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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest jitluvyongseo
















really don't want to hear they filming last episode...








it's too early right? 








hope that rumor was false...








everyone please confirm that rumor please!!!!!!!





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Guest YSLN0910
















































Rumour from twitter 
















SYlovesme Rumor says today they film WGM Yongseo couple's final episode. 
















yongseofacts 소시)오늘 서현이 우결 막촬 <A href="http://bit.ly/dWw7G4























































헐! Can someone bring some good news for today? Maybe it was too dramatizes, yes, this is just a variety show, which will surely end, but I really didn't want to see YS ended just like that. YS gives great effect to me (after Hwanhee and Hwayobi). I like the way they regard each other. In fact, I love sweet potatoes more than other foods, and yes, I love sweet potato couple more than other couples now. I can't speak properly for now. I just wanna say that I....
















































Agreed with didienazrin

































If they had to exit, I just hope they will have a beautiful farewell. All first love deserves that.

































































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Guest webfooted_octopus


seriously i will cry my heart out...


i love them soooo freaking much


i sleep by thinking of them


i woke up and i think of them too




how am i suppose to face this????




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Guest shenibabi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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my eyes has problem,right??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i wont be sad,right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































its just a runour,right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'll be happy until the end just like beginning
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































gogumas hwaiting

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest waetoriya



Rumour from twitter


SYlovesme Rumor says today they film WGM Yongseo couple's final episode.


yongseofacts 소시)오늘 서현이 우결 막촬 http://bit.ly/dWw7G4



My heart sank when I saw this tweet the first thing I loged on. It is indeed very sad that they may be filming their last episode today. But we do have to remember, it is a rumor. Whether it's from a credible person or not, it still is a rumor.


Today has been a roller coaster ride for gogumas. Too many shocking news all in one day. Right now, all I could think of is YongSeo. Without knowing, YongSeo has been a part of my life. I would definitely miss spazzing and squelling like a fool in front of my laptop every Saturday. But let's not get too caught up now. I'm sure there will be more upcoming episodes ahead of us currently.


For now, let's all just enjoy the show without too much thought of the rumor.

Twitter: SYlovesme okay, it's not today, but on 14th.


14th March 2011


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Guest gazetter

well i'm usually in lurker mode but all of this "sad vibe" about yong is going to be in his new drama just got me out of there..

first of all okay i'd lying if i'm not feeling sad.. but really, i think that's not a bad news is it?

actually i'm happy for him to get another chance to improve his acting skills.. its his and her (if seohyun include) choice if wants to end wgm or not.. we should just respect it like we have ever been..


i mean c'mon guys, i thought we all had already beyond that.. 

even IF he is going to quit wgm for his drama, at least its not so shocking as adam couple sudden news and with an abrupt end...

 let's just enjoy the moment where they are still together on screen, and i don't believe when the time their wgm filming is going to be end so does their relationship with each other.. 

those two really cared and loved each other from my perspectives as a human...

 its just a matter of time when they are going to a real marriage.. biggrin.gif

oh well enough about that,, now i'm curious about this "daebak" thing MC Kim tweeted.. i hope its something more awesome than the last episode...w00t.gif

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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
























At this point this whole issue about the last episode of  YongSeo, the drama, CNblue comeback and SNSD japan promotion is one of those things that is either going to rapidly going to get out of hand and cause major drama for nothing or is going to be confirm and created major depression. One way or the other this is giving me a headache and a funny feeling in my stomach.:tears:









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Guest sweetcake_
















































































I heard the rumor about the them filming "final" ep today by some of my Sones friends. My whole body was shaking so badly. I refused to believe this rumor, but then i read the fanaccount and tears just pouring out right now. I know that there will be this day, but i dont expect it to come this soon. I mean they just got to this level...why it has to be now?































































































If I really really really have to accept this truth, then i hope PD-nim will give Yong and Hyun enough time to have beautiful and memorable farewell, not so fast like Adam's couple.































































































Whether this rumor is true or not, let say on their final filming day, do you guys think Hyun will cry?
















































What to do now? someone please help me stop these tears. I hate crying. Ottoke!

















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hahay why do I keep on reading sad news one from another one (SHK &HB break-up confirmation) and now YongSeo final filming Ep. rumor blush.gif





I know this day would come Im not gonna say that I'm ready for it but I have been prepared for sometime just like the song goes





some good things never last at least as what we know so far, we never know what's behind the scene hoping and wishing that they are together in real life, am I allowed to dream lol yes I am....





parting is not always sad sometimes it's for the better coz life isn't always gonna be smooth sailing you just follow where the wind may lead you and accept where/what/when would it be....





what Yong & Hyun has given/showed us if more than enough,1yr &1month together in WGM in every experience, good or bad they made us happy....





 Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. 









A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.









 And meeting again, after moments or lifetime



















Goodbyes are not forever.









Goodbyes are not the end.









They simply mean I'll miss you









Until we meet again!









The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning

















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Really? Yonghwa will appear in Running Man once again? Last week I heard that news was a rumor. But if it's true I'm not going to complain hehe.








Here is a twitter post. Both in the picture is that fan and his tweet says:
















SBS런닝맨 촬영 중! 용화형이랑 셀카 찍기! 날씨는 좋았는데 오늘 무척이나 추웠어요! CN BLUE 화이팅
















SBS런닝맨 촬영 중! 게리 형이랑 셀카(?) 아닌 셀카! ㅋㅋ 이것은 100% 리얼.. 그래서 둘다 얼굴이 말이 아닌..








