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[Variety] Good Sunday - Running Man 런닝맨

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well said @semi-fly. its kinda funny to me when i noticed that some 'haters' pinpoint that person's action as reposting information from other sites when they blatantly ignored another's person posting of rows of photos and animated gifs. those people with poor internet connection would have to go through all the loading before they have find text posts which interest them...

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Guest jjsweeter0211

SBS release the new preview for this week's episode. Some new scenes added

cr to uploader

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Thank you @semi-fly. I dont mind if thst person want to share info in this thread, but please at least make sure the input are different from others. @enrell well my internet connection is also slow, it takes some time for the page to load all the pics, but at least the input is new and it worht waiting. You can postanything, but do you really have to repost what other member has posted before? I come here to seek infos about rm, same like others. And we have very limited source here about rm, only from few members.

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whats old for you may be new for some members. 
i believe other readers do want to have fruitful discussions on RM thread,  discussing abt the eps, latest members news etc but for myself, i will have to go through walls of photos of sceneshots/gifs just to find that particular posts. and lately majority of the content for the past 2 pages are those types of posts.
wouldnt the new readers be turned away by this? 
im not against posting of bandwidth-leeching pictures/gifs but please do it with moderation. 

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Guest delightful

Posting the same pictures as another member only a few hours apart, on the same page is pretty annoying. Taking information from wikipedia and pasting it to their site then posting it here and only crediting their site, that's not cool either. I'm not saying I never forget to credit properly everytime, but I don't forget all the time either. Another thing that annoyed me was that we directed a couple of our posts towards that username, the person never responded to them meaning they weren't really reading the thread or didn't care at all. This is a forum, I think it's common courtesy to at least acknowledge our opinions and respond to our posts. I personally didn't 'flag' this person in this forum, because none of their contents were offensive, but I felt I needed to say something as I did see that other members were getting annoyed. Yes, information about RM is always welcome here, but at least look to see if someone else has posted it yet. If I came with a handful of photos and I see that someone posted them a couple of posts before, I wouldn't post it. That's just common knowledge.

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Guest nicha1980

It's been so long since my last post here... The thread is still on drama mode as always huh... lol

Next upcoming guests are MC Lee Kyung Gyu, Kim In Kwon and Ryoo Hyeon Kyeong from Movie 'The Singing Contest'.
They will be filming on Monday 15 April.


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my only issue is the reposting of the same content, often in the same day with no additional input and no acknowledgment of the source. 
it's done. let's move on. 
something interesting. someone or something came up with a list of celebrities with martial arts background and 2 Runners appeared on the list, KG and KJK. KJK was a by the way but KG, with 8 degrees of black belt and 10 years of amateur boxing experience were talked about. 

anyway, it got so much attention that KG tweeted he is embarrassed about it. people are asking him for a sparring even while he is eating. he said he is not that great. 
i have always been familiar about KG's martial arts background and were waiting for the longest time for a one-on-one between KJK and KG. it finally happened in Best of the Best 3. i am sure KJK have torn off KG's nametag in the past many times but this is the first time they went on a clean one-on-one. 
i was just wondering why the confrontation doesn't happen often enough. i was told that someone in KG's level are essentially tied to their vow to never display their skill in public. nonetheless, it would be great to see some demonstration on RM, don't you think?
Source: Kang Gary Trivia

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I dont want to prolong this argument. Lets live in peace n harmony :) Gentle reminder to other members, try not to repost same input, and credit properly. @klent, i notice gary is very down to earth. I believe his strength is just like jong kook. He suprised us many times. But i prefer gary to maintain his character coz i want to see more suprises from him, especially when he is one on one with jong kook.

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Guest jjsweeter0211

[APR. 14th Rating] RunningMan : Nation 18.1% (1.5 UP) the highest among sametime pros / 1N2D 14.2, Mamma 6.7, Daddy 13.5, Real man 7.8
cr to https://twitter.com/mante7

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Guest poy22

Hi, can anyone here tell me what are the programs that are shown same time with running man? I seem to remember reading that appa odiga is not real competition so it doesn't mean much if it's ratings are continuing to go up. Is that true? Thank you.

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appa is a new variety hit show from MBC. all over people are beginning to watch that show and in facebook, there are already fan pages for the kids. they have become big that even when a family went overseas for holiday, a tv crew followed them.
from the ratings above, you can see it appa would be challenging them for the top spot
/quote/Korean Gallop poll held on March 25th to the 28th asked TV watchers, “What is the television show that you are enjoying the most right now?” There were 1,218 respondents who were all over the age of 19. The results, released on April 2nd, showed that ‘Infinity Challenge’ took the #1 spot with 11.7% of the votes.

The same poll was held this past February, and back then ‘Infinity Challenge’ took 2nd place, but in a month’s time, it rose to the top, showing that people are enjoying the 7-member cast and their weekly antics. When broken down into age groups, the show is particularly popular with the younger audience, 34% of males and 46% of females in their 20s and 44% of those in college chose ‘Infinity Challenge’ as their favorite.

The 2nd place position went to the new MBC variety program ‘Dad! Where are We Going?‘, which received 7.3% of votes.  Following behind was SBS’ drama ‘Queen of Ambition‘ with 7.0%, SBS’ variety show ‘Running Man‘ with 6.9%, and MBC’s ‘The Horse Doctor‘ with 6.1% of votes./unquote/

- cr allkpop

hopefully RM maintained the lead in sunday ratings. the show has become bigger as to when it just started. i remember YJS and the team trying hard to make it enjoyable and make it even better than FO since its running on a new concept.

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I don't know if this is the right place to ask this... but in today's episode of Running man there was a song that was playing in the background....
Does anyone know which song was being played in the background when after kwangso had his moment with the giraffe? LOL
it starts around 41:21 seconds into the show. sounds like Bizzy?  

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Guest poy22

@enrell,Does that mean they are competing directly with runningman's timeslot? I like the kids in kappa but I like running man more so I'm hoping that the running man could maintain its position in the ratings. 
Anyway, the giraffe kiss is seriously hilarious in ep 141. But I remember the female guest from episode 3-4 I think. And as expected she is not that competitive. 

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