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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest kay77
































































































































































































































































































































































































@ kay77 – thanks for the tip on the japanese album “Thank U”, that will be my next mission now, to buy the album somehow or “obtain” the songs by any means possible.  I prefer to do it legally if it helps CNBlue’s revenue but will resort to more dastardly means if forced to…. LOL.  I listened to Arigatou and really loved it, seriously both Yong & JongHyun write great songs!  Having followed them since their indie days, would you be able to provide insights on Yong’s songs, if there has been a change since he went into WGM with Hyun?  The romantic in me would like to think that, we’ve heard from him that he finished Love Light thinking of her but he did admit that he started the song before WGM.  We know he wrote Banmal/FFTL for her, just curious if there has been any other songs “influenced” by his new outlook (cough*relationship*cough) in life.  I love Sweet Holiday as well, so catchy, plus the fact that they used it for the Wedding Ep preview just pushed it to the top of my playlist for last week.  I’m so looking forward to their latest Korean album despite the delays.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am sorry to cut your post and for late reply.
































































































































































































































































You're welcome, about Thank U album, winbros :)
































































































































You're right. Both Yonghwa and Jonghyun write great songs. Their songs have individual qualities that give unique "Yonghwa" and "Jonghyun" feels but also give that true "CN Blue color" as well. They balance each other so well while complimenting each other. CN Blue is very lucky to have two musicians and song writers like Yonghwa and Jonghyun in one group. From what I hear, Jungshin is studying music writing as well, so we may be seeing his composition and/or lyrics in the future. You know that Minhyuk wrote the lyrics for "Sweet Holiday", right? That song was perfectly used in WGM because the lyrics are very fitting for Yongseo couple. :)
































































































































































































































































Oh, "Never Too Late" in Thank U album is also composed by Jonghyun as well. You won't regret getting Thank U album. I am listening to it right now in fact. ;)
































































































































































































































































About your question: "Having followed them since their indie days, would you be able to provide insights on Yong’s songs, if there has been a change since he went into WGM with Hyun?"
































































































































































































































































Hmm.... Let's see.... How can I answer this question... especially when we don't know when Yonghwa started to write each songs. From what FNC representative said in one interview, Yonghwa has about 100 songs that are written already and stored away. He has been constantly writing songs while he was training, while he was in Japan pre-debut, and while he has been working after the debut. I am guessing some of those songs are completed and some of those songs are not.
































































































































































































































































I guess we can kind of review what songs were released prior WGM and which songs are released after WGM and see if there has been any change.
































































































































































































































































Songs written by Yonghwa that are released in 2009 and January 2010, before WGM:
































































































































Love Revolution (lyrics only by Yonghwa, English version is written by Yonghwa and Korean version is co-written by Yonghwa and Han Sung Ho)
































































































































Just Please (composition and lyrics by Yonghwa)
































































































































Y, Why (composition and lyrics by Yonghwa, English lyrics version is written by Yonghwa and was released prior to Korean debut, and Korean lyrics version is co-written by Yonghwa and Mr. Han Sung Ho of FNC and is included in the Bluetory)
































































































































































































































































Songs written by Yonghwa and that are released after WGM started:
































































































































Intro (in Thank U album. Composed and lyrics by Yonghwa, released in April 2010)
































































































































Tatto (in Bluelove album. Composed and lyrics by Yonghwa, released in May 2010)
































































































































Love Light (in Bluelove album. Composed and lyrics by Yonghwa, released in May 2010)
































































































































One Time (in the first Japanese single, The Way, album. Composed and lyrics by Yonghwa, released in June 2010)
































































































































Ready 'N Go (in The Way album. Lyrics only by Yonghwa, released in June 2010)
































































































































I Don't Know Why (in the second Japanese single, I Don't Know Why, album. Composed and lyrics by Yonghwa, released in Sept 2010)
































































































































Try Again, Smile Again (in the third Japanese single album, Re-Maitenance album, Co-composed and lyrics by Yonghwa, released in Jan of 2011)
































































































































Don't Say Goodbye (in the Re-Maintenance album. Composed and lyrics by Yonghwa, released in Jan 2011)
































































































































For the First-Time Lovers (Korean digital single, Composed by Yonghwa and lyrics co-written by Yonghwa, released in Jan 2011)
































































































































































































































































I think I got the release months of most albums right, but I might made a mistake in few of them.
































































































































































































































































