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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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6 hours ago, kittyna said:

Wait a second: which awards ceremony are you referring to?

K-Drama awards, joo won was nominated under daesang category but didn't win:unsure:.

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

If that's how my words came out, then I apologize. But that's not what I meant. Everyone is accountable for his/her own actions; that's a given. But each individual person is only ever truly aware of his/her own individual circumstances and what constitutes right or wrong action under those circumstances. Perhaps it's because I can't say for certain what it would be like to live in a regime like North Korea's; I've never experienced it and (fingers crossed) I never will. However, because of that, I can't say 100% without a doubt that people who toe the line in that system lack conscience or humanity (and if that's not what you intended by your initial comment, I apologize again).

Wow! Your replies now makes me feel immature for thinking in unidirectionally. I was more like thinking in Black and White perspective and you were more like exploring gray perspective. Every time I think I have nothing to learn I end up realising through arguements/exchange of ideas that I have a long way to go:D

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

However, for me, the heart/intentions/motivation matters more than the actions themselves. That's a matter of conscience and not something an outsider - such as you or I - can comment on. North Korea is an extreme example, and will probably always be extreme, but if I think on, say, WWII, the same principles apply. Atrocities and war crimes are wrong, so my question naturally shifts to "Why did they do it? What factors were involved? Unless we assume they're all clinical psychopaths, then there must be a conscience in there somewhere. So why would someone with a conscience, with a sense of moral right and wrong, still do those things or hold the prejudices that informed them?"


But my mind doesn't stay there for long. Very quickly, I end up asking myself, "What is there to learn from this? I can say they're wrong now, but would I do the same if I was in their shoes? And if I would, then what does that mean?"


I don't know - maybe it's my writer's mind at work. Or the whole "He who has not sinned can cast the first stone" mentality. But knowing about rights abuses and atrocities and crimes lead my thoughts to reach that last point sooner or later: if everyone is simply human, and we all have the same needs and emotions regardless of where we're from, then how might I be vulnerable to committing the same offences?


In hindsight, I should have phrased my original point like this: I don't agree with or condone the actions of those in power in North Korea. Even in instances where I believe someone is personally good (and, as I haven't watched the drama yet, I'll give the male lead of Crash Landing the benefit of the doubt), that doesn't change the fact that they still directly benefit from stepping down on their own compatriots. However, I believe that despite all that, they are not some monstrous bogeymen, but simply human: the same moral failings within them that led to such abuses (e.g. selfishness, greed, lack of mercy or forgiveness, avoidance/willful blindness, pride, etc.) are failings that I, too, possess and must be cautious about.

Again, I enjoyed reading this, just like reading a fan-fic. Perhaps I should broaden my way of thinking before passing a comment or judgement:). I should also look at the circumstances and the way of upbringing one had , before judging someone, thaks for explaining me in details and also for your patience, writing in such an elaborate way does take up a lot of time and energy:smile:

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12 hours ago, kittyna said:

Oof...that doesn't sound nice. Forgive me if I'm reading this wrong, but it sounds like the musical and personal rivalry between the two male leads is starting to get really messy and immature in Symphony's Romance.

So, the thing was I was reading too much into the scenes:sweat_smile:, there was an unexpected twist, main lead called-off the competition because his father was involved in making Master Fisher to keep such competition in first place, therefore main lead choose not to participate while lashing at Master fisher and A orchestra conductor almost punched him for spoiling his prospect of being student of Master Fisher. And the second lead is acting more like an caring friend than a guy with the crush, so I think he is aware that how much Female lead is in love with male lead. He is just looking after her as a friend. He looked after her after that piano moment where Cha Yoo jin mesmerizes the Nae-il with his skills and she starts trying to replicate it, at this moment second lead brings food and tries to look after the female lead, and also informs the male lead about this, so I think he is more like complimenting their relationship rather than being an obstacle, which is kind of relief and heartwarming :blush:

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2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Wow! Your replies now makes me feel immature for thinking in unidirectionally. I was more like thinking in Black and White perspective and you were more like exploring gray perspective. Every time I think I have nothing to learn I end up realising through arguements/exchange of ideas that I have a long way to go:D


Same here - I learned a lot from your comments, too :)


30 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

there was an unexpected twist, main lead called-off the competition because his father was involved in making Master Fisher to keep such competition in first place, therefore main lead choose not to participate while lashing at Master fisher and A orchestra conductor almost punched him for spoiling his prospect of being student of Master Fisher.


