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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392






Woah thanks soo much for all those screencaps and links.


YongHwa looked really handsome on INki today :)


I also loved the last part.... after Hyun gave Yong a piggyback ride and they were on the stairs :wub::wub:


To all who are going to CNBLUE's showcase: don't forget to share your stories here :)




Latest episode raw cuts:


Part 1


Part 2


Part 3





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innocent seo from clean n clear cf
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































damn seo hyun is so cute :wub:,yonghwa has fallen to his wife already
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































now seo hyun tooo:D,thats not piggy back,thats a backhug :D

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest aisnsd
































































































thank you so much for sharing translations, screencaps, etc.
































i've watched a few episodes of taeyeon's in wgm before, but only the ones with the other snsd members (taeyeon's adorable but her husband, not so much =p)... i have always thought that it would be so much better to pair idols as married couples so i'm really excited this season of wgm, although i'm only watching yong♥hyun's and khun♥toria's... so yong♥hyun's the first wgm couple i've really watched (and still my favorite! ;p), and i have to say that i can't believe to find their latest episodes better than the last (i wonder why i'm still surprised when it always happens! ;p). honestly, it's like the simple things in life and relationships? these things would have so much more meaning where those two are concerned!
































anyways, i just want to share some of my thoughts regarding this couple. when the couple were playing a game of pool with the bet of the loser giving a piggyback to the winner, the emcees were saying that surely yonghwa would try to lose the game because supposedly a guy will usually intentionally lose a game with a girl he likes. and this situation reminded me of a similar one in earlier episodes, when seohyun asked yonghwa if he ever celebrated 22 day before and the emcees were kind of reprimanding yonghwa because he was supposed to lie and say that he hasn't celebrated it before.
































i agree more with how yonghwa chose to handle both situations rather than what the emcees were expecting of him. seohyun is innocent and shy especially with people she doesn't know well but she is definitely not weak, fragile, or stupid. so yonghwa don't really need to patronize her by losing to her on purpose or telling her what he thinks is better for her to hear. and since they're still relatively young and new in this whirlwind relationship, therefore it's important for the both of them to show each other who they really are in order for them to accept and understand each other better... pretending/lying/omitting important information will defeat the purpose of the couple trying to get to know each other. (IF yonghwa intentionally lost the game or lied to her and seohyun finds out later on, i think she'll feel so betrayed by him and so disappointed with him - and she might even question if the yonghwa she knows is actually the real yonghwa.)
































i don't think i should worry about seohyun because (1) seohyun can take care of herself (and her 8 snsd sisters got her back... ;p ) and (2) time and time again, yonghwa has shown through his actions that he is considerate of seohyun's feelings and that he tries to care for her in different ways he knows how. instead, i have accepted the fact that the yong♥hyun couple is truly unique and does things differently... and judging with the progress in their relationship, i think i can safely say that whatever way yonghwa and seohyun choose to handle their relationship IS the right way for the both of them ~ and that makes them so interesting and lovable in more ways than one!
































~yong♥hyun fangirl

































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Guest miel_1301




I, too, would like to spazz about just anything that transpired in the latest episode, episode 19, as it was an episode filled with many scenes worth pointing out and with lines/dialogues worth discussing because of the direct as well as the hidden meanings they bring across, but I am just simply overwhelmed... too overwhelmed. No matter how many times I have re-watched the episode I still get the same "good" feel from the moment it was first aired that I end up hurting my jaw from a very wide grin and my heart that is about to burst after replaying it.


Damn! Episode 19 is a short 20-minute episode of PURE BLISS.


@_d3seohyun, I knew you'd point out that ending scene as I too have re-viewed that part a countless times wanting to grab that camera from the WGM crew just to have a glimpse of "what could have happened" after the "back-hug cum piggy back ride" the minute the couple entered their "comfort zone" again. I am still hopeful that in the next episode, episode 20, we will still get to see a continuation from where we were left off from the previous episode.


sally7, jnj, blueshoes and _d3seohyun, all your screen caps highlight the details of those scenes which may have come pass so swiftly as we saw the episode. Those captures all the more enable us to "savor" those moments.


Let me borrow these two caps of blueshoes that put me in a state of "pleasant" shock that I was totally speechless.


