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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest fabiistar07
















































Annyeong Gogumas!































I haven't checked this thread all day until now, it felt really weird haha































but i can see it hasn't moved much































We need some awesome new news to get us going [hurry saturday~!]
















Regarding luvtokki's post .. i don't think I'm a good FBI in any way, so sadly I can't comment on that































but I have to say I loved winbros post [again] ^_^































I'm a person that also likes to think possitive about anything































So I was really happy to have read such a possitve post like that :D































& I was also glad that there was FBI facts connected to the possitive comments :)
















Well I just wanted to share something i found yesterday































It was from something kasia3goguma shared [which btw I loved]






























































[waah~ seriously love Hyun's eyes; no wonder those eyes make Yong's heart beat faster]
















And yesterday I came across the video which this was taken from
















You can see it >>here<< in case you haven't seen it before
















Another thing I want to share was the video I was looking at yesterday [that led me to that video]






























































maknae hyunnie looks so cute~!































>>video here<<
















And regarding the kiss i've seen many people talk about
















I personally don't think they should kiss on the lips, i was thinking a kiss on the cheek or forehead
















A girl's first kiss should always be speacial, and especially if that person is Seohyunnie
















Although I really want Yong to kiss her, it should not be because of a photoshoot or becausewhat fans want to see,
















it should be because they both feel is right [and of course they would have to be bf/gf first :D]
















I just really want to see them have a cute & sweet forehead/cheeck kiss :wub:
















Since I'm hispanic a kiss on the cheek isn't really a big deal































but it will be if YongSeo does it :w00t: hahaha xD
















EDIT: i topped again keke































I'll share my FMV again since i don't have anything else beside what i already shared :sweatingbullets:























YongSeo's 1 Year Anniversary






















































Yong's Ideal Woman
































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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































































hello fellow gogumas, 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































browsing sites to search some news about our couple and come across this from cnbluebeat.com, will put in a spoiler so will not violate any rules....





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































he is still in busan, wonder if hyun is still in japan.... 
































































































































Fans Saw Jung Yong Hwa in Elevator 2011.02.22































































































































































































































































































































I live in Busan. And my tutor's house is the place Yonghwa's parents live. Same building!!!
































































































































Today 2:30pm I was going to tutor's house, At the elevator, there were an middle age man and ve~~ry tall young man and a lady. I didn't notice him, but the lady said, "Excuse me... Aren't you Mr. Jung Yong Hwa?" Then he said, "Yes, I am."
































































































































I was shocked, then I turned back and he was really Jung Yonghwa!!! My heart exploded.
































































































































I got off at 30F and I was looking at him from 18F. He is so much handsome. And he is really tall. He is really handsome. I heard people say that he has bad skin, but it was my first time to see a celebrity in person, so I didn't see such thing. I just felt he was handsome.
































































































































Yonghwa himself revealed where his parents live. 50F and the picture from his house is enough to tell where it is. But maybe it's OK. Those luxurious apartment house have very strict security system. No visitors are allowed at all. And residents never walk around, usually go directly to the basement parking lot and drive cars. And I don't think 50th floor of 50F building is residence, maybe it's a sky lounge for residents. (But higher than 30F)





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































regarding the photoshoot, i hope they will just reenact special scenes from their journey, like the arm wrestling (which was shown already), piggy back ride, pinky holding, hands in  pocket.... i guess this is the theme of their wedding pictorial.. indeed very memorable for them and for us




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































frankly speaking, i dont expect them to kiss at all, hug would be acceptable... but kiss? nahh... it is way too abrupt for hyun... but hey... they're YONGSEO, as many of gogumas says "LET'S EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED" 


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































today, lets all wait for the tweet of mc kim and hopefully text preview will be release earlier than friday




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: from lizsch... the mc kim's tweet is out, please translate... komapta 































































































































































































































































MC Kim Tweet!
































































































































우결마치고 귀가중..쿤토리아의 커플댄스 뒷이야기와 용서의 웨딩에피..잼나네요..토욜 닥본사!ㅋ



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































have all gogumas seen this???
































































GEE Celebrity Fanboys (yongseo at 3:20) it is so funny... watch it many times and it still makes me laugh.... (one way to survive till saturday hehehebiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif
































































































































































































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Guest zenluvbi
































They don't have to kiss, chincha.
















Just some kind of eyeships makes us "haengbog" and "shout out loud".
