If you are not familiar with Running Man, the later picture is Gary of Leesang, a Running Man regular member.

















(Both saying that they are filming running man. And he wore the same outfit for both pics)








Unless this guy is lying and posting pics from previous RM filming (which i doubt he did, im gonna kill him if he does... lol :phew: )... Yonghwa will be Running Man's guest for episode 35, together with Daesung..



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All these news in just one day!















And now a rumor about the final filming of Yongseo for WGM?






























This is too much to handle. I just died hearing this!















I just hope it will stay as rumor. :(






























I so love Yongseo~
























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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































what's with all the news today??? almost all news are not good for the health of the goguma villagers!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































i am in shock.... but i still hopeful that it is not yet the end... not until they celebrate hyun's bday.. that was the SME official statement right???
































































































































































































































































































































































































keep on hoping gogumas....
































































































































































































































































































































































































we need hard proof before we believed in these kind of rumors, no matter how credible the source is....tears.giftears.giftears.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































i am also a died hard gollum, i am interested to see how long they will wear their rings.... 
































































































































































































































































































































































































hayyy no matter what, i still hope that they will be the only couple that has the longest stint in wgm....
































































































































































































































































































































































































or at least let mbc gives us an amazing ending...  that yong and hyun (and us) will never forget... wgm will never be the same again!!!

































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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
















All these news in just one day!















And now a rumor about the final filming of Yongseo for WGM?






























This is too much to handle. I just died hearing this!















I just hope it will stay as rumor. :(






























I so love Yongseo~






























I totally sympatice with that feeling and to be honest this whole thing start to feel like I'm playing Russian Roulette if that make any sense. On the one hand part of me is like "how can WGM go on with one couple then". On the other hand the part of me who fears the worst goes " well is not like PDmins don't have backlog footage".















I'm having a internal battle to keep my cool.






























And as I have said before I been thinking and thinking prior to all this news and rumors hitting the internet that if  things should end, I should just let go because what is meant to happend will happend in due time.







































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Guest Catkat


i get a cold, staying at home, checking this thread, reading the rumor about the final ep... i stay calm but cannot hold my tears. i know this day will come, but still cannot manage to handle the emotions it gives me.




they were too quiet these two months, because of their other schedules ? i am not sure. but the recent photo of hyun made me worried. i am talking about the photo she appeared in a ceremony (seoul cultural ceremony ? sorry i forgot the name). look at her eyes. the happiness she had during the past year has gone. her eyes become lonely and sad. then i told myself... their final date is set. i thought she was told about the farewell.




i cannot manage to write how i feel now - sad but still support both yong and hyun, worried about hyun (i understand how hurt or sad she may feel though i truthfully believe she is the one who support yong the most). as yong said, nobody in the world understands hyun as he does.




my only wish - they won't become strangers on stage and in real life. in future, hope they just spread some news to us that they still keep in touch.




sorry for adding more salt on our wounds...


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Guest yongseomania
















































I really dont believe the rumour...
















My explaination
















Rumor says today they film WGM Yongseo couple's final episode.
















from SYlovesme tweet
















So I went to SYlovesme tweet to see the post myself..
















Then something caught my attention
















(Sorry, have to edit my post becos I cant post something so direct)
















But dear viewers, Dont only look at the surface of everything..Sometime if have to dig deeper to see if the Rumour or source are reliable.
















I saw some tweet from SYlovesme, seems like some of the tweeter were having some fun after reading the news about the ending of yongseo. They were somewhat celebrating. Will you celebrate after hearing bad news??? 0_0 ...  unless it is a news that u wan it to happen...
















So what i am trying to say is SYlovesme post might be taken from many type of people...So dont assume everything is real
















You guys be the judge :)
































I won the game right?
































Kiss on the forehead + Kiss on the check + back hug + forcefully pulled seohyun closer to yonghwa
















My 1st prediction is right
















My next prediction will be yongseo will not end now...They will celebrate their birthday together this year on WGM....

















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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































wow... my heart just sank....... just the news of yong's new drama with PSH and then him resigning inkigayo.........































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































now the tweet/rumor of our couple filming their last episode?! on march 14th? (that's next week)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i knew they were going to end one day (hoping it would be may or june)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































words cant describe how i am feeling right now.....this is just too sad.... but i completely understand why.....





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































on the other hand, they can date for real right??!! :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: okay im not going to believe anything until I hear official announcement































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i mean for the adam couple there was an announcement that they were going to end, and had another announcement for the date of their last filming. so guys dont worry... dont panic until we hear official announcement from a reliable source.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so im wondering does yong has something up his sleeves :D

































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Guest .:love_ya:.
















































































please please please deny it MBC, I don't want news like this going around in our happy little go-chun tears.giftears.gif not when we just got to see them in wedding dresses!! tears.gif But doesn't MBC usually announce it a month earlier when a couple is about to film their last episode? tears.gif if they're gonna have a sudden end like Adam couple, I'm gonna burn down that company!! fury.giftears.gif









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Guest bettechai
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































gosh i suddenly felt sad about the rumor...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i cant believe that my favorite couple will be ending ..NO NO NO..!! tears.giftears.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i will definitely miss them..we need to cherish the last episodes gogumas..

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They are not hamburgers, the news they tweet are reliable and they are famous SONEs.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They won't harm Yongseo, it's just that they may not be Yongseo fans.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They're just having some internal joke amongst themselves so don't take it too hard :)

































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