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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest niixxii
















[i'm a lurker.. but i just need to share my two cents about the news..















like some people, I too is sad that this is confirmed. It may really lead to Yonghwa quitting WGM. It's so sad. I'm disappointed really.


























For example Yoona, she'd been gone from snsd most of the time they were promoting Kissing You because of her drama. And so with UEE, because of her drama, she too is pulled out from promotions for BANG. as for Suzy and Taec, they don't have promotional activities when they were shooting.


























But for Yonghwa, he has promotions, a lead vocal, has WGM, and then starring for a drama? He must also be in the character that he do like shin hye, sometimes he'll be ask whom he likes better, Seohyun or Shin hye and he must answer shin hye to promote the drama but how about seohyun. i don't know. Quitting MCing in Inkigayo won't lessen his schedules. He must go to variety shows too during promotions. OH GAWD this is so depressing. Now that they're closer and having daebak episodes.. why now?? but, POSITIVE THOUGHTS POSITIVE THOUGHTS!!! Let's trust YONG!!!!!















he can do this. whew.





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Guest gmanalangster


























HI ....








































































My name is Swanflwer








































































I am addicted to YongSeo Couple















































Who isn't???? :w00t::lol::lol:
























I have NEVER in my entire K-POP fascination have download anything.... until I saw their FIRST Episode, SeoHyun GOT ME with her "What is the difference between LIKING someone and LOVING someone?" and YONG's response "I am not sure either"...
























I realized just then HOW INNOCENT this 2 people are..
























I am thinking our Yeongseo have surpassed my expectation as a couple at WGM.... It's like a year in the making of a love story that we are following that I am convinced is now not just in reel but REAL...
























OUR Yeongseo Couple is like every Saturday is, look forward too day. Even though at times we can only see like few minutes of their interaction, but it is worth waiting when you see how they make their relationship grow.. Like all the Korean shows that I have been following they would somehow come to an end. I am like brazing myself for this and would be hard to find a replacement show that would interest me. It is saddening that in the near future we would not be able to see a glimpse of how their relationship is developing but somehow hoping that they would continue what they have started..
























and I have been writing this over and over again... Yong 믿어, Hyun 믿어 (Trust Yong, Trust Hyun ).. With regards to Yong's new development on his acting career... Good for him. ^_^



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Guest Anink








































Ok , i just want to shared my felling...to Yongseo fans here...
























Now i am very sad just now one of my friends tell me that Yongseo will Leaving WGM soon...
























She said mybe late may or late june....
























The reason is not bcos Yongwha on drama....
























He still want to Continue.... on WGM
























This is HYun want to Ex WGM...
























I think she got reason ...want to EX WGM , she got GOOD heart...
























I think she want yonghwa to focus on his drama ...
























And  yongseo no contrac  extension.
























But i also want to see how seohyun life after she Ex WGM
























Hope that yong n Hyun contac each other ... don't forgot hyun got number of yong mum
























Wish all the best to SNSD n CNBLUE
























"edit : i fell better now n sorry my English is bad....









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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































just read the confirmation of the drama festival and the fact that he is going to resign being mc on inkigayo






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































im happy that yonghwa finally have a chance to be a male lead in a drama!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































at the same time, like many of you, i am scared for our YONGSEO couple.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































let me just say whatever happens.... we gogumas should be be prepared and realize that one day its going to end...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(even though i dont want that to happen but still.... nothing lasts forever......)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i never realized how busy yonghwa will be































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































-mc for inkigayo (last episode this week... im going to miss him!)
































































































































































































































































-host for NAN
































































































































































































































































-leader for CNBLUE (who is making a comeback SOON!!)
































































































































































































































































-seohyun's husband on WGM

































































































































































































































































































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Guest intoxd
































































































I feel like expressing myself even though I posted just a couple of hours ago..Foolish me, I didn't even read what was going on before I posted, so my post appears really randomly in between all the Yong drama discussions xD But anyways, I also wanted to share how I felt regarding the drama..
































