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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hello lovely Gogumas!
































































































































I’m here to share another compilation that I made during my free time. I found out that uri YongSeo Couple have many couple items as compared to other couples in WGM and I have made an effort to compile them all. I’m not sure if I’ve missed anything. Hope you all like it.































































































































































































































































Couple bank account





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Couple socks































































































































































































































































(thanks ouichan for ponting it out-i forgot to upload the pic :P)
































































































































































































































































Couple mugs/cups
































































































































































































































































































































































































Couple masks/glasses
































































































































































































































































Couple headbands
































































































































































































































































Couple umbrella (I wonder who bought these and lol at MC Jake and MC Misun :P)
































































































































































































































































Couple apron (from Hyoyeon and Jungshin :lol:)
































































































































































































































































Couple guitar
































































































































































































































































Couple neck pillow
































































































































































































































































Couple outfits
































































































































































































































































































































































































Couple rings (my fav!)































































































































































































































































































































































































Now, don’t you all Gogumas think that both of them really have a lot of things together? :wub:
































































































































I can remember clearly that Hyunjoong complained endlessly when Hwangbo asked him to wear couple t-shirts with her (lettuce couple). In the end he ‘modified’ the t-shirt by making v-shaped collar/attempted to make it into sleeveless shirt. lol
































































































































On another note, about the wedding photoshoot~ I actually don't really put too much thinking on their poses/stuffs. For me, uri YongSeo hv their own special moments that we all love that can surely top all the romantic poses like hugs or kisses that is EYESHIP!! The eyes are always the windows to one's heart :wub:
































































































































And, I can never thank everyone in this thread enough for always providing awesome pics, screencaps, insights and many others that never fails to put a smile on my face. Thanks a million lovely In Go Paem!!!
































































































































EDIT : What a great idea ouichan. I'll definitely do the couple's photo compilation too! Will post them later when I've finished them ^^

































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Good job maybe07 :D








Just to add on one more item, they also have couple socks (bough same day as rings and mugs)








Will you count their couple photo in as well? (The date at the Lotte world, the school uniform date, the date in Japan, the one with beef rice(??), the Yong unnie and Hyun Oppa....)












Wow!!!  what an eagle eyes you have there maybe07, I didn't notice that they actually wore the couple socks at the ski resort another thump up for you:wub:





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Guest yongseomania


Couple Book review counted???








Thank you Maybe07 for pointing out my mistake. Sorry for not reading the rules here.


I am new to seoyong couple so i cant really contribute much. But i can contribute by


telling everyone the strumming pattern of the banmal song.





Strumming pattern for the intro:


D U U U      D U D D D      D U D D D      D U D D D


Basically the strumming pattern is the same but there is a slight diff for the last part.


I am still figuring out the strumming pattern. I am still studying for exam now :(


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Guest seolove
































Hye guys,
































Just want to share my POV.
































i know Yonghwa because of cnblue coz i'm a KPOP'ers rather than K-Drama's fans,
































i knew about YAB quite late,
































it's about after 5 episode of wgm,
































and guess what guys,
































i cant watch that drama because of jealousy, phew.gif
































it's not that i want to pair up with Yonghwa or what,
































i'm jealous of seohyun's behalf crazy.gif
































.So whenever i watch that drama when it comes to Park Shin Hye n Yong romantic scene,
































i'll skip it. haha.that's why i 'm quite not  understand what's the story is all about.vicx.gif
































but i really dont mind about it as my jealousy can come worst.
































i'm scared if i watch the scene i wont watch any drama that PSH acts in it,haha.
































but i know Park Shin Hye rawwxx!she's close to Yong as a friend and i love her when yong called her to brag about the banmal song.keke~
































am i weird guys?
































maybe some of u'll say yes n the other say no but still it's me.YONGSEO SHIPPERS till death!
































to PSH fans,DONT KILL ME! ^^
































P/S : i dont know why but i feel like this week is the longest week to wait until saturday.seriously guys. ph34r.gif

















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Guest honeyjade11
































































































































































































just wandering around here,,, hehehe... can't wait for the wedding pics so I decided to make this :-), why does saturday is too long to wait... lovelots GOGUMAS!!

































































































































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It's just Wednesday! I feel like I can't wait anymore! Do you think that they will release some photos tomorrow as they used to do! I'm really looking forward to that!

