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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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Thank you @simplydramafied1082 for your timely post. 

When I read the news this morning, my first reaction was - "Darn! This enlistment thing is really happening, isn't it?" Of course, I am aware that he's going to enlist this year but nonetheless, reminders aren't necessarily welcome. Then came the knetz comments. These days whenever I see the word netizen or knetz, I mentally trash 99.9% of what I read. Yes, I read as one would when you peek at a tabloid's racy headlines which the person next to you on your daily commute is holding.  If I were to believe knetz = South Korean citizens, I'm afraid I would have a terrible impression of the people and I think it would be an unfair and inaccurate representation. Of course, there will be real S.Koreans who do not take kindly to such things but unless they have served in some 'notoriously tough' unit like the Marines or have a brother, oppa, or son who is serving as one, talk is cheap.

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16 hours ago, mrdimples said:


I didn't want to add fuel to the fire but I think I should say something because I had a part to play in starting the fire albeit unintentionally. 

When I saw @Ma OO posts, I had thought she was referring to me or at least it included me. I made my point, she made hers and I'd just let sleeping dogs lie. Having read your rebuttals, I think I will share my opinion on some of the things brought up. 

There's no soompi rule governing this or anything close in this forum. When @coolreborn was not catnapping on this thread, she strongly discourage discussion on any other actors than Joo Won on this thread. This meant you can neither praise or criticize another actor. Of course we flout it every now and then but I see merit in that approach. Criticizing another actor can easily spiral into vitriol at best and fan wars at worst. Praising or fangirling over another actor in this thread is just annoying or inconsiderate of others who don't share the same adoration. Since this is a JW thread, the acceptable is just focus on Joo Won. As I have mentioned, this is easier said than done because all of us do watch other actors and dramas. 


@mrdimples..... haha ... we always have these " What the .......... !!! "  moments. Thank you for weighing in on the situation and giving a balanced view. Pretty cool I must say. Hokayyy ...... the dog can play dead now.

16 hours ago, mrdimples said:

I have never been on the bandwagon of any highly rated dramas like TMTETS or hallyu ones like Heirs or YCFAS. Dots confirmed that I am in the minority. So, I do get your drift. However, I also think the audience get what they want. If a drama is successful, more writers, PD, production, stations, actors will emulate it. To you, Mac and Cheese is junk food but if it's loved by the majority, I am sure there will be plenty of places serving it. Look at it from the business point of view, KES will be the most sought after writer and SJK the most sought after actor, not to mention the monetary part of it. Show business is at the end of the day, just another business. It will go where the money is. So where does that leaves us(maybe just you and me, LOL)? Hope that some writer will be crazy enough to buck popular trend or tested formulas to give us creative work. Hope that some PD and/or writer will have integrity in their work to stick it to the higher ups and find success like in Signal. Hope that some actor will doggedly keep to his path of being a actor whether he's successful or not. Hope that we will still get the dramas to enjoy even if they aren't popular or mainstream. 

Good points raised. I feel like I'm flogging a dead horse. The business side of the industry is always prevalent. Will the producers now step up their game and make dramas pre-produced with bottomless cash backing. Hokayyy...... horse is dead , stop flogging. 

16 hours ago, mrdimples said:

-edit- forgot to add

Don't let me mislead you into expressing out loud your opinions about just anything. I am the type who seldom bothers about what others think especially what other fans think when I reached my trigger point. 


Haha ..... call me recalcitrant but I enjoyed the repartee with you over the "SARCASM ". You banter better than me, I missed your cue about the throw in a song ( gasp i just realised it's a pun , should be 2 songs too..hehe ) a placard and cliff hangers. And I don't do maniacal laugh well.

LOL .......... If anything thanks for your wordplay and wit.

Chow !!!

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Just wondering if JW's decision to apply to serve his MS with the police department has been partly becoz of his good friend PKW who recently completed his stint with the police. Perhaps his hyung has shared his experiences in serving the community has inspired him. Being one who does Human Resources work, I think I can understand why the male artistes are usually being deployed to the promotional units in the military or police department for their military service in SK. It is to best utilise their skills and "star" status/qualities at minimal costs during the 2 years they serve their compulsory obligation to their country.