To be honest, I was a tiny bit upset at first, because I want Yong just for Hyun and vice versa, so seeing him paired up with someone else is just hard even though it's for a drama. But, after thinking it through, I think it's actually better that he gets paired up with PSH instead of some other "random" girl that is a total stranger to both us gogumas and Yong. Like someone else said, it's a better/safe choice to have PSH with Yong because they already have a fanbase and it will come as less of a shock for us gogumas. Although I do feel a bit jealous about how Yong will have a good 2-3 months of shooting all the time with PSH, the fact that they already know each other, causes less damage to my goguma heart. Cause when you think about it, if Yong would have been paired up with a "random" actress, we could never be able to know or expect what kind of relationship they'd develop, as opposed to his relationship with PSH that we already have had a glimpse with YAB. Plus, even Hyun is aware of Yong's relationship with PSH and I'm sure she'd support him 100% And since I'm a super kdrama fan, I will surelyyy watch the drama once it comes out :D































































































So although this may come as heartbreaking for some of us, we have to think about the bigger picture, these guys are realising their dreams and doing what they've always wanted to do, so as fans, let's support their decisions :D And who knows, Seohyun might just make a cameo appearence to add some irony in the drama? I'd find that hilarious! :lol: Let's be positive gogumas, and let's hope for YongSeo's health while were at it too, these two are dealing with lots of hectic schedules!

































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Ok I´m going to act like a 15 years old girl here but anyway!!!
















































































































First :Thank you soshisoshisoshi for asnwer me ^_^. He did wanted to be in a drama though, and I, as you, will support him and hyun in whatever they do. I love them as individuals and as a couple, I will be stubbornly praying for them to get together for real though, kekeke. (Delusions? I don´t think so).
















































































































Now, YEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH Park ShinHye! Park ShinHye!!! I like it, I think she is a safe card for our goguma heart, I´m just happy.kekeke.
















































































































About Yong leaving Inkigayo... I´m sad, but he need to leave something to film his drama right?
















































































































look a this CNBLUE’s Yonghwa resigns as “Inkigayo” MC, IU & B2ST’s Kikwang to take his place

...  Yonghwa will not only be preparing for CNBLUE’s upcoming promotions, but he will also be filming for MBC’s new drama, “Festival“. He also has to film for MBC’s “We Got Married.”
















































































































Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! I´m sorry I´m too happy to act like the adult that I am. Even though this is all Kpop, I love  reading it, :wub:  :wub:
















































































































To M3: I´m so in love with your fanfic, thanks for the uptade ^^.
















































































































YongSeo hwating!!!!

















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hi everyone..


to tell you the truth, i was still in the go-chun and i am planning to stay there for a while...


but all of the sudden the drama news has been confirmed..and its like 'BAMMM' and i fall to the ground and back to the reality...


i guess that's life...


btw congrats to Yong for the lead role...i hope he take care of himself, with NAN, CNBLUE comeback, variety shows...


Hyun, will she be okey with Yong in a drama, will she be okey with all the lovely dovely scenes between Yong and PSH? I'm sorry can't help thinking about Hyun, since she's my biased.


sorry everyone for the ramblings and my bad english...


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Well I'm happy to see Yong in a new drama... we get to see more of him. TEEHEE

And,... Yong quit inkigayo already so his schedule isn't as packed as it usually is.

ALSO! the drama is an MBC drama so We Got Married can film on their set if need to be. Oh I can just imagine Seohyun going on set and bring her hubby something to eat and Shinhye just looking at them with a jealous rage.pwahaha


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Guest halezee

hello. i'm hannah from the Philippines. Just started watching their wgm episode last weekend. love both of them. I maybe selfish if I don't want them to leave WGM but its inevitable that they will leave the show... So will just hope that once they leave the show they will still contact each other. Hoping before they leave the show their will be an episode that Yong will visit snsd working place and meet and have an interaction with all of his sister-in-laws. :sweatingbullets::wub::D:lol:

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Guest Yamapi77
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyong Everyone!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't see why some are sad. I think we all know that they would end sometime this May or June. I'm actually surprised that they lasted this long(I think even longer than Adam couple). Remember how we all wish they would last until Christmas? and they even surpass Christmas! I think that's really long considering I didn't expect them to be in the show for that long.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About drama:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































After hearing the news about Song hye kyo and Hyun Bin breaking up, I really don't think it's that easy to fall in love with your costars. (I really thought they were together, they had so many kissing scenes! ) Anyway, I don't hear many rumors about on-screen couples dating each other, even though I wish they were (Yongseo is a different case.) Seriously, Jang dong gun had many beautiful costars but he's been with one girl for I don't know how long. My point is we don't need to worry about Yong falling in love with his costars. In the end of the day, its just work.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo romance to me is very unique. They built a very strong foundation and hopefully it will continue to stay strong (for our heart's sake) :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: Great, I topped the page. :sweatingbullets:

































































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Guest myblue
















우결 이번주 대박!.ㅋ용서대박!.쿤돌달달..토욜 닥본사!..즐건하루되세요~






Hope someone can translate this Thanks in advance.. Fighthing Gogoma Land...



