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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Naroro




annyeong Chingoo!! (wave)






This is my 1st time posting to this thread (actually i already type looooooong post but suddenly all missing!!*$&@!!) after lurker myself since Oct 2010..sweatingbullets.gif


i only knew about WGM and Yongseo couple from my youngest sis (on Oct 10), she keep telling me that this show totally Daebak..


actually before i watch this show i just knew about SNSD becoz of GEE n OH (i didn,t recognize which 1 is seobaby) & not so interested with CN Blue (addicted with FT Island's songssweatingbullets.gif)




then all this thing begin...




the 1st ep that i watched is ep27 (double birthday date)...after that..BAAAMMMM!! i stucked with this 2!! excl.gif (the rest is history..)


I love the awkward, weird (sorry for using this wordph34r.gif), choding, honest, genius & sweet relationship that this 2 shown to us..


i catch up all the episode, download it and keep it safe in my precious lappy n Ext HD..


after watching their progress from ep 1 till this latest DAEBAK ep 47 i felt both of them already like my little sister and brother,SIL & BIL (i wish i'll find some1 like yonghwa..naahhh..everybody do!!happy.gif..even my mum keep nagging at me "open up ur heart to guys"..i 've done that but how i want to find truly busan namja like yonghwa...crazy me..kekeke tongue.gif).. and i totally love pure and genius seobaby (wish i can be like her..hehe)


They truly honest & sincere with their feeling to each other, that make their relationship looks real (i know it totally REAL!!)..




now i'm a proud SONE,BOICE and YONGSEO shipper..keep repeating their song in my car, mobile phone and lappy..replaying their video 24/7 and my wallpaper covered with their pictures..




but today..i'm a bit down and sad after read all the news from this thread and Yongseo FB..


maybe the time has come..


but i wish the reason they "E" their story in WGM because they already have strong relationship and confident with it without WGM helps..it's a waste if they lose each other...i believe in YONGSEO!!


YONGSEO will always be in my heart..our heart!!






sorry for the long post and bad english...mianhe!!




P/S:thanx to chingoo that gave translation,news,caps,gif and video about uri beloved couple!! jinjja KAMSAHAMNIDA!!






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Guest d3j1k0
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello fellow gogumas! I just got home from school and to be honest, I already read the rumor of our couple leaving. However, I still could not swallow the fact that they will be ending so soon. It is such a big, bittersweet pill that I can't seem to swallow. Until now I am still choking from it, and from the tears that threaten to come out.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is the first time I have invested so much emotion and time on any TV show--reality or not. Somehow, I can't accept it.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When they do make their exit... I hope MBC will bring them justice. More air time and let them leave in good terms, not just any ordinary ending like staying at home.... These wishes of mine may come of as being very immature and selfish but this is the least they can do for two people who have fallen hard for each other. I believe out of all the couples so far, aside from AlShin and AnBi, these two have invested more of their feelings than needed for just "work" purposes.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope that Yong will gain the courage to tell SeoHyun, to the world how much he loves her, not just hints from his songs. He has to be confident and brave and let it all out. At this point, it would be much more heart breaking for the both of them to part ways as if nothing happened, to pretend nothing happened.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SeoHyun, you have done amazingly well and you've done your part. Just wait patiently and hopefully, you will understand Yong in whatever he decides.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wonder how these two will continue to be like? Will they still wear the rings, regardless that the show has ended? Will Hyun continue to browse through the book guide that Yong made? Through the notebook he made in replacement of the note of being newly weds? Will she look at the mini guitar and still play it? Will Yong still wear that one of a kind scarf? Read books often? Stop drinking coffee without Hyun around?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Such questions just keep coming to me and I can't help but cry. Idk why but I really can't see these two be just FRIENDS. When SeoHyun already gave him the green light for a kiss. When she willingly holds onto Yong. When she gets jealous.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope you two realize that feelings are mutual. You think alike now, your habits have caught onto each other, and you know how the other feels or is thinking without having to say anything. Have faith and confidence in your relationship (^o^)/ we gogumas will still be stalking this thread, waiting for an invitation card to your real wedding.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To the kkapliners, thank you so much for the support. Thank you for cheering us up and for being there for us.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Luv_cheese



I hope Yong pursues Hyun. I seriously think there are no other better gf for him than Seohyun. She is very trustworthy. She makes a great real wife someday. When Yong leaves for his military service one day or whenever he is super busy, im pretty sure that his Hyun will be as loyal as she can be while waiting for him and the time they meet again... She is a sweet person and she will develop into an even sweeter one as she matures. And Hyun as well really needs someone like her Yong who understands her better than anyone can ever be. Seeing them on this show enlightens me that in the crazy world of showbiz, it is possible for two showbiz personalities to stay who they are and be happy at both career and love. They're really perfect for each other.