So...sort of a reversal from what happened in Nae Il's Cantabile, when Stresemann initially banned Cha Yoo Jin from being his pupil because of his father?


31 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

And the second lead is acting more like an caring friend than a guy with the crush, so I think he is aware that how much Female lead is in love with male lead. He is just looking after her as a friend. He looked after her after that piano moment where Cha Yoo jin mesmerizes the Nae-il with his skills and she starts trying to replicate it, at this moment second lead brings food and tries to look after the female lead, and also informs the male lead about this, so I think he is more like complimenting their relationship rather than being an obstacle, which is kind of relief and heartwarming :blush:


I see; that sounds really sweet :) Sometimes I think that that's what they were aiming for with Lee Yoon Hoo as well - since eventually, his comments about Nae Il were more intended to spur Yoo Jin into action than anything else - but he tended to come off really passive-aggressive instead. So...good intentions, poor execution in the Korean version, then? :unsure:

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10 hours ago, kittyna said:

poor execution in the Korean version, then? 

Yes, if we compare it with Chinese version it is poor execution:unsure:, but I think Chinese version had the advantage given that they already have feedback from Korean version, so they know what works and what doesn't work:huh:

10 hours ago, kittyna said:

So...sort of a reversal from what happened in Nae Il's Cantabile, when Stresemann initially banned Cha Yoo Jin from being his pupil because of his father?

Indeed, basically Milch counterpart is best friends with Cha Yoo Jin's father. And also here the main lead not only resents his father but he is kind of holding him responsible for his mother's death, so it is quite intense relationship, not like proving himself to his father in Naeil's version:sweat_smile:

By the if anyone is interested they can watch it on this site legally and safely, but subs take time, like it can get subs only after the day of release of the episode( P.S you need to disable ad blockers for it and I personally don't feel ads that annoying since it helps the site to keep the drama free)



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9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Indeed, basically Milch counterpart is best friends with Cha Yoo Jin's father. And also here the main lead not only resents his father but he is kind of holding him responsible for his mother's death, so it is quite intense relationship, not like proofing himself to his father in Naeil's version:sweat_smile:


lol - Looks like the Chinese version just upped the drama factor all around :P 


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

( P.S you need to disable ad blockers for it and I personally don't feel ads that annoying since it helps the site to keep the drama free)


Going off on a tangent here: I wouldn't mind ads so much if they weren't sometimes 1) NSFW, or 2) possible vectors for viruses and malware. So my personal addition to your advice (for any readers out there) is to make sure your antivirus and anti-malware software programs are working and up-to-date first. ;) 


Things have been quiet on the Instagram front (no updates), so just some fun miscellaneous things for today:


Behind-the-scenes clip from Good Doctor - JW doesn't appear in this clip, but it's still cute


What might JW look like as a girl?

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45 minutes ago, kittyna said:

What might JW look like as a girl?

It reminded me the 1D2N scene where joo won performed "Orange Carmel" dance with the girls group outfit, the comments were like he was looking prettier than actual girl group girls:P I might also add he dance pretty good for his height, because guys with 6ft height have trouble dancing and Joo won is pretty good dancer, I think he could have been an excellent Idol:D

Joo won breaking the gender norms with Kim Jong-Min

Joo won dancing skills

Joo won's perfect V

Joo won the Ballet dancer

If you observer closely Lee Soo Guen and Joo won relationship is compatible because they both are athletic and never get tired while doing physical work on the show, in fact it almost seems like they both enjoy the labor. Joo won had lots of such compatible relationship with the entire team of 1D2N, like with the Uhm Tae woong he is like family friend, with Sung si kyung it was music and cooking, with Cha tae Hyun it was about improving acting since cha tae hyun was top actor back in 2010 to 2107 before the gambling scandal, and with Yoo hae Jin it's more like senior and junior relationship but they were very tight, he even appeared in Joo won's life Vlog. So I think it was hard for Joo won to leave the show before they could end it properly , since there was like only 4 episodes left and after that, the ratings didn't improve that much , in fact they performed worst than before, even though episodes were funny as hell :o

45 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Going off on a tangent here: I wouldn't mind ads so much if they weren't sometimes 1) NSFW, or 2) possible vectors for viruses and malware. So my personal addition to your advice (for any readers out there) is to make sure your antivirus and anti-malware software programs are working and up-to-date first. ;) 

The "Viki" site is legitimate site, it actually buys the rights to stream the drama, but plays ads to fund themselves. It's totally safe to watch any drama on that site. :) I think you might be referring to pop-ads, rights? Like if you click something on website a window pops-up like an ad, there is no pop ads on Viki, it's just like YouTube, ads in between videos no pop-ups :) If you are planning to watch it I can vouch for the this website, that it is completely safe as YouTube :rolleyes:

45 minutes ago, kittyna said:

What might JW look like as a girl?

