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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest sol-star
























Just started watching the Sweet Potato couple (ep. 5) and I am in love w/ this pairing! Seohyun unnie is CUTE CUTE CUTE! So in love w/ her books and her healthy food. JONNNG oppa is her opposite, can't wait to see how it turns out, trying to stay away from the spoilers since I'm way late to the game :sweatingbullets:

















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Guest MountainMadman

Hi, everyone. It's been a while. I'm recovering from my flu, it's almost gone.

Anyways, just wanted to clear up a few things about the translation (thanks to Juhee, BTW).

-About Hyun's backroom interview, she actually said "I don't think (he) had much sense". She didn't specify exactly who it was that didn't have sense, but judging on what happened, and the captions, I think we can be pretty sure she was referring to Yong.

-the "webbed octopus": I'm pretty certain that it was a reference to their Gwanghwado trip. In that episode, Hyun looked at Yong's face upside down and said it looked like an octopus. Well, not exactly; it was only translated as "octopus" because there really isn't a decisive English word for what she said (which is 쭈꾸미 - jjukkumi). In this episode, it's translated as "webbed octopus", which is the more technical term for what Hyun was talking about. 

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Guest seohyungeneration
































































Another telling thing I noticed.  When Hyun came out with the pink dress on and complimented Yong on his ‘cute’ pink bowtie, he kind of shot down her compliment with ‘So you thought it wouldn’t be?!’   To which Hyun replied, ’I have to think when to compliment you and when not to compliment you!’  Something like that.  Like she was saying, ‘I want to compliment you, but I never know what kind of reaction I’ll get back from you.’   Another down side to Yong’s constant ‘choding’ or teasing side?  I think so.  Compliments are meant to be acknowledged by the recipient.   If they are not appreciated, the person giving them will cease to provide them.  And I think Hyun has been doing well with complimenting Yong, but in this exchange you can sense a little frustration with Yong’s constant joking and teasing.  He needs to tone it down a bit.  He uses it to great effect in getting Hyun relaxed and in a comfortable and in a playful mood, but once that is accomplished, he needs to ‘serious up’ a little when she is trying to be sincere.  Just sayin’!
































































































































You are right. The operative word here is conscious. This is hisunconscious reaction or defensive mechanism for him. Remember when make jokesit either to make that person at ease or to some extent if you are nervous orconscious you make a joke without thinking about it (it just came out of yourmouth). Yongwha is increasingly conscious of Seohyun. Just like in the ski tripwhen he complimented her about her outfit and she also complimented him withthe outfit he just consciously say "animida" instead of thanking her. Hisonly have two reactions whenever Seohyun compliments him either he just smileshyly because he can’t think of a thing to respond to the compliment at thattime or be a Yong Choding to hide the consciousness. The question here for him (and obvious answer for us) why so conscious Yongwha?  HMMM.

































































































































































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Guest winbros

































































































































All in all, a really wonderful episode, and I think it was a wonderful and memorable experience for our couple that will provide many fond memories.  Now that they’ve practiced, it should be a lot less stressful when they do it for REAL!  Heh-Heh!
































































































































Amen to that brother (and my apologies for shortening your post, but that was a lot of thoughts you had there, all of which resonated with me)!!!!  And add a Hallelujah for what its worth!
































































































































This Yong does seem to fall back to jokes and teasing at times, it feels like a defensive reaction like what magdal says, and I can totally relate to that to.  The problem like you pointed out is when she's trying to be all serious then it doesn't help the situation like what we saw with the scarf and her pink mini-dress.   But well, they're young lovers :wub:(there I've said it!! not fake married couple but young lovers) and they'll have just to learn how to evolve their relationship to the next level (just like the rest of us old lovers cough*timers*cough).  Given what we've seen of the both of them, I've no doubt they'll overcome that as well. ;)
































































































































Having said that though, what a GENTLEMAN he has been with her hasn't he?  Admirable traits that many youngsters these days can learn from.... opening the door, pulling the chair, asking for permission, blah blah..... LOL.
































































































































