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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hello, happy Goguma lovers!

Here's the full translation of the latest episode.

Chapter 17: Considerate Yong becomes childish Yong

Hyun: You’ll like it.

Yong: No.

H: Snooker/Pool.

Y: No, I won’t.

H: Why?

Y: No, let’s go someplace else.

Y: No, I really don’t like it.

H: But I want to learn.

Y: I won’t be kind to you anymore.

H: What?!

Seulong: I’ve never seen him making that face to Seo Hyun.

MC Park: He’s never shown us that he dislikes something that much.

Is there a particular reason that he hates pool that much?

H: Why? I really want to learn. Please teach me.

SO: He really doesn’t seem to like it.

Y: Teach you?

H: Yes!

Y: I want to t-t-t-teach you, really.

H: Then why…?

But anyway they’re heading to the billiard room

Nayoung: Don’t men usually like playing pool?

MC Park: They’re usually more eager to play pool than women.

(In the billiard room)

Y&H: Wow.

Y: My hometown!

H: Everything seems alien to me.

Y: I don’t usually associate myself with a place like this.

Y: Have you played it before?

H: No, not even once.

Y: Not even once?

H: No.

Yong explaining the rules of the game to her

Y: There are two different types of balls, stripes and solids. I don’t know it very well myself.

H: I think you know a lot about pool. You’re good.

Y: No, I’m not.

Y: If you hit a striped ball at the start, then you only need to get all the striped balls in and the eight ball at the end. But if you hit the eight ball and get it in before you clear all the striped balls, you lose.

SO: I think he’s played pool a lot before.

MC Park: He knows it well.

Y: And one more important thing! It’s the thing I love using the most. A duck web (taking out a bridge)!

H: What?

Yong’s explanation lacks a certain professionalism

Y: When the ball is too far away from you to hit, you put this….

NY: So that your cue won’t sway.

H: But what is the proper term for it? It’s not a duck web, is it?

Y:…. No, it’s been a duck web since it was invented.

H: Really? Hmm…..

Y: Ah, really… (keeps getting hesitant)

H: Fighting!

Y: I’m really not good at this.

H: Doesn’t matter!

Y: To be honest…. Do you want me to tell you why I hate it so much?

Finally the reason why Yong hubby dislikes pool so much!

Y: There was a girl in my pool club.

H: A girl?

Y: Frankly… No, never mind.

H: What? Tell me!

Yong suddenly reveals his past?!

Y: I played pool with my friend against these two girls.

H: Yes. But surely you didn’t lose?!

Y: Yes, I lost it flat.

H: Really?

Y: Since then I decided not to play pool anymore.

Turned out to be a very simple reason: because he lost a game to a woman

H: On 1:1?

Y: It was a disastrous loss. Since then I’ve never played pool.

H: Hmm…. Really?

Only because of that…?

(Backroom interview)

Y: Frankly speaking, men are generally good at pool or billiards. But I didn’t want her to see me doing something I’m not good at, really.

MC Kim: That’s how we men feel.

MC Park: Yes, man pride!

Y: That’s the reason why I don’t like dancing. And I have to teach her how to play pool, which I’m not very good at. But I’ll be jealous if other men teach her. In that situation, you can’t help but feel jealous.

Because I’m a man...( Yong’s thinking about Jungmo?) So, I won’t play pool!!

Back in reality, he’s playing after all

Y: I really suck at this!

H: The white ball went in!

Y: This is what you shouldn’t do.

He’s missed the cue ball, and got points deducted

Y: Let’s start. Now, try to hit a red ball.

H: How should I hold the cue?

Y: I don’t really know, either. Put the cue here, and like this…. It shouldn’t be swaying X2.

H: Should all my fingers wrap round this?

Y: Turn your body slightly… and come closer this way…

MC Park: Their position is suspicious.

JW: Oh my, oh my….

MC Kim: That’s right, that’s right!

MC Park: Yes, that’s the way to teach her, adjusting her position and holding…..

MC Kim: It happens naturally.

MC Park: Yes.

The scene that every MC has been waiting for…!