He kind of looks like  Kim Hee-chul:joy:

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3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I might also add he dance pretty good for his height, because guys with 6ft height have trouble dancing and Joo won is pretty good dancer, I think he could have been an excellent Idol:D


I think having real-life dance training helped JW a lot here. I don't know if his original goal was to go into musical theatre (i.e. if that's what he wanted back when he was still a kid) or whether the performing arts high school where he studied wanted students to get a well-rounded experience, but there you go.


So, for example, in this 2006 clip (during JW's short stint as a host of a children's TV show), you can see how up-to-speed on contemporary dance moves he was even at the start of his career. I once saw a behind-the-scenes clip from that show (which I lost track of and can't find again on short notice) and there was a lot of choreography practice built into the cast members' schedules: almost like they actually were idols or something.


I should also point out that not only is JW a good dancer for someone of his height and personality, but he's also just pretty agile - period. It's only seeing him as Park Si On that you get the awkward, lanky walk we usually associate with those tall, shy/introverted types.


3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

If you observer closely Lee Soo Guen and Joo won relationship is compatible because they both are athletic and never get tired while doing physical work on the show, in fact it almost seems like they both enjoy the labor. Joo won had lots of such compatible relationship with the entire team of 1D2N, like with the Uhm Tae woong he is like family friend, with Sung si kyung it was music and cooking, with Cha tae Hyun it was about improving acting since cha tae hyun was top actor back in 2010 to 2107 before the gambling scandal, and with Yoo hae Jin it's more like senior and junior relationship but they were very tight, he even appeared in Joo won's life Vlog.


I remember that JW started off only knowing Uhm Tae Woong (same agency and they also collaborated on a film already), but then started to get the know the others really quickly. Kim Seung Woo was very kind to him (like a father figure or uncle), Lee Su Geun tended to tease him and try to pull him into more activities (allowing JW to improve his comedy), Cha Tae Hyun's just a nice guy period, Sung Si Kyung took a really surprising liking to JW, and I think Kim Jong Min just liked having a maknae around :P Then, once Kim Seung Woo left and Yoo Hae Jin stepped in, we see a shift: JW really took to Yoo Hae Jin and that's a friendship that's stuck on ever since.


By the way, I still remember YHJ's intro to the show, when the other cast members had to guess where he was by trying to figure out his favourite food. Is it any surprise that it was his two agency mates - JW and UTW - that got it right in the end? And JW was even the first one to guess correctly, which suggests to me that they already knew each other to some extent.


3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

He kind of looks like  Kim Hee-chul:joy:


lol - That's awesome! 


By the way, speaking of look-alikes, there's this one Japanese actor, Yuki Furukawa, who sometimes reminds me of a younger, more baby-faced JW in certain photos (which is funny, because they're actually the same age - born in 1987). I don't even know what he's like as an actor - I just stumbled across pics of him on my Pinterest feed once and just went, "Dang...."

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13 hours ago, kittyna said:

By the way, speaking of look-alikes, there's this one Japanese actor, Yuki Furukawa, who sometimes reminds me of a younger, more baby-faced JW in certain photos (which is funny, because they're actually the same age - born in 1987). I don't even know what he's like as an actor - I just stumbled across pics of him on my Pinterest feed once and just went, "Dang...."

Lol! When you said he is same age like Joo won, I thought you were joking. But he really looks like a guy in his teens, that's kind of taking baby face to next level.

And speaking of look alike, Joo won had already been compared with Kang Dang Won, another rookie actor is also been compared with joo won and Kang Dang Won Kim Young Dae

I wish some director will cast all these three actors as brothers and Joo won would end up playing middle brother who is balanced in his approach and thinking, just any other middle child :joy:




13 hours ago, kittyna said:

By the way, I still remember YHJ's intro to the show, when the other cast members had to guess where he was by trying to figure out his favourite food. Is it any surprise that it was his two agency mates - JW and UTW - that got it right in the end? And JW was even the first one to guess correctly, which suggests to me that they already knew each other to some extent.