Now, I try to ease my eagerness by watching the old eps.


Btw, @maybe07 : can we consider Goguma field as another couple thing? We all know that it's a birthday present from YongHwa to SeoHuyn, but it has a name card as YongSeo's goguma field, right? (I just watched this ep again :D )



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for me,i don't expect them to kiss on lips but kiss on forehead or eyes will be much more romantic!!!!ahhhh jinnja this week is so long.....can't wait anymore..3 days to go!luckily gogumas here always makes me happy with all your post..i love to read all your post especially male gogumas winbros,luvtokki,soshisoshisoshi because we,female gogumas can know a different views~keep them coming ya~.i have nothing to share but came across with this picture,a new one i guess...





















































































[Photo] Seohyun's Vita500 bottles































Credit: dcmarried
















hyun buin sure love healthy related stuff~









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Guest lovekim
























































































































SOMEONE got me out of lurking...and that's you bro!! winbros!!








































































































You oppas/nam dongseangs are jjiang ah!! The male YongSeo fans that we have here is waaaaaay beyond my own belief. Seriously! ok, sorry, not to say guys will not like YongSeo. but they are such a lovely-dovey mushy cute couple that usually appeals to the females! yesh, they live out, imo, alot of our female girlish fantasies. Perfect guy, meets Perfect girl. Date, get married. Now tell me which girl won't fantasise that? hahaha! fine....it's me only.








































































































A lot of times, we in our group of singapore gogumas keep saying that we will be in heaven the day we see them have a wedding photoshoot. And now, they did! And we gonna witness that this sat!!! Sigh, i need bigger wings. I don't think i can fly to heaven if i keep eating gogumas just to occupy my time till Sat comes. The thunderous screams are still ringing in my ears after last Sat's of watching wgm together at my place. Insane.








































































































Yes, the fantabulous preview tugged my heart strings. Uri babies are getting into wedding garb!!! And taking wedding pics!!! *wail~~~~* I feel like a proud mama, who's over the moon watching the two grow to this stage. dreamy sigh~~








































































































Oh yes, i havent formally said this. THANK YOU!! to M3, jd2lee, all who have been translating for us. THANK YOU!!! to those who gave us fantastic screencaps, gifs and wallpapers. THANK YOU!!! to those who have religiously updated the news and fanfics of our couple. THANK YOU!!! to the wonderful gogumas here. Remember, we have this group, this day, is becoz of this couple. Whatever they do, we must believe in them, wish the best for them and enjoy their "company" for as long as they continue their careers. HWAITING GOGUMAS!!!








































































































Oh yes, winbros, we have a small goguma group in Singapore. If you are interested to "38" with us, could contact/PM me. And i have an extra copy of RE-MAINTENANCE. You want? self - collect, COD terms please....hahahaha!








































































































AthenaG-omma!!! I miss you!!









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Guest soshisoshisoshi








hey hey hey, do not take it the wrong  way female gogumas. although we are guys, we do like to talk about  love..... agree with me male gogumas??? sometimes we want to talk about  it, and hey, we want to fantasize a little bit, especially us who are  single (including me :lol:).  it makes our life happy and joyful ^_^






ok, since my question received explosive responses and answers, I'm  thinking of asking you guys another fun question......... yeah it's for  fun! THIS TIME THE  QUESTION IS DIRECTED TOWARDS THE FEMALE GOGUMAS!!








remember when Yonghwa said in the blackroom interview:





Why do girls like it when boys tie their hair, do manicures, why  do they call that kind of thing cute? I don't really know








so here's the question:








Why  do girls like it when boys tie their hair, do manicures, why do they  call that kind of thing cute? (copy paste from  the trans :lol:).  








Just like Yonghwa, I also have no idea about it. sometimes I'll be like  "eeww". a man wants  his manly side to be shown, but not cutie with tied  hair........ oh well, maybe it's just me B).
































Dear go-chun-chingus, all is well in go-chun I trust?