Y: The cue shouldn’t sway.

H: And hit the ball, like this?

Y: Yes.

(Her ball went straight in)

MC Park: Wow! How come she’s so good at this?!

Y: You’re a genius!

Y: But your clothes are a bit….. (taking out his jacket)

MC Park: Yes, yes.

Y: Let’s cover you with this.

H: What is this? Cover myself?

Y: Yes. You shouldn’t…. Anyway cover it (Yong’s blushing).

H: What? Why?

It’s embarrassing to say it out loud

Y: No, nothing….

Y: Pull it up, pull it up!

H: What is this?!

Y: No, pull it up!

NY: Women like it when their men want to keep their clothes under control.

H: What is this…?

Y: This is the etiquette of a billiard room!

(Backroom interview)

Y: I was wondering why he’s putting this on me. At first I was thinking ‘because it’s pretty?’ It was so stuffy and I wanted to take it off.

MC Park: She didn’t know why he did it.

Y: Later I realized that he was taking care of me.

Having realized the meaning behind his actions, she is grateful for hubby’s consideration in protecting his wife~

Yong hubby is now relieved and about to show his true ability

Y: Oh, shot-ta!

NY: What is shot-ta?

JW: Isn’t that the word you use in Busan?

SO: Shot-ta!

MC Kim: Is that a Busan accent?

Y: ……!

H: Hahaha!

(The cue ball went in again) Humiliation!

Y: This is the reason why I don’t like playing pool, you know?

(Yong teaching Hyun)

H: What’s this?!

Y: Gently, gently. Don’t raise it too much.

MC Park: Oh….both went in.

Y: No… Come this way slightly. Okay.

Under Yong’s attentive tutorial...

NY: SNSD, she has talent.

Y: Now you know, don’t you?

H (nodding her head)

SO: I think once she puts her mind to it, she does it better than Yong hwa.

MC Park: She’s got a keen sense.

Y: Now it’s starting. My fear… Let’s play. Anyway I’m as good as you are.

H: You’re lying!

Y: No, I’m not lying.

Yong challenges the beginner to a game

H: But this is my first time.

Y: I lost countless games to beginners before.

Y: Let’s make a bet and if you lose….

H: Yes…?

Y: Give a piggyback!

MC Park: Yah~ I like it!

H: Really?

Y: Yes.

Y (now you’re afraid, aren’t you?)

H: Let’s start!

Y: You’re really….

Y: It doesn’t matter as long as I win, right? Scissor, paper, rock!

(Hyun won)

Y: Since I lost…. You, you start first.

H: Hahaha!

Y: Come on! Smash the balls!

NY: What if Seo Hyun loses the game?

MC Park: No~

MC Kim: Men usually let their women win.

NY: But once I played Go-stop (Korean version of poker) with my boy friend, and when the game’s starting going badly for him he overturned the table!

MC Park: I told you to meet someone nice.

Considerate Yong vs. Traumatized Yong: which side of him will we see?

Y: You saw me playing, right?

H: You’re good $%&@~.

JW: Seo Hyun’s trying to use Banmal even though it’s not easy for her.

Y: Your sentences….you’re avoiding plain speaking, aren’t you?


Game starts

Y: You won’t be able to hit…..

H: Yah~!

Y: No! Tell me the truth. You’ve been lying to me, haven’t you?

H: No, I haven’t.

Y: Go on, continue. You have to hit the colored ones.

H: This is hard…

Y: Next is the black ball… black ball…

H (Glaring at him)

Y: Ah, Why~ (imitating Hyun)?

MC Kim: I’ve never seen anyone so annoying.

H: Ah, really!

Y: Okay, sorry.

(Hyun missed the cue ball)

H: I told you this is my first time.

Y: They say, like wife like husband.

(Yong’s making a sucking noise with his mouth)

MC Park: Isn’t he supposed to go easy on her?

NY: What should we do about that noise he’s making?

MC Kim: Because he’s gaining confidence now.

MC Park: That’s right.

MCs: Oh, it didn’t go in!

NY: It needs the help of nostril wind!

