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[Variety] Good Sunday - Running Man 런닝맨

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Guest longleggedmozzies


just wanna say i enjoy the show and i do agreed with famiamia that is after all a act to entertain viewers.

If you all were to watch the SBS entertainment award show, you can see the great rapport among the cast members. They are all wonderfully supportive of each others. Kwang soo was by no means being bullied or ostracized, everyone seem supportive of him and the interaction among the cast was great in real life. Even certain scenes in running man, they all goof around with kwang soo when the camera is not focused entirely on them..

so just enjoy the show and have a great laugh watching every characters...

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Guest jenniferbena

i agree with most of you blush.gif i bet kwang soo is very happy about being bullied in this variety show, because all members help him build his 'character' by bullying him, and this 'character' thing is exactly what lizzy is still struggling to get to make her more outstanding or at least 'visible' in the show. phew.gif

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Guest babymichiie

annyeong to all runner ! :)

it's nice to meet all of you !

woots, at last i found the Running Man thread. Running Man has got to be the best variety show ever. haha, i love joongki the most in RM. but the other casts are also awesome. Running Man casts are all great people.. they really entertain the viewers a lot..

i love the games, the couples, the hide and seek.. the cheats.. haha, it's a very unique kind of variety show.. i love it a lot !

Running Man hwaiting ! :D

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Guest eRegret

Agree with the 'character' role for lizzy, she's gonna have some tough time filming RM.

Upcoming months with After School japan promo and OC activities, it will be very tired.

I find it 'empty' without her for this few episodes.

Lizzy Fighting!!

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Definitely agree with what has been said regarding the Kwang Soo issue. It's funny that the people who seem to be sticking up for him regarding his apparent bullying, don't say anything about his slanderous character which is mostly aimed at Ji Hyo (and could be taken as very insulting by some people). But of course that's because Ji Hyo laughs it off and it gives her some attention as well. Not to mention that he doesn't really mean those things in that sense. It's just a facet of his character that he has brought to light and which has given him more screen time as well as generating some ridiculous rumours and laughs. Heck, I'm pretty sure he mentioned it at the SBS entertainment award show too. When he was giving thanks I thought I heard him say something like "...to the drink-loving Ji Hyo noona", although I must admit I'm not very good with the korean language so I could be mistaken.

You can see how his character has changed since the start. At first he was the awkward guy that couldn't get a word in, and to some extent he still has those moments, but now people often take notice of the stuff he says because of this whole Framer Kwang Soo character that he started coming out with around episode 11-12. Of course this also leads to some brilliant situations like the one in episode 17 where he gets some scandalous stuff said about him by one of those students, and you have people like Ji Hyo going "YAY! Finally some juicy gossip". It's these kind of situations that can occur organically from their characters that I love. Also see Kwang Soo trying to get in with Jong Kook, and the difference in reactions between how the cast act towards Joong Ki and how they are towards Kwang Soo. See also how Ji Hyo has evolved from the sort of straight up cute girl, to the meaner almost gangster-like character she currently has.

Re: the cheating thing. I think in most cases it has to be done. The chasing team usually have it quite easy, as they are usually the ones that win the running game. Some of the missions that you have to do as the running team seem very difficult to accomplish. And that's why, I guess, you see people like Jong Kook letting others go. Personally, I love the bits with Ji Hyo begging for another chance with Jong Kook where seconds before she had threatened Kwang Soo with violence if he came near her. Then again I'm a self confessed Ji Hyo fanboy in this show.

I would say that just like in dramas where you have certain character archetypes, you get those in variety shows as well, and these are similar things. It's not necessarily how the person themselves would act but it's something they play up to in order to make things more interesting for the viewers. Now it may not work for everybody, as the old saying goes: "you can't please everyone", but it's best not to take everything so seriously. The aim is after all to make people laugh and to entertain them, take their mind off other more serious matters in real life.