Lol!! That scene was hilarious:joy: Joo won was searching for YHJ, like YHJ  as an  uncle who would buy him a treat:joy: and YHJ did treat Joo won with breakfast :lol:

13 hours ago, kittyna said:

So, for example, in this 2006 clip (during JW's short stint as a host of a children's TV show), you can see how up-to-speed on contemporary dance moves he was even at the start of his career

Whoa! Those moves seems to be difficult to perform. And in "Altar Boyz " musical also the dances moves were like something like this and Joo won was the lead, he never was a lead before despite that  he did a pretty good job

Altar Boyz

But my favorite one and my first encounter of joo won's musical work was "Those magical moments", I was completely blown away by his High pitched voice, dancing skills. I was thinking like with that voice he could have been an excellent Opera singer

Magic moments

Second one was this duet from his Musical "GHOST"

Three little words



13 hours ago, kittyna said:

I once saw a behind-the-scenes clip from that show (which I lost track of and can't find again on short notice) and there was a lot of choreography practice built into the cast members' schedules: almost like they actually were idols or something.

Are talking about this Behind the scene?



Hey @kittyna , can you do me a favor? :sweat_smile:do you understand  Korean? Would you be kind enough to tell what  min-jin-woong is saying  in this  video:Please: , I understand the context : Like joo won encouraged him at his low point of the life, but I would like understand completely what he and others were  saying. I tried to find English subbed episode, but it was of no use.

This is the scene I was talking about


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Thought I would share some of the fan arts I found on Pinterest, Lol! Even though they are cartoon, they do catch the nuance of Joo won's drama

Nae-il and Cha Yoo Jin first meet

Good Doctor Iconic scenes

My Sassy Girl? Maybe, but the relationship was somewhat in this way at the beginning :joy:

Behind the scen of Good Doctor I can only imagine the funny bloopers Joo won is going to have with Kim Hee Seon, since Kim Hee Seon is known for being the funniest and most easy going actress:loolz:

Good Doctor and Bridal Mask cross over :joy:

Joo won being Joo won and they said we wasn't funny enough :joy:

Look at these Goofy guys :joy:


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10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Lol! When you said he is same age like Joo won, I thought you were joking. But he really looks like a guy in his teens, that's kind of taking baby face to next level.


I didn't realize that until I looked him up again yesterday, either - I was honestly convinced he was younger than JW (maybe not way younger, but somewhere in his mid-20s right now), and then I saw that he was born in 1987, married and has a child, and I'm like, "Say, what???" :what!:


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And speaking of look alike, Joo won had already been compared with Kang Dang Won, another rookie actor is also been compared with joo won and Kang Dang Won Kim Young Dae

I wish some director will cast all these three actors as brothers and Joo won would end up playing middle brother who is balanced in his approach and thinking, just any other middle child :joy:


That's neat. Looking at the pics, Kang Dong Won and JW are on two ends of an admittedly narrow spectrum, with Kim Young Dae somewhere in the middle. They all have the same "look", but Kang Dong Won noticeably has the sharpest and most angular features, JW has the roundest (he's got the widest cheekbones out of the three), and Kim Young Dae can look like either of the others depending on lighting, camera angle, etc. But features like the nose, eyes, etc. are definitely similar across all three.


Like, if they were to ever play brothers (honestly, it's wishful thinking, but you never know!), I can see it as Kang Dong Won and Kim Young Dae looking slightly more like one parent, and JW looking slightly more than the other. And I like the idea of JW as the middle child, although the stereotype here where I'm from is that the middle child is the rebel who acts out in order to get equal attention as their older and younger siblings: because the oldest gets privileges sooner and the youngest gets more affection due to being the baby. But of course, that's just a stereotype - real life personalities are way more variable. ;) 


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And in "Altar Boyz " musical also the dances moves were like something like this and Joo won was the lead, he never was a lead before despite that  he did a pretty good job

Altar Boyz


After watching the video: So this is what JW would be like if he'd actually debuted as a K-pop idol rather than an actor :P 


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

But my favorite one and my first encounter of joo won's musical work was "Those magical moments", I was completely blown away by his High pitched voice, dancing skills. I was thinking like with that voice he could have been an excellent Opera singer

Magic moments


Maybe not opera singer, since that requires a very specific type of training to create a very specific kind of sound: this video, which I featured in one of my Seolleim in Salzburg fics already, shows what that voice sounds like at different pitches/ranges. If you want to narrow it down further, I'd argue that JW's voice is predominantly tenor, with some counter-tenor potential (since he's got a slightly higher range than most other tenors, with a relatively weaker low range). Regardless of pitch, it's a very rich, resonant sound, with extensive use of vibrato (i.e. vibrating/shaking notes) to project the sound further.