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Guest ys4466
























eliamae sorry to cut your post








My friend who doing this MBC Music Wave thing said that there is a possibility that our beloved couple might perform together. I bet you know what they're going to sing:wub: 
















Too bad, we aren't allow to bring any type of recorder in as the show will be aired both in Thailand and Korea, but hope some of us can sneak in and have a fan cam for you guys.:phew: 
































Thank so much for those who sent me the clip, and sorry that I didn't reply you personally. We will try our best to make the two happy from seeing the vdo.



































Thank you for organizing and gathering wonderful VOD for Yonseo to be shown to our beloved couple at the concert.... Just quick question. do you know how this clip will be shown to them?  Will it be shown at the stage and shared with the fans that are attending or will it be shown privately just to them in the waiting room???









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To the Thai fans: The request was only for goguma couple or for all the groups that are going to perform that day???? Is it the first time MBC ask something like that??
















































































































This is so fishy, I hate it, please give us an official answer now, good or bad, or at least links, sources, accounts, whatever reliable, but give us something more than that lonely twitter rumor :tears:. Was the same with Adam? a rumor without DC reacting at all and taking all this time to clarify it?.
















































































































The only way that right now I could stand this is with a happy ending, Yongseo style. I don´t wish for them what happened to Adams, that was too much. They love happy endings so that´s what they deserve, after all, Hyun converted their story into a fairytale on their birthdays date.
















































































































So MBC, if this is true, give them a nice exit, breaks the rules, cause they are our goguma couple, the unexpected one, the couple who is falling in love in front of our noses...
















































































































I think luvtokki is right, we should start filling all MBC places, asking them to treat our couple with love in their last filming, cause if the information is true, and they are going to announce the end just after they film it, that will be too late for us.
















































































































Let´s show our love until the last second!... YongSeo fighting!!

















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Guest MountainMadman

Hello, everyone! I come to you bringing medicine for your sorrow. Read, and feel better. :)

[ONESHOT] - Senseless Kissing

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Guest Ae-Rin
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 Don't be too sad, it's not over yet! I'm as heartbroken as you are, for sure, but we are all a big familly, so let's support each other, okay?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe it's just a rumor, there's no need to panic now. And even if it's true, that doesn't mean that it's the end. Actually, I think that it's just the beginning. For them, of course, but fo us too. Thanks to this couple, we found friends from all over the world, and we all shared our passion together. So instead of being sad, we should all be gratefull.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Whatever happens, this is a beautiful experience that we share together.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And check the Gogumafics community on Livejournal. All the writers are trying to release funny & cute stories to cheer us gogumas up! :)

































































































































































































































































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Guest kasia3goguma
































Luvtokki - Your post really made my cry! I mean, I didn't expect to cry, cause I'm not a type of person who can easily show feelings.... I want to thank You a lot for writing it! Cause it was beautiful! Wow, I wasn't thinking a lot about the end, and now I don't know what to say, didn't expect to be so heart broken because of it!
















I still wonder what they will become after the show... Will they contact each other?....































Guitar issue - I hope it has something to do with an event! I mean, Hyun can really touch a person with her event (just like on birthday episode), so I'm hoping for a very special and beautiful episode. They deserve everything!
















From tumblr I read that the last episode will air on 26th March... RUMOUR I don't want to spread any rumours, just I read it.... (?) here's the link
















It's still so unbelievable, because there's no official news......









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Guest Dawn_amber








This is my first post here. I read this thread since the beginning & i just love your posts that there's no need to write what my thoughts are because it 's all been said by all of you. I am 44 yrs old & married for 23 yrs & because of my illiteracy in the new technology, i'm fine with just reading all your posts which made my days a lot better. This thread is my haven after all the day's work of being a mom & a wife.Time is running out for me so i have to write something about this couple.




