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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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Brief translation: "When she sees him, she feels full, and it's a different kind of full when compared to eating white rice.~~~ An attractive unmarried man who looks good even without make-up on. Thank you Ryeowook~~!! If you didn't have Ryeowook, then you would have been in trouble!!"


Translation: "Joo Won totally blanked out and forgot the fan's name, and the fan was like "my name is similar to (can't hear what she said)."


Translation: "What is this signature??? I thought you knew who I was... When I arrived back to the hotel, I realised there was no name on the signature... Instead there was a drawing teasing me??? As a fan, I went to every event and concert diligently even though I didn't have much money. ㅜㅜ Since you still haven't memorized my name, I will work even harder as a fan for a few more years. On the other hand, I think I have a higher chance of becoming famous before he can even memorize my name... That was my day!!!" 





Also... I'm back!!! 

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Yay, @airplanegirl's back - and with a bunch of new stuff as well. Thanks for sharing! :)


Popping by again with some miscellaneous pics while trying to stick with the theme I've set for myself to make this more challenging: "Don't Mess With Me"


I've noticed in a number of JW's drama/film roles and photoshoots that he's often shown looking very deep in thought, such that as a viewer, it feels almost like I'm interrupting him by looking in. So...less "Don't Mess With Me" and more "Do Not Disturb", perhaps :tongue: However, in some of these instances, there is a particular element of ferocity and/or intensity that makes "disturbing" him look particularly dangerous.


"Gaksital", for instance, has some classic moments like that. You know, as a viewer, that Lee Kang To's just by himself in these shots, but there's so much fire in his gaze that it feels like he's looking straight at you and telling you to back off.






And I am starting to wonder if this K Wave shoot from 2014 was using that tone as its concept, because there were a number of shots with the same atmosphere. These are just a couple of my favourites.






I will say, though, that as I go through my collection of JW pics...to his credit, this sort of "Don't mess with me", "Don't come closer" vibe is very clearly artificial. I've seen this pretty often while he's in character, but very seldom when he's just being himself in candid shots or variety shows. Yes, I know that an actor is an actor, and even while being "themselves", they are still somewhat "on" and performing a particular persona. But I'm definitely glad that JW's "real"(?) persona is one that is, for the most part, friendly, open and approachable.


(And then this shot showed up from the festival, which left me really curious as to what was going through his mind at the time. :tongue:)




Yeah...that's the closest I've seen JW get to that broody smoulder in real life :tongue:




Scratch that - I think I like this new shot more from @airplanegirl's "BoA-Joo Won English" Instagram :)



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I'll come back later with something more directly JW-related, but for now, here are some more of the HJ-Story cartoons that made me think of JW and BoA when I saw them.


Because I last talked about these comics several weeks ago, here's a refresher if anyone needs it:

So, without further ado....


1. Because BoA's "Which Joo Won-ie?" moment was basically this




2. Because of BoA's recent golf photos where she or those with her would tag him in the Instagram captions




3. Because we can't forget that this all started with JW being a big fanboy




4. Because I know JW's a caffeine addict, but I wonder if BoA is, too




5. Because one of the first things I noticed when JW started bulking up was his arms




6. And finally - Because, as @airplanegirl pointed out, apparently they both love to eat. A LOT.






So, again, I'll pop back later with something more like my usual - but I just thought these too cute and sweet not to share. :)

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Continuing the JW miscellany using the "Don't Mess With Me" theme!


This time, I'm interested in his warrior/fighter roles - and the various weapons he's used while playing such characters.


Of course, I can't talk about JW as a fighter and not include "Gaksital", in which JW as Lee Kang To uses just about everything under the sun.


From swords - wooden and otherwise...




To guns...




To his signature iron flute...




And throwing knives (Sorry - I couldn't find a picture of him using them, but here's what they look like)




To improvised weapons, like a flag pole




And, of course, when all else fails, just straight-up martial arts and hand-to-hand combat






Yep. Don't mess with Lee Kang To is the lesson of today's class - because he can completely screw you over, several times over. :glasses:


Moving on to "Level 7 Civil Servant". JW as Han Gil Ro predominantly works with guns, here - and that becomes a big part of the drama's promotional images as well.