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Guest Anink
























































우결 이번주 대박!.ㅋ용서대박!.쿤돌달달..토욜 닥본사!..즐건하루되세요~
























Hope someone can translate this Thanks in advance.. Fighthing Gogoma Land...















































WGM this week is daebak!.k yongseo daebak!. sweet Khuntoria.. must watch this saturday!.. have a great day~~!!^^









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Guest MQPheartsYS








Hey everyone,




Just came to share my POV about Yong's drama.




I'm happy for him, that he gets a chance to fulfill his dreams and further his career.  I am positive that Seohyun doesn't mind that Yonghwa has his drama, in fact I'm sure she's proud of him.




The only person I really feel bad for is myself.  LOL.  I don't want WGM to end because I absolutely adore watching them together.  But at the same time, I know everything has its end.  I just hope that they have a beautiful ending on WGM.  




I will support Yonghwa and Seohyun with whatever they choose to do in life; I have really grown attached to them through WGM.  I feel like Seohyun is my little sister who I want the best for and I just want her to be happy... and for Yonghwa... well he's the man. haha (at least there'll be more yonghwa to watch on screen with the drama).








Gogumas, don't feel bad about the drama.  We have been really blessed because we got to know such wonderful people through WGM.








Count your blessings and name them one by one:




1. I got to see SNSD's <3 maknae Seohyun weekly... and got to know more about Seo Joo Hyun <3




2. Yonghwa... I knew about him from YAB, but didn't really pay attention.... Boy, am I glad he was cast on WGM. <3




3. CN Blue... nuff said.








5. Spazzing with all of you (granted, I was a silent spazzer most of the time)  <-- I'm thinking this is what I'll miss most. LOL




6. We have 47+ episodes as of now to revisit, watch over and over, and fall in love all over again.




7. YongSeo FMVs.  Seriously, you guys have some serious talent.




8. YongSeo fanfics.  More serious talent.




9. I'm sure there's even more.  Just can't think straight anymore. haha ^^












Seohyun hwaiting!  I'm excited for SNSD "Mr. Taxi" thing!




Yonghwa hwaiting!  I really hope your drama does well!  Can't wait for CNBLUE comeback!





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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
















Hi there magdal^^























okay, sensitive topic here!!! some of us are worried (yes, I won't deny it) should Yonghwa participate in an upcoming drama....... many people think that it could be one of the reasons for Yonghwa to pull out from WGM, because of the filming schedules, which may clash with WGM filming. This is what I don't really understand about Yonghwa (or maybe his company, FNC). It is known that Yonghwa and CNBLUE members want to focus more on music, instead of pursuing acting. So I guess the decision for him to be casted in a drama, be it YAB or the any new dramas, would be his agency's decision, unless it's Yonghwa's decision to pursue an acting career once again. So far, Yonghwa himself hasn't comfirmed this whatsoever, so I guess IT IS STILL A RUMOUR























I'm asian, but I have no problem with Yonghwa being casted in a new drama, because it will be a good opportunity for him to increase his acting skills. However, (note that this is my personal opinion) I prefer him to focus more on his music, because it is his objective from the very beginning since his debut, maybe before his debut). Even so, if he were to be casted, I will still support him like fans do, and I believe Seohyun will also be very happy for her nampyeon for getting more and more attention..
















okay sorry for rambling in the middle of the night (it's night here^^). currently watching UEFAChampions League match between Barcelona v Arsenal (GO BARCELONA!)........ any Barca news here?? just asking... *quoted image*






























come one guys!! post more if you want that SECOND THREAD! *quoted image*








Well I can see how the drama could be more of a management decision for marketing than an individual desired to persued the acting craft. However, I do think that this drama is coming at the wrong time, especially with everything that is going on with CN Blue, but what do I know!!!! Right.








But I will support Yonghwa in any thing that he chooses to do.








Soshi3 in responsed your spoiler tab:

You may already know this but Barcelona won 3-1. Now I know you are younger than me because you are to much like my baby brother. Would by any chance your mayor be engeneering.

















