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Guest BigBangGD

Hello Lynn. You're only 13? Wow, you are an amazing girl :D

I'm Kimberly and I have a request please. I see no one's requesting so I'm in perfect timing. Big Bang, I love GD as you can see. DBSK....hmmm. I'm going to have to say Yunho. I have a thing for leaders I guess lol. I'm sorry, I have alot of characters. If you can't do all of them. Tell me and I'll reduce the amount for you :D

Thank you in advance, I really appreciate it.

I want a smexxy: Character Chart

Title: I slept with Big Bang's leader, that pureness stealer

Author: BigBangGD

Subtitle:(Optional) There is no love, it's nowhere

Pictures of the characters:

Kwon Ji Yong: The pureness stealer

1 2 4 5 6 7 8

Kim Ha Neul: The girl


Big Bang: His Group

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2NE1: The ladies

1 2 3 4 5

Kim Min Hwan: Her oppa

1 2 3 4 5 5

Kim Tae Yeon: His Ex

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Lee Dong Hae: Her Ex

1 2 3

4 5 6 7

Lee Min Jung: Bestfriend 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Park Han Byul: Best Friend 2

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9

Mood: Happy would be fine.

Any other info: (Specific color? Borders?): I don't mind anything and for the main girl. Ha Neul, she's just a stock so if you can't use my pictures feel free to use yours.

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Haha. No GIF this time either xD Saving it for next time xDD

BigBangGD: Hi Kimberly.. Nice to meet you! Hehe. Its okay. I hope its okay that I didn't add her friends. I didn't have enough room D: so here is your cc:


I felt like i failed this cc terribly ><"

Its too plain and its just blech xP

so if you would like me to remake it, I'll be glad to ^__^

Thanks for requesting <3

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miss_vicky:eh.. I might do it xD

but depends if i have time too O_O ergh.. i still have to finish my math homework D: damn.

OH! Your 21 ? lololol i didn't know that xDD

haha Changmin & YeonHee are in a drama that is going to be released soon ^_^ i can't wait ! xD

lololol yeah. decided to close that one xDD aha. okay.. at least i'm forgiven ^_^ lol

LOL. We laugh at her all the time & she's like.. "aw.. thanks for laughing at me! you think i'm funny." and then we laugh more on how lame that was xDD

she's a math teacher btw xD

lololol. truee that .. maybe i think negative of myself too much ? (MUST THINK POSITIVE!)

hehe thanks !

haha okay. C: oh okay, and ew, homework, reminds me that i still have a lot to do for my class. >.<

i'm not 21 yet, but yeah, it's okay, you didn't know. C:

oh really, changmin and yeonhee in a drama together, what is it called?

yup you're forgiven, and hope this one goes well, i just closed mine too.

haha wow really, she would say that, that's funny, and yeah it is kind of lame, and a math teacher she is... no wonder that class there is no interest. XD

by thinking positively, life seems more easier to go through with. C:

and you're welcome, btw, loving the new results, your skills are getting better!

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Guest BigBangGD

BigBangGD: Hi Kimberly.. Nice to meet you! Hehe. Its okay. I hope its okay that I didn't add her friends. I didn't have enough room D: so here is your cc:

You didn't have to add the friends. :D

The CC still looks amazing though. There's no need to redo it. It's beautiful as it is. I should be the one thanking you lol. Thank you for making me a CC because I'm no good at it haha. :P

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The most famous quote in the whole world that EVERYONE. EVERYONE has to know, "OH MY GOD SUNNN!" -Junsu aka. Cute Duck Butt Dolphin with a cute voice ^___^ I miss him . I miss DBSK . Always keep the faith <3

miss_vicky:yeah. I have to write so many benchmarks D: it sucks butt. haha okay xD The drama is called: Paradise Meadow or Paradise Ranch ^___^ I can't wait. I love Changmin & YeonHee xD LOL wah ! why did you close yours? D: yeah.. she would say that.. Its really weird. we think she has like a mental disorder or something LOL. xD yes.. must think positive. you think my skills are getting better? O_o nahhh. xD

BigBangGD:Thanks ^__^ I'm glad you liked it.. aw. I bet you would be good at it as well if you learned ^__^

stephie<3:DUDEEEEEEEEEEE..... I finished your poster. xD


textures from: deviantart & yunhe@lj stock photos from: soompi stock photo thread

DAMN. I haven't blended in ages D: but.. thanks to your encouragement, I finally got my skills back xDD Thanks Steph ^___^ LOL. hurry up and post this story woman. I'm anxious to read xDD cause its SuYin xDD LOL Hope you like the poster & thanks for requesting (over yahoo xD)

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miss_vicky:yeah. I have to write so many benchmarks D: it sucks butt. haha okay xD The drama is called: Paradise Meadow or Paradise Ranch ^___^ I can't wait. I love Changmin & YeonHee xD LOL wah ! why did you close yours? D: yeah.. she would say that.. Its really weird. we think she has like a mental disorder or something LOL. xD yes.. must think positive. you think my skills are getting better? O_o nahhh. xD

what are benchmarks?