I guess we can catagorize those songs in three catagories:
































































































































Love songs that are happy and in lighter mood (Love Revolution, Love Light, and FFTL), Love songs that are more serious in tone and heavy in emotions (Just Please, Y Why, Tatto, I Don't Know Why, and Don't Say Goodbye), and Non-love songs that speak of his and CN Blue's dreams and goals (Intro, One Time, and Try Again Smile Again).
































































































































































































































































There were some speculations by the fans early on that the three songs that were released before CN Blue debut were written with his first love in his mind. Few fans used to call them "First Love Triple Set." These songs are Love Revolution, Just Please, and Y Why. However, no one knows for sure if these songs were actually written with his first love in his mind since Yonghwa hasn't enlightened us personally what or who inspired him to write those songs.
































































































































































































































































Of these songs, we know these for fact since Yonghwa enlighted us during his various interviews and comments:
































































































































One Time was written and completed during the time CN Blue was in hiatus between Bluetory and Bluelove promotional activities in Mar-April or April-May of 2010. Yonghwa said that he teared up after he completed this song. Yonghwa did say himself that it was only one of three times that he teared up as an adult. (One time he mentioned was at the Bluetory showcase on January 14, 2010 and other time was while he was watching the video clip of "We're Fools" during CN Blue's first concert, Listen to the CN Blue in Seoul, back on July 31, 2010)
































































































































































































































































Love Light was composed long before his debut and before WGM but he didn't add the lyrics until after WGM started. He did say that this song was about his first love. He did confirm that he wrote the rap part while thinking of Seohyun after the first meeting.
































































































































































































































































I Don't Know Why was composed, I think, during the time Yonghwa started to experiment with synthesizers because he did say in an interview that he was loving using synthesizers at the moment. He also said in the same interview that he feels as though he can express in the song lyrics things that he can't normally express.
































































































































































































































































FFTL was composed while he has been on WGM and lyrics was written for Seohyun and with their times together on WGM in mind as he revealed personally on WGM episodes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Personally, I can't tell if there has been any changes in Yonghwa's songs since he has been on WGM. :blink: Love Revolution, Love Light, and FFTL are all happy and cheerful love songs. Just Please, Y Why, Tatto, I Don't Know Why, and Don't Say Goodbye are all heavier and highly emotional love themed songs. Try Again Smile Again sounds like a follow up to One Time, and both songs sing of Yonghwa and CN Blue's determinations and resolve about their dreams, goals, and future.
































































































































































































































































What do you think, do you think there has been any changes? :)

































































































































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Last February 28, YongSeo DC Tribute Team have passed our gifts to YongHwa and Seohyun (individually), along with their managers. Here are some of the pictures that we have. YongSeo DCGallery will release their own shots of the gifts anytime soon.




















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: Vietnam Secret Garden- YongSeo fans























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: YongSeo International




















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Once again, Thank you DC for making this gift project possible. Special thanks to Christie unnie for helping us.



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo International Project Team will undergo some changes with its structure so we will be opening more slots for team members. Please support the change that's going to happen on the team!


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If you want to have YongSeo, CNBlue, and SNSD please drop by and place your orders at
































GOGUMA HAUS. All the profit of this shop will go the the next gift project for YongSeo.
































































































































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Guest street.k2


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































vote yongseo couple






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































vote cn.blue yonghwa best leader
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest yongseorockin


There were some speculations by the fans early on that the three songs that were released before CN Blue debut were written with his first love in his mind.  Few fans used to call them "First Love Triple Set." These songs are Love Revolution, Just Please, and Y Why.  However, no one knows for sure if these songs were actually written with his first love in his mind since Yonghwa hasn't enlightened us personally what or who inspired him to write those songs.


Of these songs, we know these for fact since Yonghwa enlighted us during his various interviews:

One Time was written and completed during the time CN Blue was in hiatus between Bluetory and Bluelove promotional activities in Mar-April or April-May of 2010.  Yonghwa said that he teared up after he completed this song.  It was only one of three times that he teared up as an adult.  (One time at the Bluetory showcase on January 14, 2010 and other time while when he was watching the video clip of "We're Fools" during CN Blue's first concert, Listen to the CN Blue in Seoul, back on July 31, 2010)




After you said "One Time"  was one of the songs Yon Hwa teared up at after composing, I went to listen to it.