@magdal - yes that does look like a pink scarf.... wow, did the FFTL cover inspire the scarf-gift or did the scarf-gift inspire the FFTL cover??  Or was it just sheer coincidence???  Simply amazing, and thanks for spotting that.
































































































































@sol-star - welcome to In-Go-Paem!!! Better late than never, and once you've caught up to Ep 47, start reading the thread from page 1 up till here then you'll be up to speed.  Prepare to spend many hours poring through the imaginations, hallucinations and practical point of views of the many posters here, but remember to have fun yah!
































































































































@M3 - glad to see you back and good to hear you're recovering well.  Did Ep47 play any part in your recovery based on luvtokki's theory?   :D
































































































































Finally, great job to the fans on the donation, for those of you who watched the arirang clip, last clip of Yong, Ring-Ding-Dong I believe.  B)  Aish, I'm a Gollum alright......
































































































































Have a great day/night y'all!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest uni343ver
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"THE OKAY SIGN" comes up again.















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I got this picture from one of the earlier post...sorry I can't remember who you are.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cr. to you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































AND HERE IS THE MOST RECENT EVIDENCE OF THE "OKAY SIGN" from the teaser of CN Blue's FIRST STEP song. At first when I saw the clip I thought he was holding a cigarett. But it turned out to be the SIGN. It may be nothing but I can't help but to link it YONGSEO moment.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































~~~A YONGSEO MOMENT~~~ even though they are countries apart.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































BTW, I don't know about you guys but I find the YONG GANGSTA attitude (everything from the walk to the outfit to song) in the teaser really H-O-T-T HOT !! w00t.gif w00t.gif w00t.gif  (and not to the forget the BILs too).



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now it's Hyun's turn to be mesmerized by this new GANGSTA look of his. Good girl loves BAD BOYS. 














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest bizzie_b


hey guys, would just like to share the BKK flight schedule.  Got this from GG thread (credit: miyachan11):






MBC BKK Concert Artistes' Arrival Flights




10 March 2011---


2PM: TG659 - 01.59pm; 


2AM,Miss A,MBLAQ,4Minute,After School: OZ743 - 23.54pm; 




11 March 2011---


SNSD,FT.Island: TG677 - 21.15pm. 


BEAST,CN Blue: OZ743 - 23.54pm. 


TVXQ: TG657 - 01.10am. 




(artistes reaching on 11march wont go press con)




cr: @@allMadam_TH / HELLO*xXxXx*$HINee


via jeansg2010




March 12, 2011

MBC Korean Music Wave in Bangkok

6:30PM @ Rajamangala National Stadium Hua Mak 




How i wish that SNSD and CNBlue are on the same flight instead of SNSD and FT Island.  Anyways, hope they'd shoot in Thailand as well.  And Thai gogumas, we're counting on you!  Please don't forget to  share fancams and pics and all that stuff!  I really can't wait! I'm so excited for Thai gogumas!  (I couldn't book a flight in Thailand this week, I have a lot of med school stuff to do!) wub.gif














By the way, have you guys seen the 2 released photos of SNSD for Japan's promotion of Mr. Taxi?  Geez!  BLACK SOSHI is back!  I wonder if Hyun will have her hair colored in BLACK, same with Yong? phew.gif


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Guest ingogumaheaven
























hello my fellow gogumas!








i don't know if i'm over analyzing things but didn't yong kiss seohyun twice?  if you look at 3:47-3:51 in this video it looks like he pulled away and then kissed her again.  it seems like the photographer got the shot before yong pulls away the first time but then yong leans back in and plants another one. :D








another thing that i noticed is that yong really did kiss seohyun!  and what i mean by this is is that if you look closely, yong's mouth twitches, like how someone's mouth twitches when they're about to pucker up! :wub:  or maybe i'm overanalyzing this too.  what do you guys think?
















after watching the scene about 10 more times, i realized the photographer was counting "1, 2, 3."  i guess i was too busy spazzing to notice.  oh well.  yong still got to kiss her twice! :rolleyes:









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Guest luna21






















wow...this forum is moving really fast i can't keep up. DAEBAK!!!














everyone has already commented about the epic episode...nothing much to add, i guess. but these are just some that crossed my mind...














i was glad that seulong & nayoung came. after finding out about the photoshoot, these two took the opportunity to bring our couple closer together...can't help but think that their ulterior motive for being there was to have them kiss after seeing this conspiracy look between the two MCs...





















they didn't know that the photographer has already something planned for our couple...can't help but crack up whenever i watch this portion of the shoot...am i the only one who liked this photographer???




























the sneaky photographer had hyun hit yong so she had to kiss him... can't help but think he had planned it all along. :lol:





