Like this one, which is one of my personal favourites (although, yes, I know that the sideways grip is actually a really bad idea if you were to actually use said gun :tongue:)






However, given that it is a slapstick comedy, this drama takes the whole "action hero with really good moves" trope and flips it on its head. So while he tends to look really cool in the posters, in reality, JW's character's fighting skills aren't that great - and the majority of his fight scenes end up with him wiped out on the floor, like in these examples.




Yeah...funny, but totally embarrassing :confounded:


So, let's go back to something cooler, shall we? Personally, although I haven't watched it in its entirety yet, I have been impressed by seeing what JW is capable of as Gyun Woo in "My Sassy Girl".


(Yes, I've shared this shot before. But it's one of my favourites, and too cool not to share again here.)




My own personal favourites? One would be the sparring scene he did with the Qing dynasty prince:



And the other has to be one of the most creative fight scenes I've seen in any drama - the fan fighting scene.



I just think there was something so counter-intuitively comical about JW just sauntering in there with the fan, and then just literally slapping everyone around with it.

And for those who thought Gyun Woo was being an idiot at the end by trying to block a sword with a fan...he's not. As I watched the clip, I noticed that at the last moment, he starts to push the fan closed and away from him, with the sword's blade still caught in it. Perhaps Gyun Woo didn't time it properly, but I imagine he was trying to do something like this move from Disney's Mulan.




The Disney scene obviously has extra flair because of cartoon physics, but the idea is to catch the sword inside the fan, and then wrench it away from you - and possibly out of your opponent's grip as well. It is completely possible if the fan has tough enough spokes not to break in the process, such as if they were made of metal like the fans that were literally used for martial arts. These fans were oftentimes indistinguishable from normal fans, as the metal spokes were a stealth feature:




And while I don't know for sure if that's what Gyun Woo had in this scene, it's entirely possible, because he uses other war fan techniques in that sequence as well.


Just my own two cents on what was going on there - and possibly come to Gyun Woo's defence a bit :wink:


Whew...long post again, I know. I feel like I should also include "Yong Pal", if we're talking about JW dramas featuring him being tough, resourceful, and possibly a good fighter(?). But I haven't actually watched it yet, so I can't say anything on that note. Maybe someone who has can jump in...? (Looking at @lavender2love in particular, since you seem to be a huge fan of the show.)

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Hello everyone... I'm new here... I really like joo won and always reading post in this tread ( silent reader ). It's interesting reading post about joo won and his photos and its makes me want to join this tread so i make an account... finaly... :D 


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@moonstrike Welcome to the JW thread!




I can't speak for everybody, but I would definitely like to see some new fans around here; 21 months is a long time to wait for new JW-related stuff, and while we've been doing well since May, you can probably tell that a lot of what we do has been about going back over old things. So any new insight is much appreciated :glasses:


Just to fill you in, @moonstrike - things can get very quiet around here and so it can get really intimidating to post. But, as some of my own sunbaes on this thread (people like @lavender2love, @flutterby06, and, of course, our moderator @airplanegirl) have pointed out, it's always good to see this thread growing and new posts being added. So, please - don't be shy, and feel free to share your thoughts with us!


Adding pictures, video, etc. is actually really simple. I use a Windows computer, so these instructions would work well for that - I'm sure that Mac should be similar, though, if that's what you have.



1. Find the picture you want.

2. Right-click on it and select "Copy Image Location"

3. Come to where you type things out on the forum

4. Paste (either by Right-clicking, or by pressing Ctrl and V at the same time)



Sites like YouTube, Dailymotion, etc. already work automatically on this forum. So all you have to do is copy and paste the URL where you want the video to go.


Embedding from Social Media Sites (e.g. Twitter and Instagram)

These work the same as the Videos - just copy and paste the URL


Hope this helps! :)

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Just popping by quickly for this week's Throwback Thursday.