I had no intention of saying this when I first heard some of his English compositions until listening to it again today because I feared Gogumas will just throw lots of negatives at me. But then after thinking about it, I thought if it helped him improve as a musician, I should just spit it out.


Now, before watching WGM Sweet Potato Couple, I hardly listened to KPOP or knew much about their idols. English songs have always been my first choice. To me, they (Korean songs some years back) were like great copycats of English songs (after I heard some of the Korean songs that were originally English songs) To add to the insult, I thought their pronunciation was really way off when they sing English songs.


After a few years and watching WGM Sweet Potato Couple, I decided to give KPOP another try and found out that they have vastly improved. They have their own style now and aren't ripoffs of English songs. Even when they resung English songs (depending on which singer you are talking about), their pronunciations has improved.


BUT...BUT (Here comes honest opinion why KOREANS havent succeeded in entering Western market)


  1. Their pronunciation just aren't there yet. Maybe Koreans can't hear it for themselves but its unmistakable when English speakers hear the mispronunciations and difficulty in pronouncing certain words. (it is why I believe that despite the catchy tune of Wonder Girl's Nobody, they were nowhere near number 1. Their pronunciation wasn't quite right.)

  2. Biasness in western markets. Lets just face it. There will still be discrimination and some of them don't think well of Asians.

Now back to CN Blue. I really like their Korean songs, heard some of their japanese songs and thoughts its not bad. But the English ones..urmm, they cut no ice with me. I am not an over adoring fan who is going to tell them, "Oh, Your English is Great. Your english songs are good. They touched me." (EDIT: Just like when Hyun asked if her hair was alright, Yong went, "No.")


No, that's just not me. What I found wrong with their English songs.


  1. Sentence structure is wrong/off. ( In general, you did get the gist of their songs but what are you singing about? There doesn't seem to be a head or tail in the song.)

  2. Doesn't seems to rhythm from one sentence to the other.  

  3. Pronunciation.

Having said the above. I will point out whats wrong in an example.


I don't know Why I'm here but baby even though we fail It's worth  ( what does he mean by we fail? it ends awkwardly. worth what? another awkward ending)

I know You know It is all about my music ( tenses are wrong. and I guess what he really meant was "I know it was all about my music")

Music Changes our life in the dark so I can change your thoughts ( I don't get what he means in this sentence. and to correct the sentence Music helps to change our lives in dark times?)

I know You know Your life is also the same Music that is my boo ( I don't get what he is saying here.)



I know they have tried their best with all their songs but this will not sell with English speakers, maybe only fans. I just hope they improve on their songs and perhaps send their English songs for editing before they release it. Work even harder and improve themselves till the point where everyone is amaze with them. Be the BON JOVI of the EAST.


Having said that. ( I am not surprise when I heard Se7en failed in the US market.) People over in the west are gonna be more critical about their music than we are here in Asia. I just hope they are not blinded by their popularity here to not be able to see the rest of the real world.




(speaking of which if you know who is Akanishi of KAT-TUN. I think he is not gonna do well in LA. I like his songs...but but....)


alright. thats the end of my long post. Can just throw me the negatives. I have spit out what I wanted to say.


EDIT: By the way, other than the lyrics part, I think their skill with the instruments are good.

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Guest Trent



@yongseorockin: You made an absolutely valid point there and I'm 100% behind you. Plus, the Western market is already difficult for Western musicians, so it will be even more difficult for non-Westerners, who have to trump the language and the race barrier. I don't think there's a mainstream Asian (even Asian American) artist working successfully in the West in the pop genre (I'm not talking classical here). Please correct me if I'm wrong here. And, as for the pronounciation (and the really bad grammar): I'm not a native speaker, but even *I* notice it (and I usually think Alaskan accent is just like any other American accent).  I mean, most British stars have difficulties and America loves England and there's no language barrier. Robbie Williams is really well-known in Europe and not nearly as successful in the states.

It's really, really sad, but ... well. And you have to be VERY good and you have tough competition and even bigger companies backing all the other artists. So personally, I don't see it happening, not for the Wondergirls or for anyone else in the near future.

And just a small shoutout:

At the Yongseo fanfiction community, "Beauty and the Beast", "Run Devil Run" and "Royal Stanza" have all been updated. Check them out! (Also, OMGirly wrote a new fanfiction. Yay. I'm also writing this because I'm still haven't found enough time to finish Goong. So sorry!)

