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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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Some behind-the-scenes footage (fancam, maybe?) from Episode 5 filming. At least I think it's Episode 5, since I recognize both JW and Kim Hee Sun's outfits here.



Like, it looks to be this scene here:





Also, Kwak Si Yang posted this behind-the-scenes pic, to which JW quite literally commented, "A...ppa?" :lol:

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New behind-the-scenes footage:



I noticed this with the elevator fight scene already, but I just want to point out that it's really interesting that even though the actors mostly do their own stunts, they still have costumed stunt doubles on hand. 


And now for some miscellaneous Instagram goodies:


Caller ID for Jin Gyeom - I didn't notice this while watching, but it's funny now that I look at it :D 


On a scale of 1 to "Park Jin Gyeom", how awkward are you?


So, he might be awkward, but Jin Gyeom can be pretty savage, too. - Not a meme; I just thought this scene was hilarious :D 


Father vs. Son...Shower Scenes??? - Seriously, though: how many dramas can say they have that?


Interesting graphic from SBS



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9 hours ago, kittyna said:

By the way, I noticed JW icing his hand between takes in some of these photos - does anyone know why that is?

I think it's because of the fight in the scene, I him taking lot of hits on  hi wrist, so probably he got hurt because of that


Coming to the episode review. JG finally gets close to knowing about his mother and father, Tae-Yi might not be his mother after all(I might be wrong) , we can see in the preview that JG's mom showing Tae-Yi to Seok O Won  as the person who holds key to destroy Alice and time travel. And we can finally get to know why JG not keeping Do-Yeon in loop with the case, since he doesn't want to get hurt and as usual,  she decides to ignore it and help JG anyway.



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Okay, I now its weird, but, any of you guys are having hard time looking at JG and TY(2020) as mother and son. Their on-screen chemistry is so good that I am not able to see them as mom and son, and also, it is sort of different universe where they are not Mother  and son, yet. So, I think JG need to mend his relationship with Do-Yeon otherwise it is really hard to see them as a couple (JG and Do-Yeon). And also Do-Yeon thinks the same way, like she is frustrated that JG is spending too time with TY and said to captain that he is cheating on her with TY :joy:

And also, I kind of feel like DY and JG relationship is similar to Sam and Paige from ATYPICAL drama series 

And also, I did not understand why TY(2020) said that JG has "Aspermia" with her senior while she was having dinner with her at a restaurant ? :open_mouth:

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6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I think it's because of the fight in the scene, I him taking lot of hits on  hi wrist, so probably he got hurt because of that


I see. I did notice JW wearing arm guards in the behind-the-scenes photos from other action scenes, but I guess they still took a toll regardless:



3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

 Tae-Yi might not be his mother after all(I might be wrong) , we can see in the preview that JG's mom showing Tae-Yi to Seok O Won  as the person who holds key to destroy Alice and time travel. 


Okay, I now its weird, but, any of you guys are having hard time looking at JG and TY(2020) as mother and son. Their on-screen chemistry is so good that I am not able to see them as mom and son, and also, it is sort of different universe where they are not Mother  and son, yet.


(Quoting two separate posts at once, because Soompi is glitching again and not letting me quote bits from two separate pages :P)


I haven't watched the new episodes yet, but from what I can tell...there is a ton of general confusion as to whether Tae Yi (2020) is Jin Gyeom's mother. I know that Jin Gyeom doesn't think so anymore (at least up until Episode 5), but that doesn't mean she isn't; and I still see comments re: Episode 6 talking about how all three family members (father, mother, son) finally meet, even if they don't know it yet.


That being said, I sense a general reluctance among Internet viewers (at least those who'd post/comment on YouTube or Instagram) to accept the possibility of Tae Yi (2020) and Jin Gyeom being unrelated - or, more specifically, a number of people worry that if Tae Yi (2020) isn't Jin Gyeom's mother, then there'd be a love line between them. So I think there's a general wariness to the amount of on-screen chemistry between the characters so far: like, we all love the way they push each other's buttons in typical rom-com fashion, but many viewers don't want them to actually become a couple, and they're concerned that that's where Alice will end up going.