This was the scene [before the back-hug cum piggy back ride] during the billiards game and one of those moments when he was distracting her with her shots when I think YongHwa made a move that is so close... too close, or should I say the closest move to Seobaby.






Now, it really made complete sense to me why after some 12 days from the filming of this episode he revealed in a magazine interview, in one of his statements, that he wants a girl whose long hair and sweet scent of her shampoo he is able to smell.


About the preview to episode 20, I share the same pride with the rest of the YongSeo lovers that our Seobaby is the "first lady" to ever set foot on the CN Blue boys' abode. And I know these boys felt honored and proud about it. For it was indeed a rare chance, that shall pass only once, for the most loved maknae of SNSD to have visited a boy's dorm--- and it was their dorm.


And was it only me? I noticed Minhyuk is sounding like a meticulous "Omma" wanting every thing in their house to be in richard simmons-and-span. Why was he so noisy in the preview and was the one giving orders to his bros? Ha..ha..ha!!!


Is he overly excited with the visit of their Hyungsoo~nim?


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Guest waniey_haha

wile waiting for the sub....i've been watching the episode over n over again...n i'll never get tired...

            bcoz of the sweetnessssssss n their L O V E....i'm laughing smiling and gigling all the tyme..........my mouth seems not tired at all eventhough i'm smiling till my ears...hahaha....i'll bet all the unnies and the cn blue members will tease hyuuuunn...n yoonggg......for one whole day after seeing the piggy back @ backhug......

seobaby have grown up........yoong u better watch out...... the other 8 unnies are watching u.......haha

p/s: i wonder what will sooyong expression when she saw our pure maknae piggy back yoong.......juz remembered when yoong tried to tight hyun apron n sooyong was so shocked......but now...PIGGY BACK>........hihihihi

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Since we're all patiently waiting for the English subbed video to come out. I'm sure we're all comparing the previous episodes from the latest one. We'll surely see a lot of difference, good difference it is.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Though Episode 19 is so far the best episode for everyone of us. I still have my most favorite scene from a different episode. It's from Episode 16 while they were individually practicing their driving skills, the epic phone call. I don't know but I think it came out normally to me. I mean, it was as if they were calling each other regularly that there wasn't any awkwardness between the two. And I love how boyfriend-thing to do of Yonghwa to encourage Seohyun more then telling him to call him back again after she was done practicing. And Seohyun seemed to gain more confidence after the call.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I swear I'll be heart broken if these two will not end up together. And if WGM won't follow them in Japan.

































































































































































































































































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Guest baby_bo












I know we are all spazzing because of EPISODE 19 - YONGSEO'S VERSION OF SKINSHIP kekekke








but since ive been watching this episode a couple of times, i just noticed this one! And i am loling right now!! hahaha sorry im so lame but it really made me laugh..
















maybe just like us, the editing PD focused so much on YongSeo that this cameraman wasn't noticed at all! hahahha
















I wonder where the 2 got their new couple ring though.








Cause im pretty sure they didn't get that at their Apgujeong date cause if they did PD will definitely show it.








I'm thinking CNBlue boys got it for them as a gift.. hahaha! maybe im thinking too much.. haha! anyway, hope they will show where the 2 got their ring and when :D








Sorry if i keep editing this post. I am so weird tonight.. hahaha! I just saw this and suddenly loled again! haha








Don't you think the girl that i pointed with the red arrow is the one who took the 2nd pic?? haha! sorry for being weird but im really loling hahaha :lol:



















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Guest Crystal392






lilmssunshine: Hmmm Yong gave Hyun a stuff toy? Hmmmm well after he returned from Thailand he brought some elephant pillows and a blue elephant plushie for Hyun that's almost always on top of the refrigerator with Yong (Dragon) Jr. toy. :)


heorungnghenhac: About them wearing matching clothes... I really don't know =/ I know most of their clothes are sponsored but I don't know if they choose them separately or if the company that sponsors the clothes gives them certain outfits. But I remember on the first episodes Yong noticed how they were wearing matching clothes on most of their dates and he began to tease Hyun because he said 'She was copying him' :P And when the PDs on black room asked her why did she think they were wearing matching clothes she said 'Because it's the trend' xD xD hehehehe Hyun can be clueless sometimes. I really really don't know but the YongSeo fan in me wants to believe it's a coincidence because, as you said, the other couples don't wear matching clothes very often but YongSeo does so I don't think it is something it has to do with the company that sponsors their clothes. ;)


