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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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Another clip from 7LCS shown in Philippines

cr Net25

I am really glad Joo Won's dubbed PH voice is good. Now I can breath. I keep on worrying that they will not do justice in his real voice. Now, Good Doctor is the next one that I will wait and see, hope they will have a good voice actor doing Shi On's voice too. *fingers cross*
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farbarri said: sorry to cut your post. :) you said some relevant things here. i agree with you. i dislike it when Joowon 'tries' to do aegyo. i cringe every time someone asked him to do it. he is not the type who does aegyo when asked like those idols who winks (omg....) or does 'buing buing~' thingy. Joowon is naturally cute and adorable when he is being himself. when he pouts due to lack of food, his 'feminine' hand gestures, his gentle manners, the way he waves, the way he speaks, when he hugs his hyungs, etc. the list goes on. he just cannot do 'cute' forcefully because he is a naturally adorable little puppy~
when he cries, i dont feel embarrassed or non-seductive. i felt protective of him. :) he said he doesnt cry easily. he cries easily when asked in 1N2D and when he's in character, but actually, out of drama/movie projects, he doesnt cry easily. apart from the crying games in 1N2D, i think he has only cried 3 times: when 1N2D visited the small island (KSW cried too), KSW left the show, and when he left the show. he also cried during Japan fanmeeting in January, due to reasons unknown. :) i guess tiredness and emotion somehow mix together, so he got extra emotional and cried.

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rionae said: Screencaps from Baker King this time :D

Waaaa lying beside Cutie with such a close proximity

I'd faint in those arms

Why does it remind me of Ghost's curtain call~ (The LYING DOWN VERSION) kekekeke

And again this reminds me of Ghost too~ Omo that jawline.........

Kyaaa it keeps getting hotter :))

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Morning, Cuties! Give me a hug~

I love it that we get bored last night due to lack of updates, and @goldlotus made that dancing gif and off we go. LOL! :)) :)) :)) i love it that we talk about Joowon's talent or discuss serious things in here, some repeatedly. But with new people we have new opinions and experience.

Aaahhh.... Joowon's dancing skills.... Only one hip shake throughout Gangnam Style song? Other performers think this song is he best for fanservice, but Joowon takes it a level higher. By shaking hips ONCE only, he left us craving for more.

I notice Joowon is like that. He doesnt do what other male idols or actors often does, so we are left wanting for more, and not get bored of seeing so many of those eye-candy or fanservice. Like showing upper body, singing, dancing, etc. Yes, he does a bit of demonstration in interviews, but they're really short. So we want more.. ;)) ;)) ;))

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Hihi a while ago was a talk about kisses wondering if he would be able to properly kiss in later dramas after Baker king :D I don't think that is entirely his problem :D in Bridal mask BTS he kissed properly then idiot director told him not to move his lips!!! Director~~~ even if he moved his lips it didn't look bad it looked GREAT and I kept replaying it and it's sad it isn't in the drama hehe Just thought I should point out hihi Let him kiss and he'll do it just fine! XDDDD Sorry didn't learn yet how to put videos in posts so link should do ^///^ 3 and half minutes is what I tried to point out XDDD

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AndrejaH said: Hihi a while ago was a talk about kisses wondering if he would be able to properly kiss in later dramas after Baker king :D I don't think that is entirely his problem :D in Bridal mask BTS he kissed properly then idiot director told him not to move his lips!!! Director~~~ even if he moved his lips it didn't look bad it looked GREAT and I kept replaying it and it's sad it isn't in the drama hehe Just thought I should point out hihi Let him kiss and he'll do it just fine! XDDDD Sorry didn't learn yet how to put videos in posts so link should do ^///^ 3 and half minutes is what I tried to point out XDDD

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mrdimples said: AndrejaH said: Hihi a while ago was a talk about kisses wondering if he would be able to properly kiss in later dramas after Baker king :D I don't think that is entirely his problem :D in Bridal mask BTS he kissed properly then idiot director told him not to move his lips!!! Director~~~ even if he moved his lips it didn't look bad it looked GREAT and I kept replaying it and it's sad it isn't in the drama hehe Just thought I should point out hihi Let him kiss and he'll do it just fine! XDDDD Sorry didn't learn yet how to put videos in posts so link should do ^///^ 3 and half minutes is what I tried to point out XDDD

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