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Guest greed_island
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lol. Talking about BUSY schedules!!! And Yonghwa was filming Running Man last Monday... He's schedule is definitely packed. No wonder they have to film WGM ahead...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Really? Yonghwa will appear in Running Man once again? Last week I heard that news was a rumor. But if it's true I'm not going to complain hehe.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About Yonghwa's drama in MBC. I still hope MBC will compromise their programs. You know If Yonghwa left WGM and JUST ONLY appear in a drama it will be their lost. But if the director can compromise their schedule and allow Yonghwa to shoot WGM with Seohyun at least twice a month, they can catch two birds with a stone, Right? Right? (Please MBC say yes..pleaseee..) At least just shoot their WGM on their set of filming while seohyun visit him or something... Please...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And, Now, to Yonghwa : You know other celebrities must sacrifice their schedule for meeting their girlfriends. They won't get any money by meeting their girlfriends, but you know you can gain much happiness if you stay in WGM. Right? Right? Please say yes....

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Anink








































 Sorry but i will edit it ...
























one of my friends tell me that seohyun want to Ex on WGM is for own good of yonghwa too focus on his drama
























She care on yonghwa....
























 ( my friend in on Uni in Soul n also yongseo fan )









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I'm quite undecided whether to like or hate the news of Yonghwa on a new drama.  I like it as his fan coz it's a good break for him. I just hope that it will be a success. I know Yonghwa is quite the hot commodity these days and I hope that he can really pull it off. I'm not so hot on the theme of the drama though coz it's a bit the same as the theme of Dream High, young love, dreams... It's like doing another version of a hit drama (some of you might hate me for saying this but this is how I really see it).







Honestly with this news of the new drama I'm kinda preparing myself for the E of our couple. He'd be too busy, though one day filming for our couple can take up to three episodes but still Yonghwa is just human, he should take care of himself and think about his health. I do hope that our couple will last longer for I will miss them so much if I won't be able to watch them every weekend but that's reality, everything will end.







Seohyun on the other hand will be busy with promotions in Japan. She's also studying. She's also just a human being. But this is their world. They chose to be here so let's just support them in their projects and be happy with their success individually and as a couple.







As for our couple, I just hope that ending their stint in WGM won't affect their relationship. I do believe that what they have is beyond WGM. It's even beyond us.


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Hi gaguma villagers and lurkers






As some of you may already knew about the MBC Music Wave in Bangkok which will be held this Sat, 12 March.



This will be the first concert of the year for our beloved couple to be on the same stage.
















The organiser has asked us, the sweet potato fanclub, to participate in the event by doing/presenting some activities to show our love to the artist. We have planned some activities for the booth and one of them is to make a clip art/vdo clip for  our couple. This clip should show our impression we have toward the couple, and to make it out DAEBAK!!!, we would like to ask for a favour from you guys to participate as well, please!!!!






The clip is about 3- 5 minutes in length and you allow to use only pic/part of the WGM ONLY!!! The clip should tell us your impression with the couple and the best clip will be shown to the couple while they're waiting for their turn to the stage.







We will do the voting and the result should be out by noon tomorrow, Bangkok time.







So for those who love to participate in this event and might be picked to show your love to the couple, please send the link to your clip by PM me, anh_annann or phokar befor 0.00  tonight, (Bangkok time) so this means you will have only 13 hrs to prepare the clip and we are soooo sorry to give you such a short notice.








I beleive there will be pictures and vdo clip posting around after the con, so hopefully, you guys will see our booth as well.








Do it for our lovely couple!!!



















I heard that Yong Hwa will be in EP 35 of Running Man and it will be aired on 20 March, he is one of the guest with Daesung:wub:








Sooo sorry to cut in your discussion on the Yong being in the drama thing:sweatingbullets:









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Guest Xanshi












 people think that it could be one of the reasons for Yonghwa to pull out from WGM is the drama , thats not what you think ... he still want on WGM is this is HYun prob she want to Ex WGM ... the game now is hyun Hand...













I saw your previous post, I just ignore it.








But since you keep on insisting on posting this information that Hyun wants out of WGM. Care to divulge some links to prove your claim? If not, then don't insist on posting the same information again. Sorry, one thing I learn when I started to follow the korea entertainment. Is that, rumors keep on coming out, I have to learn not to react on every shred of information until official announcement does come out.





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I got a question. Does anyone know what song is being played when Yong and Hyun are taking their photos with the gogumas in the latest episode of WGM?

I was re-watching it again and the song popped out at me :]


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