^_^





-24 images- click for full size

source and credit: Taemtree/ re-up and shared: anju/ pls do not hotlink

v thanks for sharing the article :-)

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100929 SHINee spend a day with Korea’s president and the female U-17 soccer team


On September 29th, SHINee spent an enjoyable date at Cheongwadae (The President’s House) with the 2010 FIFA U-17 World Cup Women’s Football Team.

SHINee was able to meet with the team’s members, as well as Korea’s president, Lee Myung Park, and they performed ‘Nuna You’re So Pretty’ and ‘Ring Ding Dong’.

SHINee was invited to the President’s house because they were chosen by the players as their favorite idol group. The group was well received, especially during their performance of ‘Nuna You’re So Pretty’.

On the same day, the official me2day account of Cheonwadae revealed, “After watching the players enjoy SHINee’s stage a lot, the President and The First Lady wanted to take a picture so that the players remember this meaningful day.”

Source + Photo: Osen | Shared by alkpop

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thanks for all of the shares everyone!(: cant wait for tomorrow!

@anju thanks for the usual taemin'sbb spams hehe. i think i saved alot of his pics from the event XD

@jina hehe thank you again for translating! <33 key must be really happy with all of the gifts/wishes :w00t:

@winkme i shall call you Narumi? (: you're welcome! do not know whether is it a good or a bad thing that i am in the mid of a school break now lol!! thanks for sharing as well! <3

@vicky Np too! ^^ thanks for the ROA spams kekek~


100928 Bucheon Celebratory Concert





credit: as tagged/glamourous91





credit: Lucky☆Key

v woah on all 3? that is really something!! :D thanks for sharing! ((:

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