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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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class="cb b15""Level 7 Civil Servant" Joo Won Petting Choi Kang Hee, 10 Years His Seniorlevel-7-civil-servant-joo-won-petting-ch

Joo Won was seen with his hand on Choi Kang Hee's head who is ten years older than him.

In the episode of the MBC drama "Level 7 Civil Servant" that aired March 13, Kil Ro (Joo Won) showed his affection for Seo Won (Choi Kang Hee) by petting her head.

The people in the online community responded with a large number of comments in a short amount of time. Viewers loved Kil Ro and Seo Won showing endless sweet affection for each other. The sweet romance between the two drew attention for its innocent sweetness.

The scene drew a stir online because of the age difference of Joo Won and Choi Kang Hee in real life. Choi Kang Hee is actually ten years older than Joo Won. In the scene however, Joo Won pets Choi Kang Hee as if she is a little girl.

People in the online community responded with comments like, "I feel happy just by watching them", "Does Choi Kan Hee feel Joo Won's hand?", "Watching them all lovey-dovey makes me want to start dating", "Joo Won is such a man!" and "Joo Won's bad hand!"

The MBC drama "Level 7 Civil Servant" is a Wednesday-Thursday drama that is aired at 9:55 PM Korean Standard Time.


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Joo Won' New Tweet


with pic!!!


.... that lips biting... so sexy.

fr Joo Won's tweet


Oh, so this is like, Cutie's gift to his girl fans. LOL. Thank you Joo Won, you're the best chocolate I've ever received. (aside from the one hubby gave me,kekeke).

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Guest nhatkhanh

Don't worry my chingu ^^

If he made consecutively success / his career is smooth that would be boring
I think this failure will be a lesson for SIM and JW... diligence is the mother of success ^^

above all those, I think we've already known another image from his acting skill until now, rite?

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Poor kiddo... wae r chuuu frowning??? U look tired... do u hav to work this morning? R u upset tat there is not enough support fr your noonas, ajjuhmas and halmonis las nite?? ?

Dun b sad... this bunny noona here will stay with u for 7G all the way till the end. Im jus gonna use your other noona @coolreborn's "tunneling" technique for the remaining eps. Im just gonna watch u and jus u only with a toilet roll or maybe 2, one for each eye.


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Guest mydeed

Ooff the rating.

I heard that Seunggi & Suzy new drama push the date of their premiering one or two weeks after L7CS ends. I hope there will be no extention for L7CS.... Just wrap it nicely writer-nim. Please. Aishhhhhh.

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@mrdimples I agree on the aspect of not expecting much from the series and of JW telling that it is not necessary all the dramas he does will come with soaring ratings.However, since this is a drama that did not have a great budget in the beginning there wouldn't have been much to build a spy series given the theme. Adding to that if the production crew was aware of the budget restraints the story could have been developed in that manner. Anyways, MBC knows where to make up for the losses, by selling the rights to foreign stations in Japan and other Asian countries and as we speak online rights to licensed websites. In my opinion, it is good that JW did this project immediately after Bridal Mask. There wasn't much gap between the two projects and practically viewers didn't spend much time raving over BM and build up their own versions of Joo Won the actor. As every actor would want to move away from the shadow of their previous character, I think it is a good decision taken up by JW. This lessens even the actor's pressure on deciding the next project.Be it any profession, failures / obstacles will be there. And JW being the matured and hardworking person from day one would know not to give up his ethics at work even if the project is not appreciated by "critics". Anyways the viewers after seeing him act in previous dramas and seeing the person he is on 1N2D would already know how dedicated and passionate he is to his profession. That being said, I don't think MBC does not know how to offer good projects (not taking a jab at anyone :) ). It's just that many of their stories practically have the same pattern and there is no longevity to their characters to stay ingrained in the viewers mind. So if JW would want to take another project with the station I am sure he wouldn't mind as long as the script and production crew have a good hold of their story.So cheerio mates!!! Even though we cannot tell this directly to Joo Won ( I hope he could read all our thoughts on this drama), he will have good projects coming up since the entertainment industry knows he is out there. After all he is the blue chip of showbiz :)

-Edit-However, I do feel bad that the acting capabilities of the other cast members are being wasted. I was so happy to see Chansungie act. The kid has changed so much from the time he has debuted. And I feel really good to see how much he has matured. CKH is one of the few actresses I like who can do comic roles, plus she does not overact. I hate it when I see actresses overacting and giving the deer in the headlights / the supposed cutie looks. For this I like the way CKH delivers her dialogues. It comes with a good flow and it seems really natural to believe in it. And of course our favourite teachers, Ahn Sung Ki and Jang Yeoung Nam. They are such incredible character artists and seeing them getting wasted like this, I feel really sad :(Hopefully, if ever JW does a sageuk I wouldn't mind seeing this cast coming together to deliver good roles!

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Guest mydeed

stearly said: mydeed said: Ooff the rating.

I heard that Seunggi & Suzy new drama push the date of their premiering one or two weeks after L7CS ends. I hope there will be no extention for L7CS.... Just wrap it nicely writer-nim. Please. Aishhhhhh.

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