also, i think someone already commented about the missing scenes...i would love to see what brought this statement from yong. it was part of last weeks preview. wgm cut it off from the latest episode...



































anyone noticed the missing necklace??? for some reason i wanted to see it during this special event. i think it was the first time i didn't see the butterfly necklace...wonder why seohyun didn't wear it this time?





















i want to get a hold of cnblue's new album!!! unfortunately yesasia has no pre-orders at this time. would love to see seohyun match yong's dark look...can't wait to see these two performers to come back on stage.














thx everyone for the translations, sub videos, links, images, etc. it has been great reading everyone's point of views.














40 more pages until the new forum!!! :w00t:














also, someone way back asked about yong's backpack...if it has been answered then ignore the spoiler. i accidentally found where it came from...i came across it after looking for a way to pre-order cn blue's first step album





















you can find it at fnc store...here


















































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Guest hannahgarrido
















































annyeong gogumas!!! am i still the only one spazzing on the latest episode?? 
















i just want to share something that i have noticed in seohyun recently (sorry i can only distinguish seohyun's changes because i have been a fan of her before WGM started):
















1. seohyun's reaction on receiving a flower from a guy before and her BRI after giving Yong a kiss on his cheek:
































2. she was saying no to the kiss but look at her face :D.. seohyun is a real person on cam.. if she doesn't want to, her face shows it, even though she complies afterwards
































3. the scarf thingy.. did you guys notice that her face was about to tear up?? never have i seen seohyun that disappointed and giving that look other than to her unnies
































that's all i can contribute but there are a lot of things i can share that Seohyun is really opening up to Yong~... i have been a fan of seohyun since forever and i can say that she has really changed!!
















P.S. Can someone be so kind as to post all their HQ wedding pictures here in soompi??? thanks guys!!

















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I'm going out on a limb here because the old age memory cells dont't work as well as they used to. But I was pondering Hyun's calling Yong a webfooted octopus and was thinking that way back when we were associating his name with the word duck (as in duckduckduck and other references). And didn't she say he looked like a squid or octopus when she looked at him upside down? Hince maybe web-foot octopus. She didn't seem to hesitate or think about calling him that. Wonder if it a sort of personal thing between them. Of course it could be another example of her saying things at random or me reading more into things than what is really there.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can we petition WGM to get Seulong and Winjoon back. I'm sorry but I agree that the show is just not the same. The MC comments are a large part of what makes this show fun and no one can do it like S&W (not the canned foods in the US). Personal plea- PLEASE FIND A WAY TO BRING THEM BACK!!!. Besides, they really are the only people that knows everyone that is in the show or could be in the show either personally, by working with them, doing pariodies of them, or at least researching them. And the fact that they are close to each other and are really comfortable on the set with the other MCs makes it fun to watch. I don't think Nayoung has been happy without Seulong and even Mison and MC Jake seem to be having a hard time. Just my POV.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Another thing I was thinking about was her kiss to him. On the first try, he says that all he felt was the breath from her nose. Was that Yong protecting her again and not expecting them to have to do the kiss again. His smile after the second kiss was priceless but I think he knew that he couldn't use the same line twice and just gave up. On the first try she said she did it and he said the nose breath line. If she did kiss him but he said that then all of those opposed to the couple kissing would be satisfied that she didn't and wouldn't write bad things about her. Or he was just kidding. Even though a lot of his facial expressions were over done when he said not to do a kiss, I think he really wanted to kiss her but was really very concerned about how she would feel. I think he was more willing to kiss her than to have her kiss him. If he kissed her then he would be made out to be the bad guy (White knight again, But poor Yong couldn't do the forhead kiss and surpress his smile.)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh, have 2 new favorite FMV but don't know how to do links. At you tube search just type in Yongseo Angel or Devil and the one after it will be The Wrath. Seeing our couple a little on the darkside is amazing. I don't think I've seen a sexier, hotter, intriging couple in my life as these two in these videos. Have to fan myself a lot to keep from fainting. Hyun as the sexy goddess/cool avenger/femme fatale/ and Yong as the sorcerer/ultimate rocker/dark presence was totally amazing. Seems weird to say given what we see on WGM and in some in photoshoots, the really dark side suits them.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe it is just me but their walk back in the park was interesting in that even though they knew they were being filmed it was as though they didn't care anymore. I think that is why we all loved it was because they had that "cameras be damned, full steam ahead" attitude. It is almost like they don't care anymore about what is recorded. This maybe the reson for all the quotes and comments recently. Maybe they know that things have been recorded that have "given them away" and like everyone has said, the comments from friends and her unnies are "to soften the blow that the news is that this is a real couple".