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i actually MISS lizzy o_o she does bring some kind of refreshing new feel to the show. i think its her way of speaking XD she's brutally honest and her accent is just so cute. plus her voice tone is totally different from jihyo's. LOL i hope she comes back soon~

i'm actually liking the new line up of the games. having to go find the guests is a clever idea. at the same time, i do feel a bit weird when the last segment is not the hide/chase game. :( i actually wish they could do more running. go find the guests in the beginning and then chase them at the end. hahaha

i really miss the beginning episodes especially the episode with chunhee & hara. : ) that episode is probably my favorite even now. so much fun~ <3

i also miss yonghwa! hahaha him & jaedong are practically family. they've appeared many times~

anyways i think tomorrow's episode is gonna be AMAZING! <3 kim byungman is my favorite comedian/action actor. LOL

can't wait ^_^ and i'm also glad the ratings are steady/ going up. i would hate to see this show come to an end cause of its ratings...

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Guest sunny_dance

^ all their coordis must've been on the same page that day because they're all color coordinated. LOL!

can't wait for the new ep tonight, i had XMAN flashbacks watching the preview. xD

and please, don't take the show too seriously, guys. they're entertainers, it's what they do... ENTERTAIN! =]


Gary talks about his love line with Song Ji Hyo in “Running Man”


“Running Man” has been focusing on the love line between Gary and Song Ji Hyo lately, which all started when Gary himslf began showing interest in her.

The actress is currently the most sought-after person in the show, with Song Joong Ki and even Haha working to gain her interest. Regarding his competition, Gary stated, “Song Ji Hyo-ssi looked like she was hesitant in the cruise episode, but she eventually chose me. I’m going to be protecting the Gary-Song Ji Hyo couple to the best of my ability.”

He also gave a shoutout to fans of the love line by asking, “I’ll be showing more sides to us as a couple, so please watch over us cutely!”

Song Ji Hyo herself commented, “I love the overall atmosphere of the ‘Running Man’ team. I like to think of it as their consideration for me as a female member.”

PD Im Hyung Taek was also asked about the various love lines going on in the show, to which he answered, “We don’t plan out any of the love lines. Gary is quite the witty character, and Song Ji Hyo gets along fine with the other male castmates so everything just happens naturally, which we catch on camera. We don’t even call the Gary and Song Ji Hyo couple a love line; instead, we focus on letting them have fun… We won’t be planning any love lines in the future as well.”

Meanwhile, the show’s been experiencing a rise in viewer ratings over the past three weeks, with its January 23rd episode recording at 14.5%. Because of the great results, the team’s been enjoying a revitalized energy running through the set.

PD Jo Hyo Jin explained, “The members all get along so well, and meet with each other even outside of filming days. Laughter is un-ending on set, and we feel that the positive energy is reflected on our show. The cast leads the show well on their own, without us needing to give them any extra directions.”

Source: AKP, Newsen via Nate

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Guest myselfonline

^ all their coordis must've been on the same page that day because they're all color coordinated. LOL!

can't wait for the new ep tonight, i had XMAN flashbacks watching the preview. xD

and please, don't take the show too seriously, guys. they're entertainers, it's what they do... ENTERTAIN! =]

I don't really know when that episode is set to air (2/6 or 2/13?), but maybe it's a Valentine's Day theme.

edit: wrong date

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Guest borakim

Hey guys, I'm just a random soompier who is an extreme fan of RM. I just recently discovered this forum so I thought I'd share some of my insights on this show. BUTTT! My comments of this show may show some controversy so I'll put some of it in spoiler font I guess. (Don't read it if you don't want to)

First off I totally love this show and it truly never fails to make me laugh. The beginning episodes were kinda iffy but as the episodes proceeded it really began to pick up and be REALLY FUNNY. (at points, I was dying from laughter.) I believe that the addition of Song Ji Hyo was the best thing the PDs had done for the show. I know that the show would not have done so well if it were for her. (I'm a total fan of her because of RM)

However, I am iffy about Lizzy. I mean sure, she's a pop idol from Busan with her accent and all...but she really doesn't add anything for the show for me really. I feel like she's there just for exposure. I don't know...maybe it's just because she's a idol and all but to me she really doesn't fit well for the show. She didn't do much developement for it like Song Ji Hyo and it seems to be the PDs just added her for the "idol-status".

KJK, Haha, and Gary.

They're completely brilliant, hilarious, and make the perfect trio.

HaHa always makes me whenever he's just being himself. He's so genuine, blunt, hilarious, and silly. Whenever he reenactment of countless movies and he acts them out in a way where it's completely funny (because he's so into it). You know that he's a true entertainer because he doesn't shy away from the camera, and in fact, he WANTS the camera to him. I think he's set a strong base as a entertainer and RM has definitely chosen the right cast to set the foreground.