Musical theatre, by comparison, has a clearer sound quality. It still uses vibrato a good deal (especially compared to contemporary styles like pop), but some situations also demand a strongly held stable note that still resonates widely. I'm not a voice expert, but the way I'd describe it as a layperson would be that musical theatre demands the same degree of resonance as opera, but a lighter or less rounded sound so that you can actually still make out the lyrics ;) Also, I should point out that within musical theatre, there's a broad range of roles and styles: someone who can do Phantom of the Opera (which, because of its story, demands more operatic technique) might not do a show like Grease or Hamilton (both of which are more contemporary - especially Hamilton, which blatantly uses hip-hop, R&B, etc.). JW's voice lends itself better to more contemporary-leaning musical theatre roles, and so far, he's been cast accordingly. If he were to take on one of the more classic/well-known/epic roles, I think he'd do well in something like Wicked or Evita more than, say, Phantom of the Opera


(By the way: after listening to the excerpt from Evita, I really think JW would nail it - especially once it gets a bit more rock-esque).


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Are talking about this Behind the scene?


Yes, that one - thanks! :) 


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Hey @kittyna , can you do me a favor? :sweat_smile:do you understand  Korean? Would you be kind enough to tell what  min-jin-woong is saying  in this  video , I understand the context : Like joo won encouraged him at his low point of the life, but I would like understand completely what he and others were  saying. I tried to find English subbed episode, but it was of no use.


Unfortunately, no - I don't understand Korean. Words and phrases here and there, but not enough to figure things out without subtitles or an explanation. :P So I just know as much as you.


4 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I can only imagine the funny bloopers Joo won is going to have with Kim Hee Seon, since Kim Hee Seon is known for being the funniest and most easy going actress


I think it'll be fun - most K-dramas appear to have a great behind-the-scenes atmosphere, and the cast seems to genuinely enjoy what they're doing. :) 


And, since we've been on the subject, here's another throwback performance from JW's early days: this time, it's the 2010 KBS Drama Awards. It looks like we could add drumming to his skill set ;) 

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2 hours ago, kittyna said:

After watching the video: So this is what JW would be like if he'd actually debuted as a K-pop idol rather than an actor :P 

I really can't compare Idols with musical artist, it's like comparing apples with oranges. If one wants to be a K-pop you need training(it's kind of narrow) and in musical they usually study, right? It's like academic in nature. And when I compare them side by side it feels that musical artist have more freedom to express themselves on stage and K-pop videos are like tightly choreographed. So I am thankful that Joo won did not choose to become a Idol, otherwise it would have totally limited his options. :blush:


2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Lol! When I saw the video, I thought the host in the video looked familiar with the guy from "Crash Course"  YouTube channel. Then I did a  google search and found out that the crash course guy and the host in the video are brothers, famously known as "Green Brothers". :grin:

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

real life personalities are way more variable.

Yeah, I kind of got to see this myth busted in the show "The Return Of Superman",  where they have showed that the middle child tend be lonely and kind of more compromising in nature. Since the eldest child would have already got his/her fair share of attention and acquired a certain amount of maturity to be understanding, where as the middle child can of accepts the lack of attention to be some sort of sacrifice he/she as to make for their younger sibling :sweat_smile: Although I must admit, it's my first time hearing that the stereotype of middle child being an rebel:flushed: I had never heard such a thing,  maybe it's more like a western perspective, in my country the movies and TV shows often portray the youngest one as a rebel and troublemaker :joy:


2 hours ago, kittyna said:

it's the 2010 KBS Drama Awards. It looks like we could add drumming to his skill set

Wow! So it means Joo won performed three times in a row for  KBS drama awards, One for Baking king drum performance,second time he sang "Judgement day" song from Bridal Mask  and third time he sang "If I were" song from the Good Doctor :blush:


By the way, update from "Alice", not from Joo won but from Kim Hee Seon. Looks she had use lot of acting skills for her character, since she needs to play both young and old. Seems like she needs use plethora of expressions for her character :blush:





