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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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stearly said:

jihyunkim PD tweeted this picture:(by the Google Translator):

Phil Hoon grade civil servants after

a long time reading the diary

blah blah from the observatory kkeujeokkkeu @ Moonjunwon

Ah. I want to be able to read this



@stearly... of course you can... Me can too... see there are 2 alphabets " J J " tatz the most impt words for our "Agent 007" GR  :D

A fan in Baidu translated the writings which is fr Pil-Hoon's diary. (cr. beshd 斯达 fr 七级公务员吧 baidu)

Kim Seo Won ... Im telling you, JJ is right behind you...aaarrgghh!!!!!!!

SW whoz only focused on walking without looking back... has evoked 'protective instinct' in me????

(SW) went up... but never come down

Going crazy.....

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@coldheartmachine A big ANYEONG and warm WELCOME! :-h It's always nice to 'see' and 'meet' another of cutie's fans! My suggestion would be to watch OB first, then BK. After seeing the 'intense Kangto', think u shld meet the sweet n 'I so want to marry him' Taehee :x. By the way, our beloved cutie is not just a fantastic actor. Be prepared to fall even more for him when you hear his angelic voice! If you have not seen or heard him sing yet, google Joo Won and 'Nothing Better', 'Those Magic Changes' and 7th Grade Civil Servant OST Don't Know How To love. Just these 3 for starters cos there's more.... Enjoy! \:D/

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Ooohhh nnnooo... my poor darling Junnie, did they no feed u well on the 7G set? How many nights of sleep hav u lost? Or hav u been over-stressed with worrying over the declining ratings =((


Even with the crazy filming schedule during BM days, u dun even looked like this. Where r your cute chubby cheeks? :(( :((




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@coldheartmachine A big ANYEONG and warm WELCOME! :-h It's always nice to 'see' and 'meet' another of cutie's fans! My suggestion would be to watch OB first' date=' then BK. After seeing the 'intense Kangto', think u shld meet the sweet n 'I so want to marry him' Taehee :x. By the way, our beloved cutie is not just a fantastic actor. Be prepared to fall even more for him when you hear his angelic voice! If you have not seen or heard him sing yet, google Joo Won and 'Nothing Better', 'Those Magic Changes' and 7th Grade Civil Servant OST Don't Know How To love. Just these 3 for starters cos there's more.... Enjoy! \:D/[/quote']

@coldheartmachine Here r 2 of the MVs tat @jwonnie. I will not post the OST of 7G here. Not sure tat copyrights issue is still an issue or not :(


YT vids not working here, so I replaced with vids from the chinese website.

Those magic changes


Nothing better


My Love




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Hey all, below is a brief recap by Softy on today’s telecast of 1N2D episode:




Quick recap for March 10th posted

I don’t think I can put up many pics cuz the guys don’t look so good today. One looks scary, the other went from crazy rocker to distant relative of Bigfoot, and the rest just look funny.  You will see what I mean later when I post some screencaps. 

Starts from the parking lot. Bird PD passes out little bags and says don’t look at it until I tell you. the guys do the opening and say that it’s spring. they joke the price of JW’s home went up cuz it came out on tv last week.

Bird PD shows them the various food they can get to eat ranging from feast to bare basic. They have to earn points by going to specific locations they choose and doing well on quizzes and games to get the best food. they choose team by taking out the colored balls in the bag. they all get teamed up except for SK. he is all alone. there are 3 teams – the red (JW, TH, and SW), blue (SG, TW, and JM), and white (SK).

the guys have to wear various wigs. JW’s team has the shorter wig. SG’s team has really long hair. TW looks like a rocker. TH calls his kids with the wig on and scares them and they run off. Bird PD has to suppress his laughter cuz the guys look so silly. SW jokes and asks the director to let them go to a hair salon first (so they can do something about his wig to make it look better).

SK has to leave 30 mins later than the rest

JW’s team pulls up and meets with Bird PD to do the quiz. they have to do the game where they emphasize the syllables. SW messes up cuz he was never good at this from the start. JW does well of course and TH sort of does too.

SG’s team doesn’t do well on the guessing the answers to the quizzes.

SK arrives and he can take the points from one person if he catches him. if they run back inside the car they are safe from SK. they trick him and let him catch SW but he doesn’t have any points. they gave it to JW. TH says it’s hard to run away with the wig.