Y: Your turn.

H: Which ball should I hit? I don’t know…

Y: A beginner~

NY: Yong hwa seems to enjoy it too much.

Y: Ah,oooh~~ you (the ball) are not going to disappoint me, aren’t you?

Yong’s building a large lead over her

MC Park: You said that while dating the man should go easy with the woman.

MC Kim: He should…. But he’s not his usual self today.

Due to his trauma, considerate Yong became childish Yong

Y: Hyun-a!

H: This way…?

Y: You won’t be able to reach to the ball from there, will you?

H: A duck’s web! (referring to a bridge)

Y: Yes, that’s the right answer.

Y: Well done, well done. Now, try No. 6.

Y: Then ball No. 1. Wow!

JW: She’s really good.

Y: No, no. Yong hwa don’t, Seo Hyun don’t! (He’s gibbering to distract Hyun)

MC Park: You already know that when Yong hwa gets nervous he becomes a chatterer, don’t you?

JW: He’s distracting her.

(Hyun is not yet free from Yong’s interruption)

H: Oh, I put the balls in an ideal position for you to hit.

Y: No, this kind of ball is harder, really.

NY: Oh, he’s being mean!

H: It’s getting dangerous, dangerous.

Hyun keeps repeating mistakes while Yong is getting stronger

Y: ‘You are not fun, have bad manners. Run devil run, run~’

(the next to the last ball went in)

Y: Good bye.

MC Park: Now he should go for the black one.

SO: Yes, the eight ball.

JW: That’s the ball that matters.

MC Kim: He won’t do it.

NY: You usually keep that ball aside and wait for your opponent.

MC Park: He failed.

SO: He seems to be determined to get that one, though.

H: The duck web.

Y: There you are.

Y (helping): You put it like this… no, come closer.

NY: Oh~ their position is ideal~

H: Shhuk!

Y: OK! ........?!

MC Kim: He really wanted to win, look at his face!

(All the balls are in an easy spot, and H and Y are now even)

H (after clearing one more ball): How did I do?


MC Park: Can you see how Yong hwa is tense?

Seulong: I hope Hyun wins.

Y: Will it happen eventually? Something you only see in dramas…

MC Park: He doesn’t seem to be able to shut his mouth!

Y: No, surely not!

Y: Wow, wow!

Yong’s just spared from losing

MC Park: He’s way too pleased!

MC Kim: Because he…..

MC Park: Are you that happy that your wife has failed?

Y: You really startled me, then.

H: Hahaha!

Y: If the cue ball goes in at the same time, I’ll lose the game, too.

MC Kim: That’s easy as pie.

NY: Did you see how thrilled he was?

H: What’s this…?!

Yong has just won

Y: I won. Why was this so nerve-racking?

H: Ah… It’s a pity.

Y: I’m sorry.

H: No, it’s okay.

H: Wait, then how about the penalty…..

Y: You have to give me a piggyback.

H: No, impossible!

Y: After we eat something tasty.

H: No, I can’t believe this. How am I supposed to give you a piggyback?

Y: Why, do you think I’ll be heavy?

Y: I’m a lightweight.

H: Huh?

Y: A lightweight.

H: Oh my…..

(backroom interview)

PD: You didn’t want to play pool at the beginning.

Y: But it was really fun. I had a thrilling game while teaching her, and especially at the end, regardless of the bet, (it was so tense that) my heart stopped. It was really great fun. I think this will become another good memory.

PD: Were you disappointed that you lost?

H: It’s OK. He didn’t need to lose the game deliberately for my sake. And he mentioned that he had lost many games while playing pool, so if he even lost to me… that would be pitiful. But will he do it (punishment)? I don’t think he’ll ride on my back.

(later… near their house)

Y: You will do it for me, won’t you?

(Yong’s running)

Y: Hahaha!

H: (scream)

(Will the piggyback penalty be accomplished?)

Y: My head hurts from too much concentration.

H: But it was fun.

Y: I’d kill for some pasta.

H: Pasta?