As for me, I'll reserve my own judgment for after I've actually watched Episodes 5 and 6 ;) 


3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And also, I did not understand why TY(2020) said that JG has "Aspermia" with her senior while she was having dinner with her at a restaurant ? :open_mouth:


The reference to "aspermia" started in Episode 5, as Yoon Tae Yi's mispronunciation of "alexithymia" in some English-subbed versions. Apparently, the two conditions sound similar in Korean, so she's mixing them up - not that I can blame her, since they were literally talking about how Jin Gyeom's been single his entire life (so, somehow, rather than being unable to feel, she initially thought he meant he was impotent).


But again, it depends on the translation - chances are, from your comment, you saw the version of the scene where Tae Yi just goes, "Alexia...?" before Jin Gyeom repeats himself. ;) 


3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And also, I kind of feel like DY and JG relationship is similar to Sam and Paige from ATYPICAL drama series 


I haven't watched ATYPICAL, so I can't judge there. But I have been thinking about the fact that this is the second time that JW's played a neurodivergent character (one with autism, one with alexithymia). Given that, I love how, through dialogues like what we see in Episode 3 (with Kim Do Yeon) and Episode 5 (with Yoon Tae Yi), the screenwriters are able to explain more about Jin Gyeom's condition and how it's different from being callous or amoral.


And, by extension, I love that JW's taking on projects that have this potential to raise awareness for people with disabilities :) 


Speaking of which, I also found this video that explains alexithymia pretty thoroughly in layman's terms, in case anyone's interested. The focus is more on those who develop the condition later in life (as a result of traumatic events or neurological problems - like the male lead in Secret Forest) rather than those born with it (like Jin Gyeom), but you get the idea.



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5 hours ago, kittyna said:

with Kim Do Yeon

Speaking of DY, it was hysterical to watch her beat JG after finishing her inquiry about his health in episode 5, it must hurt a lot in real for joo won, like the it felt like she must have hit him since the sound her beating was very loud, and joo won must have wished for the scene to be taken in one shot and no retakes, cause the expressions for JG  was legit, like we can see it on his face the it hurt :joy:


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

with Yoon Tae Yi

And also, his brutal honesty regarding TY's cooking and saying to her directly that she gained weight was such comedic relief, and expressions of Kim Hee Seon were priceless. So far JG seem to enjoy good chemistry with the female cast members for the first time, like Joo won's characters always had this amazing chemistry with male supporting cast members, but in Alice it is totally different, I cannot feel any chemistry with any of male cast members with joo won's character, it is weird and refreshing at the same time

5 hours ago, kittyna said:

but that doesn't mean she isn't; and I still see comments re: Episode 6 talking about how all three family members (father, mother, son) finally meet, even if they don't know it yet.

It's really hard to tell if she is his mom or not, until we know her background story and the TY from 2050 should clear this confusion, since she was the one who asked Seok O Won to recruit her on to his research team, we can see this in the preview. But there is no implicit or explicit evidence that points out that TY is JG's mom, I am still waiting for hard evidence and I don't really ship her with JG, at the best I am okay with them being best friends.


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Apparently, the two conditions sound similar in Korean, so she's mixing them up - not that I can blame her, since they were literally talking about how Jin Gyeom's been single his entire life (so, somehow, rather than being unable to feel, she initially thought he meant he was impotent).

Lol! It was funny how TY's colleague assumed that she went on third base with him :joy:

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5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Speaking of DY, it was hysterical to watch her beat JG after finishing her inquiry about his health in episode 5,


Yeah - she was just like, "Are you hurt? No? Okay, that gives me permission to hit you, then." :P 


I can also point out that several of the female leads in JW's dramas would probably react the same way under similar circumstances ;) 


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

So far JG seem to enjoy good chemistry with the female cast members for the first time, like Joo won's characters always had this amazing chemistry with male supporting cast members, but in Alice it is totally different, I cannot feel any chemistry with any of male cast members with joo won's character, it is weird and refreshing at the same time


Jin Gyeom's had minimal interaction with the other male characters in Alice so far, so that might be why. The only one I'm banking on there being any actual chemistry with when the time comes is Yoo Min Hyuk - right now, the atmosphere is really tense between them and I'm really curious as to where the story will go.


As for Jin Gyeom's chemistry with the female characters, I do think that the way the character is written allows JW to tap into his "straight man" humour, which I personally think is where he's strongest, comedy-wise. The fact that Jin Gyeom's so direct and honest is what makes his conversations with Yoon Tae Yi so hilarious to watch, because he's always reacting in unexpected, well-meaning, but ultimately obtuse ways.