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































,Honestly, to have your fellow management people that she has known forever, and like every other member of the groups she performs with, do things that shows she has someone special must mean something.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Strange side note: on HT the girls shared that all but Yuri were great ventriloquists. At all the special events, Yong gets really close. Maybe she talks to him without moving her lips? More late night, not enough sleep fantisy.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest hafiq890














Last night, i dreamt about our lovely couple :wub: maybe because i re-watch that daebak episode repeatedly again and again before going to sleep...about my dream :










Both of them are fighting each other with tears at their eyes :tears: and yong is trying to give back their couple ring back to hyun while say, " whatever it is,it will ends soon..this is just a show..it will end somehow "










But hyun refuse to accept the ring and said ," just keep it more longer...because... ( stuttering...) "










Suddenly yong grasp hyun hand and hug her lovely and tightly and their eyes are gazing each other with a feeling to refuse separation...










And the hightlight and the best part in my dream is.....










AFTER that, yong slowly move his lips reaching hyun lips...but he is still hesitating and stop at his middle way of kissing..










Fortunately, hyun suddenly move her lip more near and finally start to kiss yong..:wub: With a love tear dropping down to their cheecks, one new lover couple is born..ehehe










Thats All...sorry for my bad english...and i cant express it in a good manner...chongmal mianhe:wacko:



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Guest yongseoisreal




















just wanna ask something..































what is the song played during the photoshoot with yongseo sitting back-to-back and yong holding the guitar?































the one that is played right after the guitar is given to yong..































at first, i thought it was yong who played it but i guess he's not..































glad if someone could answer me.. :rolleyes:
















































and wanna share this screen cap..

















































































































did yong is like scratching jungshin hand or what?
















i don't know how to make the so called moving picture @ gif (if that's what you guys call)..
















i'm still doesn't know how..
















if someone could tell me how, i appreciated that.. :D
















wanna share this one too..































a picture from NAN, 110307..






























































picture credited to dcinside































dcinside, yong at NAN, 110307

































































thanks so much for responding to my post... glad to meet someone in the same field.. and i love your screencaps!!!










































































you're totally right!! me myself became really afraid to see my other medical friends, studying like crazy but me, i can still enjoy watching k-dramas and all that.. but i guess, if you know how to separate your time correctly (although i know that most medical student saying that they doesn't have enough time), you can really enjoy the both worlds.. wish you a successful life as medical student too!!






























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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































what a beautiful day! MC Jake will give his tweet tomorrow, and another saturday in 5 days (palli!)






























































since the thread is quiet today, I'll just share a fanmade pic I found on FB






























































































open the spoiler!
















































































































credit as tagged (juli@Gogumas's Indonesia FB)































































































































































so CNBLUE and SNSD are going to Thai right?? sheesh, they should be in the same plane...... It's too weird to put CNBLUE's labelmate (FTIsland) in the same plane as SNSD. why not CNBLUE instead? but then, come to think of it, if they are in the same plane, BOTH YONGHWA AND SEOHYUN WILL BE TEASED BY BILs AND SILs!! CHAOS IN THE PLANE! They will surely make Yonghwa and Seohyun sit together :lol:






























































ok then, happy spazzing all!
































































































EDIT: oh, CONGRATULATIONS to those who participated in the 1st anniversary donation programme!!! being acknowledged by a korean media (in this case, ARIRANG!!!). fairy@bezbez@YSInternational, you must be proud to be the leader of the project! KUDOS TO YOU AND EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED!!! let's give a good example to all fandoms in the world!!

































