First, I have known JYH in his YAB days & after reading in the news of him in a reality show called WGM i scour the net with the help of my daughter & found this thread.I love saturdays because my romantic heart comes alive after watching these 2 on the net. It's like the meeting of the north pole & south pole which is the equator that sizzles & is that hot.Their character is the opposite of each other which is good because they fill each other's cup to fullness.It fills my heart to the brim because in this jaded world, there is still a refreshing relationship not influenced by lust & brusque manners.This is the ideal steps for having a long lasting relationship from a stranger, an acquaintance, to a friend, to a best friend, to lastly lovers i hope forever. They began their journey for baby's steps ,toddler ,child, puberty to now fully adult which you & i fully enjoy on this few latest episodes.I laugh,cry, angry, anticipate what's going to happen next & again the emotion continues.It was a roller coaster ride with ups & downs,swirls & pause.Oh, what a ride this has been. I know you guys enjoy it as much as i do. Second,lessons learned from these 2,first & foremost that love is something to be found in unexpected places,that it should be nurtured to grow freely & lastly that it should be cherished with all your heart to last a long time. Lastly,That i must be aware that there is the beginning & an end to everything.I'm very sad that this happiness may end sooner or later as if my children are going for a divorce which is unthinkable of for me. I really love this couple & i cant accept that they are going to end sooner than expected. But, as a mom, i have to let them go. They have to be free to soar in the sky, to fly with their beautiful wings to reach what they are after. Hopefully after they reach the pinnacle, they will go home.Home is where the heart is which is in each others arms.This is a mother's wish for the both of them. More power & God bless on their future endeavors.





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Guest kay77































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Allkpop didn't report Yonghwa leaving WGM. (At least I didn't find any source?) They just reported that he left Inki. And DC is still suspiciously quiet. Could we have sources for the previous rumours? Especially that twitter source. It would be really nice to know where this information comes from.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Best regards,































