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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Luv_cheese
























I can already see them both in an upcoming drama together :) I am certain it will come and I'm sure it will be a big hit coz by then, they already are established actors :) I hope they keep their joint savings account :) they both have to work hard and earn lots of money so they build a beautiful two storey white house with a garden that Hyun likes and a palace-like interior decors that Yong dreamed of. Lol.









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So finally an official statement from MBC came out.  Well, though it's sad to hear that, still, I believe there is still a small chance that the couple will extend their stay right, cause along with the statement it also says that nothing is definite yet and that they will only shoot the final scenes next month.  I am still hoping that they would change their minds and give in to an extension after they see the love and support of the international fans at tomorrow's concert.  If only, we can stop for awhile of thinking about their forthcoming exit.  If I'm not mistaken it also state in the translation of the announcement that both were kinda sad upon hearing of the fans reactions even if no official confirmation has been issued yet. So I guess our reactions may influence theirs and their company's decision.... aish, i'm really sorry about my post, I guess I'm just not ready to let them go I guess.  But, don't get me wrong, I am happy with whatever new undertakings they will venture.








Okey, thanks for reading, I'm going back to work. 









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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































so, it's confirmed already right? I guess that's the way it has to be............ you know what, I'm not as sad as yesterday and 2 days ago, because finally we got a CLEAR explanation that both Yonghwa and Seohyun were VERY UPSET over this, and I believe it's not their decision to end WGM............






























































hey guys, it's okay. there will be an end to everything, and that's what we, Yonghwa, and Seohyun must go through. I do hope that we will become stronger individuals in the future. Yonghwa and Seohyun with their careers, us with studies, work, etc etc.






























































I want to thank MBC for taking a quick decision telling us the news as early as March, because it will definitely give time for us to settle down, realizing that WGM doesn't last forever. So the last episode is still not recorded yet right?? they said it will be on April Maybe fans, especially KOREAN FANS can give requests on WGM website on how should WGM film their last episode, because it needs to be the MOST MEMORABLE, BEAUTIFUL, SWEETEST, ENJOYABLE episode for them!!






























































meanwhile, we have that SPECIAL STAGE by YongSeo on the Thai concert to anticipate, and I'm sure YongSeo will give the best to comfort the fans who are saddened by their news of leaving WGM. I believe Thai fans will give their best shot to prove that YongSeo is already APPROVED TO BE A REAL COUPLE............FOREVER AND EVER!






























































영원히 YongSeo Couple!!!































































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A couple pages back someone asked if the male gogumas would shed some tears if they found out that our couple was leaving the show. I scoffed at the idea since the only time that I've cried in recent memory was when my dog passed away and I was away at college. 

Well, now the news is official and although my eyes are still very dry, there is a growing feeling of emptiness within me. We'll get to see them interact at music shows and concerts and maybe if we're lucky, we'll get a paparazzi shot of them hanging out at the coffee shop ski resort. However, their on-screen relationship has come to an end and we can only speculate as to the nature of their off-screen relationship. It's been fun watching them progress from the unbearable awkwardness of the first episode to the park scene at the end of the last episode. I can't even find the right words to describe their walk in the park. It was... special. 

Anyhow, if Lizzy is cast as half of the next couple, then I'll probably watch the first few episodes but nothing will ever compare to our YongSeo couple. 

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Guest hyuksu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For one I'm glad that the news about them leaving the show is being released early. We still have a month to prepare ourselves and they have time to prepare for a beautiful ending (to a new beginning of course!). Would you guys rather have it suddenly announced a week before their final episode? I can already picture myself FREAKING OUT haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ah I'm just glad they're going to be together in Thailand this weekend. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh, and I seriously hope the new couple(s) won't appear on the show until AFTER our couple's last episode. I want as much airtime for the ending as possible.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































P.S.- Pray for those in Japan.♥

































































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I'm very proud & happy that most Soompi Gogumas are handling this news with a mature attitude.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You guys are a beautiful In-Go-Phaem & I am forever grateful to you all for keeping our fandom true to the ideals & values Yonghwa & Seohyun believe in.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A big Yongseo style hug for all my friends here in Go-Chun:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest JustMeee




























Finally the confirmation of the departure of out yongseo couple, i immediately went to listen yongseo's banmal song and i can't stop crying after knowing the news. ottoke!!! My everyday dose of our couple, reading this soompi thread since a year ago.. Following the news , updates of our couple since a year plus ago and now it's gonna stop, i can't be not affected by it even though i know wgm will come to an end anytime! It has been part of my life for a year and more. I'm gonna miss them! Yongseo, i'll be waiting for you both news of being together, you guys have been too real!! FIGHTING!