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Guest deeana55








hi there...this is my cap....thanks to MAGDAL for your PM.... *hug and kisss from me....muaccchhhhhhh>>>:lol:








i really curious for what  they say to each other.....does they know the real situation about uri couple....
















this two...even when there is a lot of people around them...those lookk and eye ship and smile just like telling that there is only two of them there...
















and i notice this....black room interview....their hair style is exactly yhe same when they perform at MBC gayo daejon...wonder they shoot it before or after the show and after that interview those their meet with each other ... and mbc gayo daejun is held on 31st december...it's new year eve...




























that's my first picture cap....wkwkwkw....




i hope you all enjoy it...








now it's d-4 before another saturday.....it feel so long...and i really curious for what item that yong lost it....








and can't wait for another fancam and fan account for mbc concert in thailand...




we count on you goguma thailand...fighting....:D








ps ; sorry for  a lot of typo here and there....i'm at my office and typing it while hiding from my boss...huahahaha the power of goguma make me this....




yongseo couple you responsible for this behavior hahahaha





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 Everytime that i'm here , you all make me smile about your post I love to read it  ... Thank you for this thread very Much!!!
































































































































































































Seohyun make me surprise very very much about her rection when she know that Yongkwa will kiss her .. i think she must be angry about it,but She isn't ... WoW!! w00t.gifw00t.gif
































































































































































































The kiss scene is not the most of my favourit in this EP. I love the way of yonghwa huging her  back, that's mean how much the relationship that they have right ?....:wub::wub::wub:
































































































































































































And now agian that I would like to share This for you..... It made from my feeling I hope you like it  :lol:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia
















hello to all chingus :)



















as usual Saturday paliiiii :)



















LOVE LOVE LOVE... love is all around tongue.gif




















































































































































































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Guest loybing
































































































































































































































































































































































































































Arirang News feature Yongseo Couple. the news is about world food donation made by fans.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm sorry gogumas I don't know how to insert vids and photos.



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest loybing
































































































































































































































































































































































































































just want to share this news. hehehe! so proud of the Gogumas family.
































































































































































































































































































































































i feel proud. hehehe.
































































































































































































































































































































































please bear with me. it's my first time posting an image.254298921.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=0ZRYP5X5F6FSMBCCSE82&Expires=1299579320&Signature=6jm3xDXkP3AU4eOu%2FXmvDsi%2FiMY%3D

































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Guest fionatansl
























Hello fellow goguma fans! I'm a huge lurker of this thread :) Like everyone, I'm here every single day just to get fresh updates of our couple. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the videos, translation, subbing, fanarts, screencaps, gifs and all. Kamsahamnida!! The reason for me coming out from my lurking mode is because I have something to share :D
































:D I was missing the couple while doing my korean homework. Seohyun Yonghwa!! WHERE ARE YOU~~~~





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