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I am quoting you, but I actually wanted to all those who asked for Korean fans' responses to rumors.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yes, DCInside WGM Gallery is very quiet and "spazzing" almost as normally. There are several reasons for that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1) Korean fans knew about the rumors about Yongseo possibly leaving by early part of April for a while now. Back in December, there was a post at Yonghwa Gallery reporting that Yonghwa will be casted in a drama but the poster couldn't say much more than that because they had to wait for the official go ahead to break the news. Even before that, we heard that Director Pho has been eyeing on Yonghwa to be an actor for his new drama. So, the Korean fans knew that Yonghwa will be signed on a new drama soon for a while now. Also, Korean fans knew that it will be impossible for Yonghwa to be in a drama and in WGM at the same time, especially if he is casted for a lead role in a romantic drama. Korean fans knew about the rumors for a while now but have been very quiet about it in open communities.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2) Korean fans are not talking about the rumors in open communities like DC Gallery because... it has been very difficult dealing with antis causing troubles in open communities. It's been so bad since the rumors about Yongseo couple possibly leaving WGM and since the ratings started to go down with all the attacks towards Yonghwa, Seohyun, and Yongsoe couple fans by antis at DC Gallery that the Yongseo fans are almost exhausted. The antis are waiting like vultures for Yongseo fans to say anything about Yongseo couple leaving WGM just so that they can say "I told you so". Therefore, Yongseo fans are not really discussing in open communities anything that might give any ammunition to attack to those antis.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I belong to a couple of Korean entertainment communities that are open to "members only". One of those communities that I frequent is usually a very pro-Yongseo couple community. However, even in that usually very pro-Yonseo community, it got so bad with all anti postings last week after the Wedding episode with all the "personal" attacks made on Yonghwa and Seohyun, especially to Yonghwa, that I almost wanted to fly over to FNC and beg Mr. Han to pull Yonghwa out of WGM immidiately. The attacks were worse than ever. I am usually open-minded about WGM and am in love with Yongseo couple, but I was really hurt this time and I really wished that it would end soon. The worse part about the attack was that some of those attacks were made by so called "Yongseo couple fans".
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I only belong to tow "members only" Korean entertainment online communities, but I heard it was pretty much similar in other communites, if not worse.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Longtime Korean Yongseo fans learned while back not to disscuss anything that might give antis any reason to attack Yonghwa, Seohyun, or Yongseo couple in open communities like DC Gallery, to prevent further heartaches and to protect Yonghwa and Seohyun. That is the reason for all the "quietness" at DC Gallery. That is the reason for "spazz" like usual" at DC Gallery although Korean fans are very aware of the rumors and have known for a long while.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3) Many of the discussions about "E" rumors are being done "behind the doors", like in chatrooms and in "members only" fan cafes, etc. I belong to one of "Yongseo couple" fan cafes. We did discuss about the rumors the first time we heard about Yonghwa's drama rumors and this time when Yonghwa's drama role was confirmed. They are feeling much like overseas fans: Some are very sad, some are very happy for Yonghwa, some are quite upset, and some are like "let's wait for the confirmation news" before getting really sad.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The KoreanYongseo fans are pouring out their love towards the couple in private blogs, members-only communities, members-only fan cafes, and chatrooms more nowdays than in open communities as they have in the past. Similarily, a lot of rumors and "private" discussions" are being discussed more in those places from what I hear.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know it is very sad for us the fans to know that our beloved couple's time at WGM might be ending soon. However, this is a really good opportunity for Yonghwa. This role in this drama is almost "tailor made" for him. The rumor has it that Director Pho wanted no one else but Yonghwa for this role from the very beginning. I am not sure if there was even an audition for the role. It is reported that the makers of the drama "unanimously" chose Yonghwa for the role. It is such that some are even saying that the writer wrote that role with Yonghwa in her mind. The "writing the role specifically for Yonghwa" might or might not be entirely true but it is a fact that the this very respected Director Pho wanted Yonghwa and no other for the role.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In this day and age, it is extremely difficult and highly competitive for any drama to get a "time slot" in Korea. There are many dramas that are waiting to get approved for an airtime. Some of these dramas are already completely filmed with very high budget and can't even get an airtime. For "Festival" to already get an airtime so soon with just a director, a writer, Yonghwa as lead actor, and Shinhye as lead actress on board? That is truly amazing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghw is still very much a rookie when it comes to acting, and he doesn't have backings of a huge manamagement company like some other idols or actors. For him to be seeked out by respected director like Director Pho and a drama with him as a lead to an airtime like this in this very competitive times? That is something that we, as fans, should be very proud of and be happy about.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also, everything I hear about this drama is very positive. The makers are quietly progressing with the drama without much fanfare and without much noise or speculations. I heard that synopsis for the drama is fun and good. They already have the location and the budgets all set up.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Knowing all this and knowhing Seohyun, I am sure she is very supportive of and happy for Yonghwa. She will know that it is a wonderful opportunity for Yonghwa to spread his wings and get a valuable experience. They always been very supportive of each others' career, so I don't think this time will be any different.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































She has makings of wonderful actress herself from what I've seen, so, hopefully when she has a little time-off from all the SNSD activities, she will be casted in a drama or a sitcom, too. Who knows, may be one day, Yonghwa and Seohyun will be casted as a "couple" once again in a romantic drama. Their on-screen chemistry has been proven already on WGM, so I am hoping that may be some directors have taken a notice of that chemistry as well. Hey, if it happened for "Minam and Shinwoo" shippers, it also could happen for us "Yongseo" shippers, too. Right? ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am sorry about the long post and or not being able to bring you "good" news.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know it is very sad to think about that soon we'll have to say goodbye to Yongseo couple on WGM. However, they will be leaving the show on a very good note, both as a couple and as indivial artists, Yonghwa with his drama and a release of CN Blue's first formal album and Seohyun with her Japan tour and new Japanese album.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Putting our sadness aside, I hope we can continue to show our love and support for them as a couple and for Yonghwa and Seohyun as indivisuals. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ETA: Did I "top" the page?!? Oh my... I don't have anything good to share or even know how to post anything good even if I did have any. Please forgive me? :wub:

































































































































































































































































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Guest Trent



Personally, I like Yonghwa as a guy and he seems nice, and even if I get stoned: I'm very much with Dramabeans on his acting abilities (?). But that aside ... chapeau to all those DC folks that they have so much self discipline and not spazz like crazy about rumours that Yongseo might be leaving.

