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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest alishalover




I just uploaded others links for today's episode











So, Enjoy ! :)



Thanks for the links !!!


I really really like this episode.


So sweet, awesome and lovely.





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ahh this episode had me giggle so much!








































I wonder how heavy Yong must be! Hyun has a lot of strength! lol








































This episode specially reminded me of the AnSol couple especially with the pool game & the kimchi making in the preview. AnSol couple were my first WGM favourite couple and seeing YongSeo couple is like watching a younger version of the AnSol couple in terms of the activities they do together (b/c each couple is still SOOOOOO different!)








































Yong looks so tired & his voice sounded so raspy! I hope now his voice feels better esp. with all those Japan concerts & tours coming up!









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ME again..haha




i think i want to thank WGM's staff for choosing them as a couple .. they indeed the most sweetest couple i ever hook.. I still cant get enough of seohwa couple even tho i already repeat the vid almost 3 times..




it is a brilliant idea when they decide yong as a couple for seohyun..it is because he just debut and he is pure as seohyun.. what i means , he is a new artist still dont have any connection with others celebrity except maybe his partner Angell .




so every thing that they did was 1st time.. for both of them..it will be the most memorial event ever..




The ring accident ..no one cant ever forget how yong react .. that is not even in the script






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Guest VinaDoll91
















































Hi everyone... Fuh~~~ this is my first time posting here...   :sweatingbullets: I’ve always been a silent reader but this time i could not help myself from posting here.. 
































this episode totally awesome... i really love the scene where the couple enjoying themself with the game, just like there is no camera around them.
































i think,  i'm going to love this couple~~~FOREVER























































let's start giving a lot of love for couples yongseo ... wub.gif

















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Guest BluMistLaydee




























I stayed up to watch this episode, only to fall dead asleep right before it started so I'm kinda sad I didn't get to spaz with the rest of you. But this episode was seriously ridiculously cute. I can't wait until our dear jd2lee do translations so I can enjoy this episode even more.





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Guest Sopheli
































Hello. ive been a silent reader so first time posting here.
















They are too cute, cant stop fluttering just by watching on them, right?
































I just found that today's ep has so much skin ship we've been longing to see and all of sudden, their distance got much closer...like a real couple right.
















ohh....otokke...this is very fishy^_^
















maybe they crossed some kinda words of affection towards each other behind the camera during going through hardships for Yong. (hospitalization and etc..), so Yong became more confident and no hesitant to approach her by skin ship:D
















He seems not scared of being refused any more like before. They might have confessed their true feeling towards each other. haha.
































ahhh so cute.
















well, Loving them means loving you too, potatos.

































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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7


Thank u goguma lovers for ur comments, pics and links.This episode was the best! We saw much more skinship in this ep than in other eps.

I was screaming during the piggyback thing..indeed Yonghwa ur bet request was a clever move!!!

uahhh another meeting with her brother in laws.Its always good to have Jungshin chingoo around,did u remember the last ep,the pic he found in Yonghwas room...;-))of course I hope the other members will reveal something new about Yonghwa.....its worth to wait for next saturday.:lol:

hugs and kisses to all of u !!!


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Guest _d3seohyun












REQUEST: If any of you guys bump into an HD version of today's episode on youtube or wherever kindly pm me or post it here. I am dyingggggggggg to make caps for today's







episode but I really need an HD version thank you so much!





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Guest sally7






REQUEST: If any of you guys bump into an HD version of today's episode on youtube or wherever kindly pm me or post it here. I am dyingggggggggg to make caps for today's









episode but I really need an HD version thank you so much!









HD version via torrent










this episode filming after ring incident@mucore & dream concert & yong admit hospital





there might be something happen so they look like real couple now :wub:


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omo,really luv today episod... keep laughing and laughing..haha.. but i do really sorry for jinwoon n also my 3 lovely cousin who really hardcore fan of seobaby... haha...

everyweek with sweet moment of them... but still have people who never satisfied with what they did now... :crazy: Mindset, its hard to be change.. <_< but who cares.. our YONGSEO couple is totally love..love..love :wub:

have a nice day gogumas!!!


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Guest lenovo












What's the song playing towards the ending of their PART???








Just after the piggy back. It's cute!!!!!








yah, what to the 450 users in this thread??? so quiet.... hehehe.








I bet ut repeating the episode too right??? hahahha.








Praying for SUbs soon!























I'm GIVING IT A FEW MORE EPISODES.... then they can pull - off a very close intimate WEDDING PHOTOSHOOT ...... in JAPAN! :wub::wub:
















Uuuugh!!!!! Why did he eat the spag like that..... on NAtional Tv???!!!!!! EEEEEEk!!!








uhuhuhuhuhuhuh. I dont know if im gna laugh or cry....



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Thank you so much for the links. No wonder you guys were spazzing.I am happy even without the subs.








I love how Yong is so natural now with seobaby.Man he's behaving like a typical male wanting to be 'the man' in front of his buin.Did you see his pouts? So cutee.......:D  I don't think they even remember the cameras are there.








Do you remember the 2nd or 3rd date when they had the goguma latte and the finger wrestling?The one where there were so many pauses and seobaby didn't even feed him the apple chips?Did you see what happened at lunch.Aigoo.....he was slurping away :D:D and was he passing his food or throwing the titbits at her...I nearly died laughing.








