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Clubbox Tutorial + FAQs

Guest happyroach

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Guest diVERiT

Uploaders and downloaders are technically at equal risk. If you don't live in Korea though it hardly matters.

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Guest greenbee

i say most likely they will only be suing ppl who live in korea, as that will be most effective. :unsure:

4. If we register and the KBS, MBC, and SBS, and pay to see the dramas/shows, can you download to computer so that I can burn into DVD?

i dont know how those networks operates when u register n pay to watch their series online. but i highly doubt they will let u download. therefore u will need to find a way to "hack" that

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Guest au_revior

wow what the heck .....

i was 1 week away and this thing happen.

man ...... pity all of us who depends on CB for our dramas d/l, thats explain why some of the file cant even jump start even when it is not that old. anyway :blush:i juz finish d/l all the Jumong episodes so now juz gonna wait for the subs .....

Anyway im not happy with this juz like the rest of you all, haih ...even using BT sux since i will always get 4/1 upload/download ratio for K-dramas. so thats how it goes 19k CB points wasted for me ....

Seems like back to YSI/Megaupload and etc etc, if things dont improve.

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Guest misikaormk

Over week for watch what the end of the big troublesomeness. [hope to be happy ending] :sweatingbullets:

Omg....now I think that was diverted out of K-Entertainment :tears: since the law was promulgated

and guess many many guys who's used the CB feel like me. :mellow:

All right,The coppyright is frist of all reason for overthrow CB [sory for some fearful worded.]

All programs was broadcasted on their network and all wordding which said by spokesman.All of sudden protected by the low.

(I mean everything be coppyright when broadcasted) but I belive everybody on this have purpose for entertain not used in commercial.

Ya!that dosen't all of downloaders. :blink: :crazy:<_<

This point which them in use for quotes to close the CB. It's so good if somebody can proof and confirm our purpose. :rolleyes:

Yes! I'm not own CB but in the FC I must to up and find many clip to the CB so when the them announced

that made we so worried about our CB. Omg.....try to up and invites our member usds it.One week ,our files half more was erased.

So sad when can't go to gold level and hope this be last of sad's FC who's oversee.

ps.now I looking for some free host for keep and found some site is strongstore (1-2 GB) but not sure for virus. :crazy:

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Guest ChiSoju

So, if you write to a Club Box owner asking to be a member of their Club Box, just what do you say, to ask them? Just give them your user name and say "I want to join your Club Box"?

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Guest mireille

I seem to have problems with Clubbox after I upgraded my Windows XP to Windows Vista.

Whenever I want to download the files, Clubbox appears and then disappear real fast.

Even after uninstalling and downloading the latest version, it doesn't work.

Here's a screenshot:


Does anyone know what it means? Or is someone experiencing the same problem?

Any help would be appreciated, cuz I have threads to update. ^^


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Guest Gummi Bear
I seem to have problems with Clubbox after I upgraded my Windows XP to Windows Vista.

Whenever I want to download the files, Clubbox appears and then disappear real fast.

Even after uninstalling and downloading the latest version, it doesn't work.

Here's a screenshot:


Does anyone know what it means? Or is someone experiencing the same problem?

Any help would be appreciated, cuz I have threads to update. ^^


I have the same problem for weeks now since I got the Vista, I couldn't use CB anymore and I don't know a way to fix it. If you do please tell me. But hearing all the news about the restrictions from SBS/MBC/KBS its so sad that we fans of KDrama can't watch it anymore :tears:

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So, if you write to a Club Box owner asking to be a member of their Club Box, just what do you say, to ask them? Just give them your user name and say "I want to join your Club Box"?

If you want to join just click "박스 가입" in the blue section at the top of the page and click "ok".

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Guest honhiguy

does any CB have Oot Chat Sa (aka Smile)? I used to DL it from godlove3494 but now you have to be a 특별회원 and I don't know how to achieve that status.

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Guest jeanju

I'm having problems logging onto any of the clubbox sites I'm a member of. I keep entering my ID and password but it won't let me log on. This problem started a few days ago, I've been a member for a long time and i've never had this problem before. Does anyone have this problem? Anyone know how to solve this??? Plz help!!

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Guest mireille

I have the same problem for weeks now since I got the Vista, I couldn't use CB anymore and I don't know a way to fix it. If you do please tell me. But hearing all the news about the restrictions from SBS/MBC/KBS its so sad that we fans of KDrama can't watch it anymore :tears:

It's working now~!

I've to drop by the supermarket, so I'll explain everything once I'm back. :)


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Guest Gummi Bear

OMG...thank you to the person in the "TECH" section of soompi! I finally got Clubbox working with Vista!!

Really??!!! I went to the TECH section but couldn't find anything. Do you mind sharing how you got CB working with Vista please???

Nevermind, mireille already posted it. Thank YOu very much!!!

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Guest honhiguy

^ you could go to cartrider2000

the owner provides Oot Chat Sa

thanks, but cartrider2000 seems to be closed.

anyone else have HQ Oot Chat Sa?

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Guest misikaormk

I have a question....

I closed my clubbox before... can I get it back?? can u tell me how to get the cb back??

thanks in advanced----

Do U mean close your box before complete that right?

If yes,When start it again plez used same link( Same file ) and previous to press for start to DL

then save this to same last downloded folder at your PC.

Good Luck *(^^)*v :)

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Guest rainie_chu

Hi! Question, is there a way to bring back a CB that was accidentally deleted?

Our CB was deleted (wiped-out, taken out of the face of the planet, etc) and everything's gone, I was just wondering if there's a way to open it back again, even if the files are gone already.

Or does this mean we have to start from scratch? >"<

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Guest shadowkeeper

There is something about the new law that I don't quite get.

Are there ways for companies to make money off of the majority of the stuff they're banning?

Like I can see why they'd be so hardpressed against dl'ing dramas because those are sold afterwards, but in terms of things like variety shows, music shows, and sitcoms that are pretty much just aired on tv, how the heck are they being hurt when people dl those?

And the stuff about lyric, scans, and caps. Aren't those just public domain?

I mean you can just open up a website, fill it with pictures and lyrics for anyone to see, and that wouldn't be illigal, but grabbing a text or a pic from off a clubbox is?

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