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Long hair: when is enough,enough?

Guest Littlofoott

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Guest xuanxuann

Haha I think for some people, it's a belief or it's part of their religion that they can't cut their hair. I think it's neat how they can keep it so healthy.. if I grew out my hair that long, I swear I would eventually be bald. If you don't put hair up and keep it down like that, personally I think it's kind of freaky. I think the perfect long hair length would be down to your waist so that when you curl it, it ends up still long, but not too long.

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Guest blackjackVip

OMG...it loooks kinda unkept to me.

although i'm really trying to grow out my hair right now, i only want it to reach around my navel...that long is enough for me. :D

but hair that's past the butt area ehhh....that's too long.

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Guest thiensky

Okay yeah that's a little creepy... I don't even want to think about the hygienic issues. :sweatingbullets:

I think up to your waist or your belly button is long enough. With layers and thinning.

I know one girl in HS who had hair to her ankles because her parents wouldn't let her cut it...And some other people have grown out their hair for Locks of Love.

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Guest iamvick

I read somewhere that you shouldn't let your hair grow past your elbows.

I think even that's still pushing it a little bit..

somewhere between your boobs and elbows I think is a good point to go by, otherwise it just start looking nasty imho.

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Guest crescendoll

Holy CRAP. Those are long. I wouldn't grow my hair past my butt. I mean, I love long hair but all the way down to the floor is a bit much ..

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Guest danger

My hair is almost down to my hips. It's about 25 inches, more or less. I don't think it's overpowering because of the way my hair is cut and my height (5'7"). I like having long hair, I've cut it short before and hated it. The only thing that sucks is that when I put my hair in a bun, it doesn't really stay because it's too heavy, so I have to use a little clip to hold the bun up. Other than that, there's not much trouble I've encountered with my hair. But anyway, I think that when you can sit on your hair, it's time for a haircut.

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Guest <Soojin>

mm, Anything pass the belly button lol.

I'm trying to grow mine out, 4 inches more haha. Theres alot of religion that do not allow you to cut your hair off though o-O

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Guest lockettex3

WTH? how do they wash that? for me once it reaches your butt, its more then enough... waist height is the max for me, over that its just too much hair and i don't find it attractive (esp. if its not styled and its just straight or wavy and flat.)

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Guest _YooMi

i think when it gets TOO Long, it just looks less groomed and honestly a little scary LOL...too hairy for my preference. My hair right now goes right to my chest, =]

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Guest Marshmallagatha

How are you supposed to maintain it all!! like you'd need to bathe your hair just to wash it TT"

Butt long is long, so i guess thats extreme^ XD

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Guest monaero

For me, I don't think there's anything as too long. As long as it's well maintained and doesn't get in anybody's way, I don't care.

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Guest JennaSo

Personally I think it starts getting that creepy long hair vibe when it gets to mid-bicep... It's just too much hair!! Well.. if there are layers, it's okay but just straight hair with no shape or volume is kind of weird. I know a lot of guys like that "sseng muh-ri" look but only a certain type of person (i.e. UEE and Jeon Ji Hyun) can pull it off :sweatingbullets:

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Guest WitchGoddess

I think the longest people should have their hair is to the middle of their back. I personally hate having really run hair, because it takes so long to wash, dry, and generally maintain. Shoulder length it good enough for me.

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