Also, I don't see how their services with the promotional unit is of a lesser contribution to their country. There is no doubt those who serve in the combat/tactical or whatever units in the frontline do have very critical/crucial roles to play and their contributions are obvious, especially in times of crisis. However, the supporting units like those in-charge of logistics, food preparation, medical services, promotional work etc... are equally important too, regardless during times of war or normal days like the present. As mentioned in the Soompi article I posted above "this Seoul police promotion division, among other duties, holds concerts and musicals for the elderly and disabled and for events related to crime and accident preventions." I think... JW may have felt that he can and wants to contribute to the community in the best way his abilities allow... to raise awareness in the public for the under-priviledged groups or areas of concern to the communities. To me, this is a very meaningful cause.

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Another article on the Sim news...

Entertainment Company Housing Joo Won and Lee Dong Hwi Signs Investment Contract With China’s Huayi

JiwonYu March 16, 2016


Talent management company Sim Entertainment, housing actors like Joo Won, Kim Yoon Suk, , has signed an investment contract with Asia’s biggest entertainment company, Huayi Brothers Media Corp.

On March 16, affiliates of Sim Entertainment stated, “Sim Entertainment has signed the investment contract on March 15.” Now, the largest shareholder of Sim Entertainment will be China’s Huayi Brothers, holding a 26 percent stake.

Huayi Brothers is a media corporation dominating drama and film production, celebrity management, music production, game agencies, and more. It is China’s number one entertainment company, mainly known for its film production and entertainment management.

Sim Entertainment also signed with EMC Fund, controlled by America’s biggest agent group CAA. With this, Sim Entertainment has been incorporated with the hottest overseas companies in the entertainment industry.

According to the Financial Supervisory Service, Sim Entertainment’s CEO also signed a stock acquisition contract with Huayi & Joy Entertainment Limited, plus four other people, earning him a total of 12 billion won (approximately $10,200,000).

In addition to managing actors,  Sim Entertainment has in the last year begun to act as a producer of TV, film, and music content.

Source: orig / soompi


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Joo Won to enlist in Seoul police promotional unit

Updated : March 16 2016



Actor Joo Won will enlist with the Seoul police promotional unit as an alternative to military service, according to local news reports.

Joo Won’s agency, Sim Entertainment, confirmed has he will serve with the unit, though his work with the police will not start right away. 

“The enlistment will not be made immediately. He will schedule the date after his next role is decided,” the agency added.

The squad works to promote Seoul’s police force through performances and concerts for teenagers and unprivileged people in society.

Many celebrities have enlisted as auxiliary policemen as an alternative to active duty military service, partly as the job provides chances to make good use of their talents.

Actor Cho Seung-woo, Ryu Soo-young, and Lee Je-hoon has previously served in the squad, with young musicians including Donghae and Changmin currently enlisted.

By Kim Ji-young (christinekim@heraldcorp.com)

Source: http://m.kpopherald.com/view.php?ud=201603161444501152174_2

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Hwang Jung-eum courted back to dramaland for Lucky Romance

by javabeans | March 17, 2016 | No Comments


This wouldn’t be giving her much of a honeymoon, but Hwang Jung-eum always seemed like the kind of actress who couldn’t stay away from acting for too long: She’s currently in consideration to star in an upcoming MBC drama that has me excited, a webtoon adaptation called Lucky Romance. (Perhaps it would be more accurate to say luck-centric or luck-obsessed, since the heroine is incredibly superstitious and arranges her whole life around what’s lucky.)

....continue reading here 


and then javabeans had to end her post with this: 

Now, for the penny-pinching tiger-man lead… Who’s free these days? Kim Soo-hyun? Seo In-gook? No, I think it really has to be Joo-won. He still has a few months before he’s drafted, right?


while I am not really for rom com, I had a weird feeling the other day about him taking some massive melo. In any case, I am sure I'll see a few brickbats about him not being good for comedy. But I really don't care. 

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I am always amazed at how mean some folks can be when speaking of another person and their choices. Even without knowing how or why that choice was made they are negative. As to the special police unit, the country created the unit to serve a need, others (not just celebrities) have served in this capacity and did so honorably. Joo Won does not need to have some "hidden" health issue to make this choice honorable.