Best regards,



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  Please guys stay on topic...moderators are watching us and this is YongSeo thread. If you want to talk only about CNBlue, or only about SNSD  without any conection to YongSeo please go to the CN.Blue thread or SNSD thread and talk all you want.
































































































































































































Even we were told before that we should not talk about SeoHyun or YongHwa individually, but that´s something so hard to do for us that I think the moderators decided to condone us for that,  but this talk about CN Blue is seriously, really, quite out of topic.
































































































































































































Thank you guys ^^, please let´s take care of our beloved Go-chun ^_^.

































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Guest yonghyunforever


so miss yongseo. i hope we will hear news about our couple soon. i hope they have enough time to rest. but really want them to meet each other, just need they stand beside each other make me feel good:wub:






To Yongseorockin about Cnlue



i so agree with you, i really like cnclue songs and their talent but their english lyrics made me worry . some fans of Cnblue will jump up and down when they hear any bad thing about their idols. but i really want to give this advice to Yonghwa and his company, please put more attention in english lyrics. because he did so good in korean, when his songs in korean translated into english, i was mesmerized but with his english song, i like his music better.




I was not really into Kpop till WGM, i knew Cnblue before because of YRB but i not really into them till WGM, i started learning more KPop, and found some interesting songs. all of the group, cnblue really stand out for me. they can play their instrument, and they remind me of my Beatles. and their music is different compare with all dance music.




their music is really fresh, and because of my WGM bias, i replay lovelight, banmal song and i dont know why more:-) because somehow you know the history of these songs. but i love other songs a lot too. If they can improve their english lyrics, they can reach more to their fans. i tried to convinced my husband to listen to cnblue, but he said their english so bad, i cant understand what are they singing. Yonghwa's goal is Billboard, i hope he learning english hard now. and i really hope they will success with their music. they are really talented group and i really love them.







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Guest angels.disguise
































































































Vote for the YongSeo couple! Adam couple is closing in!
































































































































I don't know if this has been posted before but I spy the ring!
































































Yonghwa on NAN 2/28

































































































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Hello again, first of all I would like to say ‘thanks!’ to everyone who enjoy my posts!   I enjoy writing them – so to have you appreciate them is icing on the cake!






Really, there is no one else I can talk to about this (other than my daughter) , so it is therapeutic for me to write about Seohyun and Yonghwa to all the gogumas in go-chun who understand and sympathize with our mutual addiction to this wonderful couple.






Just like I believe Yong initially felt WGM would be ‘just another drama’ for him and a way for him to promote his talents and CN Blue, and I believe Hyun initially thought that WGM would be a ‘good learning experience’ about having a relationship with a boy as preparation for marriage (and also prepare her for future roles in a drama),  I initially thought this would be a really strange departure for me as far as what I considered ‘just entertainment!’






All three of us were wrong!






Yong has fallen in love with a wonderful woman, Hyun has found that this has gone way beyond a cerebral  ‘learning experience’ and now has her heart invested also, and I have found myself emotionally involved in their journey together. 






All three of us found a lot more than we initially expected, and it has all been a really, really good experience!






If I told some of the adults that know me and work with me that I am spazzing on an international website comprised of people from 100+ countries about a Korean drama based around a ‘fictional’ relationship between 2 young people ‘acting’ like they are in a ‘fake’ marriage – they would lock me up in the loony bin and throw away the key!  My wife even thinks I’m a little over the edge on this, and even though I’ve tried to explain the premise of WGM and my fascination with it, I still get weird looks from her!






But it doesn’t matter, because I am hooked, I am a Yongseo shipper, a Sone and a Boice.  I not only support our couple but SNSD and CN Blue, because I feel all the members are amazing, talented young people in an extremely stressful and competitive business – and for them to be as normal and gracious as they seem to be – is an amazing testimony to their good character.






I care for them all as I would my own children (maybe a little more for my own children!)  and I will support them in their efforts, cry with their disappointments and failures and share their happiness with their successes like a proud parent.






And I think this is the way all of us feel.  If they were mean, disrespectful, conceited and self-centered K-pop idols we wouldn’t be here.  If we felt that Yong and Hyun were not the truthful and caring people they seem to be, we would have been long gone.






But there is just something about them that makes us feel good inside, like watching fireworks or a Disney movie, they are a pair that almost seem to be too good to be true, yet Saturday after Saturday they continue to prove to us that, yes, they are really like that and our combined dream that good people like them really do exist in this sad world can continue.






