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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts

Guest DJHinata


For all the Goguma Lovers ♥ Here in Gochun !! 






























Thanks To Millkystep



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Guest AngelVillian



Anyone saw this poll yet?


Currently Yongseo is leading.


Click on the cat with boxing glove to vote for Yongseo!

Adam's vote is increasing rapidly.

You can vote as many time as you can.



Adam couple votes currently surpassed Yongseo!

Goguma let's all voteee!


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Guest pikoo
















Hi everyone... Today is the day of the wedding episode part 2!!!








Can't wait for it..
















By the way anyone know where to find the raw episode of yongseo couple??








I kinda lack behind in the video since the busan episode..








I want to make a fmv for them... So I really appreciate anyone giving me the link to the raw vid!!
















Thx guys!! Hope u all enjoy today episode!!









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Guest kay77
































































































































































































































































Trying to catch up with the thread before the Yongseo's second Wedding episode... :)
































































































































































































































































I've been listening to the teaser for CN Blue's new song non-stop ever since it came out. Yonghwa kills me with the way he sings "sweet imagination" part. I just love the way he says certain words sometimes. :lol:
































































































































































































































































It is not revealed to us who wrote the lyrics, yet, but I automatically thought about Yongseo couple when I heard certain part of the lyrics. I haven't had a chance to catch up, yet, but I guess many of us thought about Yongseo when first heard this song? ^_^
































































































































































































































































Anyway, I used to translate song lyrics and subtitle music videos a lot. I wanted to start back translating and subbing videos again, so I kind of practiced my rusty fingers subbing video with CN Blue's new song.
































































































































































































































































Here is my English translation of lyrics of CN Blue's new song, "상상 (Imagination)".
































































































































My link
































































































































































































































































I haven't read others' English translation of this song, yet. I have my own certain way of translation song lyrics so there might be some differences in our translations. I am so sorry if there are. However, the basic meaning of the lyrics should be same even if there are some differences in translations. :wub:
































































































































































































































































Seriously, this song should be used for Yongseo music video when the full song come out. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































Are there any streaming sites for today's episode of WGM?

































































































































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currently both M3 & dduk are sick with the flu~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so I will be taking over today when the episode comes out~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so have a bit of extra patience while I try my best to quickly and accurately translate for you wonderful gogumas~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi































































































































































































































































currently both M3 & dduk are sick with the flu~
































so I will be taking over today when the episode comes out~
































so have a bit of extra patience while I try my best to quickly and accurately translate for you wonderful gogumas~














































































































































oh my, we all hope M3 and Dduk will get healthy soon! be careful yah, because recently so many people fell sick (including me 1 month ago, also flu)........ remember, even Hyun always stress on eating healthy food and living a healthy life!! once again, M3 and Dduk, hope both of you rest and get back healthy! meamwhile thanks juhee for taking over the translation! Dduk, your sister ROCKS!!
































































gosh, I have nothing to do at home right now....... my college assignments are all finished, so yeah, I'm just sitting like a lonely person in my bedroom, waiting for the episode broadcast :lol:. grrrr 빨리!





























































































EDIT: errr.. has this been shared??






























































Hazzys Back Hug CF Making (ENG)






























































looks like rdrsubs.org is back!!

































































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@maybe07, thank u so much for the couple pic.

i feel so touched that it is especially for me..hug u dear! :wub:

i am loving yong's sexy bare arms.

he looks good wearing a s/less, and where does those muscles come from? :w00t:

couldn't resist taking caps of it, but since this is a yongseo thread,

i had to post a pic of hyun to accompany it..

ah..that is just so lame an excuse... :lol:

@M3 & @Dduk..take care. i wish u both get well soon.

and @juhee, thank u so much for stepping in..no pressure okay..

to @kay, i've always love reading your post.


@pikoo, i think u can try the links above too..

3hrs more to go...degeun degeun..

