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sooo i saw inception last night&ilovedit!


one of my favorite scenes. 

hella cool. and loookie! 

its joseph gordan levitt ;DDD 

he was so freaking hot in the 

movie. ^o^ lol enough of my fangirling xD

stephie<3: lol its okay. i know you've been busy xD and lololol. im not denying anything XD and lol thanks ! and lol. tennis ? cool! i wouldnt be able to do tennis. i'd hit someone in the face with the racket xD haha. anywho, good luck on trying out ! 

miss_vicky: haha okay. and lol . thanks ! i love it too ^___^ and haha thanks and it went great (: i kinda messed up but whatever xD

may__chick: lolol. actually, high school isn't that bad. i still feel like im in middle school for some reason. im taller than most of the juniors and seniors O_O its really scary. lol so don't worry about high school! its fun! XD 

oh yeah! revamped TR! ;D 

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Guest stephie<3

haha yeah. heck a busy with my load of homework T_T i spent literally 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours on my hw -sigh- tch. who are you trying to lie to ? to me ? cause it'd be hard to lie to me XD and yess tennis. i'd probably hurt people by accident with my sucky athletic skills. but then again since my cousin use to play tennis and has like 3 rackets, i could just like take one of his ~ thanks. and did i or did i not tell you inception was CRAZYYYYYY. it was awesome. and omo that scene was INSANEE ! i swear i was like OHHHH ~~ OHHH MY GOSHH !throughout that scene ^-^


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herro, could i please request a poster? I prefer landscape, but overall i don't mind.

title - keys to my heart

author - tofu-block

genre - sad, hopeful, romance

images:[ you can choose from]

guy [x] [x] [x][x]

girl [x] [x] [x] [x] [http://i30.tinypic.com/157oj9s.jpg]

girl and guys c: [x]*

* = optional

; thank you in advance ^^ ♥

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school can suck it



i just want to say that to my teachers and homework but i dont want to get in trouble

-_-" god dangit. anywho,

i'll be on a small hiatus. I've been waaaay too busy with school and dance team. so if i don't get to your request,

i am sooooo sorry! -___-" 


okay yeah. i went hella rusty. this poster is freaking ugly. so if you would like me to remake it, i'd be glad to do that. 


treee: thanks! (: i like your taeyang icon btw ^___^ 

stephie<3: dear stephanie, i'll be back with your reply when i get back from school (or i'll reply at school xD)

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aww, hope all is going well for you... and i know, i wish i could say that to my teachers and homework too...

but i have class tomorrow and now i need to actually get working on my homework. xD

anyways, me loves the poster. i really love the blueness and simplicity of it.

if that's rusty... then what's not rusty. xD

anyways, good luck with everything and don't pull anything hurtful. C:

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Guest may__chick

i wonder if you'll reply to this.. i saw inception like a month or two ago. IT WAS SO COOL! and then last night, i actually experienced it O: i literally had a dream inside a dream! it was weird!!!

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