haha interesting title, wonder what's it about, but can't wait to see some Changmin and Yeonhee action. XD

haha i closed it, just because i just wanted to, and i grew bored for some reason, but i'm opening another one, so look out for that one. XD

and and.... omg really, you think so, haha poor teacher of yours... ^^;;

lol, i think you have gotten better, but then again, that's just me, because you really don't see anything if it's your own thing you know?

anyways, that junsu gif, where is that from? i don't know anything about it... i think i must be out of my DBSK mode, ever since the whole lawsuit thing.... TT.TT

anyways, love the suyin poster, it's quite cute, and i love the image with the couple on the rock thingy, nice tough. C:

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Guest stephie<3


i am here to pick up my wonderful oneshot poster that i requested over yahoo messenger(:

told you your blending skills didnt get worse ! they are like A-M-A-Z-I-N-G as usual !

im so jealouss urghh. i still dont know how to blend :\ you and your gergeous posters. better get more request after posting this !

LMAO. anyways good luckk. you should be getting more requests soon(: HWAITING^^

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Guest tvxq_timeless

hey lynn ^^ guess who i am? O.O

okay so i'm here to show some stalking lovin* ㅋㅋㅋ

anyway, i so love the works, stephie was right your works are adorable!

if i have a fic, i will surely request from u! xD

Evelie unnie here btw, if u remember me :P

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Guest MaikoChaan

My hearts beating for a: poster

Title: Buh-Bye, Noona!

Author: maikochaan

Sub-title: Dongho, don't you dare throw that at me!

Mood: happy, comedy xDD

Pictures: uh, wait. xD

Lee Ji-Eun - [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]



Dongho - [x] [x] [x] [x]



[tons in the Dongho thread xDD]

Any other info: any paster color will do xD boarders? your choice? ;D

background or just useless objects xD

cute! another cute thing! im excited to write this! kyah.. xDD brb, looking for pictures! xD btw, Lee JiEun is IU's real name. You can use IU's pictures or any cute stock. any pictures for Dongho as long as her looks kinda b.ad as.s or guilty or just plain cute xDD -thank you!-

oh and, Always Keep The Faith

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Super Junior is the smex now O_O (but DBSK IS SEXIERR!)


OMG! SUPER JUNIOR! KYUHYUN.. you;.... IHirhdfkjdfhrj lnfdv trofhipt gikrtgkr HOT MATH OLYMPIAD! The MV is freaking sexy (: && My Donghae&Kyuhyun are freaking sexyyy(: aha OMONA! I FEEL LIKE I'M BETRAYING DBSK OPPAS FOR SUJU OPPAS D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D : D: NOOOOOOO!!

vicky: aha. Benchmarks are like essays.. but thats what they call it in Oregon so yeah xD Aha. I can't wait too ! ^___^ LOL haha okay. and yeah.. we think that.. its kinda mean but its true at the same time so yeah xD mhm. but i think i actually did improve. i got cs4 now so yeah xDD That cute gif is from AADBSK season 3 : Saipan Vacation. I swear. I miss DBSK loads ! <3 I want them backk ! ><" thank you ^__^ i think its okay. i haven't blended in awhile so yeah xD


Evelie: Hi Evelie unnie ! aw.. thank you ! they're not cute to me though D: tehee; go ahead and stalk.. ^__^ i love stalkerrs (: (that sounded creepy xD)

Maiko: Hey Maiko ! haha.. OMG. I must say this, I love the title XD Its so cuteeee ! (:

anyway here is your poster:


eh.. this is okay. not the best one i've made in awhile D: ergh.. and sorry for making you wait for your poster. I couldn't get any inspiration to make this so yeahh xD anyway, good lucky with your story ! I'll be stopping by since the title is SO FREAKING CUTEEEEEE! !

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Guest MaikoChaan

Maiko: Hey Maiko ! haha.. OMG. I must say this, I love the title XD Its so cuteeee ! (:

anyway here is your poster:

eh.. this is okay. not the best one i've made in awhile D: ergh.. and sorry for making you wait for your poster. I couldn't get any inspiration to make this so yeahh xD anyway, good lucky with your story ! I'll be stopping by since the title is SO FREAKING CUTEEEEEE! !

eh?! you should change it to "awesome poster by lynnypooh123" it's so cute! and..well..awesome! keke xD

i'll come again to pick it up, im still watching Jonghyun's new pet..*SUCH A CUTE DOG!* xDD

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Guest annoyingorange

smexy posters (: lol. and maiko, you might want to reduce your icons to two. you're violating the sig rule love. or you just have to make it banner like but it should be under 40kb. (:

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Maiko: haha. I can change it if you want me too. cause i kept the PSD file (i think) I'm glad you like it ;D

OMG! I SAW THAT! THE DOG IS SOO CUTE! XD I want it. I'm gonna fly over to Korea an STEAL it! Yesh .. Steal it & I'll steal Jonghyun as well (; oh wait. I might steal Key, my sexy diva xD or maybe Minho .. HE'S SO CUTE ! XD or I might just steal all of them.. you may never know xD

Chel: Thank you <3


No one wants a poster or CC? :'( That makes me feel sad ><"


Thanks to everyone who requested <3

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