H: Then let’s go and eat pasta. Go and eat! (She’s using Banmal and it comes out more like a command)

(Y and H pushing each other in the street)

NY: Oh, you only do that when you’re lovey-dovey!

MC Kim: They are so uplifted after the game, aren’t they?

Y: Don’t vent your anger on me just because you lost. Kkkkkkkk….

H: Ah~~

H: Oh, spaghetti!

Y: Okay, let’s go, Seo Hyun-a.

(blocking the sunlight with his jacket)

Y: We should avoid UV rays.

(In the restaurant)

Y: I’ve been craving pasta. I like it the best in the world.

H: Oh, really (thinking ‘then what about my soybean stew?’)?

Y: Next to the soybean stew.

Y: Oh, too many choices! I’m excited.

H: Hahaha!

Y: (looking at menu) It’s making my mouth water.

Y & H: One mixed-mushroom spaghetti and one Vongole.

Y: Since we’ve got time till our pasta is served….

Y: I will let you speak formally to me in the way that you’ve been suppressing.

H: Really? Oh~ Thank you!

Y: You seem to struggle too much.

Y: It’s been really hard for you, hasn’t it?

H: Yes, it has.

MC Kim: Ah, that’s the reason she was quiet all day.

MC Park: Yes, because it’s so hard for her.

Y: You seem to have lost your smile since you started using Banmal. I don’t know anymore who this penalty is for.

H: Hahahahaha!

Y: I feel guilty to have made you….

MC Park: He’s right, he did it with good intentions.

Y: Now you feel comfortable, don’t you?

H: Yes.

Y: Yes, I think…

(their meals arrived)

H: Then, start aga~i~n (Banmal) ?! Oh, this is too much!

Y: I’ll let you off the hook till we finish the meal.

H: Wah~

Y: It hurts me just to see you struggle.

H: Thank you.

Yong is not tasting the pasta but sucking it

H: Is it good? Is it good?

Y: (overwhelmed)

H: Hahaha!

H: You really like pasta, don’t you?

Y: This is really good.

H: It’s tasty.

Y: It (speaking formally) became a habit since I’ve been living with my (SNSD) sisters.

(Yong putting a scallop on her spoon)

H: Thank you.

MC Park: Oh~ scallops!

MC Kim: You don’t give them to just anyone unless you love the person.

SO: That’s right, because there’re so few in one dish~

Y: But you don’t have a problem with using Banmal to your friends, right?

H: Yes, to my friends…

Y: I have a confession to make.

H: What is it?

Y: Actually I’m twenty years old. I’m a freshman.

H: Hahaha!

Y: You don’t have to put too much pressure on yourself (but still wishes to hear her Banmal).

H: Is that right?

Y: Yes.

H: I’ll try.

Y: How?

Y: Rather than saying ‘~hageseupnida’, I’ll say ‘halgeyo’.

*Hada means ‘to do’. ‘~(hage)seupnida’ is the most formal way of saying it, then ‘~(hal) geyo’ and ‘~(ha)da’ (banmal)

MC Park: Yes, that’s better.

MC Kim: ‘~seupnida’ sounds military.

MCs: Yes, that’s right.

(backroom interview)

H: Instead of ‘Soybean stew yo’, just ‘soybean stew’! Like this, step by step.

(she’s trying to fix her 20 year habit)

H: Do you like mushrooms?

Y: Yes.

(Hyun putting mushrooms on Yong’s dish)

MC Park: They’re exchanging their mushrooms and seafood~

H: Is it good?

Y:….! (thumbs up)

H: Hehehe.

Y: Eat a lot.

H: Yes.

Y: Because you have to give me a piggyback.

H: Um…!

Y: Here’s a scallop, I’ll shell it for you.

H: I’m fine.

Seulong (jealous): Why~

MC Park: Why are they suddenly doing something they never did before?

(Near the house)

Y: Let’s get ready. Start from the tree over there.

H: Here?

Y: No, it’ll be too hard for you. You just stand over there.

Y: I’ll run and hop on your back.

SO: That’s a different game (called Malddukbakki which is way more extreme than a piggyback).