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3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I really can't compare Idols with musical artist, it's like comparing apples with oranges. If one wants to be a K-pop you need training(it's kind of narrow) and in musical they usually study, right? It's like academic in nature. And when I compare them side by side it feels that musical artist have more freedom to express themselves on stage and K-pop videos are like tightly choreographed. So I am thankful that Joo won did not choose to become a Idol, otherwise it would have totally limited his options. :blush:


To be honest, I don't know much about what goes into a career as a K-pop idol, but I do think that musical theatre involves a broader range of skills: since you have to act as well as sing and dance. So it's not just about, say, singing or dancing well, but also about envisioning how a particular character would sing/dance and trying to embody or impersonate that. And I also think that any sort of theatre experience (musical or otherwise) can be helpful for aspiring television and film actors, because there's nothing quite like being completely visible to everyone and having to perform as character for a sustained period of time (2-3 hours for a musical) to cultivate 1) full-body performance, 2) the ability to perfect lines and choreography, and 3) the ability to improvise in case mistakes do happen on stage.


3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah, I kind of got to see this myth busted in the show "The Return Of Superman",  where they have showed that the middle child tend be lonely and kind of more compromising in nature. Since the eldest child would have already got his/her fair share of attention and acquired a certain amount of maturity to be understanding, where as the middle child can of accepts the lack of attention to be some sort of sacrifice he/she as to make for their younger sibling


I have seen a number of different sibling dynamics on Return of Superman, too. For example, since I mentioned liking the Song triplets:


Oldest - quiet, mature, responsible

Middle - affectionate, emotionally sensitive, full of aegyo

Youngest - mischievous rebel


And while we don't see such dynamics as much in dramas (since many characters are either only children or one of two siblings), Ojakgyo Brothers also does a great job playing with the stereotypes:


Tae Sik (oldest) - is expected to be the responsible one, but is actually introverted and socially awkward; tends to get in trouble as a result

Tae Beom (middle child 1) - has many of the traits expected of the eldest, but also has a rebellious "I'll do what I want" streak

Tae Hui (middle child 2) - wound up being the responsible one/the leader, despite being one of the younger siblings

Tae Pil (youngest) - definitely the rebel, but also the most affectionate and emotional


3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

By the way, update from "Alice", not from Joo won but from Kim Hee Seon. Looks she had use lot of acting skills for her character, since she needs to play both young and old. Seems like she needs use plethora of expressions for her character :blush:


I don't know how this got posted twice, but thanks for the pics! And maybe it's just me, but I'm getting vague My Sassy Girl vibes from those faces, too.


And check out this cute piece of fanart!




Also, since we were on the subject of singing, how awesome would it be if Huayi Brothers arranged a collab between JW and Park Hye Soo (i.e. the girl who played his sister in Yong Pal)? She's an actress, but she also started as a singer, and she's actually pretty good and even did a track on the OST.


Park Hye Soo's appearance on King of Masked Singer

Her cover of Ed Sheeran's "Thinking Out Loud"

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7 hours ago, kittyna said:

Also, since we were on the subject of singing, how awesome would it be if Huayi Brothers arranged a collab between JW and Park Hye Soo (i.e. the girl who played his sister in Yong Pal)? She's an actress, but she also started as a singer, and she's actually pretty good and even did a track on the OST.

Yup, she does have a sweet voice like Joo won, and pretty good singer too. But I am skeptical about their collaboration, since she was trained to be K-pop and Joo won is a musical actor, I don't know if they would be in sync or not. While we are on the topic of Joo won's little sister. I really think joo won wanted a little sister of his own, since he has treated Park Hye Soo well, 


just like his own little sister, maybe he hated being youngest in the house :P




7 hours ago, kittyna said:

I don't know how this got posted twice, but thanks for the pics! And maybe it's just me, but I'm getting vague My Sassy Girl vibes from those faces, too.