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Guest pseudonykkaii




Wow. I wake up and BOOOOM. I read it. I didnt imagine this place to be so calm tho.. But I guess after all the reassurings and all the worryings its inevitable. I suddenly felt so selfish for thinking 'what do i do?'




But all good things must come to and end just like how it first came to those who waited.




The moment i saw them being so sweetly comfortable, in the back of my mind i knew it was coming. Ive never been so involved and never invested so much time to any reality couple but yomgseo is different, that we could all agree. How are they different? Id say because they are real. You could believe anything you want, and this is what i believe in.




Its funny how they waltzed on my life on my 18th birthday and i knew of the ending on the same day i end one of my placements that i really enjoy.




Yongseo fighting!!!



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Guest SophiaPia
















YongSeo will end only in wgm reality show, but hopefully not in real life. We all wish they continue their beautiful friendships, what ever they have right now, what ever they build as Nampeyeon and Buin. And what's next to both of them is really up to them. If they want to become more friends it's really up to them. YongSeo is "destiny". YongSeo is precious and eternity. YongSeo is expect the unexpected. YongSeo made good memories together. YongSeo is love. And we all wish them really really well, happiness, and good health. Whatever they do in their life, and in their individual activities. Only i can wish for is for YongSeo to remain friends or best friends or best buddies, really lovely if more than that :)















If we are sad by the E news, i guess it's sad for YongSeo too.















But, 1 month extension is so fine. We love YongSeo. 








I love you all YongSeo lovers. 








Not only we have YongSeo couple. But we have build very nice "friendships" here and everywhere. Whether you are there and i'm here but we become friends because of YongSeo. 















To all friendships kamsahamnida. Saranghaeyo.



















YongSeo Thailand thank you so much



























and let's all pray for Japan and other countries to be safe from all earthquakes, flood, whatever happening right now. Let's take a min of silent and let's pray. Prayers is most powerful in this world.
























































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Guest silly_guilly






I'm a big fan of the Goguma couple and it makes me really sad that they'll be ending their WGM relationship. I had a feeling that things would come to an end soon when it was announced that Yong Hwa was going to be a main role for an upcoming drama. I guess that whole superstition/ premonition? about the photographer was right. People were saying the couple might end if that particular photographer(forgot his name) was going to shoot their wedding photos. All fans can hope for is that they stay in touch after WGM.



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Guest chachann






the confirmation is out..


stay strong and enjoy all yongseo's moment in WGM..


btw, we are reaching our 2000th page anytime soon. so is there new thread for yongseo?


i don't think we want to stop spazzing about yongseo now..



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Guest YongSeo
























Wanted to comment quickly though not about the E news but something that I read from email about horoscope. An analysis about Cancer man (Yong) & woman (Hyun).








Can't write too much becos still working. Will spazz with all of you later...




































































The most sensitive man and the weakest emotional type in all Zodiac. Most






























Artists are Cancer. Cancer is controlled by the 'Moon' and the moon change






























it's shape daily, so Cancer man's emotional and moods change all the time






























too. You will confuse with him and yet it is his constantly changes that






























'Charm' you. He never go to get what he wants directly, but he will wait for






























a chance and opportunity to do so. Once he gets what he wants, he will not






























loose it, except if he get tired of it by himself. The most sensitive man who can not stand rejection. He cares what other people feel or think of him. He hates loosing face and he tends to over protected himself, so sometimes people might think he is a cold person. Gifted, creative, imaginative, is Cancer. A mystery and complexity play a major role in a life of a Cancer man. He could be very funny, very quiet, suddenly very sad. Living with him could be very unexpected, for you will not know what is his next mood. If you like excitement and surprise, you have the right guy and never have a chance to get bored. He thinks of his home as 'nest' and it is the safest place for him. If he feels hurt or depress he will stay at home alone quietly. Once he feels better, he will come out of his retreat and lives normally again. Being a looser is not him. It is so easy to






