Seriously. I thought that the DC site is like Soompi - and if there's an anti, s/he gets kicked. Is there any forum in Korean cyberspace specifically for Yongseo that's more or less crowded? I'd love to go there.

Thanks for the answer, Kay77.

Best regards,



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Guest yani-sakura



From tumblr I read that the last episode will air on 26th March... RUMOUR I don't want to spread any rumours, just I read it.... (?) here's the link

It's still so unbelievable, because there's no official news......

Sorry i cut your post. I'm the co-admin of fywegotmarried who posted it. I looked it up from forum posts. All that i have read has been rumours and are not official, thank god it not official. I'll keep looking round but i hope to god that they do not end. The only occasion that i will be slightly happy is that they are actually together off camera as well as on. But i still want some yongseo action. I've made so many friends because of this couple. My heart truly sinks to that it will end. Please stay to together yongseo Fighting!


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Guest Goguma52




So I just logged in and was super surprised to see that the thread had jumped over 10 pages over night. Of course I knew something big had happened but I didn't know what...And then BAM! All I see are posts about them ending. Of course I'm sad and some of those posts seem like their legit. But I'll just be off in my own world, because until it's confirmed by MBC, FNC, SM or some legit news article, I won't believe it.




I know their going to end at some point, no matter how much we avoid it or don't want to think about it, it's inevitable. And at least we've been given almost 50 episodes of pure YongSeo love. And I'm sure I won't be the only goguma who will go back and re-watch all their episodes when we're feeling melancholy. Heads up Gogumas! Nothing has been confirmed yet.




I really will miss this couple when they end. I know I've really been influenced by this couple, I try to be nicer to everyone around me, study more, reach for my dreams/goals. And I know they have also influenced each other, for me I see the change more in Seohyun. She's grown soo much, she's more outgoing, she's tried more new things. I don't even know what to write. But the time that I've watched this couple always brings nothing but good memories/thoughts!




So, until it's been confirmed, it's just a rumor to me!



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Guest kay77
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Personally, I like Yonghwa as a guy and he seems nice, and even if I get stoned: I'm very much with Dramabeans on his acting abilities (?). But that aside ... chapeau to all those DC folks that they have so much self discipline and not spazz like crazy about rumours that Yongseo might be leaving.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seriously. I thought that the DC site is like Soompi - and if there's an anti, s/he gets kicked. Is there any forum in Korean cyberspace specifically for Yongseo that's more or less crowded? I'd love to go there.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for the answer, Kay77.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Best regards,































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh, give the guy a chance, will ya? :lol: You are making an observation on a single supporting role that he was casted even before he was able to realize that he was auditioning as an actor when he was just busy preparing for a debut as a band member. He was basically learning on the job in YAB. Everybody deserves a fair chance to prove himself/herself. ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As for Korean online forums, DC still is the largest one. There are many smaller daum and naver fan cafes that are specically for Yongseo. I'll pm you with the links. There are several Korean entertainment online communities. The largest one still probably is Bestiz, although they don't really discuss WGM at Bestiz all that much anymore.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I do belong to one Korean entertainment online community that used to be very pro-Yongseo couple, but I am not sure anymore since that last episode. Even that community seems to be infested with antis now. :tears: I'll pm you with the link to that as well, but the registration process to that site to be a member is quite complicated. You have to read the rules and answer several questions in Korean before you can be accepted as a member.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ETA: As for DC, just about anyone can write on that site without "regular username". All you have to have is a way to prove your identity. Anybody can write just about anything at that site under a "temporary username". It is all up to the moderator to how quickly delete any inappropriate postings. Sometimes, those "inappropritate" postings go on unnoticed by moderators for a while. By the time a moderator deletes certain "inappropriate" postings sometimes, those postings already have circulated the entire community already. I haven't seen anybody getting banned from the site, yet. Even then, some of those antis come right back with another IP, so it doesn't really stop the antis from coming back.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest kasia3goguma
































yani-sakura - Yes, it's still good that it's a rumour! I like Your tumblr btw ;) ! Yongseo Fighting!






















































Ok, I have to go to sleep now, Gogumas Fighting!






















































And something from dc married, they are REALLY great with all the posts!
