JW: He should run toward her, and then a back hug…

H: Hold my bag while you’re riding.

Y: No problem. I can do that much for you.

H: Ah~ really!

Y: You can do it for me, can’t you?

H: I mean, seriously!

Y: Look ahead!

(Yong’s starting to run and Hyun’s running away)

Y: What are you doing? Stop right there.

H: But why are you running?

Y: It’s an approach run so that I can hop higher.

(A mixture of a piggyback and a back hug)

H: Kiyah~~~~!

MC Park: Is he on her back?

H: Wait, wait!

(Y doesn’t seem to want to get off)

H: Can we do it again over there, on the steps?

Y: OK.

JW: They are going to hold hands soon at this rate.

H: I can do it, I can do it.

Y: Yes, you can.

H: Oh~ you’re really heavy!

(Hyun is staggering)

Y: Let me go, let me go!

H: No, we have to follow the rules! Again!

Y: What rules? This is just a punishment!

H: No, I can do it.

Y: Your competitive streak is coming out.

H: Again, one, two, start.

Y: Please go easy on me. Ah~ah~ah~!!

H: Kyah~!

Y: Don’t swing, don’t swing! This terrifies me more than it does you.

H: No, make a comfortable position.

Y: I can’t get comfortable!

The meaning of the skinship of this married couple has been forgotten long ago

(They reached the house)

Y: Where are you going? You have to carry me upstairs.

N: Why were you on my back like this, this, so awkwardly?!

Y: Okay, okay, okay.

H: Wow, it was really hard.

Y (fanning her with his hands): I really didn’t think you would do it.

H: Why? I can do it.

Y&H: Hahahahaha!

(preview: making Kimchi)

H: I don’t know where to start.

They’re doing their best in their own way

(Hyun feeding Yong) Y: Ah…….! This is killing me, really.

(CNBlue boys are cleaning their house)

Minhyuk: Do it properly!

Jungshin: This is no joke.

Here comes…. sister in law to CNBlue’s house!

I'll be back later to spazz with you guys, see you then!

Y: Will it happen eventually? Something you only see in dramas…

at this point, hyun is playing v well. so, is he talking abt the typical piggyback

in k dramas, where the lead gets to carry his gal?

at the back of his mind, maybe he's thinking "i should just piggyback her"

but on the other hand, losing to a girl (his wife, the beginner) doesn't sit

well with him either....hmm..

H: It’s OK. He didn’t need to lose the game deliberately for my sake. And he mentioned that he had lost many games while playing pool, so if he even lost to me… that would be pitiful. But will he do it (punishment)? I don’t think he’ll ride on my back.

hyun obviously thought wrong...this clueless lamb doesn't know how much

her yong wants to do it :lol:

Y: I can’t get comfortable!

The meaning of the skinship of this married couple has been forgotten long ago

i don't understand what yong means. anybody?

crytal, tks for the gif! *save save* ^_^

REQ: can someone make a gif of yong running up the slope?

i think he looks soo playful there.

j2, tks again for the translations. :wub:

i'm getting high again...

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Guest tripplemama
















































Good Morning
































I did another re-run this morning on our couple & still cannot stop smiling..
































Something strike my attention.... scene 1:04 to 1:10... ** edit when they are climbing the stairs to the snooker center*** ooops....Yongs's reaction is super cute here...if someone can screen cap or gif that scene I will really appreciate it.
































EDIT***Just wondering that jacket...do it happen to be in his bag OR he brought it for HYUN. I guess he knows that he will eventually give in to his wife...I am really thinking too DEEP...
































I guess this episode our COUPLE behaving super crazy....I think YONG on the way to meet his BUIN he was listening to his song LETS GO CRAZY hahaha
































Tata...off to watch my re-run









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Too adorable. Can't wait to see the subtitled version, all these partial translations and pictures are great!

















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Guest omgirly




























Thanks so much, j2dlee, for the awesome translation of the most recent episode and to everyone posting awesome screen caps! 




















j2dlee, i hope you don't mind that i cut your post...











































Y: Frankly speaking, men are generally good at pool or billiards. But I didn’t want her to see me doing something I’m not good at, really. 




















