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[Drama 2010] Smile Mom 웃어요 엄마


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Updated from Yoon Jung Hee's Twitter

꽃샘추위라하지만 역시햇볕은 따뜻하네요^^걱정걱정하며 오긴했는데 비록촬영땜에왔지만 우울했던기분이 한결 나아졌어요^^ 으샤으샤,,광합성작용중??ㅋㅋㅋ

about 4 hours ago via SKY Androian


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Guest bryan

English translations from 百度尹晶喜吧, by Keon_Ok_Kun

28-Feb-2011 【NEWS】“Smile Mom” Kim Jin-Wu: Skilled Kissing? Because Yoon Jung-Hee

'웃어요 엄마' 김진우 "능숙한 키스신? 윤정희 덕분"

“Smile Mom” Kim Jin-Wu: Skilled Kissing? Because Yoon Jung-Hee

배우 김진우가 윤정희와의 키스신에 대한 소감을 밝혔다.

The actor Kim Jin-Wu expressed his feel for shooting the kissing scene with Yoon Jung-Hee.

김진우는 28일 오후 경기도 일산 SBS제작센터에서 열린 SBS 주말드라마 '웃어요 엄마' 기자간담회에서 "윤정희와의 키스신이 두 번째인데, 한 번도 NG가 안났다"고 밝혔다.

In the press conference of SBS weekend serial, “Smile Mom”, on 28-Feb at Keong-Kee Do, Yi-Mountain SBS Production Centre, Kim Jin-Wu expressed: “This was the 2nd kissing scene with Yoon Jung-Hee, and we had zero NG!”

김진우는 정의감 넘치는 신문기자이자 신영(윤정희 분)에 대한 순애보를 가진 배연우 역을 맡아 열연 중이다.

Kim Jin-Wu is playing a Journalist, Peh Yorn-Wu, who values relationship, also having a simple and innocent love towards Sin-Yong (Yoon Jung-Hee) .

더불어 그는 "아무래도 윤정희가 나보다 더 키스에 능숙하지 않겠나. 내가 좀 서툴러도 리드를 잘하며 반갑게 맞아주었다"고 말해 회견장을 웃음바다로 만들었다.

He said: “I think Yoon Jung-Hee’s kissing scene may not be better than mine! Although I am newcomer, but if I can guide well, she may be happy to co-operate with me! ” The reporters in the conference were all rocking with laughter.

지난 27일 방송에서 김진우는 성시경의 '내게 오는 길'을 부르며 윤정희에게 키스 프러포즈를 해 시청자의 뜨거운 반응을 이끌어냈다. 이에 대해 그는 "작가분께서 직접 선곡할 수 있는 기회를 줬다. 하루 반나절 고민 끝에 밝은 느낌이 나는 '내게 오는 길'을 택했다"고 당시 촬영 배경을 설명했다.

On 27-Feb, in this episode, Kim Jin-Wu sang Sorng Si-Keong’s 『Walking to Me』, then he proposed to Yoon Jung-Hee with a kiss. This had won the viewers’ enthusiastic responses. Kim Jin-Wu illustrate this shooting background: “The Script Writer given me the opportunity to choose the song, I was vexed for the whole day and finally I chose this fresh and chaste song 『Walking to Me』.”

사실 그는 '그리스' '캣츠' '올슉업' 등에 출연한 뮤지컬 배우 출신. 그만큼 노래에는 자신이 있었다. 당시 촬영에서도 직접 노래를 부를 예정이었다.

In fact, Kim Jin-Wu is a musical actor of 『Greece』、『Cats』、『All Shook Up』, that is why he is very confident in singing. He was prepared to sing directly upon shooting initially.

"그런데 준비된 폭죽이 먼저 터지는 바람에 촬영 중이던 공원에서 쫓겨났다. 결국 부득이하게 노래 부르는 장면은 나중에 녹음을 해야 했다"며 아쉬워했다.

He said with regret: “But because the fire crackers were lighted first, we were chased out from the garden. In the end, the singing scene had to be process with voice recording.

한편, 이날 기자간담회에는 김진우 외에도 윤정희, 이재황, 고은미, 서동원, 황보라, 김진우 등이 함께해 드라마 촬영 동안의 에피소드 등을 공개했다.

In addition, Yoon Jung-Hee, Lee Zeh-Huang, Ko En-Mi, Sor Dong-Worn and Huang Bo-Lah, etc, also disclosed some interesting incidents happened during shooting time in this press conference.

28-Feb-2011 16:17hrs

【NEWS】Yoon Jung-Hee of “Smile Mom”: “If the character playing by Lee Zeh-Huang really exist, it’s really terrible”

‘웃어요 엄마’ 윤정희 “극중 이재황 캐릭터, 실제라면 끔찍”

Yoon Jung-Hee of “Smile Mom”: “If the character playing by Lee Zeh-Huang really exist, it’s really terrible.”

연기자 윤정희가 출연중인 드라마 ‘웃어요 엄마’에서 상대역으로 호흡한 이재황의 캐릭터에 대해 손사레를 쳤다.

The actress Yoon Jung-Hee of “Smile Mom” declined the character playing by Lee Zeh-Huang which has a close relationship with her role.

윤정희는 극중 국회의원 보좌관 신머루(이재황)와 이혼한 후 정치계에 입문하는 강신영 역을 맡아 열연 중이다.

Yoon Jung-Hee is playing Kang Sin-Yong in this serial who currently begin to participate in political era after divorced with the Parliament Member Assistant, Sin Mor-Lu (Lee Zeh-Huang)

28일 경기도 일산 SBS 탄현제작센터에서 진행된 ‘웃어요 엄마’ 기자간담회에서 윤정희는 "실제로 그런 남자를 만났다면, 정말 끔찍했을 것“이라고 털어놨다.