Gary was an no-face rapper from Lessang and had hardly ever had a hit on the big screen. RM was brilliant in casting this no-man into a show where he truly developed himself, and his variety skills. (This is one of the main reasons why I love RM) because they don't put big-name actor/actresses and idols. Because of this show, Gary has a big fan-base even though he's not considered one of the handsome celebrities. People like him for his hilarious personality, not for his looks. Heck, nowadays I think Gary is so handsome. Not to mention his hilarious "Monday couple" but more on that later.

Kim Jong Kook has TRULY reinvented himself through variety shows. I mean, if you guys were like me back in the days where X-Man was a friggin hugeeeeeee hit, that KJK is COMPLETELY different from now KJK. His completely changed, and his image is totally different. I never watched Family Outing so I wouldn't know where his change started from but I have to say, props to him! His character is hilarious (and scary) but it all fits all so right into RM. His sparta character is BRILLIANT (I LOL everytime) and the show really wouldn't be the same without him. I love his open-personality and I'm always willing to see him. (Plus he's SO HANDSOME OMFGAHHHHHHHHH)

Yoo Jae Suk & Ji Suk

No doubt the nation's MC makes the show LIVE. Yoo Jae Suk is my all-time favorite MC (sorry Kang Ho Dong fans) and I cannot comprehend how he is ALWAYS funny! After all these years into the entertainment industry and yet he's still the same, and STILL FUNNY. He never fails to make a show a hit!

Ji Suk ahjussi is a solid evidence for the older-generation base of RM. I believe it was brilliant for them to have older and also younger generations mingle and the result is FUNNY. He's quite a talker but there's not too much harm there and his longtime friendship with MC Yoo just adds to the genuineness of the show.

Kwang Soo & Song Joong Ki

It wasn't until I read some of the comments of this forum did I realize that many people miscomprehended his sense of humor. To me personally, I LOVE his comments and rumor spreading jokes. It adds to the hilarity of the show! (RM, I often wonder how you managed to get these people in your cast, but you did the right thing in casting the unknown Kwang Soo.) I think it's completely his job to bring up the "scandals" and rumors. Afterall, he never means it and he's totally respectful to all his cast members. Look closely and see how much respect he has for all of them! He's always offering the members everything, he takes care of them before himself. He's so kind and respectful I'm speechless. Plus his "awkward" character is just too damn funny. Remember, his blunt rumors are all for laughs. Nobody takes them seriously. Plus, we get to see a hint of the cast members through his "rumors".

Song Joong Ki. Absolutely handsome and SMART. Who would've known he was good at variety? I mean, I admit that sometimes he's awkward but his character is fitting into the cast! We get to see a side of an actor where not many people get to know. Because this show, I'm a complete fan. He's down-to-earth and kind. He isn't cocky about his good looks and he puts in alot of effort into this show. He's an excellent cast member.

Song Ji Hyo

As I mentioned above, the casting of her is one of the best things RM had added. She's so...MONG. (멍~) Hahaha. Her role in this show had added so much and the show really couldn't be as good without her. She's almost always the last in the mission team to get caught and she down-to-earth personality is just awesome and great. I love that she's never overly dressed like the other beautiful female celebrities and she never ever puts on too much makeup. I mean, fer god sakes she's almost always fresh-faced! When she laughs, it's so genuine and pretty and her occasional staring-off look is cute. Her effort put into the show definitely shows and her blunt sayings are so funny. I don't know how she would have anti-fans (if she had any). She also reinvented herself through this show and I know that if it weren't for RM I still would have no idea who she was. GREAT addition to RM. Props to the PDs.

Monday Couple

As you all know the Monday Couple is a cute highlight to RM. Gary, the hilarious average guy fallen oh-so-deep in love with the beautiful natural Song Ji Hyo is a funny light in the mist of the heart-stopping chases. I think that it's so funny whenever Gary lets her go or when she's trying to block him and he just melts into her hugs. xDDDDD Sooooooo cute. BUT there is a little more groundwork behind this couple. In other words, Song Joong Ki.

