Jump to content

Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts
































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo very sweet  ^____^
































































































































































































Credit : Me

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites
































































































































































































































































































































Share cap screen YongSeo in EP.18































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit : Cap By 0831.th.jpg0841y.th.jpg0825.th.jpg0828.th.jpg
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































http://img821.imageshack.us/i/0258f.jpg/' rel="external nofollow">

































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I'm quite busy though my thoughts are still filled with the scenes from yesterday's episode...hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wonder what did minhyuk write in the whiteboard at the blue dorm :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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here's a pic from seohwa@pantip... it's on the lower right part

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest snow_angel9
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I'm quite busy though my thoughts are still filled with the scenes from yesterday's episode...hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wonder what did minhyuk write in the whiteboard at the blue dorm :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope someone could translate it...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here's a pic from seohwa@pantip... it's on the lower right part































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I think it's better to wait for someone who's more familiar with the korean language but it should be something along that line.

































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I think it's better to wait for someone who's more familiar with the korean language but it should be something along that line.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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The cnblue boys are really sweethearts. they know how to make hyun special, comfortable, and part of their family...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and with hyun's visit at the blue dorm...she was able to set a record for the first lady celebrity to visit their dorm...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can't wait for saturday!!! weee!!!

































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest sally7














while waiting sub I replay raw video a lot of time










arhhh I can't get enough of piggyback scene










these two look like the most happy couple in the world






























if yonghwa move a little bit shot-ta!! (yong word)













Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest chikaaaaa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow! the latest episode is DAEBAK!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm soo happy seeing the progress of this two. they're really look like a real couple now!!
































































































































































































































































especially yong, who seems soo happy finally get the chance to 'hug' his beloved wife by using the bet!! kekeke. i don't mind if they keep playing then do the bet if the bet is this good!!!
































































































































































































































































kekeke.can't stop smiling like a crazy here!!
































































































































































































































































j2dlee thank you baby sooo much for the trans!!!!*nice to meet you...
































































































































































































































































and sally7 really your latest caps, it really looks like yong wanna do 'something' to hyun!! keke
































































































































































































































































watching this episode makes me want to say something to yonghwa: "CONGRATS DUDE!!!!"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*wondering what will snsd unnies and cnblue boys will think when they see the episode. kekeke

































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































chikaaaaa I'm also wondering on how the cnblue boys and snsd girls reacted to the episode...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think the boys had a nice time laughing and teasing yong when they watched it...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but the girls...hmmm...i think they might have laughed and teased her for a while but there's a possibility that they felt proud and at the same time scared/ nervous because seobaby is a baby no more, she's already a seolady who's ready to mingle with boys and have a relationship...awww...you know how girls are attached with one another... slightly possessive...hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































btw. since you've thought about it too... I hope you could make an imaginary headline about this...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How did the cnblue and snsd reacted on this episode specifically the skinship they had at the piggyback thingy???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































please make this possible...hehe...I really miss your witty headlines dear :)

































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest blueshoes








[Preview] 100815 Yonghwa - Running Man








credit Uploader




























credit Bestiz + yongseo.exteen.com





Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest _d3seohyun






Aigoo, Yong seobang still holding his wife til the very last second of this episode. :wub:






before entering their house






watch the clip again because these caps don't really capture the moment :D















kyah! i would do anything to see what happened in their house after that piggyback hug.



a massage perhaps?! LOL












Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest ilovesnowwhite








































let us not forget everyone. that hyun got to touch yonghwa's thighs. HAHAHAHHA.
























you know, i cant move on with this episode. i want to download this whole video and place it on my cellphone.
























i hope someone can compile all their skinships and place it on one vid. i dont mind killing my cellphone's memory.
























this couple is very heartwarming.
























sings GEE for both of them. gee gee gee gee baby baby baby.
























plus. this episode. this is the episode where yonghwa's facial expressions scared me. esp when they were playing pool. lol he looks so weird.
























okay i cant wait for Hyun's Bday celebration. HAHAH. HIHIO. HUHU. im on cloud 9









Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































































































Yonghwa is so cute. he try to get closer with Seohyun kekeke
































































































































i really like this couple but i cant find clips with eng sub.
































































































































where i can find ah? 































































































































































































































































































































































































rundevilrunsubs has subbbed so far episodes 1-18 :) You just click STREAMING/DOWNLOADING and there on you can choose whether download the episode or watch it on youtube (stream)

































































Link to comment
Share on other sites





woollylamb: I don't think it's positive or negative when they mention Busan accent... I think it's like how sometimes people from US imitate how people from England or Australia talk (and viceversa) :P




Thank you for answering my question crystal_malfoy. I'm sorry to cut your post.