Y: That’s the reason why I don’t like dancing. And I have to teach her how to play pool, which I’m not very good at. But I’ll be jealous if other men teach her. In that situation, you can’t help but feel jealous.




















Because I’m a man...( Yong’s thinking about Jungmo?) 







































I loved how Yong articulated what we've been speculating about since episode 6. He doesn't like dancing or doing anything he's not good at because he wants to appear handsome to her and only wants to show her his best. 




















Then, with what he's not good at, he still doesn't want anybody else to teach her because he probably thinks he'll appear "less than" compared to those who are more skilled. Again, only wanting her to see him at his best. We all remember the small hints jealousy in his expressions when the CNB brother-in-laws taught Hyun how to play instruments and when Jungmo from Trax helped her practice the guitar. 




















I can't remember which interview he was quoted as saying that when they tape WGM, he acts like he really likes her. Either he's a REALLY good actor or there are some real feelings there. How much of those feelings are romantic or platonic, we'll probably never know, but in the meantime, they're still sweet to watch.





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Guest ahn_annann
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can't stop my scream and smile while cap those pics..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I need more.. Yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cap by me

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest anne0129












PEOPLE STOP POSTING ONE LINERS....THE MODERATORS ARE WATCHING AND MIGHT SHUT THE THREAD DOWN BECAUSE IT KEEPS HAPPENING.....PLEASE WE DON'T WANT TO LOOSE THIS THREAD. tears.gif I don't want to loose this thread...this is the only place that keeps me sane while waiting for Saturday to arrive.....(sorry selfish much blush.gifblush.gifblush.gif )








Thanks to everyone who posted pics, links and gifs for this lovely couple....I have been re-watching this again and again....My computer is getting mad at me right now....Just love the latest epi.... :wub:



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Wah. I watched the whole episode for three times last night and I swear I will never get over how smooth the moves they did to each other. It's so simple yet it brings out a lot of comfortable feelings.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































English subtitles D:

































































































































































































































































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Guest biiianx
















Many thanks to woollylamb and erxmeeza for the song ~~ I just woke up and hearing the song again made my day ^^








Seriously, visiting our Sweet Potato thread is becoming a habit to me everytime i open my laptop. I can't help but to always lurk at our thread. It's a good habit for me though :wub:








Let's keep supporting our LOVE for YongSeo couple.













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Guest Crystal392






Days like today I wish I knew Chinese... Hehehehe


Can't wait until the episode with eng subs is out ^_^


Thanks for sharing the link, and OMG those screencaps are awesome!


I also love this thread so much :)


YongSeo hwaiting!!



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Guest _d3seohyun






@j2dlee. thank you so much! it must have been tough for you translating every part of the episode every week. we appreciate your time, effort and sacrifice! thank you!






their conversations are hilarious! Yonghwa is such an adorkable :wub:



and Seobaby bwahahaha that innocence of yours will always be there no matter



whatever skinship happens between you two :lol:






@genxv. LOL @ your spoiler. i was thinking of the same exact thing!!! :w00t:






@ahn_annan. that first cap of yours is <3. she was already leaning towards him



before they started the bumping-here-and-there session huh? kyah!!!!






@jnj. :P you did it all on your own. more please! :D






hello and tnx to everyone! what a happy weekend!



there are so many things to spazz about, i feel overwhelmed!















Episode 19 caps Part I




I love the way she leans towards him..showing aegyo, trying to convince him.


How can Yonghwa say no to that?!




There are quite a few scenarios in this episode that they always look back in the direction


of the other. and kekkee Yonghwa's hand were all over the place in this episode! atta boy! lol




Okay at this part, what were they actually doing?! Was seobaby tickling Yong?


Or was she simply giving him a pat on the back but Yong seobang is pretending to play


hard to get?! whatever it was...so cute! seriously, what's up with these two?!










Too bad Yong didn't notice that his wife seemed a little uncomfortable after he mentioned "girls" kekeke.