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Dramabeans news bites excerpt:

Waaaah, another 1987-er prepares to enlist: Joo-won passed a selective exam and has qualified to perform his military service at a special promotions unit of the Seoul police (others who served in the same unit: Jo Seung-woo, Ryu Soo-young, Lee Je-hoon). A source for the actor said he plans on selecting a final domestic movie or drama to film before entering basic training. [Sports Chosun]

credit: dramabeans


I know I've said nothing on the enlistment front yet (I also know no one is waiting for me to say anything, haha).  It somehow still surprises me how nitpicky people can be.  He's serving, no excuses, no dodging, so what's the issue?  First, to get into any of the police units, it takes passing an exam, which I understand is difficult.  Not everyone passes.  Second, I'm not sure how much say they even have as to opting in to the promotional unit.  They can opt out (I can think of examples of that), but I'm not sure if they choose to try out specifically for the PR unit, or they are assigned there.  Third, I cannot believe how many k-netizens seem to believe that serving in this particular unit is not active duty.  This is not the (abolished) celebrity unit and is also not an exemption in any way.  As far as I can tell (and I am by no means an expert), all conscripted police undergo the same training.  They all get the general basic training (same as army), then do specialized police training.  This is not community service or desk duty, at least by training.  Day-to-day duties will be different for the PR unit compared to regular conscripted police, but this is all active duty in my mind.  So there's not even a question of him having some health issue, since he would not be qualified to serve in this capacity if that were the case (if he was exempt, he would not have to do basic training, and he most certainly will have to do basic training).  Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.  :)

Anyway, another 2 years of updates from SMPA!  Woo!  Haha.  Thought I was done with that, but I guess not.

Also, didn't realize his Ojakgyo hyung was in this unit. :)

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1 hour ago, ecs707a said:

I also know no one is waiting for me to say anything, haha

I was waiting for you to come out from the Monster's belly ;)

I agree with everything you said but I don't take the k-netizens seriously. While the topic of actors/celebrities' MS enlistment has always been a sensitive issue in S. Korea, I think the whole thing has been played up by some sources of media and the usual online flamers.

Do we actually think that people will care more about an actor if he is to serve or had served in something 'admirable' like the Marines unit? I have seen nothing that supports this. Except for cases where an actor dodges MS, I don't see why much ado must be made  about his MS choice(if there even is!). 


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A change of topics... Let's talk about food... whats that big bowl of white stuff that looks like dou hua 豆花 (soy beancurd)? In Singapore, dou hua is a sweet dessert. So I wonder how JW's lunch taste like? Is he going to pour that saucer of soy sauce (?) into the bowl or that is vinegar to accompany the gyoza dumplings? :P:D


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Hwang Jung Eum Confirmed to Star in “Lucky Romance”

LINE it!
Hwang Jung Eum Confirmed to Star in “Lucky Romance”

Actress Hwang Jung Eum will be starring in MBC‘s new Wednesday-Thursday drama “Lucky Romance.”

According to the production company Sim Entertainment on March 22, Hwang Jung Eum has confirmed to play the female lead character Shim Bo Nui.

“Lucky Romance” is based on a webtoon of the same name. It is about a superstitious girl named Shim Bo Nui and a guy majoring in engineering who is crazy about formulas and science. The story unfolds as the two meet and start their romantic yet comical relationship.

This drama is especially anticipated since it will create comical episodes based on various superstitions.

It will start airing in May and begin filming as soon as the male lead is confirmed. “Lucky Romance” is slated to air after “Goodbye Mr. Black” ends its run.

Read here:http://www.soompi.com/2016/03/21/hwang-jung-eum-confirmed-to-star-in-lucky-romance/


You know,I didn't care about it that much when this news come out.Even the casting of Hwang Jung Eum who I like...(kind of).But! I happened to read this news and saw the production company :Sim Entertainment.

They are likely to cast their own actor and it seems like JW is the one right?Unless there is another young "hot" actor in their house.

It is romance comedy and to be honest,It is a genre that I avoid. But with JW on board....I think I will follow him to hell.So let's wait if our guesses are correct...

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I posted the above news..................................

and I saw this.................................Another Chinese drama!? Now what does it take for Joo Won to leave Sim Entertainment? I very much prefer the Rom-com Lucky Romance now over this $h!+

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