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Do you enjoy being single? Or is it a bit disappointing/embarrassing?


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Guest chll51

Depends on the time. I don't particularly enjoy being single when I see my friend with her bf. Then I think about the problems that they'll have and immediately that neediness goes away. So to answer your question, don't hate it and don't love it but definitely not embarrassed or disappointed. If I don't care, I doubt anyone else would enough to make me feel bad about it. Haha.

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

when I see my friends dealing with relationship drama I definitely feel happy to be single! But of course there are those days when you want someone to hug, someone waiting on you and someone missing you =/

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Guest Dreamss

I feeeel free and not exactly tied down currently ! (:

i enjoy it, but at times i do feel lonely. I'm not disappointed/ embarassed thouh..haha

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Guest xktee

I love being single! Even though having a significant other is nice, I'd much rather stay away from all that drama. Except during Christmas. Christmas always gets me, probably cause I love Christmas and the atmosphere is so perfect.

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Guest chocopiesarang

well personally i do enjoy being single aha who needs men anyway?

there just pains in the butt aha jkay :]

but anyways there are times i do want a boyfriend

get rid of the lonely times where your

dang friends leave you hangin

cause there busy goin on dates with

there boyfriends ya know?

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Guest itsthenerd8D

It's both. It sucks when all of your friends have someone and you have no one and you always have to be the three wheel. =.= It's nice because you can do whatever you want and no worry about anything. Plus some guys now a days are just jerks and want nothing but to get some so I'll pass and be single.

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Guest milky.schokolade

I don't enjoy it at all -

But then I realize it's my fault i'm single in the first place.

95% of the time I want a boyfriend; the rest of the time I spend doubting

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Guest Sunshine1

Really depends on the time.

Since i dont have one, and im too busy with school, schoool, and more school, i tell myself "its impossible" buuut i secretly still want a boyfriend.

Holidays I want a boyfriend.

When i listen to Yoochun's "My Girlfriend". lol.

But most of the time, like 80%, im cool with being single. Because thats one less person i dont have to please. Thats more time i have to myself xD. hahaha.

I've never had a boyfriend really sooooo im hesitant to get one and see if its actually worth all the hype.

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Guest Unanimous

I am not single. But I have been single (of course). I don`t think of it as 'enjoying' or not. It`s more of accepting. I see a lot of people out there feeling bad about being single because they see their acquaintances being in a relationship and it becomes this hype type of think - where they get depress cause they are the 'only' one that`s single. Both have their perks. But in the end, just allow things to come your way, and accept whichever situation (single or taken) that you are in.

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Guest adaytodiefor

Majority of my friends have a bf or either married.

And well being single is great.. but at the same time I missed the dating faze.

Seeing couples do things together makes me miss those moments.

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Guest sunnylove

): I've never had a bf so I kind of am sick of being single atm.. looool U__U

I don't find it embarrassing though (: It's just like whatevs but I kind of feel =__= when all my friends have bfs and I don't except for like a few others. And then there's the being third or fifth wheel parts =__= *sighs*.

I'm waiting for HS to end and college to start so there will be a higher chance of me getting one ehehe!

And maybe after I have my first experience of having one, I might even like the idea of being single again so who knows *smiles* although I really hope my first boyfriend is going to be the only one I have (in other words.. he turns into the.. husband *LAUGHS*) jk jk just some fantasizing~~

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Guest Uh O Dianuh

Majority of the time I love being single but there are those days when I see a cute couple or watch/read about romance and wish I was in a relationship. This thread makes me a little sad that I'm single atm. Ahas..

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Guest meilove

i'm single at the moment.

i don't feel embarassed at all, it's just when all of my friends are all couply & lovey dovey or doing something cute i get all like >___<" i have no one!! loll but the time will come

i'm just really picky.

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Guest AiMango

it's only bad when you & your friends are out and all of them have their bfs with them or something. then, obvs you feel left out, like why am i here? D:

other then that im fine with being a single girrrl : ) dont really have the time to be in a committed relationship right now anyway.

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Guest babuangel

i agree with the phone calling thing..but when all my friends all have a boyfriend..I unconsciously feel left out and sometimes wish that i have someone that loves me and someone that i can love back. I guess you can just say I do feel awkward...but it's unconsciously like that...especially when we're all hanging out at the mall and all of a sudden, the boyfriends come and kiss each one of them on teh cheek...so it's a bit weird....but im happy now! <3

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Guest Special Ed

I think my "freedom" would be that I'm more open to different opportunities with less to lose.

Having someone as support and a good friend is very nice, but there are times when our relationships with others can actually become an obstacle when you're trying to pursue an opportunity or goal. I guess I'm coming more from an educational/career perspective. I put my education and career first so its more fitting and comfortable for me to not want to be in a relationship. I wouldn't want to put myself in a situation where my bf is obviously not my first priority and where I'm not gonna finish what I started.

But being single shouldn't be something to be embarrassed, disappointed, or annoyed about. You should really just do what makes you comfortable and happy. If you're satisfied with being single then go ahead and be single. Don't go around looking and getting into relationships just because you want to join the bandwagon.

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my two bff's have bf's and i'm the only single one =( .. but i don't necessarily find it embarrassing,

my eyes wander soo much during this period of my life, i don't even think i can settle.

it just depends on the timing, like when i see couples or listen to very sappy love songs, i longgg for a bf.

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Guest blackjackVip

umm.. i dunno if it's bcoz i've never been in a relationship before, but being single for 18 years of my life has it's down-fall...it's kinda lonely and i sometimes think how it would feel like to have a bf.

Even though some girls says that it's a pain to have a bf coz they will just break their hearts, it's better to be single, bla bla all that complain..well atleast u experienced to be loved at some point. :)

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