fall in love with this guy because he is gentle and a very polite guy. His wit and creative mind could win your affection. He will come out from his nest to protect you even if he is not opening himself up to other people much. Not many people will win his heart. His security is only when he has money in his pocket. Once he feels secure then he might think of having a happy family. Even he likes to make and keep money, he is not stingy. Spending money is part of his good image, so he will be happy to spent money to take you out to a very expensive restaurant or buy a jewelry for you. Certainly when he has money OK. He is possessive to everything's that he thinks belong to him. Don't try to talk to another cute guy in front of him, he will get suspicion because he is not very secure or confident in himself for this kind of competition. Once you know each other too much, he will start to look for new excitement, but not to worry for he will always think of you. If he thinks you are the true love for him, and you try once to disappear. You will be sure he will come and look for you. He is a shy guy, but if he likes you. You can get up in the morning and see that he is in front of your house everyday till you go out with him, a very persistent guy. He likes a secure, cheerful and lively woman, confident but at the same time always act proper and appropriate. He likes a secure woman, but able to






























adjust to his rapid changes. A very difficult type to find woman indeed. In the beginning, you and him will be so sugary sweet together and he will only think of you. This so 'super romantic' will not last forever, so don't slip this chance. If you are the one who want his interest, then act and make yourself interesting. Be a supportive person and give him compliment sometimes, but not too much till he thinks you are not sincere. Unlike many other Zodiac, if he is mad then you better get out of that room. He will calm down by himself. Giving him a slight touch on his shoulders or concerned facial expression are enough. He loves his mother, so try to be






























his mother favorite, but do not act like his mother!






















































































































































When she is in love, she will act both ways. First, Shy and polite trembling






























to be near you. Second, Attach to you like glue and trying to be with you






























all the times. She will try to go home with you after work, or have every






























lunch with you. It is O.K. if you like her too, but if is not the






























case, you will feel very uncomfortable. She hates to be talked about or gossiped by someone else. If she knows she will be very hurt. In nature she is a shy type, except she has been influenced by some other Zodiac. She is not a brave or daring type, so if you like her then you better be the one who start first. She will not accept her true feeling, so if you like here you better tell her first. She is like a musical note always change in tunes, so one minute she can be funny and cheerful, and one minute she can be sad and depress. Other people may think of her as 'Over-acting', or 'Over-reacting'. When she is depress, she will go out and look for things to make it up. She loves money, and thinks of having 'Money' as 'happy', not as 'God'. She will not look down at you if you do not have a lot of money, but she will help you make money, save money. She is not an extravagant person and sometimes will tell you not to buy her expensive and not useful gift. She is the type who enjoy a long and quiet walk. Cancer woman also influenced by the 'moon', so under the moon light she will be fascinating woman. She has a constant fear for many things. She fear of not being smart enough, not pretty enough. Even if she is not fat, she will not be satisfy. Assuring her of her look would help, because she can change mood 4 times a day. She is not stingy, but you will not surprise if you see she collecting old or broken junks. She sees that everything are useful to her. She will find a way to re-use it again some day. She is not a jealous type,but possessive. The best part of her is that she will sacrifice everything for her love one with no limit. Don't leave her in






























times of troubles, she will never forget it. She is not a weak type, even she looks like one, Example if you argue with her, she might cry her heart out. Once you left, she will wipe her tears and start clean up her apartment normally. She is a very careful mother and will look after her kids every steps of the way. If she is a mother of your children, you are at ease, but if she is your mother in law, you are in pain. Not to worry, this type of mother in law will not let her own daughter being an 'Old mate'. She could be moody and argue with you in many little things like many women, but she always wait and want to take care of you. If you argue with her and disappear a few days, she will be waiting for you, but not for long O.K. This kind of testing is risky, try not to do it. The Cancer woman need 2 things to be happy which are 'Work' and 'Love'. She can be live in a dusty house, but she can not live in that same house with no Love.





































































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Guest kasia3goguma
































I woke up early today, and what I see? The news is official...
