This isn't related to any particular theme per se. Instead, I found older clips in which Joo Won appeared as someone else's "secret guest" on Win Win.


1. Jeon In Hwa (in 2010 - he was also with Yoon Si Yoon here)



There's a funny typo in the subtitles - what's put as "crap" is supposed to be "grab" :tongue:


2. Uhm Tae Woong (in 2011 - he was actually a surprise "secret guest" who was added at the last minute; the main "secret guest" was the cast from Season 1 of 1N2D)



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What did I just see? @airplanegirl, that's a funny picture, so thanks for sharing!


But jokes aside, let me get this straight. I'm one of those weird people who don't have Facebook and don't know much about how it works. So...although fans aren't allowed to "add" him, but whatever JW posts is still viewable to the public unless he says otherwise (i.e. unless he sets it to "private")? Sorry, I'm just trying to make sense of the ethics here, and think I missed some important detail in the process.

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I just found this video in youtube. In this video, i think he is on school for study. He looks annoyed because of the school girl that screamed so loud. Poor joo won... but i'm happy because his popularity is going up so fast


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2 hours ago, moonstrike said:

Thank you @kittyna for helping me... :D maybe because i was use my phone and not my laptop so its doesnt working.. but its okay, i can just comment something interesting about joo won.. haha although without image. 


Oh, okay. I see - yeah...Soompi's forum doesn't work very well with phones :tongue: You're not the first to run into issues with that, and most likely won't be the last.


However, I'm glad to hear that you're not letting that discourage you. So, of course, feel free to share however you can.


2 hours ago, moonstrike said:

I just found this video in youtube. In this video, i think he is on school for study. He looks annoyed because of the school girl that screamed so loud. Poor joo won... but i'm happy because his popularity is going up so fast



I've seen that video before, and...wow. I personally think it's really scary - not so much the screaming bit, because celebrities deal with that all the time, but the fact that they were crowding outside of the washroom in order to catch a glimpse of him. I dunno...I just think that isn't right. :expressionless:


From what I've seen and heard on this thread, it seems that JW usually has a pretty good handle on his fans and keeping their enthusiasm under control. There was a comment about that several pages back; I'll see if I can find it for you. But I suppose even the most laid back Hallyu fandoms will have their saesang component....

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Today i think i much sharing video that i found in youtube... here is one that i want to share... 



I reeaaaaalllly want him to show in a variety show again like 1 night 2 days or like running man... or anything. I miss him in variety show beside drama and movie... in this video, he is very cute and competitive... i kinda want to see this side of him after a long long time he leave 2days1night... 

He say in some interview he want to show in a variety show after his military service.. and here i'm waiting patiently that time will happen... comeback safely our joo won nim :D:)

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When i first saw this photo, i'm imagining he has a child with his wife... hah:bawling: between sad and happy actually.. happy because he will find his happiness one day and sad because he will have his soulmate... but anyway i will be happy for him when that days come.. the day when he make his own family like kim tae hee and rain... i heard that they already have their first child... congratulation for the parents. :D:):lol:https://www.instagram.com/p/BaYbNWQnPhX/?hl=en

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1 hour ago, moonstrike said:

When i first saw this photo, i'm imagining he has a child with his wife... hah:bawling: between sad and happy actually.. happy because he will find his happiness one day and sad because he will have his soulmate... but anyway i will be happy for him when that days come.. the day when he make his own family like kim tae hee and rain... i heard that they already have their first child... congratulation for the parents. :D:):lol:https://www.instagram.com/p/BaYbNWQnPhX/?hl=en

Well, that day will come sooner or later. Especially since he's in a serious relationship with BoA. 


From the more low-key army concert this week. He and Ryeowook hosted the event again.


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To be honest, i really like joo won interaction with kids... when he with his hyung, he will be very cute and shy but when he with a kid he will transform and take care of the child...because of that side of him, it makes me imagining him as a father... how cute and lovely he is...

I really want to see joo won and boa in one photo and not edited photos one. I never see them in the same frame and it makes me very curious how they interact to each other... haha:D:lol:

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