And seobaby...she doesn't even pause or look surprised at any skinship....put jacket on and adjust doesn't even attempt to do it herself- no worries.Adjust your stance at pool-no reaction.Him holding your arms for like more than 2 or 3 sec after the piggybag ride-doesn't even notice :o 








3 attempts at piggybags- didn't even adjust his arms.....good golly.Did you notice how many people were down the street?








This couple keeps getting better and better.They were laughing and giggling like a newlywed couple after a day out....awww.... so sweet.......:D :D



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Guest BluMistLaydee




























Ok after watching the preview for the 15th time. Yes 15th time and counting, I love how natural Seobb looks feeding him a piece of kimchi, considering in the past, she looked rather stiff doing so. I love just how comfortable they are now.





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Guest gettawa

Hi every one .... this post is my first time .like some one before 5555

But I though  We have same feeling .... Right ?

By ep 19 smile throuht it ....

They are Lovly so much ..... 

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Guest lhizbrit




This episode was by far my most favorite episode of all time... :w00t:


Aside that it was full of skinship that Goguma planet's been waiting for so long... I like the way Yo~ong protected Hyu~un from the peeping eyes! Hahaha! There's the reason why Hyu~un ends up wearing Yo~ong's jacket!! Haha!! He insists her to wear it in her surprised and awe! :lol: Innocent Hyu~un..Cheongmal!!



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Guest Rouenna










Haha! This episode is totally funny and "kyaaa~"-worthy. :wub::w00t:








It seems Yong is so desperate to win the game, he kept distracting Hyun when it's her turn. Notice that when Yong's face is near the hole or directly on top of it, Hyun kept missing the shot, haha! He's so sneaky, Hyun got distracted. I like the scenes when he teaches her just before their actual betting game.








And on the piggyback scene, Hyun's cute exclamations made it all the more funny (like the same time when they arm wrestled). Lots of "iik" and "waaah"! ROFL. :lol:








Love the scene after the piggyback when the music goes mellow and when Yong was fanning Hyun, her peal of laughter on the stairs is so adorable. Ah, Yong, seriously, if you don't get this girl for real...(big sigh) blush.gif








I can't wait for the translation. Weehheee!!


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Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun bet on a game of pool

by xvntbk

Jung Yonghwa then revealed his true reason to why he didn’t want to go play pool.

He stated, “I don’t want to show a girl that I’m not good at something. So I don’t want to do a dance that I can’t even do well and play pool in front of you Hyun.”

Seohyun stated regarding her loss, “It’s okay if you win, husband. It seems as if you lost a lot while playing pool so I don’t think Yong’s heart would be well if you lost to a beginner like me.”

source: allkpop

these two are perfect fit!!! :wub:

run table table run run! lmao!

now who wants to go with me to MBC station and steal all the unedited vids????

I'll go! :lol:

Thinking Yong is so self-conscious about how he looks only in front of the girls he *likes*. ;)

It is so cute to see them making these bets.

Too many things to like about this episode but I knew it was going to be a good day once I saw his hand land on her shoulder before they went up the stairs to the poolroom... and then saw her hand land on his AND THEN on his back for longer than one second on the stairs. It looked like she may have even been tickling him judging from his little giggle and jerk. :)

So funny to see this between them. I almost thought I would never see the day. It seems that failing the license exams as well as Yong dancing to Genie for her, losing the ring on stage and landing in the hospital were the best things that could have ever happened for them! :wub::lol: And so looking forward to next week!!!

ck1Oz 3 attempts at piggybags- didn't even adjust his arms.....good golly.Did you notice how many people were down the street?

And it looked like most of them were taking pictures! :lol: Very telling when you don't notice your surroundings but only each other! It was also funny to see her not ask "What are you doing?" to when he was playfully nudging her on the street while walking to the restaurant. This time, she nudges back! Sweeeet.

Way to go, Yong...props to you. Very happy that you were so patient!

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Guest anne0129












I have been repeating this episode for the 4th time now....This episode is definitely DAEBAK!!!!! Finally we see what we have all been waiting for....SKINSHIP!!!! Can't wait for the translation for this weeks episode....I keep coming back to this forum and waiting for translations....Hoping and praying that someone would translate this episode for us...I am actually really curious what Hyun's thoughts were when Yong insisted that she wear his jacket while they were playing pool (the black room interview). Hoping j2dlee will drop by in our thread tonight....PLEASE!!!!








(Gosh, is anyone having a hard time connecting to soompi the way I have been) I'm having a hard time editing and even just logging in here.....:(



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I have to agreed that it is getting better and better.





Yonghwa is showing his charms and Seohyun is displaying a lot of ayego in these two recent episode. Remember how we wish we can watched those footage filmed after the hospitalisation? cos we also notice the change in Yonghwa's answers to all the interviews and the smile in the eyes every time her name was brought up. We are there now. So now I am looking forward to see those filmed near the concert date.





Back to Yonghwa's charm, carry wife bag, cover her up jacket,










gave her his scarf, help her put on the captain's jacket during the beach trip etc etc. There are so many.





Seohyun is so cute!!! The sparkling eyes!!!





Anyone can update how is the korea folks or fans comment on them recently?

















BTW, popped by the other 2 couple thread during the time the show was broadcasted, this thread has the highest number of users reading the topic more than 500 compared to around 100 for them. Haha, looks like all of us ensure that our schedule are cleared fro them every week.





For the Khuntoria preview, they are also taking driving lessons too.










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Guest blueshoes








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