(Which, by extension, may have negative implications for the guys - both in dramas and real life - who are smooth talkers, come to think of it....)


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I don't really ship her with JG, at the best I am okay with them being best friends.


Yeah - even if Tae Yi (2020) doesn't turn out to be Jin Gyeom's mom, I want to see them as friends more than as a couple. For me, though, it's mostly about wanting to see platonic relationships represented more in the media generally.


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Lol! It was funny how TY's colleague assumed that she went on third base with him


I've heard of phrases like "third base" before, but never knew what they meant. So you just made me look it up, and...dang, her colleague thought they went that far already??? :scream: Like, how???

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2 hours ago, kittyna said:

So you just made me look it up, and...dang, her colleague thought they went that far already??? :scream: Like, how???

Because  TY said he has "aspermia" to her senior, like it is something one will such condition only if they are in a

intimate relationship :joy:

3 hours ago, kittyna said:

Yeah - she was just like, "Are you hurt? No? Okay, that gives me permission to hit you, then." :P 

It sounded exactly like this :loolz:

3 hours ago, kittyna said:

Jin Gyeom's had minimal interaction with the other male characters in Alice so far

Yeah, he has more screen time with TY and DY compared to other cast members

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Okay, so I already reacted to some major plot points from Episode 5 just going by what was leaked online by fans, so if you want my thoughts on those bits, you can go back and look there ;) 


In the meantime, though, here's what I thought of the rest of the episode:



So, it looks like we have a four(?)-way split in terms of different sides/groups in this drama. There's Park Jin Gyeom and co (who are inextricably linked to the prophecy, but don't know it yet), Yoo Min Hyuk and the rest of the "Alice" staff (who don't know the contents of the prophecy, but perceive Jin Gyeom's group as a potential threat to time travel without understanding why), Seok Oh Won and whoever's on his side (who has full access to the prophecy and seems to want it to actually play out), and whoever's trying to take out Jin Gyeom and co for reasons yet unknown (i.e. the truck driver, the murderer mentioned in the previews, etc.).


I think it'll be a good number of episodes before all the relationships between these groups are sorted out, but it's telling that each branch/side seems have some sort of misunderstanding about the others. For example, Min Hyuk thinks that whoever tried to kill Jin Gyeom by ramming into his car is on the same side as whoever stopped him and his agents from breaking into the apartment - but we know that those are two separate parties who are trying to kill and protect Jin Gyeom respectively.


I'm also curious about how the dynamic between Park Jin Gyeom and Yoon Tae Yi is going to shift now that he's convinced she's not his mom (note that that's different from her actually not being his mom, since that's still a possibility given how time travel supposedly works in this drama). It does seem like he's interested in cultivating a friendship with her, but given that, it's also notable how he's now holding her at arm's length the same way he does with Kim Do Yeon. He doesn't want either of them getting more involved in his life than absolutely necessary, but he's acting this way out of a desire to protect them - as he's now beginning to suspect that he's getting into something way bigger and more dangerous than a ten-year-old mystery.


Speaking of Yoon Tae Yi, am I the only one who's noticing that her backstory doesn't add up? If we're going with the interpretation (which is almost certain at this point) that Tae Yi was the child in Episode 1, then how on earth did her mother abandon her at an orphanage when she was five? Unless her mother had brief custody of her after her father's death (which is possible but unlikely), it's likely that Tae Yi's childhood memories are fuzzy enough that she's misremembering something. And I have two possible answers: either she's misremembering what happened the day she was sent to the orphanage, OR she's misremembering who her mother is. And if it's the latter...this is a crazy thought, but what if the "mother" she remembers is actually Tae Yi (2050)? 


Granted, that's likely not the case, but imagine if it was and Tae Yi (2020) and Park Jin Gyeom wound up connecting the dots. :P 


Finally, it looks like Tae Yi's not the only one with a messy/uncertain backstory. We now know there are details about what happened on the day of Park Sun Young's murder that Jin Gyeom doesn't know about. I think we can reasonably guess that the person who visited her while teenage-Jin Gyeom was at school could be Seok Oh Won (or the older Park Jin Gyeom himself, if the witnesses got their times mixed up). But then, who was she speaking to on the phone? Neighbours assumed that Jin Gyeom's father finally made contact with her after being AWOL for so many years (hence why she looked so badly shaken), but again, I doubt that's actually the case. So who did she speak to on the phone, and why? And - more importantly - what details are Go Hyung Seok, Seok Oh Won, and "Alice" hiding from both Jin Gyeom and Min Hyuk right now?