Couple song-Goguma couple

~Amazing video with a beautiful song that has cuts of when they talked about wearing similar clothes... When they asked Hyun~ if they had contacted each other to do that (wear similar clothes) she said 'No' ^_^~



snowydreams: Yeap, after their pool/piggybackhug date they were spotted buying at a supermarket with CNBLUE boys. Also they went on a date for Hyun's bday :D


GeumJanDi: That gif is really lovely, Hyun looks soo beautiful.


aisnsd: I loved your analysis and I agree 100% with you. I just hope Yong~ won't hear to the MCs advise and change... I like the way he acts and how he handles different situations.


miel: Yeah I remember that interview about his "i" girl. It really seemed as if he were describing Hyun~, and the more I watch WGM the more his answer makes sense. hehehehe I've always seen MinHyuk as the male version of Hyun~ xD He shares a room with Jungshin and he said he is soo meticulous with cleaning, everytime Jungshin put his bag on the bed MinHyuk would 'reprimand' him xD I am sure all the CNBLUE boys are really excited to see their Hyung-soo-nim on their house :D (If you want to find out more about the two CNBLUE maknae's personalities you can watch this interview with eng subs: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) ^_^


waniey_haha: I am also dying to know how did the SNSD unnies and CNBLUE bros react when they saw the piggybackhug. I bet they squealed and laughed soo much... xD I can already hear Sooyoung's squeal and JongHyun's laugh :P


aneng: I am also crossing my fingers that they will film on Japan. Let's all Gogumas focus on that wish and use our Goguma powers!! hehehehe


baby_bo: I saw the cameraman but didn't pay attention to him and focused on YongSeo hehehehehe I think that girl is the girl that took the picture we saw because Hyun~'s hand is the same on both pictures. Thanks soo much anonymous girl!!!! :D:D



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Guest aisnsd
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seohyun is unique in her own way and i guess that distracts other people from noticing that yonghwa is unique in his own way too (judging by him doing things differently than what the emcees think korean males are supposed to do)... unique seohyun and unique yonghwa further reiterates my belief that they are perfect for each other! ♥
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































also, am i the only one who finds it difficult to decide which i prefer each episode?! yonghwa and seohyun alone? yonghwa and seohyun with snsd? yonghwa and seohyun with cnblue? yonghwa and seohyun with snsd and cnblue? seriously. and if meeting the snsd-in-laws and cnblue-in-laws are always so epic, i can't even imagine how epic it would be when the yong♥hyun couple meets their extended families (other idol groups) from each other's management companies! o_O

































































































































































































































































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Guest YongSeo
































Hi everyone......































I just wanna share my new fan mv lovely skinship from ep 19






























































I think skinship from this episode is DAEBAK... ^_^
















Thanks for watching...^_^






























































Thanks for your video! I Like it very much!! Keep it up..Btw,what does DAEBAK means?
















And I heard somewhere that being in WGM, the participants are not allowed to fall in love offscreen? Is this true?

















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Guest hihi_hehe
























Thanks for your video! I Like it very much!! Keep it up..Btw,what does DAEBAK means?




















And I heard somewhere that being in WGM, the participants are not allowed to fall in love offscreen? Is this true?







































If I'm not wrong DAEBAK means awesome, something similar to that :sweatingbullets:




















as I know so far, there is the rule that the couple can't fall in love offscreen




















if they do, they will not continue to film anymore. There was a couple, a member from Shinwa and a girl (sorry I forgot her name). They fell in love outside WGM, and WGM stopped filming




















There was even a rule that the couple couldn't contact outside (ex: by phone). But I guess the rule has changed now :lol:





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















If I'm not wrong DAEBAK means awesome, something similar to that  :sweatingbullets:








as I know so far, there is the rule that the couple can't fall in love offscreen








if they do, they will not continue to film anymore. There was a couple, a member from Shinwa and a girl (sorry I forgot her name).  They fell in love outside WGM, and WGM stopped filming








There was even a rule that the couple couldn't contact outside (ex: by phone).  But I guess the rule has changed now  :lol:















I saw translations of daebak from watching adam couple. daebak translates to many english words like awesome (as mentioned), great, jackpot, etc.








regarding the rules, couples in WGM will stop filming if they fall in love? i remember there was a couple in WGM with JoKwon/GaIn, UEE with an older man, and this couple (sorry forgot their names) that appeared in 'Come to Play' JoKwon and GaIn. I thought that couple was a real couple.








