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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest YongSeo
















































:w00t: I want to share this !!!
















The Chi sub for the latest episode of YongSeo is up!!
















Part 1/2 : http://www.youtube.com/user/vul3a04SNSDMarried1#p/u/1/bTtR3Z0qkcs
















Part 2/2: You can find it at the above website too.
















Enjoy watching~~~~

















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Guest lilmssunshine




PEOPLE STOP POSTING ONE LINERS....THE MODERATORS ARE WATCHING AND MIGHT SHUT THE THREAD DOWN BECAUSE IT KEEPS HAPPENING.....PLEASE WE DON'T WANT TO LOOSE THIS THREAD. tears.gif I don't want to loose this thread...this is the only place that keeps me sane while waiting for Saturday to arrive.....(sorry selfish much blush.gifblush.gifblush.gif )




Thanks to everyone who posted pics, links and gifs for this lovely couple....I have been re-watching this again and again....My computer is getting mad at me right now....Just love the latest epi.... :wub:












so true!! please avoid one liners.. i also cant afford to lose this thread.. this is the only thing i look forward every weekends..




thanks for the screencaps and gifs!! love them!! :wub:








* edit: would just like to ask a question. i dont remember where i read it or if i understood it correctly, did yong gave hyun a stuff toy? please correct me if im wrong. thanks.


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Guest heorungnghenhac
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did anyone see that YongSeo always wear matching clothes? I don;t know anything about fashion but anytime they go with each other, they wears clothes with the same colors or same styles. Did they intend to do that or just a coincidence? I didn't see other couple wearing matching clothes like that usually. If it's coincident, they should be a real couple. :wub:

































































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Guest ahn_annann
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I would like to share you cutely gifts..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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made by me

































































































































































































































































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Guest blueshoes








G.NA Feat.YongHwa - I'll Back Off So You Can Live Better (Aug,15,10)












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Guest hasintyas
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Early this morning i heard MLTR-more than a friend song that remind me soo much about them
































































































































































































































































































































"You got me counting the seconds































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I'm waiting for the moment































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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you bring me out in the sun































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I just know that you're the only one





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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will always be true"
































































































































































































































































































































I do wish that their love is true..

































































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Guest reeneesie






G.NA Feat.YongHwa - I'll Back Off So You Can Live Better (Aug,15,10)




credit uploader







omg,yong look so hot in this video...




wondering,why he look like a player when he 'touch" g.na shoulder??<_<



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Guest Nikkayyheyy








This has got to be the BEST episode by far! OMG, it would've been better if Yong was the one giving her a piggyback ride!!! xD Nevertheless, it was adorable! SKINSHIP OVERLOAD! GAAAH, the whole pushing and shoving thing was so cute! And Yong blushing while giving her the jacket was BY FAR, my favorite scene. Haha, he was too embarrassed to say the reason why he was giving Hyun his jacket. I need the english subs NEOOOOW. x3





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Guest dbskisluv2




i have a question


is that the couple ring?




i wanted to share this video i started last week and finished today(:


[FMV]CN Blue- Love Revolution (YongSeo)


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I am starting to hate those bubbles with words and captions. Some of them are put in places which I want to have a closer look. Especially that blue one that was at Seohyun shoulder when Yonghwa put his hand there before they went up the stairs to the billiards place. Also not to forget the one 2 episode ago at the driving test centre when Yonghwa held Seohyun's hand when he failed. Errrghhh. So fustrating.





Agreed that we should plan for stealing those cut scenes from the broadcast station. I want to know what did Yonghwa say after Seohyun complained why his position is awkward in front of their house gate. He was standing in front of her and the next scene cut to him saying ok ok but he was behind her already.





Something trivial, think i saw it was a lady who took the bts picture showing Yonghwa using his jacket to shield them from the sun. She was in a strip top with black skirt. A big thanks to her. Hahaha.





I bought a magazine from Malaysia called Y.G (August2010  issue) from my local bookstore today. It featured the 3 WGM couple on the cover page. It say that based on viewers guess, Yonghwa love for Seohyun is 85% while it is 78% for Seohyun love for Yonghwa. Yonghwa~yah, you are so obvious. LOL





Last but not least. A big big big thanks to j2blee, _dsseohyun, sally7, jnj, miel, ahn_annann, blueshoes and many many more of you for all the translation, caps, gifs. thanks. If I miss out your name, so sorry, there are too many people who make this thread so fun.