I hope they are allowed to do wonderful events in their lives, I pray and hope they are not mistreated by their management companies or their fans and are allowed to let their lights shine for many years to come.   Whatever happens to them after WGM, I hope they remain at least close friends who shared a wonderful journey together, but my real dream is that their lights shine together, because I sincerely believe their fateful meeting was meant to be, and that they are meant to be a spotlight of good and right for the world – together!              








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Guest dar014320






Wow...uri yong looks soooooo handsome in the NAN 28. Was wondering if anybody know where can I watch the series of NAN. Dailymotion doesn't have many episodes with Yong.



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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
















































Thank you magdal I was going to respond the CNBlue post above but since that is a big no no I'm going to do it with an spoiled tag so this here goes to Yongseorocks, Trent and YongHyunforever:













































































































Ok to start I like to said that I like and respect everyone's opinions so if anything in this post can be take out of context in a very unconstructive manner I apologize.
















1) On the subject of the English lyrics (or lack of English comprehension) . Is my understanding that at the time of when CNBlue was debuting in Japan instead of going for the obvious and sing only in Japanese they strategize for using Engrish.
















* Engrish is by definition the misuse of grammatical English.
















* Engrish to give you a bit of background is use quite alot by European and Asian emo, indie, alternative rock, heavy metal and punk bands.( and yes in Tokyo the Engrish movement is been gaining force, alot of bands in Japan are using it)
















* I'm no linguistics expert but from what I have hear Japanese is one of the hardest language to learn. My guess at this time is that most probably the CNBlue guys didn't speak Japanese well to be singing it instead they use Engrish for their lyrics. Which work because how you figured that an indie band of Korean natives make their point across on the Japanese market, see where I'm going.
















Now this of course is guess and is completely subjective. Why because I see how you Yongseorocking could be right as well in that CNBlue could very well have been trying to sing a song in complete English but their language skills were just as poor as their Japanese. However, is something that unless we ask them we won't know for sure.
















The only thing I can said is that looking into their body of work they seem to use Engrish then. Now however, CNBlue has been improving on their Japanese (enough that they are singing full songs in Japanese, ex. Lies), but keep using Engrish as well.
















2) On the subject of the western music market or if the reason CNBlue sing in English is because they will like to hit this market (if I understood the matter correctly). My feelings towards this particular subject are that music like anything in this world comes down to "TIMING". Why you would ask?
















If I have to give you an example of how timing play a big part on how successful a band can be in the US market, I could give you this.
















In 2008 it was the year of the emo movement in the US market. Now we all know that the emo bands have been around forever, but they have never been mainstream it was more like a underground kind of deal. However, during 2008 bands like My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boys, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, etc. made their debuted and the whole US music market was all about emo bands. How did emo became mainstream well this happen when a little emo band from Germany took over the world and debut in the US. Tokyo Hotel from what I understand is been around for a very long time. They debut in Germany when its members were around 11 or 12 years old. Their music/lyrics originally was all in German but because they expand to most of Europe they record their songs in English. Now here is where you Yongseorock are 100% completely right. Once Tokyo Hotel debuted in the US their music was presented with a well polish and perfect pronunciation in English even thou the members of the band don't speak English well (if you check some of their interviews they need it a translator for most of them) which as you have point out a lot of Kpop artist including CNBlue lack when they try to sing in English. Still if they could polish it and the "TIMIG" were right I bet you anything that they will make a success of it.
















Then again debuting and becoming a passing trend like the emo one is easy is staying that is the difficult part but that is a different matter altogether.
















Anyways this post have been long and again I apologize if I step on anyone’s toes and then to Trent oppa, who I believe is German and may or may not have first hand information on his countryman from "Tokyo Hotel" I choose this ex. Because I found it altogether funny if I said anything incorrectly please said it I never try to misrepresent.













































































 Yong and Hyun what an amazing couple they are, don't they.































After watching ep 45 and taking some distance and analizing some of my own feelings (because why not, my feelings are just as important as the people I shipp) I have reach the conclusion that wheather reel or real. I'm going to take everything with a sincere and calm sense that what is meant to happen will happend. I love the feel of the last episodes and wheather they will finaly be a couple for real. I try my very hardest to enjoy the moment and not think of the what if's.































