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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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'참 좋은' 옥택연 子 최권수, '칸타빌레' 주원 아역 발탁


아역 배우 최권수가 배우 주원의 어린 시절을 연기한다.

1일 방송가에 따르면 최권수는 최근 KBS 2TV 새 월화드라마 '내일도 칸타빌레' 주원의 아역으로 캐스팅 제의를 받고 막판 논의 중이다. 최권수 측 관계자는 스타뉴스에 "출연에 대해 얘기를 나눴다"며 "조만간 계약이 이뤄질 것 같다"고 말했다.

최권수는 KBS 2TV '참 좋은 시절'에서 옥택연의 쌍둥이 아들 강동원으로 분해 감초 역할을 톡톡히 해냈다. '내일도 칸타빌레' 주인공 차유진(주원 분)은 어린 시절 불의의 사고로 비행기를 타지 못한다는 설정과 어릴 적부터 천재적인 실력을 가진 음악가로 그려질 예정인 만큼 최권수는 종종 등장할 차유진의 회상 장면에 나올 것으로 보인다.

한편 '내일도 칸타빌레'는 일본 인기 드라마 '노다메 칸타빌레'를 원작으로 한 작품이다. 음악 대학을 중심으로 젊은이들의 꿈과 사랑을 그릴 예정이다. 주원을 비롯해 심은경 백윤식 도희 고경표 박보검 등이 캐스팅됐다.

KBS 2TV 월화드라마 '연애의 발견' 후속으로 오는 10월 방송될 예정이다.

<저작권자 © ‘리얼타임 연예속보,스타의 모든 것’ 스타뉴스, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

Credit: Joo Won Fan Bar via. Starnews Korea


I wasn't sure if this article was posted or not.
Honestly, I have no idea what this article is about because it doesn't make sense with Google translate.
I think... it might be about confirming the child actor who will play Cha Yoo Jin when he's younger.

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Weeeeeeee!!! Joo Won overloaaaaaad!! ^^

First off, so hot! I know they're just reading script but I can soooo feel the emotiom from Cutie's eyes! ^^ kyaaah sooo excited for TC!!! ^^

Second, somebody please screencap that Fashion King trailer!!! He looks so cute and hot there! I. Can't. Even.

Lastly, how I wish I could come to Cutie's FM in Korea! Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!

Thanks for all the updates everyone! ^^

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“Tomorrow Cantabile” Holds First Script Reading, Joo Won and Shim Eun Kyung Show Promising Performances

Upcoming remake of the popular Japanese drama “Nodame Cantabile,” now officially titled “Tomorrow Cantabile,” held its first script reading.

The first script reading for the upcoming KBS drama was held on August 23. The photos from the script reading were just released, heightening the hype for the remake.

The main cast members, including Joo Won, Shim Eun Kyung, Go Kyung Pyo, and Park Bo Gum, were all present at the reading.

The young cast members Joo Won, Shim Eun Kyung, and Go Kyung Pyo all came fully prepared with extensive studies on their respective characters, impressing the staff present at the script reading. They also added a personal touch to the already well-loved characters, which could be seen through their reading at the first meeting.

Joo Won, who will play the main lead role in the drama, has been said to have had extensive lessons on piano, violin, and conducting for four months prior to the reading.

“Tomorrow Cantabile” will start airing in October


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Woo...busy busy day here today!  I've been cautiously optimistic about Fashion King, so I'm glad to see that it looks just as weird and wacky as I had hoped.  And script reading pics too!  I am totally anticipating the whiplash we're all going to get come November when both Woo Mi Kyung and Cha Yoo Jin will be on the scene.  In a good way, I mean.  :D

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LOL WHAT'S THIS POSE =)) =)) =))


Lols, Now I want to see the other wacky poses they have in webtoon... pity, the scenes I want might be removed, hunnnn.

But... so cute!!! This is what I like with Cutie, he always keep me delighted on how he portray his characters. It always make me exclaim.. 'Who are you? Where's my Cutie? Eh... I like you!!!! kyaaaa!!!!'

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