Lol! No matter what role Kim Hee Seon does, it always have sassy girl vibes. Even in the drama that is literally called "Angry Mom", she still managed to have sassy girl vibes. :blush:


By the way, more updates from "Symphony's Romance": Female lead has finally started her journey to become a pianist that fits her talent and both the main and second lead are playing a complementary role to help her in whatever way possible, like main lead is cooking for her, while second lead tries to sensitize the strict teacher to be more friendly in his teaching for her. :smile: I do think they are going for different ending, definitely not following either versions Korean or Japanese :smiley: And one more thing main and second lead are also getting along, so there is no rivalry and main lead has personally asked him to be play oboe in his orchestra :)


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12 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

While we are on the topic of Joo won's little sister. I really think joo won wanted a little sister of his own, since he has treated Park Hye Soo well, 


just like his own little sister, maybe he hated being youngest in the house :P


I do remember him saying that during interviews for Fatal Intuition. He also said that if he were to have a younger sister, he'd be the really (over)protective sort of older brother: doting on her, but not letting her out of his sight. So...similar to his character in that film, or Kim Tae Hyun in Yong Pal for that matter. Hm...now that I think about it, he played two such older brother roles back-to-back, didn't he?


Three if you also count My Sassy Girl, but the sibling relationship was a bit looser there - which was realistic since, during the Joseon era, children past a certain age were predominantly raised by their same-gender parent.


12 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Even in the drama that is literally called "Angry Mom", she still managed to have sassy girl vibes.


lol - Maybe sassy girls grow up to be angry moms? :coolshades:


12 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Female lead has finally started her journey to become a pianist that fits her talent and both the main and second lead are playing a complementary role to help her in whatever way possible, like main lead is cooking for her, while second lead tries to sensitize the strict teacher to be more friendly in his teaching for her.


Aw...that's cute! :heart4: It's interesting to see those roles split up between the two male leads - since Cha Yoo Jin did both himself in Nae Il's Cantabile, while Lee Yoon Hoo was more the type who stayed back but cheered Nae Il on from the sidelines. 


12 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And one more thing main and second lead are also getting along, so there is no rivalry and main lead has personally asked him to be play oboe in his orchestra :)


Oh, so the second lead here is an oboist? I seem to recall that from the Japanese version, too - I wonder why they changed that for the Korean one *shrugs*. 

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2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Aw...that's cute! :heart4: It's interesting to see those roles split up between the two male leads - since Cha Yoo Jin did both himself in Nae Il's Cantabile, while Lee Yoon Hoo was more the type who stayed back but cheered Nae Il on from the sidelines. 

Second lead in this version is kind of Stoic, he really does not express himself, like he doesn't flirt with her, and he is just there to listen to her problems and give her  emotional support, more like platonic relationship. She barely realizes that he has feelings for her, but the main lead notices it but takes it in a mature way and decides to work with him anyway, since anyone would fall for girl like her^_^

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Oh, so the second lead here is an oboist? I seem to recall that from the Japanese version, too - I wonder why they changed that for the Korean one *shrugs*.

Perhaps to add that arm or wrist surgery complication, so that he can take over for Cha Yoo-Jin for conducting after he left for Europe, but in Japanese version I barely remember the second lead, like his impact was next to nothing. :huh:

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

I do remember him saying that during interviews for Fatal Intuition. He also said that if he were to have a younger sister, he'd be the really (over)protective sort of older brother: doting on her, but not letting her out of his sight. So...similar to his character in that film, or Kim Tae Hyun in Yong Pal for that matter. Hm...now that I think about it, he played two such older brother roles back-to-back, didn't he?

Yes, he did back to back Big brother roles, Fatal Intuition and Yong-pal are from same year of 2015. :) Lol! Protective brother? I am pretty sure he would not let any guy near her:joy:(I personally think it would be unhealthy), but I am sure he'll step aside if the right guy shows-up. I think he'll  be in between characters of Yong-Pal and Fatal Intuition, like in Yong-Pal he was cool with his sister dating his friend and in Fatal Intuition he was like no dating and no guys until she reaches 30:joy:

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

lol - Maybe sassy girls grow up to be angry moms? 

It's more like Sassy girl for life and acts occasionally like an angry mom:lol:

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10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Perhaps to add that arm or wrist surgery complication, so that he can take over for Cha Yoo-Jin for conducting after he left for Europe


I see. Well, I'm glad they did, then, because that's one of my favourite subplots in Nae Il's Cantabile. Not because I like the idea of Lee Yoon Hoo being injured, of course, but because the questions his injury raises and the way he gradually grows and matures because of those questions are so satisfying to watch. No musician wants to think about the possibility of something like that happening to them, but we know historically that it happens - the most famous example, obviously, being Beethoven starting to grow deaf really early on in his career. Cue massive existential crisis and a major depressive episode...but what comes out of it is the same Eroica Symphony that the S Orchestra performs in Nae Il's Cantabile, and the rest (as they say) is history. ;) 


So I do like that those issues were explored in Yoon Hoo's character in the Korean version (since, by virtue of the second lead in the Japanese version being a relatively minor character, I assume this whole storyline was a new addition to the story). Especially in Korea's uber-competitive "I have to be first, or else" sort of environment.