About said secrets - it's also worth noting that Min Hyuk is finally starting to suspect that his colleagues are hiding something from him. He's asking Ms. Oh for confirmation on her intel, and is starting to think there's something more about Park Jin Gyeom than meets the eye. If nothing else, we now know that it's not physically possible for the average time traveler to move using just the time card alone - hence why they either need to go through the "departure gate" or be in the presence of a guide (like Min Hyuk) who has the ability to do it independently (we see in Episode 1 that he returns to "Alice" using just his card). And now Min Hyuk's finally clued in that Jin Gyeom is one of those rare few who could do it alone.


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16 minutes ago, kittyna said:

then how on earth did her mother abandon her at an orphanage when she was five? Unless her mother had brief custody of her after her father's death

Actually her mother died while giving birth , JG was going through the first episode incident case and his partner informed that the kid's mother died. So, we don't know who was the person who sent her to orphanage.


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9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Actually her mother died while giving birth , JG was going through the first episode incident case and his partner informed that the kid's mother died. So, we don't know who was the person who sent her to orphanage.


I assume that's in Episode 6, as I haven't seen that yet :P 


But don't worry; my assumption all along was that the book author (i.e. Tae Yi's (2020) biological father) was a widower. That seems to be a common reason why a single father would have a small child in K-dramas; we see something similar with Baek Ja Eun, for example (and possibly Shin Yu Kyung and Oh Mok Dan as well, though my memory's fuzzier there).


However, it's also true that the majority of Korean orphans are actually children from single-mother households who have been put up for adoption for various reasons, so either mini-Tae Yi (in the absence of early childhood memories as a result of trauma) is appropriating the experience of the other orphans around her, or simply assuming that whoever dropped her off at the orphanage was her mother, even if that wasn't the case.


By the way, I didn't get around to saying this yesterday, but I think that the pacing in Episode 5 of Alice is among the best so far. I know that many mid-length dramas (16-20 episodes) really just start getting into the story in Episode 4 or 5 (the first few are more for setting up context, characters, etc.), and it looks like Alice is going with that model as well. There was so much packed into that one hour compared to the previous episodes, but it didn't feel overwhelming at all: everything that is shown is relevant to the main plot in some way or another, and there's not much by way of filler. Even the lighter, more casual conversations are there for a reason, and I like that :) 


Note from JW in the bakery Jin Gyeom visits


Pictures from GHOST rehearsals


[EDIT] I don't know how many people are curious about all the physics theories and principles that are referred to in Alice, but if (like me) you didn't take physics in school and are now just incredibly confused, these videos explain in plain language things like Schrodinger's Cat or Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle or just the whole idea of things appearing multiple times in the same space (Which is the focus of Tae Yi's lecture in Episode 5).




Just a random thought: love that the instructor in Crash Course Physics is also a woman ;) It's like somehow, if the real world and the drama world could collide, I actually can imagine Tae Yi nerding out with her :D 

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

I don't know how many people are curious about all the physics theories and principles that are referred to in Alice, but if (like me) you didn't take physics in school and are now just incredibly confused, these videos explain in plain language things like Schrodinger's Cat or Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle or just the whole idea of things appearing multiple times in the same space (Which is the focus of Tae Yi's lecture in Episode 5).

Ah, thanks you for sharing the videos, this brought back few of my high school memories. Back then I use to study each topic of the in physics in isolation, like, I didn't knew that understanding atomic model will help us understand particle physics and which subsequently help us understand Quantum physics which in turn help us make time machine. Lack of imagination really made learning physics boring as hell. I am loving how Alice has reignited my curiosity regarding physics just to understand what's happening the show :blush:

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Just a random thought: love that the instructor in Crash Course Physics is also a woman ;) It's like somehow, if the real world and the drama world could collide, I actually can imagine Tae Yi nerding out with her :D 

Yeah, my mind was sort of expecting a male instructor(unconscious bias), and also I saw tons of videos in channel for social science where a female person is the instructor.I don't think Tae Yi might get along with anyone, she is not a team player:P

