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Clubbox Tutorial + FAQs

Guest happyroach

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K4Ice Hmm well my IE crashes all the time :sweatingbullets: but i read somewhere that not having the most recent IE can interfear with it ^^

I download mostly DBSK and even though the files are usally no bigger than 200MB it can tae forever

I was wondering my Quick download just speeds the download up even when it gets over 50KB its doesn't get any faster :wacko:

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Miki78 hmm..your IE crashes all the time? thats really weird. of course i've only had the new version of IE for about a week, so we'll see how that goes. I only use it for CB, I prefer Firefox, but since that doesn't support CB's java really well....... :tears:

I finally got the CB to start downloading...unfortunately it deciding to stall at 57% right now..*sigh*...Gotta love being in the U.S. and downloading from overseas...I've been downloading the SBS variety show Love Letter but most of those aren't over 200 MB either

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what's this? i can't even understand korean. the reason i ask because whenever counting point gets down to 0 but 20,000 remains SAME. =/ by the way, i ain't no uploader like rest of others.. i just am downloader. ^^;


*yup, i got 20,000points! yay!

i strongly recommend you guys NOT TO DOWNLOAD THE LATEST IE VERSION(7.0). it's totally bad... it messes up with clubbox and d-addict forum. =.=

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what's this? i can't even understand korean. the reason i ask because whenever counting point gets down to 0 but 20,000 remains SAME. =/ by the way, i ain't no uploader like rest of others.. i just am downloader. ^^;


*yup, i got 20,000points! yay!

i strongly recommend you guys NOT TO DOWNLOAD THE LATEST IE VERSION(7.0). it's totally bad... it messes up with clubbox and d-addict forum. =.=

I use v. 7 for only clubbox and as of yet it hasn't screwed up anything.

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quick question ^^"

i've been trying to make a clubbox account for the past few days; i've filled in all my information correctly, but for some reason whenever i click "submit" the site brings me back to the info page and the birthdate slot is red, but i kno i typed it in the correct format. please help me T___T

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what's this? i can't even understand korean. the reason i ask because whenever counting point gets down to 0 but 20,000 remains SAME. =/ by the way, i ain't no uploader like rest of others.. i just am downloader. ^^;

The highest it can go is 20,000.

Get a quick download coupon or something! ^_^

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Guest babymarzy07

im just wondering, im planning to get a MAC does CB work well with it? same procedures etc? how bout the other stuff? opening the CB's?

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Guest yenfung83

Do anyone here who is playing online games liked MapleStory??

I think there is some problems btw Maplestory & CB..

Whenever i am using CB i cant used MapleStory because my computer

will auto restart..But before the update of CB, i can used both in the same time..

B'4 that, i can play maplestory games while waiting for my clips in CB to complete..

Can anyone tell me how to fix this???

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ah~ another problem occurs! i don't even know what happen to my clubbox because its restarted itself then bam! i couldn't log in at all. i logged in the website and i see my points remain the same BUT the program doesn't. what the hell is going on? -.-

i removed it then re-installed it.. it won't work! wahh~ help!!! it kept saying that page cannot display over the places... =/ and why my mileage got zero but i logged in the website, i still have those points. it must be something wrong! =[

man, everything is so screwed up. :'(

never mind... i restored it back to yesterday point and it's back to normal. thank god! i wouldn't know how would i live without clubbox. :sweatingbullets:


The highest it can go is 20,000.

Get a quick download coupon or something! ^_^

really? then i have to waste my points because most files i downloaded are old... so it's not worth to use a coupon over the files that won't work. oh well~ thanks for an answer. i guess we all can't go over more than 20,000. ^_^

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Guest 91130901230

hey. you know that box that comes up when you click the download button?


well, something happened and when i click the download button, that window pops up but it just stays white and you know how at the bottom of the window it says "loading http://www....etc" or it says "Done" when w/e you're trying to open is done? Well the window is just white and it says Done. Do you know how i can fix it? i've already tried uninstalling and installing the clubbox thing and i restarted my computer a million times.

before that happened, my computer was "installing updates" and it was installing the new version of internet explorer and then afterwards it said it had to restart and then it restarted but then it restarted while the clubbox was downloading the new patch or something? and then yeah ever since then it's been having this problem.

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I'm from Malaysia. I'm also facing problems when using clubbox nowadays. It won't show any speed and the downloading is really really slow. Anyone has the answer?.....I thought the Taiwan earthquake thing has been solved... Please help! :(

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Guest acemaverick

so sorry to bother u happyroach. (or anyone else who can solve this problem)

i hope u can answer this cb problem for me.

today i logged on to cb and as i wanted to download a file, they request for a update. i click ok

but cos the laptop was laggy i decided to restart it.

now, when i wan to d/l a file, they ask for update again

i click ok then the d/l manager starts. but there is no file for download

i try clicking on the file again.

again ask for update.

i click ok.

the cb box comes up; the one which has 1/1 Clubbox ????? ???? ??? in the white box and Downloading >>> at the bottom.

then after awhile i see another pop-up. i think its tellin me that i can't update. the ending of the sentence was this code [e108]

i hope you can tell me what i can do. i think i have to wipe out the whole cb which i have on my laptop then re d/l again. but i can't "cleanly" get rid of it. it is still in my laptop.

help pls.

thanks a lot in advance

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Is there any way i can use clubbox on a mac computer???? TToTT

im just wondering, im planning to get a MAC does CB work well with it? same procedures etc? how bout the other stuff? opening the CB's?

I believe it says in the FAQs that CB is only windows friendly....if I am wrong about this, my apologies

quick question ^^"

i've been trying to make a clubbox account for the past few days; i've filled in all my information correctly, but for some reason whenever i click "submit" the site brings me back to the info page and the birthdate slot is red, but i kno i typed it in the correct format. please help me T___T

Are you using IE? Because if you're not, that is your problem...CB doesn't like to work with Firefox. A couple of people including myself had this problem a few pages back... :blush:

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Is anyone having a problem where they can't delete stuff off their CB queues?

You know when your download finishes and it says 'Complete' you can click on it and the 'Delete from list' button is highlighted? For some reason that doesn't happen sometimes. Like, I can't delete it from my queue. I've also tried to right click the file and do 'Delete from list' from the drop down thing but that option isn't highlighted either.

It's not a big problem since it doesn't affect CB's performance or anything, I just find it kind of annoying cuz sometimes that happens and sometimes it doesn't.

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Guest Jangoon

whats a good way to speed up downloads? T__T

it wont start/ downloda speeds are like 60 kb/s max.. when my internet can download at 500kb/s ish :(

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