If you guys haven't noticed, it seems as though SJK is interested in the whole Monday couple theme. I mean, me personally, I love the Monday Couple...but I LOVELOVELOVEEEEEEELOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEE it whenever SJK tries to butt in. xD I think it's also great that Ji Hyo actually chose Gary over pretty boy (this proves her down-to-earth style, I LOVE HER), but the fact that SJK still tries is SOOOOOOO CUTE. Every time he mentions/does stuff with her, I squeal like a little girl and then laugh at Gary's jealous face. I think it's an adorable love triangle and I hope it continues! I cannot tell you how OBSESSED I am about the possibly-imaginary of interest I think SJK has in Ji Hyo...but the fact that she's rejecting him makes me root for him EVEN MOARR. GOGOGO! It's hilarious that I try to root for both pairs.

Overall, I think this is a great show for children, teens, adults alike and definitely a family show. Everyone gets a laugh through this show and it's fun for everyone! RM has truly impressed me in many ways but most importantly, the casting. I don't know how they did it, but it's perfect in every aspect and I really appreciate the fact that they reached out to not so well-known celebrities like Song Ji Hyo, Kwang Soo, and Gary. They're like family and I really envy/enjoy how well they get along together. The cast is such a solid foundation, I wouldn't give a damn if they didn't have guest. In fact, I watch it for the cast more than the guest. But also a comment on the guest is that the PDs don't always get idols or famous celebrities and they truly expand in their guest list. I really enjoy that. And the fact that they go to many different areas also expose Korea to the full extent. :)

-sorry for the long post. I just enjoy this show too much.

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Guest nicha1980

next week ep.doesn't has guest and there will be road racing? looks so good !!! :w00t:

Torrent for this week...


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@ borakim :

I agree 100% with your opinion about Lizzy, I think other than being an idol, she's not giving that big impact to RM.

Not like Song Ji Hyo. Maybe she hasn't really fit in, coz she's a newbie.

My favorites in RM are :

- YJS (as always he's my fav MC so funny & entertaining)

- KJK (the witty, funny, great commander)

- Haha & Gary - perfect combi for KJK

I love all about RM, the chase, the games and even the cheats...

I just think that the punishment need to improve a little bit, a little harder maybe...

Anyway two thumbs up for RM !!!

RM jjang!

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Guest rockmelon123

next week ep.doesn't has guest and there will be road racing? looks so good !!! :w00t:

Torrent for this week...


thanks for the link~!

oooo road racing~~? exciting!!

how was kim byung man?

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its really hard for lizzy to excel since the other members are veteran and really good at taking screentime and know how to be funny...

well,its the disadvantage of having way too many members.. 9 of them not including guest... but the numbers is necessary for the games..

i've since to learn and accept tat the 2 flower members are just there to make the numbers and increase rating a little using their looks and fanbase..

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Guest sunny_dance

i personally prefer this week ep.than last week.:)


Turbo cut Ep.28


next week preview (Ep.29)...


thanks for the sneak-a-peeks girl! =] is it possible to love them even more after watching this clip?! the Turbo cut may have to be my favorite RM moment ever! i love how automatic Turbo dances have become to HaHa. he's hilarious LOL! more importantly, i love the chemistry going on here. they're all having fun without a care in the world! no offense to KJK but SJH totally stole the spotlight with her adorkable choreography. =P

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Today's episode was pretty good! It seems like Joongki is expanding from his flower-boy image and taking the comedic route of being overly confident in the games (and hilariously failing).

I also enjoyed the segment where they just sang Kim Jong Gook's Turbo songs for the heck of it. I think Jae Suk sort of just suggested it and for a moment, I kind of forgot that it was a game show because it seemed like they were just having fun like any group of friends would.

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Two episodes without LIzzy...

I'm feeling so sad for her.. where is she

even tho many people say that she doesn't have an existence in the show

i still miss her laugh

and I agree that she should have been present last week, because she could have helped homin with dancing the GEE


why is it that RM members doesn't feel her existence too? Like they don't even miss her or something?

But I'm sure that she's missing them

BTW, today was okay, I liked when they danced to KIM JONGKOOK'S LOVEABLE AND TURBO-BLACK CAT!!!!

haha, i got carried away because last week they showed the preview of them dancing black cat then when they actually danced loveable first, i got all hyped and type in turbo-black cat in the chat box in another site that i didn't even notice HAHA LOL.

damn damn. that dance was always so cool

and coex! i went there once and it was cool they had a fish in the toilet ROFL. and in the refrigerator~~

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