During the press conference of “Smile Mom” on 28-Feb at Keong-Kee Do, Yi-Mountain SBS Production Centre, Yoon Jung-Hee said from her heart: “If I meet such man in our real life, it will be a really terrible thing.”

윤정희는 “‘신머루’를 실제로 만났다면? 생각만 해도 끔찍하다”라면서 “실제가 아니라 다행이다”라고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다.

Yoon Jung-Hee said: “If really meet a man like 『Sin Mor-Lu』? I feel very horrible even just thinking. ” Then she continue with a smile: “Luckily it is not real.”

한편, 윤정희는 극중 연우(김진우)와 본격적인 러브라인을 그리며 재미를 선사하고 있다.

Beside, Yoon Jung-Hee and Yorn-Wu (Kim Jin-Wu) of this serial had officially developed into their love plot. The story is getting more and more interesting.

최근 방영된 프러포즈와 키스신과 관련해 상대 역 김진우는 이날 “키스신 촬영에서 NG가 한 번도 나지 않았다”라면서 “나보다 윤정희가 능숙하게 리드했기 때문이다”라고 말해 폭소케 하기도 했다.

Kim Jin-Wu, who recently performed proposed and kissing scene, said in respond to viewers’ feedback: “We had none NG upon shooting kissing scene.” He continued with laughter: “This was because Yoon Jun-Hee had guided me skilfully.”

씩씩한 캐릭터로 시청자들의 눈길을 사로잡고 있는 윤정희는 “앞으로 극 전개가 어떻게 될지는 모르겠지만, 시청자분들의 사랑으로 힘이 난다. 정말 열심히 촬영하겠다”라면서 기대를 당부했다.

Yoon Jung-Hee wanted to capture viewers vision with a character filled with vitality, she vested everyone with expect and said: “Although I don’t know how this story will develop, however, with the support from all the viewers, I will be filled with energy and put in more effort to perform.”

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Guest bryan

English translations from 百度尹晶喜吧, by Keon_Ok_Kun

28-Feb-2011 10:30am

【NEWS】Kim Jin-Wu presented touching proposal to Yoon Jung-Hee….raised up viewing rate of “Smile Mom”.

In SBS weekend serial, 『Smile Mom』(Script-Writer: Kim Sun-Ok, Director: Hong Sorng-Cang & Sin Jeong-Su), Kim Jin-Wu sang a love song to Yoon Jung-Hee and proposed to her with a sweet kiss which raised up the viewing rate.

In 34th episode which telecasted on 27-Feb, Yorn-Wu (Kim Jin-Wu) brought Sin-Yong (Yoon Jung-Hee), who participating the election of Parliament Member, to an open-air performing stage filled with music.

A moment later, Yorn-Wu stood before the musical band with his hand holding a microphone and gracefully sang: “I won’t be selfish to tell you I love you, I can’t find a word to express my feel now. Things will change in time, but my love for you will last forever.” This sentimental song named『Walking to Me』composed by Sorng Si-Keong. Sin-Yong was very surprised and touched with tears.

Then he walked to her and said: “You give warm to the less-fortunate much more than others, hence, in this life I will be your support, all people over here are the witness of our love.” Sin-Yong also replied: “Yorn-Wu, I will also deeply love you.” After that, Yorn-Wu put on a ring to her finger and sweetly kissed her lips. All the people at the scene applauded and light up crackers. Yorn-Wu’s proposal was very successful.

Many viewers responded with good comments: :『Yorn-Wu’s voice is very rich because he sings only for Sin-Yong, their sweet kisses are also very touching!』, 『The song sing by long-legs daddy, Kim Jin-Wu, is really rich of sentimental!』, 『I won’t ask anything more in this life if that is also a handsome man as him sings to me.~』The viewing rate for that day was 16.7%, also higher than 15% of the day before (AGB Nielsen, nationwide).

In mid of December 2010, they had shooting at Lake Garden of Yi Mountain and all actors and actresses were performed earnestly even in the extreme cold weather. Their efforts had won applaud from the whole production team.

With Yorn-Wu’s proposal to Sin-Yong, and in addition of Sin-Yong’s official participation in the election of Parliament Member and set-off the battle against Mor-Lu (Lee Zeh-Huang) & Bo-Mi (Ko En-Mi), has increased the excitement of “Smile Mom”

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Guest DarkSmurf

Hi Everyone,

Smile Mom Episode 33-34 English Soft-Sub Subtitle is out.

Smile Mom 1-34 English Subtitle can be found Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/33-smile-mom-2010-episode-1-34/

Please visit the link for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!

Warmest Regards


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Guest lucky_moon

woow I'm so happy to see what happened to ML & BM, he finally got to know her devil personality, also he will kicked her outside the house the similar way he did to SY, now he deserve whats gonna happen to him and that his political career will be ruined.

but I'm sad that SY gonna listen to her ex-mother in law request and will leave YW.

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Every moments when YW and SY spent together were sweet

It's disheartening to see two who love and care each other but can't be together!!!

I hope that their seperation is just a short periods and SY will realise how she will misses YW and make their relationship stronger

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Guest lelaina

Every moments when YW and SY spent together were sweet

It's disheartening to see two who love and care each other but can't be together!!!

I hope that their seperation is just a short periods and SY will realise how she will misses YW and make their relationship stronger

I suspect - and hope fervently - the separation is just a short-term one. The plot development seems to point to DL really falling for Goo Hyun Se now that he risked his life for her and is injured. But I wonder what's going to become of SY now that she's decided not to run for parliament. And I DO hope she and YW get back together! I love watching YW and SY together. YJH seems to always be able to generate chemistry with her leading men!

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