I am pleased to report the successful conversion of my friend and his wife to being yongseo-shippers.  The following is our conversation on msn today, please skip if you wish to, it’s peppered with our unique Singapore vernacular:














WB (winbros) – how’s things?  Played any good games on live lately? (note – live here is Xbox 360 live community, I used to play quite actively until my Xbox died, so this is a gamer friend)




WBF (winbros’ friend) – no time for live, busy since beginning of the year every night




WB – why busy?  With your daughters?  With work?  Why so busy?




WBF – all your fault!




WB – me?  Why my fault?  What did I do?




WBF – last Dec we talking about K-variety and you intro me to WGM and that yongseo couple, my wife and I hooked, we just finished ep45 last night, now she bugging me to find out more info about them, I haven’t touched my xbox since beginning of the year till now!!




WB – LOLOLOLOL….. die, you kena the goguma-virus liao, welcome to the family… :P




WBF – quick, got any updates for me?




WB – this sat is wedding episode, your wife confirm die, and you will die along with her when you see how cute and beautiful they are. I and some of the fans think they are a real couple already, but not confirmed




WBF – don't get my wife’s hopes up they are a real couple, I need proof (sounds like luvtokki right? :P), this sat wedding ep?  Siao liao….. you don't think she will want me to do anything stupid do you?  eh wait, what you mean by some of the fans, what you been up to?




WB – err I joined Soompi official thread for the couple, and chitchat with the other fans lor.   Did your wife offer to makeup your face after you both watched ep45?




WBF – kaoz, I don't believe you are chatting in a forum with other peeps about them.   No, she did not, why you ask that?




WB – (deftly avoids friend's statement/question) becos my wife asked if I wanted to makeup my face




WBF – ROFLMAO she didn’t!!! did you take her up on her offer?




WB – you mad ah?  I am man, man don't do makeup!




WBF – erm, Korean men do makeup leh, guyliner, and Yong do makeup, so you can be like Yong…..




WB – you mad, anyway I ordered the SNSD photobook, its on the way from Korea




WBF – you didn’t!! lend me when you’re done ok?  How did you convince your wife?




WB – erm…. I didn’t, I just ordered it first and told her later…..




WBF – wahahahahaha, clever you…..




WB – anyways, if you both want to, you can go Bangkok next month to watch SNSD & CNBlue and 16 other Korean groups perform




WBF – wah, you going?




WB – you want to babysit my sons?  Then I can bring the wife…. :D




WBF – errr no thanks, my 2 girls a handful already, plus your 2 sons, I will die.  Ok I gotta go, we catch up and you update me latest on the couple so I can update my wife




WB – sure thing, see you.
























winbros!! congrats for yet another GOGUMA-convert!!! once you are hooked at YongSeo, there's no way you can go away! so how many converts you have made??? :w00t:





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Guest MissBarbietch_0106
























3 more days to go GOGUMAS..






























Just sharing my other fav caps..








i just remember this happen during the episode 6 (if I'm not wrong), when Hyun learning to play guitar in Yong Practice room, and Hyun still not know that BILs will be coming visit them..  This is so LOL, every time i see this scene, I'm giggling:















The Handsome evil and The beautiful-innocent Lamb :D
















And remember in Episode "Couple Health Check-up & Massage" : Hyunnie shocking statement "We need to DIE together" ???















Yong did also in different term which is "SUFFERING"..:lol::lol::lol: (in episode "Kimchi Making-Visiting CNBlue dorm")
















As Husband and Wife, of course people need to be and share Happiness and Suffer together.. Yong and Hyun is just not realized that THEY IN THE TERM OF WANT-NEED TO SHARE THE SUFFER/DIE TOGETHER.. Ommooooo!!!  :wub::wub::wub: for me, these sound so ROMANTIC..

