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Guest lenovo










G.NA Feat.YongHwa - I'll Back Off So You Can Live Better (Aug,15,10)








credit uploader















SHAWTY ... MY SWEETY????? hahahaha!








Cool! Funny coz usually iL be enraged with his moves on other girls....








but for now... I don't feel any negative vibes at all.
























I guess, i'm too comfortable- no rather.... CONFIDENT in their Love. :wub:








btw, thanks for sharing the link BLUESHOES.








and dbskisluv2 ---- sharp eyes!








Awwwww..... he has it on! I bet he will always have it on <hahaha!> -- after the PIGGYBACK ride!



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Guest Angel27391




Ep. 19 was jjang!!


Teasing and bumping each other with their shoulder while walking , the spaghetti sharing, and Hyun's piggyback!! When Hyun couldn't carry Yong, it seemed like Yong was giving Hyun a back hug!! arms around Hyun's neck~


After watching the preview, I can't wait for the next episode!!! The C.N.Blue brther-in-laws and Hyung-so-nim~


I don't know why but I have a feeling Hyun purposely lost to Yong on the bet?!


It's usually Yong who is always caring for Hyun but I think that there's a slight chance of Hyun doing this so that Yong won't feel disappointed. Caring Hyun~






I've made a new video because of YongSeo's frequent It's fate!! unintentional appearances in Matching clothes which is sooooo cute. :wub:


Hope that everyone here will enjoy it!! :D




Couple song- YongSeo's couple looks



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Guest blueshoes








[CF] Seohyun - Clean & Clear : A clearing cleanser












credit uploader





















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Wow~ I don't even recover yet from Yongseo backhug piggyback syndrome from yesterday. keke :P Thanks to all for translation, caps and videos! Is it just me or Yonghwa seems so happy in Inkigayo? He's like feeling proud, finally the scene which Seohyun piggyback him had airing and had been watching by lots of netizen! Including other male celebrities.. wkwkw XD Now he can finally said, I'm the only one for Hyun~ XD :wub:














Yonghwa on Inkigayo~ He really has powerful eyes! :D




























Puppy eyes~ Gosh! Both Yonghwa & Seohyun really have pretty eyes. No wonder they love to stare. LOL :P




























Thanks blueshoes for the CF! Seohyun looks absolutely adorable there! And I wonder will Yonghwa will squealing by himself watching this part? kekeke~

















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Guest ichigo_kawai

Hi everyone......

I just wanna share my new fan mv lovely skinship from ep 19


I think skinship from this episode is DAEBAK... ^_^

Thanks for watching...^_^

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Guest pamparampap
































OH ! I just finished watching yesterday's episode .
















It's FULL OF LOVE :wub:
















i enjoyed every moment, especially BACK HUG part. !!! ohhh i'm dying of happiness ..:tears:































gogumas aliens !
















thanks for translation, links, news, CS, etc.
















I cannot give anything for u all, so only gratitude that i can give ...^_^
















more love for Yongseo~
















oohhhh Yongseo really made my day ...
















and certainly,






































































*back lurking* :phew:
































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Guest xoxojenniboox3



Hey everyone<3

I'm opening a international forum for all current & past WGM couples.

If your interested in opening it with me, please PM ^^

Looking for about 2-3 global moderators, 10-14 moderators, and how

many every subbers we can get, and everything else ^^

Hope we'll be able to make it great! Sorry for the bother^^


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Still no eng sub..aigoo!! Guess need to come back later.




I spazz too much i think since yesterday..so currently i just watching My girlfriend is GUMIHO..sorry out of topic..since i dun want to write only one sentence.




Just want to share what i am doing right now ..well this got nothing to do with our couple at all..i am going crazy in here.. beside i like to spazz here ..feel like home..so forgive me for unrelated share ..




2pm fan should click this , like seriously "heart beat"




- it is a must to view ..shirtless and damn look at body movement..i think he trying to seduce us..




-my new crush FOX HUNTER but goguma still in my heart..He is no minwoo Ex-trax member aka ROSE


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Guest beeboyb
















































































































Yonghwa is so cute. he try to get closer with Seohyun kekeke
















































































i really like this couple but i cant find clips with eng sub.
















































































where i can find ah? 

















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