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I am pretty sure he would not let any guy near her:joy:(I personally think it would be unhealthy), but I am sure he'll step aside if the right guy shows-up. I think he'll  be in between characters of Yong-Pal and Fatal Intuition, like in Yong-Pal he was cool with his sister dating his friend and in Fatal Intuition he was like no dating and no guys until she reaches 30


That seems to be a running trope in K-dramas, too (i.e. the overprotective older brother who's wary of anyone dating his little sister). I actually feel like Kim Tae Hyun only lets his sister date Lee Sang Chul in Yong Pal because he actually knows the guy personally - he'd probably turn into the older brother who'd just tease the pair mercilessly :P 

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4 hours ago, kittyna said:

Not because I like the idea of Lee Yoon Hoo being injured

Lol! :joy: That would be a interesting plot line for anti-fans and second lead haters(who cannot decouple drama from reality) :lol:

4 hours ago, kittyna said:

- he'd probably turn into the older brother who'd just tease the pair mercilessly :P 

That's what he was doing, when he found out they started to have feeling towards each other, he was taunting Lee Sang-Chul to find a job and making ridiculous comments about his sister's cooking:joy: In "Fatal Intuition" it was different, since they lost their parents in young age and kind of has rural background(not necessarily background had anything to do with the behavior) he was kind of more conservative when it comes to dating or letting her take a job, but at the same time he was progressive, for instance,  he  nudged her to wear pants (like in an emotional way, he started complaining to their parents that she was not behaving, that scene was super cute:))rather than ordering her in unilateral way ,  and wants her  to go for higher education so that she can have a better life than him:)

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6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

That's what he was doing, when he found out they started to have feeling towards each other, he was taunting Lee Sang-Chul to find a job and making ridiculous comments about his sister's cooking


lol - Yeah, and then he realized that his sister was just as good at teasing him back. :biubiu:


I'm not entirely sure what language this was written in, but this Instagram post lists several K-drama "noona killers": i.e., actors who are known for working with older female lead actresses. And, of course, JW's one of them ;) Come to think of it, he's been paired with an older actress in most of his dramas so far: King of Baking, Kim Tak Gu (first female lead), Gaksital (second female lead), Level 7 Civil Servant (first female lead), Good Doctor (first female lead), Yong Pal (both female leads - there's a whole noona romance love triangle), and now Alice (first female lead).

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43 minutes ago, kittyna said:

I'm not entirely sure what language this was written in, but this Instagram post lists several K-drama "noona killers": i.e., actors who are known for working with older female lead actresses. And, of course, JW's one of them ;) Come to think of it, he's been paired with an older actress in most of his dramas so far: King of Baking, Kim Tak Gu (first female lead), Gaksital (second female lead), Level 7 Civil Servant (first female lead), Good Doctor (first female lead), Yong Pal (both female leads - there's a whole noona romance love triangle), and now Alice (first female lead).

Lol! From what I heard the main stream term is "Noona Romance",  this is first time I am hearing about "Noona Killers":joy: Kind of sounds off and bit aggressive :sweat_smile:. There was a survey on favorite couple with larger age gap,  where Joo won and Moon Chae Won got 4 place , but the funny thing is the they are only year apart:joy:, I guess the performance of Joo won in Good Doctor made audience think age gap is more than a  year :hypehype:

While we are on the topic of  age gap between the leads, Personally I feel  the chemistry between Senior female lead and junior male lead appealing, I think it is because I am fed up with the type of male and female lead combination in "Bollywood" and especially in my local Entertainment Industry, like they take girls as lead who are old enough to be  daughters of male leads, age gap is really high, like the female lead is 20 and the male lead is between 40-50, some times it beyond 55+ and people actually watch it :whytho:  And usually female leads or actress who have hit their 30s are generally discriminated and are never given roles, like they have to forget  being female lead when they hit 30, it's discrimination on the ground of age:unamused:. But when I found out that female leads in Korean drama get to play main lead even in their 30s and beyond, I was like :wut: it was kind of cultural shock to me, but best cultural shock I had so far :blush:. I must confess, the charm of older female lead with younger male lead is completely different and appealing:love:, than watching an younger female lead and  older male lead

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