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6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Ah, thanks you for sharing the videos, this brought back few of my high school memories. Back then I use to study each topic of the in physics in isolation, like, I didn't knew that understanding atomic model will help us understand particle physics and which subsequently help us understand Quantum physics which in turn help us make time machine. Lack of imagination really made learning physics boring as hell. I am loving how Alice has reignited my curiosity regarding physics just to understand what's happening the show


lol - And I chose biology for my required science courses, so all those references in Alice just plain went over my head :P But these videos finally explained the concepts behind Schrodinger's Cat in a way that made sense to me - somehow, explaining the theory in its original context of electron clouds and atoms made it actually click for me (cats that are somehow simultaneously dead and alive simply because we don't know 100% if they're dead or alive...not so much). And, yes, I'm aware that Schrodinger was trying to show how irrational quantum mechanics was with his analogy, but as pointed out in Crash Course, quantum isn't supposed to match the reality we can actually observe and experience ;) 


6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I don't think Tae Yi might get along with anyone, she is not a team player:P


I know that fiction romanticizes the "lone wolf" scholar, but you won't actually get far in academia like that :P Yoon Tae Yi is definitely against the nepotism and politics in academia (e.g. the professor who wanted her to just include the department head's nephew's name in her list of student research assistants), but I think if she were to come across someone who's genuinely curious and interested in physics, she'd go full-on nerd with them :glasses: For example, we see how a conversation with her younger sister about something completely unrelated could still, in her hands, veer back into her research. Tae Yi's definitely a more colourful and fun professor than most (her students seem to genuinely like her even if her colleagues don't), but like many scholars, she is still capable of going down that intellectual rabbit hole once you get her started ;) 


Which makes me wonder how the conversation would play out if she went down said rabbit hole with Jin Gyeom :P You know, in response to his questions about time travel or something.


Lee Da In's aegyo is no joke - Okay, I know it's quite contradictory to her personality, but I'd laugh so hard if Do Yeon tried this on Jin Gyeom! At least this fan spliced in images of JW's "compliments video" reactions to fill in the gaps.

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6 hours ago, kittyna said:

lol - And I chose biology for my required science courses, so all those references in Alice just plain went over my head

Lol! At least you must have understood medical drama terminologies and operation scenes, I always fail to understand few procedures in medical drama

6 hours ago, kittyna said:

quantum isn't supposed to match the reality we can actually observe and experience ;) 

Yeah, that's because Quantum physics explains behavior of matter and energy at sub-atomic level, so yeah in really world it'll never make any sense :)

6 hours ago, kittyna said:

Lee Da In's aegyo is no joke - Okay, I know it's quite contradictory to her personality, but I'd laugh so hard if Do Yeon tried this on Jin Gyeom! At least this fan spliced in images of JW's "compliments video" reactions to fill in the gaps.

Lol, the scene which Lee Da-In recreated is about making the male lead annoy not blush, but it was funny to watch and I was not expected that video would show Joo Won's reaction to his compliments at the end. (It's from "Fight My Way" k-drama)

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And now for thoughts on Episode 6 of Alice!



Okay...are we literally dealing with a physics nerd serial killer, because wha...??? (Sorry, I know it all makes sense in the drama, but I just never thought I'd end up putting those two things together in a sentence :P) Right now, what seems the most plausible is that the five people who end up dying according to the prophecy were involved in the negative energy/time travel research that Yoon Tae Yi talked about. Which I know doesn't bode well for her (especially with the murderer now literally inside her house), but we're also only six episodes into a sixteen-episode long drama, so....


(In other words: good job creating tension there, show - since we'd normally get through all the other targets first - but I doubt you'll be killing off leads until closer to the end of the story ;))


That being said, though, I'm with Jin Gyeom in that I still don't trust Seok Oh Won as far as I could throw him. He knows way too much about what's going on, and seems almost to take some pride in that knowledge, especially given his assertion in Episode 4 that life and time should not be interfered with - which, given what we've seen since, has been a bit hypocritical. Or maybe it's just the fact that he's always shown just reading the book with this knowing smirk whenever something bad happens, and...I dunno, it just gets infuriating after a while. Even if it's true that the murders are inevitable (because I'm interpreting Oh Won's "One person's future is another person's past" to mean that Park Sun Young warned him about events that would be in his future but would have already been history for her in 2050), I totally understand Jin Gyeom's frustration here.