SG’s team has to take turns to run up the stairs and yell out the quiz and have the other two below guess the answer. after answering JM says ok and then goes back down. so in order to save time SG told him not to say ok, but JM doesn’t listen. so SG gets frustrated and keeps yelling at JM not to say ok and just run during that time cuz they have to solve these within 1 min.

SK talks about food in the car and says I am hungry. why I am hungry. I come on 1n2d and I get hungry – so strange

SG’s team decides where to go next.

JW spots SG’s team’s car so they run before SG’s blue team can get there first. JW takes the flag first. for 400 points they can take a zip line. SW volunteers JW to ride it. JW worries he wont be able to say one word cuz he is supposed to call out something for them to guess while he is zipping by. SK shows up and chases TW but he doesn’t have any points. SK chases SW and SW gets his points taken away cuz TH had the door locked and SW couldn’t get in. TH argues I didn’t lock it – that it was already locked. SK dances cuz he gets to eat ramen at least. JW yells out the clue but no one gets it right. times runs out. next TW rides the zip line. his hint is “something that happened that was bad became something good.” his team doesn’t get it right. SG rides next and yells out two quizzes and JM and TW both get it right. suddenly SK comes out of nowhere and chases them and catches JM. SG yells at JM for getting captured. SK hugs JM and thanks him and takes his points.

SW overheard SG talking and telling JM to be careful so SW tips SK and says JM has the points. that’s why SK chased JM. SK has 400 points now. he wants to go eat ramen first

TW’s wig is getting more crazy looking by the minute cuz of the wind. SG goes on the zip line again and the other two get the answers right again.

JW’s team gets to a location and plays yut again. that game with sticks that I don’t know how to play. JW throws crazy and does well, but SW throws with his eyes closed like TH said and it doesn’t turn out well.

SK complains cuz the ramen is too small. “why do they have to sell such small ramens.” he finishes it pretty quickly and even added more water for the soup. he asks for another ramen.

SG’s team has to ride a bike for about 30 secs in such a short distance and space so it’s tricky. JM fails the first attempt. SG calls over a cute boy to cheer on TW. the boy ran over to SG like he knew SG.  SG pretended to run and hug the kid but totally missed the boy and acted like he didn’t see the boy and confused the kid. the baffled look on the kid’s face was so cute. the little boy got to stay with the guys till the game was over. TW goes next and fails too.

JW keeps losing his wig and has to put it on again. he has a weird violent way of throwing and it does well. they finally win some points and leave

SG rides twice and earns 400 points. they go the their next site and has to eat ramen and crackers. TW asks JM to hold his hair while he eats. JM orders another ramen, but SG says we will be full and wont be able to eat lunch. they eat another ramen anyway. it’s 100 points for each ramen

JW’s team goes back to the syllable game. this time SW does well but JW messes up. SW suddenly got better, but then he messes up again. TH goes out and keeps lookout for SK so each time a guy finishes he goes out and looks for SK.

the guys gather to show their points to Bird PD and TH says how embarrassing it was to look like this so he couldn’t talk with people. JW shows how he has 500 points. JM shows how he has 500 points. TW and TH show how many they have at the same time, but TH was pulling out the same card. SK says how he only has 300 cuz he ate ramen. SG’s team wins the feast. Bird PD says this is dinner BBB. SW asks is there snack BBB. Bird PD says we told you to eat when you had a chance. TH argues you didn’t say this was for dinner BBB. Bird PD says if you look at the time you could guess. JW points out it was 3pm then so how could they know. the guys pretend to fight and pull each other’s wigs off

on the bus they talk about how fast SK was to catch JM.

they arrive and there is a huge feast for SG’s team. SK watches through the window and drools. Bird PD calls the red team to come over.  they are asking the winning team why aren’t you eating this and that. SW’s team eats their food which isnt that bad. TH keeps looking over at the winning table and says all day long I am looking over my shoulder. TH complains about the bones in their fish. Bird PD calls SK outside.  he joins them and looks sad. he goes to the winning team and stares at the food. he goes and eats his bowl of rice and soup from a tiny table off to the side on the ground. he kneels and eats. SW says think of SK. SG: I do but there is nothing I can do for him. SK asks Bird PD: why am I the only one having to eat on the floor like a slave.


