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少女時代 Girls' Generation / SNSD (소녀시대) Official Thread [Ver.3] GIRLS 6ENERAT10N | HYO 4th Single "Dessert"


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^SNSD is not done for because of Jessica's absence but it was still rude of SM to act like she doesn't exist anymore. She doesn't even get a formal farewell performance with the girls. SM is screwing up royally in 2014. They are disrespectful not only to their customers (i.e. the fans of all their artists) but also to the artists they manage.

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Guest miavmiav

LavelyShai said: Meany-chan said: ^SNSD is not done for because of Jessica's absence but it was still rude of SM to act like she doesn't exist anymore. She doesn't even get a formal farewell performance with the girls. SM is screwing up royally in 2014. They are disrespectful not only to their customers (i.e. the fans of all their artists) but also to the artists they manage.

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Guest miavmiav

@bushiko9 I find it very telling that you are criticizing my opinion so harshly, even being down right rude towards me, but yet you want me to respect your opinion. I don't appreciate that you put words I don't agree with into my mouth, which you clearly have, or that you haven't tried understanding the situation from another side than Jessica's. But that is your own choice and I am not following to that level.
It is clear you haven't read my previous or anybody else's comments on the whole sitauation, where I have been fair towards everybody involved. Hell, everybody has been extremely fair in this thread. I am still of the opinion that this whole situation happened to due many events over many months, meaning everybody's actions, including Jessica's, played a part of the outcome. Is it anybody's fault? No, not really... that is life and people wanting different things, which is alright. But how you react to these things, that is the telling part and I do believe Jessica burned a lot of bridges. That being said, in this case, I chose to see the situation from one side only and that wasn't the side of the fans. Why? Because fans might be customers, but customers don't always decide things. 
As you wrote "Let's just say we are of different OPINIONS", I agree with that. We are of different opinions, so why not leave it at that instead of being disrespectful to each other.

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miavmiav said: LavelyShai said: Meany-chan said: ^SNSD is not done for because of Jessica's absence but it was still rude of SM to act like she doesn't exist anymore. She doesn't even get a formal farewell performance with the girls. SM is screwing up royally in 2014. They are disrespectful not only to their customers (i.e. the fans of all their artists) but also to the artists they manage.

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@bushiko9 ... please be civil... your tone is a little over the top and unnecessary... and you are much too forward toward a poster whose input has been appreciated by the rest of us...

people have come in here and expressed appreciation for the way we have conducted our commentary regarding Jessica leaving... we have managed to comment on this situation without insulting each other... and different opinions have been expressed...

if you have an opinion you can express it without directly confronting anyone... just tell us how you feel...

and then I will let you know if you are a complete fool... (that was a joke)...

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ooops... my comment above was made before I got to page 1655...

I was very late and too redundant...

anyway... @Miavmiav I tend to agree with your assessment of this situation with Jessica...

but really, this is her choice...

but I would like to add one thing... do you think someone who wants to be a chef but has never cooked before should start by owning a restaurant chain???

me neither...

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Guest bushiko9

miavmiav said: I am totally not sure if this is correct, but I feel the people (so not calling them SONEs) attacking the 8 members and overprotecting Jessica instead of seeing the whole picture, are typically younger of age. Like, they aren't generally used to critically view and question the news, seeing a situation from another perspective or used to the 'real world'/business world so to speak. I can't say that it surprises me, because some of these things come with education and age.
The silence, though an explanation would always be nice, is rather honourful departure for Jessica. They aren't saying anything bad about her or her actions, which has happened in other cases with other SM members leaving their groups. It somewhat feels like Jessica never even existed in SNSD, I agree, but... due to circumstances I think it is the best there can be done.