Look at that pout! Jealous seobaby is cute!




kyah @ at yonghwa's blackroom interview! and boy he looks so handsome!




I was feeling the heat while doing the caps during their teaching session LOL







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Guest _d3seohyun






KYAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! the jacket scene is one of my all-time faves!






so charming of Yong to do that. LOL at him being shy and even laughing



at his clueless wife. LMAO at seobaby, she really looked confused there.



kyahhh! i love the flow of conversation between these two. that could have



been an awkward moment but nope. didn't sense any awkwardness at all!












kyah i love the contrast between these first two caps! yong approaching his



target...seobaby looking so innocent







































ROTFL @ Yonghwa. what an adorkable! so he really is bad at playing pool lol









kyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh these two! touching here, there and everywhere! LOL



make out already! kekekkeke



























Yong: Piggyback ride? Hyun: why not?!!!












enjoy your day/evening potatoes. keep spazzing :D



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Guest blueshoes








I wanna cap too >.<





























































































































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Guest exceptional.chic
















yesterday's ep just killed me. LOL.








yong was so sweet for even asking hyun to wear a jacket to avoid uhm, you know what i mean.








LOL at yong when he sang a bit of run devil run.








so she did gave him a piggyback ride - that was EPIC. skinship overload.








the bumping-each-other scene was LOVE. :)








seulong was hitting the MC as well. HAHAHA.








he kept on holding her. :wub::wub:





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the pool skinship











the jacket zip-up











the bumping scene (idk what else to call that playful display on the street :sweatingbullets:)











the banmal convo











the spaghetti sharing (fork-to-fork; spoon-to-spoon, get my point right? :lol)











the backhug cover-up piggyback











on top of everything else, Seo Hyun-ssi is making her own statement:






















be it termed in general but beside her is that particular boy...






















d3seohyun, i love your screencaps as always! making me all giggly inside











j2dlee, the highlight of the spazzing moment is your translation with the screencaps provided by our guguma bros and sis :wub: my thank you!!!!











loving the spazzing in this corner!!! HAPPY GUGUMA WEEK!











I'm seriously dying to spazz since last night but with too much that happened, I guess I'm savoring each moment~ kyaaah!!! maybe I can go spazz some more this coming week!











waiting patiently for our dear subbers... ^_^


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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































Just a piggy back...the bumping-each other on the street, and exchanging food together. Yongseo just killed me !
































































































































































what if some day, they hold hands and KISS?
































































































































































O.M.G, how will I be able to survive :tears:

































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































the cap showing them up the stairs to the pool tables, I think Yong was playing a little bit and walks slowly because he is hesitating to play pool. So Hyun is pushing him up the stairs.
































































the pool date turned out to be great because after that, they walked and bumped on each other while walking. actual couples do that when they are happily walking.
































































while eating spaghetti, they were still playful. and Yong allowed her to stop using banmal because he can see that Hyun was trying her hardest to speak informally.
































































although he wants her to speak to him informally, but seeing her having diffculty and losing her smile while talking informally, he stopped it. He wouldn't want to lose his wife's beautiful smile. and what a relief was it to Hyun.
































































he chose her smile over speaking informally. :)
































































the piggy back scene. It looks like Yong was strangling her but I think he placed is arms over her neck because Hyun's shoulder is not wide and to avoid touching Hyun's sensitive areas.

































































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Guest toomuchsmiling




i found this ..mp3 download link


MP3 download


hope it help ..


i just wrote a comment then my internet got disconnected..And i am too lazy to type again..






omg, wow, thanks for the share!! I ALSO really liked this song and was wondering what it was.


It has this calming jazz feel that's also cutesy, but not overly so. ^__^ When I heard it (i wanna find the english trans if there is any) but i thought it really suits the feel for Yong and SeoHyun!! :w00t:




k, this ep all i can say is YESS! DAEBAK FOR SURE!!!! :w00t::w00t: xD


I loved everything!!! The pool game, that was fun/cute not to mention a little suspense near the end! haha.


Then idk, i almost loved the NUDGING more than the piggy-back ride. xDDD


it was all love. <333 :wub:


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