preview shoes the guys playing a rough game where they pull on each other



For those who would require streaming links on today's episode, they are below (thanks to Tigger who posted them at Softy's blog):


Dailymotion links to S2′s 25th trip on the 03-10 episode – 

Part 1 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xy3ayv_mix-1y2y-e284-130310-hdtv-avc-450p-copyleft_webcam and 

Part 2 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xy3az7_mix-1y2y-e284-130310-hdtv-avc-450p-copyleft_webcam


Additionally below are Softy's thoughts on Kim Seung Woo and Bird PD on leaving 1N2D Season 2. Please note that these are her thoughts and respecting her, kindly don't misquote them (thank you all J  ) :


I just want to say something about Bird PD and Kim SW leaving the show. When I first heard they were changing members, I had a minor heart attack cuz I was so afraid JW would leave. He is my main reason for watching this show, even though I love the other guys too. The reports say that Bird PD’s health is the reason why he can’t do this show since it’s too grueling, but I think there might be some personality clashes that played a factor as well. I’ve been noticing that SK and SW are the two that give Bird PD the hardest time. Their jokes towards Bird PD is a little on the harsh side. Like recently when they went to Suwon the other week, just cuz they were standing in an area where a lot of sageuk dramas are filmed, SK joked that he wanted to give Bird PD poison to drink cuz Bird PD was kneeling on the ground. I really didn’t get how that was supposed to be remotely funny, but Bird PD was a good sport and laughed it off. In the past SW was a little harsh with Bird PD too during games when SW got frustrated. He pushed his kidding a little too far and I think those things might have hurt Bird PD. I’m sure all the kidding from the 1n2d members wasn’t the main reason for Bird PD quitting, but I’m sure he is relieved not to be embarrassed on live tv so often. From day one, there were some hiccups in production and the person held responsible for them is Bird PD cuz he is in charge of this crew. I thought maybe he finally found his footing and wouldn’t make any more rookie mistakes, but he really never settled into this show. I don’t think his heart is in his job so that’s probably why he wants out. I hope the best for his future endeavors and maybe one day people will stop calling him Bird PD.

As for SW leaving, to be honest if I had to pick one person to go it would have been him. The leadership role really belonged to SG, but since SW was older he automatically filled the position. He wasn’t bad at variety, but I think he seems more in his element on dramas wearing a suit and a serious expression. If he had been just a few years younger, I think he would have fit in better. Too often he acted his age and got a little too demanding and complained more times than I can count. I don’t think this show will suffer due to his absence. As for the other comedians that are being considered for filling his vacancy, I sort of wish it’s that good looking one. It would be nice to have a funny guy who could also look pretty good dressed up. I really hope there are no more changes to this show for the rest of the year at least cuz I want these guys to take root. I want them to feel like this is where they belong and they won’t get to if there are more cast changes and shakeups. The new PD that they bring in will play a strong role in tying up the gap that has been left open by Bird PD’s exit. In an ideal world, we will get a new PD who knows what he is doing and comes in with a lot of great ideas and confidence. If we are really lucky, he will settle in quickly and breathe new life to this show.



And again thanks to @stearly@mrdimples@ctfrsgp and @raito1310 for today's screencaps, awesome work ladies >:D<

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Actor Yoo Hae-Jin will join 1N2D. He's also from Joo Won's agency Sim Entertainment.
Google translator

'1 Night yuhaejin, two days' eldest brother joined ... saebaram call come?
Agency juniors Joo Won and Uhm Tae Woong respiratory expected
03/11/2013 Mon 08:36 input

Reporter], Yang yeongipa actor yuhaejin (43) will be joining KBS 2TV weekend entertainment 'Happy Sunday: 1 Night 2 Days'. agency Sim yuhaejin According to Entertainment yuhaejin 29 days from '1 Night 2 Days' recording alight was declared the situation is expected to join theprogram, head of the elder brother, Kim Seung-woo Choi, Jae - Young PD yuhaejin the confluence of the '1 Night 2 Days' newly pulled out all the cards. Really yuhaejin two interest on '1 Night 2 Days' could lead to new wind is collected. PD Choi and Kim Seung-woo's last recording is scheduled for 15 days. yuhaejin friend's story appeared on the recent broadcast of SBS 'march: the boyish charm has demonstrated a surprising sense of entertainment. , According to an official 'march' yuhaejin starring appearance with a proposal suggesting that it came. "usual favorite yuhaejin this trip is surprisingly fun and seems to adapt well in the arts," said agency official. '1 Night 'appeared in the same company of junior actors get help. Musical partner eating cider. Yuhaejin Uhm Tae Woong, Joo Won, Shim Entertainment We yuhaejin of '1 Night 2 Days' take up the baton of Kim Seung-woo to become strong eldest brother , Yang is of interest. reporter liang@joynews24.com

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Hullo Everyone!!! coolreborn is back!!!