With that resolution out of the way let's move on I been listening to ballad's  in spanish and even when I don't exactly enjoy spanish music as much but have to said the mimute I hear this song I was like "Hyun this song is perfect for you hubby" don't know why I through that but I did and I like to share.































And because this forum specificaly ask for things in English translation side by side.















































Solo Para Ti  Por Camila                                                 Only For You by Camila






























































Eres todo lo q pedia                                                        You are everything that ask for































lo que mi alma vacia                                                         what my empty soul                                                      































queria sentir                                                                    wanted to feel






























































Eres lo que tanto esperaba                                              You are all that I've been waiting for 































lo que en suenos buscaba                                                 what I've been searching for in my dreams 































y que en ti descubri                                                         and I discover that in you 






























































Tu has llegado a encender                                               You have come to spark































cada parte de mi alma                                                      each part of my soul































cada espacio de mi ser                                                     each space of my being































ya no tengo corazon                                                         I no longer have a heart































ni ojos para nadie                                                             or eyes for anyone but































solo para ti                                                                       only for you






























































Eres el amor de mi vida                                                     You are the love of my life 































el destino lo sabia                                                             Destiny knew it 































y hoy te puso ante mi                                                         and today it brought you to me 































y cada vez que miro al pasado                                            and everytime I look to the past 































es que entiendo que a tu lado                                             I undestand that by you side































siempre perteneci                                                              Is were I always belong






























































Tu has llegado a encender                                                 You has come to spark































cada parte de mi alma                                                        every part of my soul































cada espacio de mi ser                                                       every space of my being































ya no tengo corazon                                                           I  no longer have a heart 































ni ojos para nadie                                                               or eyes for anyone but































solo para ti                                                                        only for you































solo para ti                                                                        only for you































solo para ti                                                                        only for you































solo para ti                                                                        only for you 






























































Esto es de verdad                                                              This is real































lo puedo sentir                                                                   I can feel it 































se que mi lugar                                                                   Now I know that my place































es junto a ti                                                                        Is besides you                                                                               































Es junto a ti                                                                        Is besides you 






























































Eres todo lo que pedia                                                        You are everything that I ask for                































lo que no conocia                                                                What I didn't know































y que en ti descubri                                                            and that I discover in you 













































































































 Now to Winbros and luvttoki Oppas you guys are the best, your posts are always a great read thank you for always given us the yonger crow someone to look up to. Both of you are married family man with what is sound like successful careers.
















To soshi3 you know I'm not sure but I have the impression that you are yonger than me because you sound just like my baby brother who is about 18 years old. If that is the case I just want to said that you are such a cheerful and cool guy I really enjoy your questions and you are so not WEIRD.
















Why your routine sound just like mine  

















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I have a big complaint about how their make-up is done. Yes we know that Yong has skin issues hince the acne meds. Also close ups show some damage to his skin from pass flair ups, but on his CF's and other photo shoots they know how to make him look great. The make up on WGM and the wedding photo shoot makes the reflections on his shin light up light christmas bulbs. Can't the make up people learn about matte make up and use it for Yong. Hyun's makeup is also bad but not as obvisious. She also has a lot of glare on her face in the photos.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know it's a silly thought but has been bothering since almost the beginning of their time filming together.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have made up my mind that I don't care what we hear about this couple, I will still love them and give my love to them.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can analize them, think about what goes on with them but in the long run it really doesn't matter, they touch me in a way that mainstream (US TV) doesn't and that is a very good thing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest MountainMadman

EDIT: MC Jake's tweet!

우결마치고 퇴근..ㅋ오늘은 퇴근이좀 빠른듯..아주 달달한 두커플들의 애정행각들이 보는 내내 닭살을 돋게 했네요..토욜 닥본사!!

Going home after finishing WGM...keke seems like I'm leaving early today...I got goosebumps thanks to the sweetness overload from both couples...watch it this Saturday!!