Saturday comes faster

















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What we were waiting!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MC Kim Tweet!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































우결마치고 귀가중..쿤토리아의 커플댄스 뒷이야기와 용서의 웨딩에피..잼나네요..토욜 닥본사!ㅋ

































































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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've found something interesting about this episode. Since I'm not really good in explain in english, I will show you by these pictures






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. Look at yong's hand. I don't know whether he did it on purpose or not. But in my delusional think, he wants to hold seo hyun's hand




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. I'm curios why the cameraman take a close shoot for him now




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. Ok. look at hyun position now. laying on the couch. We can't see her hand but look ar her shoulder. For me it's obviously her hand now on the same place at yong hand




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. And look at this, move her body and her hand at the same time



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well, maybe this just my delusional imagine. But I think the cameraman hide something from us, like holding hands maybe?:wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What about you my fellow gogumas?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Note : 3 days to wedding photoshoot....

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Just wanna share one of really nice songs compiled by hachi on facebook. The song was used when Yong said that he will think of a meaningful wish for Hyun by next week in EP4. "Sweet Love" belongs to one of my favorite Korean artists, Byul. I really love her voice and the melody is nice too. Hope some gogumas will use this song for new FMV.














http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9XwSkhMtxw YT



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I would like to keep my post short and simple....































































































































































































I may have no proofs at the moment, but YongSeo is not ending anytime soon :)































































































































































































Just take my word :)

































































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Hi gogumas, I got this translation from khuntoriaLurve
































































































MC Kim tweet

On my way back home after finished recording wgm, Khuntoria’s  couple dance story!Goguma’s wedding ep! Very interesting! Remember to  watch it live on Saturday!

T_T, he used the word interesting again, just like the last week episode ... MC Kim, why you are not that descriptive anymore :tears:.

































































































































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hello goguma chingus, i'm a newbie here. Although i've been following the thread for some time but I have never had the courage to post any here. Today i decide to come out of my lurker mode and post for the first time here.


I first knew abt Yonghwa through YAB & I accidentally came across one of WGM video when searching info abt him. That was also the first time I knew about Seohuyn. I've heard of SNSD before, but as a whole, not individuals. I remember the first yongseo episode I watched was ep 3 when they went to the book shop. I was really surprised to see an idol of one of the most popular girl group that is so innocent. has no interest in guys and loves books, esp. improvement books. I started to trace back to the first ep to find out more about this couple. At first I only thought this program was really funny and interesting. But I don't know since when I became so hooked up with this couple.


I think I official have the goguma virus now. I keep checking every 5' to see if there's any news about the couple or to read your lovely posts. I don't have mind and time for any other k-drama anymore. I have Secret Garden and many other dramas but I just couldn't start watching those. I'm totally amazed at how these two complete strange peope could affect me like that. For the first time in my life I join a fan club, post in a thread and head over heel on some thing. My hubby is even jealous when I don't play with him as much as before. But I guess he just can't do anything abt it :sweatingbullets:


Like many goguma chingus here, I too believe that there's definitely sth going on between them. Even if it's not love yet, I still believe it's a very precious feeling that they have for each other. Like everybody here, I'm counting every minute to Saturday. I hope to see them choosing wedding gown & suit for each other, their interaction & their wedding photoshoots. I love to see Yong's reaction when he sees his buin in a wedding gown. I also think the kiss on the lip is impossible, but I hope they'll kiss on the forehead. But it's Seo Hyun we're talking abt, so I won't make any guess, I know I can expect the very unexpected thing from her.


Now I really need to be back to work. I'm looking forward to spazzing together with all of you soonnn!



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Hmmm... MC Kim is not as enthusiastic and descriptive as he was before... is this because of the Adam couple's departure? T_T I have to say I feel a bit empty; he is one of my fave MCs and I've always looked forward to reading his tweet each week, esp after the fishing episode. Haaaah... maybe it is due to MBC's editing. The first part of YongSeo's episode almost always seems to be a bit off, and leaves you hanging, and NOT in a good way. Such a TEASE!!! As much as I HATE cliff-hangers, I won't mind it so much for WGM to draggggg the wedding episode. The more footage and eye-smex on cam wouldn't be too bad for the heart.