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Guest winbros
































































































































Dear go-chun-chingus, all is well in go-chun I trust?
































































I am pleased to report the successful conversion of my friend and his wife to being yongseo-shippers.  The following is our conversation on msn today, please skip if you wish to, it’s peppered with our unique Singapore vernacular:
































































WB (winbros) – how’s things?  Played any good games on live lately? (note – live here is Xbox 360 live community, I used to play quite actively until my Xbox died, so this is a gamer friend)
































































WBF (winbros’ friend) – no time for live, busy since beginning of the year every night
































































WB – why busy?  With your daughters?  With work?  Why so busy?
































































WBF – all your fault!
































































WB – me?  Why my fault?  What did I do?
































































WBF – last Dec we talking about K-variety and you intro me to WGM and that yongseo couple, my wife and I hooked, we just finished ep45 last night, now she bugging me to find out more info about them, I haven’t touched my xbox since beginning of the year till now!!
































































WB – LOLOLOLOL….. die, you kena the goguma-virus liao, welcome to the family… :P
































































WBF – quick, got any updates for me?
































































WB – this sat is wedding episode, your wife confirm die, and you will die along with her when you see how cute and beautiful they are. I and some of the fans think they are a real couple already, but not confirmed
































































WBF – don't get my wife’s hopes up they are a real couple, I need proof (sounds like luvtokki right? :P), this sat wedding ep?  Siao liao….. you don't think she will want me to do anything stupid do you?  eh wait, what you mean by some of the fans, what you been up to?
































































WB – err I joined Soompi official thread for the couple, and chitchat with the other fans lor.   Did your wife offer to makeup your face after you both watched ep45?
































































WBF – kaoz, I don't believe you are chatting in a forum with other peeps about them.   No, she did not, why you ask that?
































































WB – (deftly avoids friend's statement/question) becos my wife asked if I wanted to makeup my face
































































WBF – ROFLMAO she didn’t!!! did you take her up on her offer?
































































WB – you mad ah?  I am man, man don't do makeup!
































































WBF – erm, Korean men do makeup leh, guyliner, and Yong do makeup, so you can be like Yong…..
































































WB – you mad, anyway I ordered the SNSD photobook, its on the way from Korea
































































WBF – you didn’t!! lend me when you’re done ok?  How did you convince your wife?
































































WB – erm…. I didn’t, I just ordered it first and told her later…..
































































WBF – wahahahahaha, clever you…..
































































WB – anyways, if you both want to, you can go Bangkok next month to watch SNSD & CNBlue and 16 other Korean groups perform
































































WBF – wah, you going?
































































WB – you want to babysit my sons?  Then I can bring the wife…. :D
































































WBF – errr no thanks, my 2 girls a handful already, plus your 2 sons, I will die.  Ok I gotta go, we catch up and you update me latest on the couple so I can update my wife
































































WB – sure thing, see you.































































































































































































I also want to echo many of the posters here in hoping that MBC releases a DVD of yongseo episodes + the BTS + unseen footage + extras etc., am sure it’ll be a best-selling hit, I know I’d buy it in a flash!   Maybe we can petition?  One can only hope......
































































And yay!  It’s Thursday in a couple of hours time, this week seems sooooooooo long…….   In reply to some posters:
































































@kasia3goguma – I love your pictures, the quality is fantastic.  And your analysis of Hyun wanting to look good for Yong is very interesting as well, I never thought of it that way.  Thanks for that insight.  Going back to rewatch those eps now.
































































@d3j1k0 – poor Jinwoon, I think he’s a really good sport to be cheering them on as he watches his ideal girl being completely won over by Yong.  I think he has acknowledged that the things Yong has done may not have occurred to him.  His expressions in ep27 when Yong revealed the goguma farm present + the couple necklace for Hyun & her mom; also when Yong revealed that Sarangbit was finished while thinking of Hyun, seem to say it all. 
































































@Yangie12 & eliamae – thanks for providing your insights on the oppa question, what I found really cute about last episode was the way Hyun called Yong oppa, launching into her aegyo laden request for her wish to be granted, feeble resistance by Yong.  LOL
































































@Soshimunky – I love your story and thanks for the shout out for the CNBlue boys, I just watched their Zepp Tokyo concert held in mid-January this year, and they were awesome.  Thanks MrsAthenaG for the link!  And one thing I noticed, RING DING DONG, Yong was wearing it during the performance……
































































Edit: link removed as the picture isn't there anymore, you can watch the concert directly, ring flashes a couple of times :sweatingbullets:
































































@gogumacraze – thank you for sharing, and I agree that Yong has set high standards for whoever follows in his footsteps to be Hyun’s next (LOL) boyfriend after all he has done to set her heart free.  Your hubby is a good man to allow his nails to be painted by you, I’m still not letting my wife anywhere near me with her makeup kit….  Try this site recommended by a fellow goguma-villager -- http://www.youtube.c...feature=related
































