And speaking about that prophecy, I think (going by the preview) we're really going to start getting into Oedipus-esque territory now. This serial killer appears to be going after Yoon Tae Yi "for the future" - is that in reference to the future of time travel? If so, then there's quite a massive irony here, as, according to the prophecy, Tae Yi (2020) could bring about the end of time travel (so...not Jin Gyeom? Or is it both of them, as mother and son?), but attempts to take her out now in order to prevent that from happening will also, according to the prophecy, actually bring about that end. I don't know; we'll have to wait for future episodes to see just what exactly these people want.


So maybe, rather than trying to make sense of head-exploding prophecies, I should focus on the main character focus in this episode: the relationship between Yoo Min Hyuk, Yoon Tae Yi, and Park Jin Gyeom. Like Jin Gyeom, Min Hyuk tends to come off as being a very cool and calculated sort, so it's worth noting that both of them are easily softened by the exact same(?) person. I'm also glad that it was revealed in this episode that, despite Tae Yi (2050)'s claims to the contrary, Min Hyuk did not choose "Alice" over her or their child, as evidenced by his decision to hide that Tae Yi took the book with her. That being said, there's definitely more to Ms. Oh than meets the eye, so along with their direct superior, I'm wondering what her game is.


I also love all the ways we see Min Hyuk and Jin Gyeom as foils of each other here. Both interrogation scenes in this episode were brilliant because even as they laid out all the differences between the characters in the dialogue, they do also reveal a telling similarity: that they'd both lost the person they loved most in the world and both are now motivated by that loss. Add that they're unknowingly referring to the exact same person, and...yeah. Definitely foils. ;) 


Finally, I do want to switch to something a bit more lighthearted and talk about the growing friendship between Jin Gyeom and Tae Yi (2020). They both clearly have each other's backs and are influenced by each other in these imperceptible, everyday ways: e.g. Jin Gyeom never bothering to delete Tae Yi's playlist from his car, Tae Yi teaching Jin Gyeom about quantum mechanics, etc. About that talk, actually, it's funny that the concepts were all so basic for her that she was completely baffled that Jin Gyeom didn't know them - like, girl, he's a detective, not a physicist! And I also noticed that despite now believing that Tae Yi and his mother are two different people, Jin Gyeom had still picked up on enough similarities in their tastes and mannerisms that he used what he knew of his mother to choose what Tae Yi would like at the bakery. :) 


That said, do I think either of them have romantic feelings for each other? Probably not. Maybe on Tae Yi's part, but given what she knows (i.e. that she looks like his mother but isn't his mother) and the fact that he literally saved her life, I'm not surprised that she's starting to think along those lines. But again, I think she may be asking too much of Park Jin Gyeom here: plenty of people can't tell that someone's developed feelings for them, even without alexithymia, so clearly, it's gonna take him a while ;) However, I still doubt that Jin Gyeom would reciprocate those feelings anytime soon - although I also can't say what she means to him yet, either.


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9 hours ago, kittyna said:

 However, I still doubt that Jin Gyeom would reciprocate those feelings anytime soon - although I also can't say what she means to him yet, either.

Lol! I think we have ourselves a pseudo love triangle, I mean if we put it in the K-drama perspective, it's like JG is second lead and MH is first lead, these two are trying to keep female lead safe, like a typical K-drama love line, but pseudo in nature. In ideal K-drama love line JG is the second lead who is there for the Female lead TY whenever she is in trouble, but MH being a first lead will impress TY with his cool looks:joy:


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Instagram update from JW


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Lol! At least you must have understood medical drama terminologies and operation scenes, I always fail to understand few procedures in medical drama


Not perfectly - I still have to look things up from time to time - but, yes, I can at least make some sense of medical dramas on my own :P It also helps that, being part of the younger English-speaking generation of an immigrant family, I've had to learn a thing or two just helping older relatives through medical appointments.


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Lol, the scene which Lee Da-In recreated is about making the male lead annoy not blush, but it was funny to watch and I was not expected that video would show Joo Won's reaction to his compliments at the end.


Which makes me wonder how Park Jin Gyeom would react. Chances are, he'd just stare at Do Yeon for a moment before going, "Cut that out."