**sorry if I'm talking about other couples here.








about contact outside WGM filming, I think they allowed it since JoKwon and GaIn freuquently contacts each other and as a result, less awkwardsness and more ratings.








Its a good thing we know and Yonghwa openly says that they contact each other outside filming. :)









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Guest Crystal392






aisnsd: Again I agree with you 100% :lol: Both are unique, that's what makes this relationship more special :D


YongSeo: They aren't allowed to date nor fall in love, but nothing can stop that from happening right? ;)hihi_hehe is right, couples weren't allowed to contact each other by phone or outside WGM but on an interview a week before YongSeo joined WGM, the WGM PD said that younger couples (like GaIn-JoKwon) did contact each other because they bumped into each other on music shows, etc... so I guess that rule doesn't apply anymore :P


heartbreak: The first couple of WGM season 2 was a guy from SG Wannabe and Hwang Jung Eum (I don't exactly remember their names) and they were a couple in real life, seems like PDs wanted to change WGM format and focus on how real life couples interact but the ratings weren't good so they went back to the old format and added UEE&Jaejung (singer-actor) and GaIn-JoKwon(singer-singer).


Found this on tvdaum, I used google translator and the one who wrote the article said that he/she found it on a Japanese blog ^_^ Our lovely Gogumas from Japan made it.







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hello everyone i am new here,i was confused so i wanted to ask















first is this thread used by korean only or every one world wide? and also i saw ep 19 ,i was confused in jacket scene..i didnt get y he asked her to put on his jacket:S















thnk you so much who started this thread and sorry if i asked or said something wrong because i am not familiar to this place















have a good day everyone:D



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
























@crystal_malfoy: thanks for the info. so were they a couple before or after WGM? it kinda sucks that they will remove a couple from WGM if they fall in love.








hope that couples now in WGM dated for real, but in secret.








btw. just got back from rdrsubs site. eng subs will be released any minute now. :)









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hello everyone i am new here,i was confused so i wanted to ask







first is this thread used by korean only or every one world wide? and also i saw ep 19 ,i was confused in jacket scene..i didnt get y he asked her to put on his jacket:S







thnk you so much who started this thread and sorry if i asked or said something wrong because i am not familiar to this place







have a good day everyone:D







@sahi - hi welcome to GOGUMA planet :)




First of all this thread is international thread. Meaning here, people all over the world come here and spazz together. Basically those who can understand english..




Regarding whether korean come here or not.. The answer is yes and no.. Korean who live abroad such as US,England and etc..they do come here . But as for korean citizen live in South Korea , they have their own channel same as soompi ..So they probably dont even know the existing of these thread at all..




About the jacket thingy - well he asked her to wear his jacket to prevent Seohyun from humiliation.. Well when we play poll u need to bend and all so since her clothes somehow




might expose her chest that is why Yonghwa asked her to wear the jacket.




anyway happy spazzing




EDIT : The sub already released














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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
























subs are up!! yeah!!! thanks to rdrsubs!!








its 4.20am here but I feel that I need to watch the episode before going to sleep. hahaha








*goes off to watch








and the subs is appropriately named "piggyback couple"









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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































[RDRsubs] Piggyback Couple 1/2
































































Piggyback Couple 2/2
































































Much thanks to Rundevilrunsubs hard work! :D

































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aaah....I never get bored to watch them in this episode.... the piggyback ride is hilarious...

































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Guest Crystal392






heartbreak: They were a couple before WGM. :P I think they are still together.


sahi: Hey welcome ^_^ This a thread for international fans, but I think also some Koreans who know english visit this thread :) Hope you will spazz with us!!


erxmeeza & Powerof9: Thanks for the links. rundevilrunsubs are awesome!!!


*goes off to watch*



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