@maybe07 – wow, I salute your dedication and patience in seeking out the itemsyou're your couple item post, how in the world did you spot Yong’s & Hyun’s socks in the most recent ep!!  That was awesome!  DAEBAK FBI you!
































































@seolove – you should watch YAB in full without worries as Yong comes no where close to winning PSH’s heart.  Her heart was always with JGS anyway, oh starry starry night.  That is one of the better k-dramas I’ve seen in awhile, so I’d encourage you to watch and enjoy it.  You can always make up for your jealousy by re-watching a Yongseo episode immediately after, haha.
































































Waves @ fellow SG-goguma-villager lovekim – awesome to read your post, and as some of the other male-shippers here have already shared, uri Yongseo to me represents an innocent love/relationship, one that is quite rare in this day and age.  I’m old school, I believe in opening the door for the lady (not to say that youngsters these days don’t), and Yong’s effort to reach out to Hyun somehow resonate with me.  Let me know when the 38 session happens and I’ll try to drop by.
































































EDIT: @soshi3 - that would be converts #5 & 6 muahahahahha....
































































EDIT2: Really all, I didn't do anything, I just told my colleagues and friend who watch K-drama/variety to watch WGM and Yongseo, provided them the 1st 10 eps or the links, and Yongseo worked their magic, no hard sell on my part.  That's the power of our Goguma couple..... aish...... Saturday pali......
































































EDIT3: @seychan - that was just amazing, and I can totally relate how yongseo grew on you.  Their chemistry is just incredible now, who would have imagined it would be like that from awkward episode1.  Thank you (and all the others) for sharing your stories, Sat is nearer now......
































































Thursday tomorrow!  HWAITING YONGSEO!

































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Guest MissBarbietch_0106
















so here's the question:






























Why  do girls like it when boys tie their hair, do manicures, why do they  call that kind of thing cute? (I'm just copy paste from  the trans :lol:).  
















Just like Yonghwa, I also have no idea about it. sometimes I'll be like  "eeww". a man wants  his manly side to be shown, but not cutie with tied  hair.......















My Reason as a Female: We want to see our Boy from different side (Girlie-Cute Side), and of course it just a reason to touch his face and being so close with him (This is the mainly reason i think), which is boys will not too suspect that we sometime want to have/innitiate the SKINSHIP first.. haha :wub::wub::wub:








Okay, i flip and open my card as a female..




















































































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Guest DJHinata


Charaan!!! Here we are!! *3*  hanks for all the comments !!! it's wednesday !! Finally D_D for me ofcourse D_D i have 8:03 am of Wenesday, But fightiing !! ♥










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I love this thread so much... Besides the amazing translations, videos, screen caps bla bla bla......thank you all so much for all this. We even have questions and answering "game". I mean this is great to get all of us together regardless of nations, gender, age, professions etc etc to share, to speak, to voice out all POV, advices and encouragement...:wub:
































In regards to Soshi3 questions of Why  do girls like it when boys tie their hair, do manicures, why do they  call that kind of thing cute?































































































This is my POV as a female... because:
































1. We wanted to get closer to our boyfriend. If that is not boyfriend stage yet, I would definitely sure is the person that we liked. Just wanted to take this reason to get closer to him, touches his face, admiring his face near.....:wub:
































2. We wanted to see how cute/ how beautiful he is... :lol: which we would think that, this side of him only shown in front of us.. nobody else will see it other than us...
































3. If the guy is not boyfriend stage yet, we wanted to know what is the level of us in their heart. If he agrees to, meaning he definitely likes me... something like test the water....
