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Guest miavmiav

bushiko9 said: miavmiav said: I am totally not sure if this is correct, but I feel the people (so not calling them SONEs) attacking the 8 members and overprotecting Jessica instead of seeing the whole picture, are typically younger of age. Like, they aren't generally used to critically view and question the news, seeing a situation from another perspective or used to the 'real world'/business world so to speak. I can't say that it surprises me, because some of these things come with education and age.
The silence, though an explanation would always be nice, is rather honourful departure for Jessica. They aren't saying anything bad about her or her actions, which has happened in other cases with other SM members leaving their groups. It somewhat feels like Jessica never even existed in SNSD, I agree, but... due to circumstances I think it is the best there can be done.

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Guest nth2tell

@LavelyShai Regarding Kwon statement, I think it was in respond to the rumour spreading from nowhere a few days ago that the company was in crisis. They had a large debt and looking for funding sources to cover the losses .... etc. I haven't found any news specifically refer to this rumour though. Just some random people discussing on sites.
@bushiko9 I wouldn't say your are immature and neither anyone has said that but I'd rather say you lack critical reading/thinking skill. My conclusion solely bases on your post and has nothing to do with Jessica news. And I'm sorry if my comment might offend you but please at least think about it. I'd suggest you try to empty your mind before start reading previous comments where deductions were evident based combine with some intuitive reasoning. In previous posts, we tried to draw a picture of the whole situation by gathering information from several sources and be fair to everyone involve. Unfortunately, the deduction didn't come in much favour to Jessica but none has said that she's at fault. It's just the way life is. If you do not agree and find inconsistent in reasoning discussed previously, you are welcomed to discuss it here again. But sarcasm will not be appreciated. 

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Guest jammer25

SM knows that Sones are so entrenched in their fandom, that SNSD8 could put out a terrible farewell album/tour and it would still do well. They have long since invested way more resources in TTS compared to group activities.

Regarding B&E and the $40 million - assuming that number is accurate - I highly doubt that Jessica is on the hook for all of that. Most likely, she is responsible for the money she put in from her own savings while Tyler/CCP secured the rest. Also assuming that the business is some kid of partnership or LLC, Jessica wouldn't be personally liable for that full investment anyway.

That said, I have to wonder how much of B&E Jessica really owns. If $40 million is accurate, I don't see how Jessica had that kind of wealth. (And even if she did, investing $20+ million of your own money without having any business knowledge is a bad decision.) I doubt that she is a majority owner of the company, even if she is a founder. (Again, assuming $40 million is correct.) If the amount of investment is less, I can see Jessica owning 51%+ of the company.

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Guest nth2tell

Tbh, 40,000 usd doesn't make sense. B&E has opened branches in many countries. Those locations are very expensive. It's like she opened on the hottest areas of each countries. Not to mention that her PR team is Hill+Knowlton who works with many Fortune 500 companies. Plus, she positions her brand as a luxury items. I meant her sunglasses price is in the same range as Gucci and Prada!? And she even ambitious enough to have more than 1 product line. Looking at her website, I almost think that she's trying to conquer the world. lol However, we don't really have reliable information how much she invested in B&E. If Tylor is a major investor, then most of the business decision will be done by him. Hmmm...I should look for more info.

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Guest jammer25

Ugh...the feels from the Divine MV!

I agree, $40,000 is nothing compared to what is needed for a business like B&E. On the other hand, $40 million seems like a ridiculous extreme. I don't think Tyler himself is an investor, at least not a major one. It's more CCP and the investments they secured, if having a board of directors is any indication. But yeah, by extension on behalf of investors he's basically THE businessperson in charge.

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Guest nth2tell

I don't even understand why people think Taeyeon is such a heartless person. Idk it doesn't make sense to me thinking that a singer who's capable of singing with so much emotion is emotionless in real life. If singing style can tell one personality, I'd say when I hear Taeyeon sings it always make me feel uncomfortable. Taeyeon singing always make me feel like I'm in some kind of cage. Always have to be perfect. Always not too harsh and not too soft. Emotion will never be expressed more than necessary. From her singing, she leaves me an impression that she is always critical to herself. She thinks a lot and feels a lot more than average person but always have to hide it because of expectation from her surrounding.  ..... idk .... am I delusional? 

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