I couldn't help thinking there's a special meaning when someone comments you have a busan accent because it's almost always followed by laughter. ;)














I'm still on cloud 9 after this episode. Saturday please come soon!














Many of my fellow red-dotters won't be able to watch the next wgm episode on livestream as they would be at the CNBlue Showcase. Those who are going, please share your stories with us after you get back! :w00t:





Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest kodoque_1




















Did anybody saw this already?












Yong-seobang did the rap part for G-NA's performance on Inkigayo !












G.NA Feat.YongHwa - I'll Back Off So You Can Live Better (Aug,15,10)





Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest sally7












Did anybody saw this already?










Yong-seobang did the rap part for G-NA's performance on Inkigayo !










G.NA Feat.YongHwa - I'll Back Off So You Can Live Better (Aug,15,10)



















yeah already saw it










lol! feat. with very hot girl Yonghwa still wearing couple ring













Link to comment
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earlier on, i saw some posts with a 'run table table run run' quote, and

i wonder where that came from.

after re-watching ytdy's epi for the upteenth time, aah..now i know. ;):lol:

yesterday's epi was filmed after not meeting each other for quite some time right?

someone posted a while back that the wgm staffs invited both yong & hyun for dinner

together, because they're afraid these two will fall back to their awkwardness.

based on their level of comfort now, either the staffs have done a good job OR

both yong & hyun are up 'there' on their own already.

sally - i love that part too. keeps rewinding it again n again n again ^_^

ilovesnowwhite - i wish it too, if only my cell can play vid that big hehe

d3 - yeah, u're right. it makes me want to move to the house opposite theirs :lol:

hi woollylamb, any idea, when are the boys coming to Square 2?

thats the only time i can see them in person

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Guest snowydreams
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yesterday's epi was filmed after not meeting each other for quite some time right?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































someone posted a while back that the wgm staffs invited both yong & hyun for dinner































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































together, because they're afraid these two will fall back to their awkwardness.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































based on their level of comfort now, either the staffs have done a good job OR































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































both yong & hyun are up 'there' on their own already.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I sincerely hope that it's the latter. They look too cute and perfect to be just there because of a dinner or two together.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really cannot wait for the next episode! really excited because of their progress this episode. I hope that next episode will be sweeter and more Daebak! Are there any rumors / news regarding their date after this one?

































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Guest baby_bo










Did anybody saw this already?








Yong-seobang did the rap part for G-NA's performance on Inkigayo !








G.NA Feat.YongHwa - I'll Back Off So You Can Live Better (Aug,15,10)















kekekke YOnghwa looked so cool and different.. that messy hairstyle is smokin' hot hot hot! hahaha!








gosh!! i feel so guilty everyone is spazzing yet i can't spazz like you guys..








it's not because i didn't like the episode.. oh trust me, i did not only liked it.. I LOVED IT..








saying i loved the episode is even an understatement.. i can't spazz much because i was awed, and i am too happy with the skinship episode! it's totally daebakk!!!








my gosh im just like this the whole time --> :w00t:
















everyone thanks for the screencaps, translations and spazzing!!
















IM also excited for next week's episode! Hyun at Yonghwa's comfort zone, cnblue's dorm.. hahaha! i wonder what kind of sweetness this couple will show infront of the inlaws!! hahah kyaaaaaaah SATURDAY PLEASE COME NOW!



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hi woollylamb, any idea, when are the boys coming to Square 2?




thats the only time i can see them in person







hallo jnj, I'm not too sure about CNBlue's schedule in our little red dot, but according to the cnbluesgfc calendar, it says that the fansign event will be at City Square Mall on 20th August, 8pm.







CNBlue August Schedule














City Square Mall is different from Square 2. If you need more detailed directions, do let me know. I'll try my best to help. blush.gif












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blueshoes & sally7 yong sure looked hawt in inkigayo!!!! i'm melting 'cause of "yong-overexposure" B)

d3, i also wonder what happened after they go into their house! could hyun be making her special milkshake for yong? or could they be lovey-dovey on the sofa? or going into the bedroom straight? ohoh! sowwy for over-imagining!!! xD but if i'm not mistaken some fan account posted saying that someone overheard yong singing while playing guitar??? correct me if i'm wrong 'cause i find that rumor to be a bit weird since yong's vocal was still in bad shape at that time.

here's them after piggy-back hug~


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