@winbros, I so love your post. I'm enjoy reading it....you are really great in transforming people around you to be a gogoma shippers. haha.. I feel so warm and happy we get more and more people in love with YongSeo... and your msn conversation with your friend, is so funny, especially the "you kena the goguma-virus liao", hahaha... me also already kena long time liao... :P

































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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































annyeong in-go-paem! i woke up this morning thinking it was thursday :wacko: and i got all excited thinking that tomorrow would be friday :w00t: ...until i looked at the calendar on my phone :huh: . sigh. it's only wednesday, but my heart is crazily going dugeun dugeun over the wedding shoot. i need to distance myself from my laptop, seriously. else i'll never get any work done. hee.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































in answer to soshisoshisoshi's question: Why do girls like it when boys tie their hair, do manicures, why do they call that kind of thing cute?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from a female's POV, i find it adorable when guys do that, regardless of whether the guy is a celebrity, friend, husband etc. i guess it shows their less masculine side, which can be very endearing to observe. hee. but when it comes to manicures, erm, i think that's going a lil too far? unless the guy in question is a very willing guinea pig or a metrosexual at heart. personally, i love trying out my eyeshadows on my hubby's poor eyelids. and i stop at eyeshadows cos lipgloss/lipstick/blusher would be too much for poor hubby to take, LOL. i remember last year i tried out a rainbow eyeshadow look on him that i saw in a youtube tutorial, he made me remove it like 3 seconds after i was done :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































then again, as an entertainer i'm sure yong does wear stage makeup to cover blemishes and such so maybe he was thinking "oh well, a lil more make up won't hurt!". he probably didn't expect the blusher and eyelash curling to happen, LOL. so kudos to yong for being such a sweet, lovely, understanding hubby and willing to 'step into a wife's shoes' and let his buin work her makeup skills on him. not all men are willing to be guinea pigs like that. congrats yong, you've just stepped up the benchmark for all men out there *thumbs up*. it'll be a tough act to follow :lol:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































p.s winbros ajusshi, you are seriously daebak! you're like our goguma missionary..LOL. delivering the word of Goguma to the masses..kekeke.

































































































































































































































































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yong just updated his twitter with picture..^__^












































































































110223 Yong Tweet:































@CNBLUE_4: 용)휴가 마지막 트윗 ㅋㅋㅋ 야경이 멋져요!!!!조금 늦어서 미안해용 ^^ http://twitpic.com/42wtq4






















































[Trans] Yong) last holiday tweet heheh the night view is wonderful!!! I’m sorry that it’s a bit late.^^ (by @blue_jus7 on twitter)























































another pictue of yong..i wonder who is beside him..a doctor maybe?

















안과간 흑룡이~와 원장님
















saturn's translate:saturn explain: Yonghwa went see an eye doctor. He seemed to take a surgery. same hospital that Hongki went.maybe he's a doctor















































shared by:@lykochan































reupload by:vv@cnblueskygroupfb






































































1.yong seems so boring,he keeps updating his status on twitter..maybe he bored because wife is not in korea...^_^































2.the night view must be from his room in his apartment on 50th floor,the one mention by fan who saw him in the elevator...









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Guest yongseomania


Soshi3 questions...




Point of view from a guy :




Dont you wanna see ur gf / the girl you like to be happy and laugh until she cannot even draw properly? Girls look the best when they are doing what they enjoy doing and it being hilarious is even better. And girls look the best when they are in pajamas.




I remember there is once, my buddy and I were staying back to study until very late in our project room ( My poly allows us to stay overnight in the project room :D ). Then we found a bottle of black ink. Then we though it is cosmetic, so I apply it on his face. I stay to draw eye shadow for him. He have a mole on his face, so i draw another mole for him. Then he always draw eye shadow and mustache for me. Few mins later, I can feel my eye lips burning and it turn red. Super Super painful. Then I faster wash it away. Up till today, I still dunno whether that bottle of black colour ink is for eye shadow or it is a nail polish.




I had alot of fun and laughter even doing this type of girlish stuff wit my buddy ( I am not gay....I am not sure whether he's straight or not :D ) . So I tink it will be even better if you do it wit someone you love.


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Guest Seychan
















My story about YongSeo. I'm so excited when wait to new ep and I start write something....








At first I did not know much about WGM, I jus had heard from my friends and I watched Adam couple as my 1st couple at WGM. I'm not a fan of YongSeo couple since the first episode. I watch just because of my habit of downloading and because previously I had hours of fun with Adam couples. I have heard music of SNSD but I did not notice much to SeoHuyn. I love YAB drama but I like JGS's character.








I watched the first episode and they're really shy. I was surprised because SeoHuyn. She is very naive and innocent. She is a famous singer but her personality as she was my neighbor little girl. Every day go to school, well behaved with adults & in her world just have only Keroro & the sister and her books, she was totally naive and hadn't any experienced about boys & love...