Haha, everyone's sharing their daily routines now? Here's mine:

7:00 AM: Wake up

7:01 AM: Check LiveJournal for fanfiction comments

7:02 AM: Either: a.) shout in joy over how many comments I've received or b.) wallow in despair over how few comments I've received

7:05 AM: Recover from joy/sadness and respond to comments, but only if I feel like it

7:07 AM: Check Soompi

7:07-7:30 AM: Read all posts that I've missed

7:30-7:45 AM: Check AKP and read all articles that I've missed

7:45-8:00 AM: Check Facebook

8:00-8:30 AM: Shower

8:30-8:45 AM: Breakfast

8:45-9:30 AM: Finish homework that I didn't do the day before because I was working on my fanfiction

9:30-10:40 AM: Class

10:45 AM: Check LiveJournal again, just in case there are any new comments

10:46 AM: Despair over lack of comments

10:47 AM: Resolve to quit fanfiction writing forever

10:50 AM: New comment on my fanfiction

10:51 AM: Start writing next chapter of my fanfiction

10:51-11:15 AM: Write, write, write

11:15-11:30 AM: Lunch

11:30 AM-12:30 PM: Class

12:30-2:30 PM: Finish writing

2:30-3:00 PM: Check Soompi again

3:00-5:00 PM: Discussion section/Lab section/study time

5:00-5:20 PM: Dinner

5:20-8:00 PM: Study time/secretly checking aforementioned sites once every ten minutes

8:00-8:30 PM: Revise writing

8:30-10:30 PM: Anytime within this time frame, post new chapter on LiveJournal

8:30-bedtime: Hang around on Soompi, AKP, Facebook waiting for something exciting to happen

On Saturdays Only:

12:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Translate (seems like it, anyway)

*checks schedule* well, whaddya know? Looks like it's time to post my chapter. Please do comment, you wouldn't want me to wallow in despair, would you? tears.gif

The Sixteenth Stanza - 관습도감 (Royal Stanza)

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Guest street.k2































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































vote yongseo couple































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































vote cn.blue yonghwa best leader
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest graxhaie
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it's MC JAKE'S tweet...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can anybody please translate it?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































우결마치고 퇴근..ㅋ오늘은 퇴근이좀 빠른듯..아주 달달한 두커플들의 애정행각들이 보는 내내 닭살을 돋게 했네요..토욜 닥본사!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yongseo fighting!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest fabiistar07
































Great news...
















The YONGSEO WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER....wrote TODAY about Yongseo next preview in his blog.
















He (also) wrote about Yongseo first wedding episode =D
















Would be great if someone could translate what he put...
































*quoted image*































Oh I hope someone can translate, I also hope there's some great info about uri YongSeo :)
















M3 thanks for MC Jake's tweet translation!































I hope we get tons of goosebumps too (oh how I wish he was more detailed..)















































Saturday needs to hurry~!































I hope we can get a teaser pic this week too :D

















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To @kay77, you seem to know a lot about CNBlue and the k-pop industry in general, thanks for your intense and detailed run down on all of CNBlue's songs and especially the info on the songs written by Yong and those that may have been influenced by Hyun.  I really sense that Yong expresses himself best through his songs. I can't wait for their next full album so we can wonder about other songs being written for Hyun!  Maybe 'For First Time Lovers' will be on the album?  That would be wild!   You need to come out of lurker mode more often to supply addtional insightful information on the K-pop scene, Yong Hwa, Seohyun, CNBlue and SNSD!

















To@mrsjoker     Hiya!   Please continue to supply us with your information from Koreans about Yongseo!   I  have the feeling you know more than you're telling after your discussions with Koreans on your last (business) trip to Korea!   we are all eager to learn what Koreans think and feel about our couple!

















To @winbros   - brother, it is always great to have another shot of testosterone injected into this website!   I also really enjoy your posts, we need to continue supplying our male/husband POV and support Yong!   To me, Yong is a guy's guy, he is pretty understandable to me.  In fact, there were times when I laughed at some of his expressions/reactions to Hyun - because I could so see myself reacting in the same way!   Of course, we have to balance our responses with our love and respect for Hyunnie!

















As for limiting our discussions to only Yongseo - how can we seperate the members of SNSD and CN Blue from our couple?   They are as much a part of the Yongseo story as the couple themselves.   i just feel like I've been exposed to an entirely new family, with the SNSD sisters, the CN Blue bro-in-laws, Yong's mom, the WGM MCs (including Jinwoon and Seulong), Adam and Khuntoria couple and all the other wonderful people who have touched these 2 on their journey.  This has been a real eye-opener into an new culture.   Through WGM, I have developed a strong admiration for Korea and her people.    


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Guest HelloGiffie

Does anyone know the name of the song play during Seohyun show up with bling bling wedding dress chose by Yong oppa?

I wanna have that song in my playlist real bad

Thank you in advance

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