Ehh... what can I say? I'm so sad. Although past days we were expecting it, it's still hard to say it's ok...






















































Although the show is ending, our love for them will last forever. Seohyun and Yonghwa will always be important for me and I will always support them. We are gogumas, right?






















































I hope their relationship/friendship will also last forever! They've become very close and I hope they will never forget this precious time.






















































I will miss every Saturday, every surprising reactions they had, Yong choding, every smile... I will miss them a lot!






















































We reached almost 2000 pages, I hope we will be here, supporting them no matter what!






















































I want to thank Yognhwa & Seohyun for making this year so beautiful for me and for always being so true and amazing..






















































Love all Gogumas, You are the best fans!






















































Yongseo Fighting! Gogumas Fighting!









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Well its already confirm but im not as shock as before































































































































i already prepared myself for this news since yesterday and yesterday































































































































im more happy about the Eternity Ring hoho































































































































who care about the ending??































































































































the ending is just a new begining































































































































they already promise to die together































































































































Cheer Up gogumaaa........































































































































i dont wanna read a sad Post again, enough for me at few page back































































































































Just spazz about the Thailand concert,, the ring and this upcoming episode okeeyyyy
































































































































































































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Guest xyescaped

Hi everyone, Saw the official news... Here once again to cheer gogumas up! WGM may end for them, but i think the relationship they had for this 1 year wont be the end for them. It wont be easy to just say bye to your virtual wife/husband and pretend nothing happened for 1 year. I believe throughout this WGM journey, both of them found love, friendship and trust from each other. Look on the bright side, they might end because they are a real couple now! :)

Dont really know how I can make you all cheer up, because we, kkapliners, also gone through this period of time too. Your support and love at our forum will never be forgotten. What we can do now, is to repay by doing back the same.

Anyway, Gogumas stay strong! Yongseo couple stay strong. No one, even the new/old couples, can ever replace the original Yongseo in all goguma fans hearts! :)

Just something I did on photoshop for you all :)



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Guest iK_Fen







bout the confirmed news....



sooner or later....we must face the end of the story....



but i still believe....this is the beginning of a new real story of them.....just pray,cause God will keep our pray and then will grant at the right time :rolleyes:




i wanna send a great thanks for all of u Thai Gogumas.....i love u all :wub:



Thai Gogumas Jjang!!! :w00t:



Thai Gogumas daebakkkkkkkkk..... :D






please always stay tune....and give us an oxygen >>>>>> YongSeo couple pic,vid,fancam,news  :P






Thai Gogumas (i can mention u all one by one).......hwaitingggggggggg.....so proud of u all....really blush.gif



PS: everyone please Pray For Japan....earthquake and tsunami is a terrible disaster....wishfully everything is gonna be okay soon







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This is not Yongseo related or anything but Japan was hit with a massive earth quake and tsunami. Uri seohyun was just in Japan a few days ago, thank god she returned home safely and is now in Thailand.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please pray for those effected and to everyone please stay safe. My thoughts and prayers to those effected.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Truly you never know what will happen in life, so just cherish every single day and every single moment we have together. <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Stay strong and positive gogumas!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest iK_Fen
































This is not Yongseo related or anything but Japan was hit with a massive earth quake and tsunami. Uri seohyun was just in Japan a few days ago, thank god she returned home safely and is now in Thailand.
















Please pray for those effected and to everyone please stay safe. My thoughts and prayers to those effected.
















Truly you never know what will happen in life, so just cherish every single day and every single moment we have together. <3
















Stay strong and positive gogumas!































hi.....eastlight  :D






























































just wanna say....Japan is always related with uri YongSeo....































cause in Japan....they have a beautiful quality time for their relationship.....remember YongSeo Japan episode??? (its daebakkkkk, isn't??)






























































yes.... please pray for Japan....and every people in the world (cause earthquake and tsunami in Japan also affect my country,,,Indonesia cr:CNN news :huh: )

















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Guest ansa---
































 when i first heard the rumor i calmed my self that official statement hasnt been released and deep inside my heart there was a hope that they are not ending but when i saw the official statement my heart hurts so much as if someone close has parted away... :(
































but guys Alshin couple has reunited right? well i havent watched their episodes so i dont really know the reason of separation and reunion but if couples can return after separation then after filming of drama and promotion in Japan ends they may return right? it is just i am not really ready to let them go :'( 
































Sorry for my poor english

















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Guest Luv_cheese
























Can't sleep... I love you Japan! :(









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