CNBlue is a newbie at Korea industry at this time, I do not know much about CNBlue then. He's handsome, but by the moments of hesitation, he may express himself less. He have more experience in love than her but he isn't a play boy... and especially he look so attractive with his bright smile.








It is my impression of them when watch the first episode. I'm just wondering: How are they shy? Why are they always so shy themselves? They need their house for more comfortable....








At that time I did not think they will change on their long journey to be together like today .... At this time, with me, they are like a book, I read it at free time, it does not attract from the first page, but gradually because their unique beauty, it more meaningful, more attractive, the more I want to read more and more with my smile & hope about happy ending...








After I watched episode 27, I absolutely love them. Like the time has come to love, all you have to do is love. Can't say "how? why?". I can not describe how my emotions were. Suddenly I realized a few meaningful things about them, their happiness is so real, not act not lie, things at first time, I did not realize ... Then I gradually found fanmade video clip of them at youtube. The more I found, the more I feel the love & I love them. I began to think: they are real or not? I really think a lot after read some comments on youtube about Yong as "he is just a playboy" ... and "He likes Teayeon" at this time, I didn't know much about them to ignore all of cmt like it ... I kept on thinking about everything of YongSeo...








And from episode 32, I was really surprised with SeoHuyn, she link Yong's arm first. She probably also has feelings for him, otherwise she would never do that. Then they talk, how sweet they are, they say what they want from each other. They were completely honest and they care about each other, and hope & want the other person do the same ...








Their relationship started bloom at this day... finally she had open her heart to welcome him ♥








At that time, I still think "Are they real?" Gradually, my question is no longer necessary. I believe they are true because next episodes was gradually cleared up my question. They are sweet and happy together.... You can see it from their eyes... sparkling when they look each other...♥








And I find soompi & YS facebook, I kept reading all of people's analysis & spazz, I began to think more deeply and analyze YongSeo for my own. More and more I love them.... until now when everything around me is coverd by YS, and I'm happy to see their happiness their smile. I never love Saturday like this and f5 soompi to read your spazz & happy..








Until now, CNBlue and SNSD became my best groups , I like all the members. I realized the beauty of SeoHuyn from her eyes to smile and especially her personality. One girl innocent and hardworking. She didn't wear sexy dress and live a life of luxury with a lot of scandal with famous boys ... she is honest and not lie. Smart, talent and beautiful. I <3 Yong so much, he became my best idol now, he's handsome, patient, caring and talented. And from the start to now, I always love his smile. ♥








I did not like them at first sight, my feelings are filled every day, I love them slowly with their personality & the way they like each other. And now, YS become really important in my life. I believe they are real. I look forward to the episode not only for entertainment, I watch with joy, concern and hope for them, for their happiness .... They deserve to be happy together. They are intelligent people. They will know they have to do for the best of both. To be completely happy. I love them and always believe in them ...♥








I cried like a baby when watching the preview of wedding photoshoot. I've been waiting for this day for so long. My head review their moments of happiness and embarrassment, their happy days. They have a long journey together. It's really priceless because it is not easy for them. my natural tears of happiness when I loved watching the people being happy and getting their happiness ... Love their's eyes look at each other at wedding photoshoot.... Happiness isn't a dream. It's here. In front of you... ♥








P.S: I don't think they'll kiss on the lips at wedding photos, at forehead & cheek also ok for them & us. Real kiss should happen at privacy area without anyone, no camera, no stage, just are normal couple want to kiss at the right time ;))








I think if two people are actually like each other and have the same feeling. Like previous post of luvtokki oppa, because Yong is a guy, if he fall in love with a girl and she seemed has same feeling, he should try at least hold her once. She can push you out but you should try and try again. Maybe she likes it. And I think when two people start liking each other and know they have same feeling, obviously they'll think about hug or kiss ....








YongSeo ... from my mind and the post of winbros & many YongSeo shippers at here, they like each other but it's certainly not official .... like they have not talked official to each other "I like u" or "I love u", but their eyes, gestures and words to express perfectly what they both feel the same feeling. To me, that's really the happiest time of a love .... when we really begin to love someone ....♥
















Love isn't a big thing. It's a millions of small things ♥








Saturday pali pali ♥ 3days to go


































Thank ummihany for your share. Why Yong went to see an eye doctor?