Aaahhh.... Real Life is killing me. *sighs*


I missed Joo Won so much!!!  :-* :-* :-*


... how's my day? It stinks!!! I just want to look at your pictures. I haven't watched 7G episodes 13 and 14 yet and I want to watch you wearing that wig... you look so cute in it, I'm reminded of the BL mangas that I've read, its unfair, man or woman, you still looks cute and sexy... heck, I'm willing to become a man if you are a woman. hihihihi.. I'm going crazy over you.

cr to the maker of the pic

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Selling Rice Cakes, Sung Si Kyung and Joo Won Version

comic strip by Korean fan.


Ahjumma: Rice Cakes lo~ Rice Cakes lo~


A tiger appears, Roaaarrrr~

In a friendly manner, the Tiger says: Give me a rice cake, then I won't eat you~
Ahjumma: Aiyaa!
Ahjumma: You won't eat me if I give you a rice cake................
Ahjumma looking very stern as she throws the rice cakes down
Tiger: Ahjumma, the rice cakes ? ! ? ?

Ahjumma, very shyly: Rice cake...there isn't any left
Tiger: That....


credit as above

oh my........Korean fans are taking Bromance to hardcore? Hmmm......

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mrdimples said: Selling Rice Cakes, Sung Si Kyung and Joo Won Version

comic strip by Korean fan.

Ahjumma: Rice Cakes lo~ Rice Cakes lo~

A tiger appears, Roaaarrrr~

In a friendly manner, the Tiger says: Give me a rice cake, then I won't eat you~
Ahjumma: Aiyaa!

Ahjumma: You won't eat me if I give you a rice cake................

Ahjumma looking very stern as she throws the rice cakes down
Tiger: Ahjumma, the rice cakes ? ! ? ?

Ahjumma, very shyly: Rice cake...there isn't any left
Tiger: That....

credit as above

oh my........Korean fans are taking Bromance to hardcore? Hmmm......

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So many pages to backtrack' date=' you guys been busy while I'm away huh. [-([/quote']

@coolreborn where hav u gone to? Got trapped in the abyss by your pet Moatie bcoz u forgot to feed him again?

Missed u, my dear dongseang :x

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@coolreborn!!! >:D< >:D< >:D<

And call me crazy but he looked

great in that wig – or maybe nothing can distract me from those  dimples and shining eyes :-)

Now we know how Mummy Moon's daughter will look like if she has given Junnie a sister :D wonder how protective an Oppa our Namja JW will be if hez got a younger sister who looks as pretty as himself :))

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StiLLThinking said: Hello to all fans and supporters of Joo Won..... i.ve been lurking around  for too long and thought i should come out to thank  all you hard working die hard Joo Won fans, I must admit i'm also  die hard  as my day begins with Joo Won and ends with Joo Won 8)

Mr Dimples.. your recaps are good , i hope u continue with grt work`... it can only get better as practice makes perfect, Also i want thank you so much for always doing translation for us without it i would not be able to enjoy and know more about him... i've been a fan since Baker Kim Tak Ku.

Thanks also to ctfrsgp... love all your postings of his past works... my favourite is his live performance of Magic Changes at kbs.... i watched them each time u posted it.... it's my era .. sha na na
also to hard working coolreborn..... to stearly....always updating us with lastest news,

Finally. ,  7LCS.......... regardless of some disappointments around , I enjoyed  it.. He's brilliant in his role as Gil ro.. ive never liked any of CKH's dramas b4 but surprisingly i 've come to appreciate her after this... i find she's got the cutest lovable kissable lips.... no wonder the snow kiss was unforgettable!!!  Joo Won did a fantastic kissing job!!

Unfortunetly and considering  this drama has to go head long with  2 other giants in same time slot ,   i'm happy with how it's doing.,

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