I really love it! Just look at Yong's face! : :lol:
















































































Good night Gogumas ! :wub:









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Guest yonghyunforever


kay 77, im so curious why there are so many antis for Yongseo? why? what did they do wrong to make people hate them. i dont know why peope bash yong and Hyun so much in Korean. they are just so young and still have to learn a lot, but they so hard working, people should encourage them instead of bashing them. i think most antis are young children.


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Guest Luv_cheese



Thank you so much Kay... Your post is very helpful... I agree 100 percent that this is a good opportunity for Yongwha. Going back to the guitar scene, I know that Yong can afford the pink guitars that really suit Seohyun but I also agree that the price of those were too much. I really wish them both especially Yong being the man that he has always been for Hyun to succeed and live comfortably. Yong treated Hyun like a real man on this show and it's really cool to see that side of him. From being the one who always pay for their date expenses to being the protective partner of Hyun when it comes to her clothing when playing pool :) He surely deserves to be blessed with a big project like such with Shin Hye. He seems to be very careful with his money but at same time so generous when it comes to his family. I adore that side of him. When Yong gets super rich he will for sure will buy Hyun a pricey pink guitar without hesitations! :) It won't take that long and Yongwha will :). Lets just pray, Yongseo will stay very good friends and hope for the best. They are a young and beautiful couple and if they're meant to be then they will be in the end :) I can't wait for the next time they work together. It's not impossible.


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Thank U kay77, Kasia3goguma and thank you all gogumas...
















































































































I feel like posting this ...
















































































































Banmal song
















































































































The day when I first saw you






























































































































































































































































































































































Your bright smile full of shyness































































































































































































































we’ll get closer after today































































































































































































































Every day, I have heart-fluttering expectations






























































































































































































































































































































































What to say to you































































































































































































































How to get you to laugh































































































































































































































I fear it’ll get awkward when I try to hold your hand































































































































































































































All I can do is smile shyly






























































































































































































































































































































































Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other































































































































































































































Even though it’s still awkward and unfamiliar































































































































































































































Instead of saying ‘thank you’































































































































































































































Talk to me in a friendlier way






























































































































































































































































































































































Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other































































































































































































































You walk towards me slowly, step by step































































































































































































































Now look at my two eyes and tell me































































































































































































































I love you






























































































































































































































































































































































The day when I held your hand































































































































































































































I felt my heart stop beating































































































































































































































I don’t even remember what I said































































































































































































































All I feel is a flutter in my stomach






























































































































































































































































































































































Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other































































































































































































































Even though it’s still awkward and unfamiliar































































































































































































































Instead of saying ‘thank you’































































































































































































































Talk to me in a friendlier way






























































































































































































































































































































































Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other































































































































































































































You walk towards me slowly, step by step































































































































































































































Now look at my two eyes and tell me































































































































































































































I love you






























































































































































































































































































































































Hopefully we can fall in love with each other































































































































































































































I’ll never let go of your two hands from my grasp































































































































































































































The light of your eyes, gazing at me































































































































































































































I hope there will only be joyful smiles






























































































































































































































































































































































We can probably fall in love with each other































































































































































































































We can lean on one another and take care of each other































































































































































































































Looking into your eyes, my two eyes































































































































































































































They’re talking to you































































































































































































































I love yu



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Fighting :wub:














































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Luv_cheese
























It's hard for me to think that Yongseo has haters especially in Korea. I don't understand where the hate originated from. These two seem to be great people and are not involved in scandals so why? Anyways, I will be praying for our Yongseo all the time.









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Guest IvebeenMUNd






kay 77, im so curious why there are so many antis for Yongseo? why? what did they do wrong to make people hate them. i dont know why peope bash yong and Hyun so much in Korean. they are just so young and still have to learn a lot, but they so hard working, people should encourage them instead of bashing them. i think most antis are young children.










It's hard for me to think that Yongseo has haters especially in Korea. I don't understand where the hate originated from. These two seem to be great people and are not involved in scandals so why? Anyways, I will be praying for our Yongseo all the time.












I have the same question. who are these antis and why is yongseo the only one getting the blame for the drop in ratings?



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