Wonder Yong has became know take care of healthy after healthy check with Huyn or he talk to Huyn he have problem with eyes and he went to see an eye doctor after Huyn's advice... listen to his sweet girlfriend :wub:





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Guest nurunung



ok, since my question received  explosive responses and answers, I'm  thinking of asking you guys  another fun question......... yeah it's for  fun! THIS TIME THE  QUESTION IS DIRECTED TOWARDS THE FEMALE GOGUMAS!!



remember when Yonghwa said in the blackroom interview:




so here's the question:


Why  do girls like it when boys tie their hair, do manicures, why do they  call that kind of thing cute? (copy paste from  the trans :lol:).  




Just  like Yonghwa, I also have no idea about it. sometimes I'll be  like  "eeww". a man wants  his manly side to be shown, but not cutie  with tied  hair........ oh well, maybe it's just me B).



hi soshi3 oppa, please allow me to give an opinion to that question :)






1. I personally do not like the guy whose hair was long and left just like that, I think it looks messy. nah if he tied the hair will look more neat and more cute. there are severalKorean artists who somehow fits snugly tied up her hair, for example Leeteuk Super Junior, Donghae Suju, etc . they look cute but could not eliminate their masculine side. :wub:


2. if a problem about who would manicure, I also had no apparent reason. because I also do not like with a name such activities even though I'm a girl. haha :phew:


guy also needs to look cute, like the girls who sometimes have to look strong, and so forth.


I really salute and proud with the male gogumas. especially winbros ajushi / oppa / Appa, you're sooo adorable and DAEBAK. I hope I have a story as interesting as you and can share it with the gogumas here. and unfortunately my story is not as attractive as it


today is Wednesday. and still for a long time to get to Saturday. just like DJHinata unnie, episode this week will be the most beautiful birthday present . * I did not mean to spit my birthday. :phew: hhe


I'm sorry if my English confusing. I'm still learning. :sweatingbullets:






indonesian goguma, nurunung blush.gif



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Guest moniertu

Seolove, I don't think that you're weird for being jealous, because if that's being weird than I MUST BE THE WEIRDEST HUMAN BEING ALIVE!! When I read your post, I smiled widely biggrin.gifknowing that there's someone else out there who feels the same way.  

Whenever I see or hear news about Yonghwa with any other females (e.g. photoshoot, singing 'Sarangbit' to Sulli, dinner date with PSH in Japan etc.), I cannot help but feel a little pang of jealousy on behalf of Seohyun, well, not totally for Seohyun because I've always thought him to be one HOT dude and wished him for myself sometimes, sorry guys, that's just the perverted side of me talking.  As usual, my daughter becomes my sounding board during these moments, and I would say things like "OMG, I hope Seohyun will be okay when she sees this.." or "I wonder if Seohyun is going to bring this up when she sees Yonghwa".  Once my daughter replied to my incessant worry with this, "Mama, why do you care so much?  I think you care for her as much as, if not more than, your own daughters!”  It was sad to hear, but what she said was not entirely wrong.  

Strangely, whenever Seohyun is in the news with other guys, (e.g. fanboys, TRAX MV, holding hands with Kyuhyun etc.) I don't feel jealous for Yonghwa, and what's more strange is my wishing for Yonghwa to see or hear about it.  I guess I consider Seohyun like my own daughter, and Yonghwa more like a son-in-law.  

I also purchased the "You're Beautiful" DVD last year, but decided to watch only when Yong and Hyun make an exit from WGM.

It's been such a fun year watching their relationship grow, (my husband says at the expense of my growing older faster because I sacrifice my beauty sleep in order to go on soompi and watch the episodes over and over again) and their segment on WGM, to me, must be by far the best in the history of Korean entertainment.  And nothing in this world is impossible, if we all pray hard, one day, whilst surfing the internet for kpop news, we read the headline "SEOHYUN of SNSD to MARRY JUNG YONGHWA of CNBLUE" and we will all let out a sigh of relief and say "AT LAST IT IS REAL".

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