Anyway, did anyone notice on episode 44, where Yong was laying on the futon with his arms outstretched (for HYUN!), there was a cut in the filming because of the long awkward silence they had after their little argument. And after that cut, you'll see the small pillow Yong was using on the other side of the bed, with his arms still out, as if inviting Hyun to lay on the bed together with him. <333333 AHAHA pervy me!! XD sorry I just couldn't help spazzing at the level of their comfort now. Not only that but SeoHyun was actually sitting beside him! ON THE BED! Ehehe, it shows just how much she trusts Yong and how comfortable it is for her to be by his side. I wonder if the cameramen weren't there, would Hyun even lay her head on his arm?? XD <3333333333333














Ah michin!!














Sorry for the commotion everyone! It just takes me a while to spazz about these two because I always get stuck in the gawking mode. :D









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Guest Soshimunky
















































































































































Annyeong gogumas blush.gif
















































































































What a loooooong week this time around. Seriously. It's just wednesday? Ah~ the pain of being a goguma. 
















































































































That preview is like a dagger in disguise - while it makes us happy (oh so very happy), it also makes the wait more torturing. Sigh.
















































































































Anyhoo, I love the atmosphere of the thread. More male goguma posts and more stories to how we first come to love our couple - made us remember why we camp here in the first place. It's a free thread - we accept different opinions! Isn't it  great? Because that is how it should be. Everyone is welcomed here - newbie posters (thank you for coming out!), boices, sones, gogumas, aliens, WGM PDs (yeah you), ajusshi, ajumma, noona/unnie, oppa/hyung, dongsaengs, ducks and iguanas alike. Post more! Support the gogumission 2000th page ^^
















































































































Since it's confession week, apparently, I'll share a brief history of my 'relationship' with YongSeo too :) In spoiler because it's long.
















































































































Like I said before, I started as a Sone since Gee. Loved the 9 girls mostly because of their personality which never changed even in broadcast - they always stayed true to themselves - never jumping in the 'girl-idol idealism' bandwagon like most people in kpop. Then I watched YAB. Nice drama - loved Shin Hye the most out of ANJELL (she's just too cute kyaaaaa - please excuse my fangirling ^^) but Yonghwa fell on the 4th place for me. Something awkward about his acting. I'm being honest, sorry.































































































































































































































Anyways, since I am an avid Sone, I will grab anything that is SNSD-related (that is subbed) mostly from Soshified. Then I heard the news about Seohyun's make-believe marriage with Yonghwa - coming soon. I still remember, I was at university when I read the article. I knew I screamed, luckily no lecturers was around, but my guy-friend (who is a Sone too and very Seohyun-biased) who was beside me had the worst luck, of course - me screaming and his bias weds another guy. LOL. But don't worry, he's a goguma now (because I nagged him to watch YongSeo) and told me that watching YongSeo made his heart flutters ^^































































































































































































































So that's my story of how the addiction first started. I only knew of Soompi sometime around their Jeongdongjin episode and registered as a Soompier a few months after that. And now here I am. Still a Sone, a proud Boice too and of course, forever a goguma.































































































































































































































Unlike my love for SNSD b/c of their personality, I love CNBLUE mostly because of their music. If there are gogumas here who have not yet heard of their songs out of Loner, Love, Love Light, Sweet Holiday & For First Time Lovers, do check out the others. Of course, it might not be your taste of music but there's no harm in trying to listen :)































































































































































































































Or perhaps, you want to start watching their documentary, CNBLUETORY, which truly emphasised the boys' passion towards band music. It is through this show that CNBLUE became more than just talented pretty boys in my eyes. And their music, really speaks to me like a personal friend. Woahahahaha I suddenly sound like the boys' advert or something. I'm sorry, I just love them very much!































































































































































































































I have another reason why my YongSeo love is personal but maybe I'll post it later. I've written too long already. Really, wae are you still reading? sweatingbullets.gif































































































































































































































Until then, gogumas. Keep the posts coming :)

















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Guest gogumacraze




Annyeong Mr n Mrs CEO n all Daebak In-Go-Paem gogumas!!




Talk abt the onslaught of our happy, vitamin/energy Y6S6 virus!! Geez, this sat, I'm gonna hav to ask my Caucasian paramedic friend to b on standby to try n revive me if she can plus boxes of Kleenexes too! (Mayb we shld ask Kleenex to sponsor this sat!! LOL.)