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Lol! I think we have ourselves a pseudo love triangle, I mean if we put it in the K-drama perspective, it's like JG is second lead and MH is first lead, these two are trying to keep female lead safe, like a typical K-drama love line, but pseudo in nature. In ideal K-drama love line JG is the second lead who is there for the Female lead TY whenever she is in trouble, but MH being a first lead will impress TY with his cool looks


And both guys are giving Tae Yi the whole "Stay away from [that other guy] for your own good" spiel about each other :P And they both have the potential to go into noble idiocy ("Let me be the one who's in danger") as well.


By the way, I was thinking back about the whole bit in the prophecy where Tae Yi (2020) brings about the end of time travel, and I actually have my own hypothesis on what's going on:



Right now, I don't think it's so much that Tae Yi would actively bring about an end to time travel, but that whether time travel (and "Alice") would exist in 2050 depends on whether she succeeds or fails in completing her research now in 2020. We know that Tae Yi is personally interested in inventing time travel (in order to answer her questions about her childhood - and now also to try to prevent Park Sun Young's death in the past for Jin Gyeom's sake), and we also know that the software program she was developing with Seok Oh Won is a prototype of the software installed in the time cards used by "Alice".


We know this research started in 2010 after Park Sun Young's death, meaning that Oh Won contacted Tae Yi (who was a university student at the time) and recruited her into his team already knowing her connection to the future success or failure of time travel. Perhaps he was actually interested in it at first, but at some point along the way, it seems like Oh Won learns more about the darker side of the prophecies (e.g. the crimes perpetrated by time travelers through "Alice", the serial killer now, etc.). This leads him to put an end to the research project, disband the team of researchers, and strongly advocate against further attempts at creating a wormhole or trying to control time. However, both Tae Yi and Oh Won came out of this with a strong belief that time travel is theoretically possible, even if there's no hard evidence that it could happen yet.


Until now, in 2020, when Jin Gyeom accidentally goes back to 2010.


All of a sudden, time travel is proven to be actually doable, which prompts increased action and intervention from both present (e.g. Tae Yi's renewed interest in her earlier research) and future (e.g. "Alice"'s interest in both Tae Yi and Jin Gyeom) forces. However, at the same time that this is going on, someone - for reasons yet unknown, but still likely linked to the prophecy - is targeting and killing members of the original research team; and if anything bad happens to Tae Yi now, before she's finished her research, the scientific knowledge that formed the foundation of the final development of time travel and "Alice" in 2050 dies with her.


No Tae Yi in 2020 = no time travel = no "Alice".


Again, there's a good chance that I'll end up being proven wrong, because there are so many different directions the drama could go with this. But this is my guess for how the pieces (up until Episode 6 + the preview to Episode 7) might fit together.

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10 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Which makes me wonder how Park Jin Gyeom would react. Chances are, he'd just stare at Do Yeon for a moment before going, "Cut that out."

Or he will just get back to his work saying "Okay" :joy:But, I am also afraid that they might end up like Sherlock Holmes and Molly. These couples have similar dynamics like the lead always asks help from the the female lead for solving cases .

11 minutes ago, kittyna said:

And both guys are giving Tae Yi the whole "Stay away from [that other guy] for your own good" spiel about each other :P And they both have the potential to go into noble idiocy ("Let me be the one who's in danger") as well.

Lol! And there is that, it's like they both think that other guy is bad guy and should stay away from TY :joy:

14 minutes ago, kittyna said:

it seems like Oh Won learns more about the darker side of the prophecies

Or maybe Oh Won wants to control time travel at his will and doesn't want Alice like structure to control it. On surface he is acting naive and clueless and also a person who hates time travel, but the amount of power he will amass by controlling time travel might have corrupted his mind. So, I guess he is using both JG and TY(2020).

17 minutes ago, kittyna said:

if anything bad happens to Tae Yi now, before she's finished her research, the scientific knowledge that formed the foundation of the final development of time travel and "Alice" in 2050 dies with her.

But the villain in the preview is saying that in order to save the future he has to kill TY, so, the bad guys are actually trying to kill her in order to keep the time travel possible. And also the equation on her wall written with blood is some sort of stimulus for TY? Is it to help her figure out how time travel works? So, my theory is that they need TY until she figures out the time travel thing and will kill her off so that she won't give birth to JG :anguished:

22 minutes ago, kittyna said:

It also helps that, being part of the younger English-speaking generation of an immigrant family, I've had to learn a thing or two just helping older relatives through medical appointments.

Aw, That's so nice of you :blush:

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