@magdal..lets cry together today...kekeke

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Guest ahn_annann





more Pics HD version from JYH DC



credit and source : HOOD and Jeans









resized by me



kay77 Thanks for translation on "상상 (Imagination)" anyway how to pronounce 상상 (bang bang ?)



juhee Thank you in advance for translate



M3 and Dduk hahaha, I served you above pics hope get well soon






kay77 ya, it's simple .. Thank you so much, 상 상 = sang sang





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Guest kay77
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































kay77 Thanks for translation on "상상 (Imagination)" anyway how to pronounce 상상 (bang bang ?)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am sorry to cut your post.
































































































































































































































































@ahn_annann 상상 is pronounced "sang sang" Simple, right? ;)
































































































































Also, thank you so much for pics. Those two parts were my favorite parts of Bang Bang CF.
































































































































































































































































@jnj, thank you so much for the link. :wub:

































































































































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Guest yongseoisreal

















































currently both M3 & dduk are sick with the flu~
















so I will be taking over today when the episode comes out~
















so have a bit of extra patience while I try my best to quickly and accurately translate for you wonderful gogumas~














































annyong juhee!!
















thanks for stepping in and taking over the translating job..
















you guys translator are what made us goguma around the world as one..
















please don't feel pressured about the work and take your time..
















aja! aja! hwaiting!! ^^
















and to M3 and dduk, get well soon!!
















ops, i'm topping the page but got nothing special to share..:sweatingbullets:
















hope this is enough..
















a news from soompi about hazzy's website gone crash because of yong's cf yesterday..:rolleyes:
















My link



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Guest ansa---




 Hi everyone,




I am a big fan of Yongseo couple




first i would like to thank everyone. your hardwork is highly appreciated. i am quite new here so i dont know if i have violated any rule. if so please excuse me.




Can anyone put the link where i can stream live




thank you 









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Guest DJHinata


YongSeo in a few minutes *o* juhee!! Fightiiing !!!!
















MY GOD part 1 was daebaaaak!!!! !! ♥ 












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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































yay only ten more minutes!!!
































































































































































































































































im using TVU today
































































































































































































































































im expecting a kiss or a ALMOST kiss :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































be back to update!! (:
































































































































































































































































edit: Yong's lips were slightly touched her forehead!!! better than nothing!! right?!?! (:
































































































































































































































































i love love love today's batch of new pictures!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry for the low quality!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT PART 2: OMG DID SEOHYUN KNIT THAT SCARF FOR YONG?!!? omg im so speechless!! that's so sweet of her!!
































































































































































































































































i cant believe hyun kiss yong on the cheek!! omg!!! snsd's mankae is growing up!! :)
































































































































































































































































OMG! YONGSEO STYLE! i love love love how they ended yongseo today!! (:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Excuse was that or was that not considered a kiss?
































































































































OMG let me rephrase that if I a normally a lurker and I almost had a heart attack at the skinship....
































































































































all of you would die  :D:D  Seohyun didn't object to any suggestion..none of the usual 'aneyo'
































































































































Did you see?Did you see?The last shots when they did the posts.Man they look like a couple all right.SWEETNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

































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Guest angels.disguise
































































































































































So many spazz worthy moments already!
































































Forehead kiss, arms around her waist, picking her up!!
































































Is everyone spazzing as much as I am????

















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omg from twitter seohyun got kissed in forehead

































































































































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Excuse was that or was that not considered a kiss?













Was that what ? Haish!! All I get is the audio~ I feel like eating my crappy internet cable rite now!! Aigoo, Chinca!! fury.gif




Of all time, why you choose right now to be this bad!!








Keep coming with the update pls !! Thanks a lot !!! Really appreciate you guys...wub.gifsmile.gif





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Guest soshisoshisoshi




























































































































































































































































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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































screecap from live streaming...

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































LET THE SPAZZFEST BEGIN. (but kinda worried about fans' responses T_T )
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry for the capslock and my jaw was busy dropping on the floor that I couldn't lift a finger to hit Prnt Scrn. T__T

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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This topic is now closed to further replies.

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..