Thks to all translators(M3, Dduk, scatterbrain n many more tht I can't remember ur nicks but u know who u r!) of epis n news; subbers tetsuya; all the fabulous scappers( I shld pm some of u to teach this old dog some new tricks on these techno stuffs :D) ; fanarts; fanfic writers(I'm really impressed by u all! How the heck do u fanfic writers come up with so many plots n characters?! Absolutely amazing!) Yes, I've read all the posts here, gd n bad ones! None of them got spared!! N I've gotta say tht I luv reading all of them!! ( n like most of u lately, I'm de-lurking due to windbros' n celticheart47's n sohi3 's (hope u don't mind me shortening ur nick) posts (awesome read btw)!




This epi made me feel like my heart was gonna burst out fr my body!! N I felt a little teary watching this epi. :tears:  (esp the part where Yong Seobang said tht watching Seobb, it made his heart bled! ). From Yong Seobang's patience in teaching her n uri Seobb's undying determination to keep trying despite falling so many times! (Geez, she must have hurt every where the next day! Poor girl!) I know, coz' I gav up trying to learn to ski like wht Yong Seobang said after a few falls on the bunny slope n the next day, it felt like my body did not belong to me! They hav come a long way in this past yr n so hav we! I'm really happy n proud to b part of this wonderful DAEBAK In-Go-Paem! :wub: u all! Ya, till this day, I still don't know y I painted my hubby's toe nails in rainbow colors n he was quite a sport to hav left it on for a few days!! ROFL! Mayb it wast tht time of the mth when my hormones were a little out of sorts( k, I admit 3/4 of the time it's out of whack! kekeke)  when I did tht?! Hahaha. Hey, at least he got spared having his lashes curled n lip-gloss put on him! Tht was so amazing of Yong Seobang to hav agreed to Seobb's unexpected request!! I think, being the romantic -attention-to -detail type of person tht he is, he remembers in the back of his mind wht she had missed in her younger days as he went on to comment tht she was like a child @ the playground when she was putting makeup for him! Sighz..... can he be any sweeter to her?! N I think the mention of an indirect kiss n all those air kisses he made is a prelude to wht might come on sat?!! I hope so!!:P




To those of u (luvtokki) feeling down, please don't. As hihihehe (sorry if I got ur nick wrong!) stated, the end is the beginning. Let's not forget beloved gogumas of their wish to meet again in 10 yrs' time in Firenze, Duomo! For me, I hav faith in these two kids tht they'll keep this promise to themselves jus coz' they r our Yongseo couple!! I jus know it! Of coz', it'll break my heart too if they don't become a real couple after they've built this beautiful, sweet n realistic relationship in the past yr. But on the other hand, Yong Seobang had set pretty high standards for wht Seobb wld want to look for in her future partner, agree? So, other than himself, there's no one else to fit in those shoes tht he's created himself, so he might jus as well wear them!! Lol. Hope u guys get wht I'm trying to say! N I'm sure all these beautiful, Daebak memories created in the past yr can NEVER be erased fr their lives now nor ours but will be preciously treasured by both n us!! So, let's all be happy!






I had to hunt back fr pg 1300!! Aigoo! no joke @ all, I got pretty crossed-eye but it was fun too as I was re-reading some of the old Daebak posts n reminiscing abt the old epis. I thot I saw some wondergul goguma had a link for learning Korean? If u kind gogumas know which pg it's at, can u pls let me know? Kamsahamnida gogumas!





My fav scene: CR to ahn_annann (hope u don't mind!) n (thks to callmedaydreamer for instructions on how to post images! Muaks!) Jus kiss her Yong Seobang!! Aish!








So till SAT, b ready for our Y6S6 virus pandemic attack my dearest In-Go-Paem n here's our invitation to uri bb's wedding: ( Aissh, I think it was jnj tht had reposted the invitation some whr in between pgs 1700-1800? I saw it while back reading but lost it again. Can u repost it here dear, thks? I found it on Yongseo fb but dky it doesn't show the image, scappers- anyone- wht am I doing wrong here? Thks in advance!  N sorry for my long winded essay again! Old habits die hard!  )  N I hope tht SILs will b at the wedding, mayb not all 8 unnies but at least 1 or 2? I can dream ryt? Ahhhhh sat paaaaallliiii! C u all @ the wedding!:D









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Guest walastek












Annyeong Gogumas!



I haven't checked this thread all day until now, it felt really weird haha



but i can see it hasn't moved much



We need some awesome new news to get us going [hurry saturday~!]








Regarding luvtokki's post .. i don't think I'm a good FBI in any way, so sadly I can't comment on that



but I have to say I loved winbros post [again] ^_^



I'm a person that also likes to think possitive about anything



So I was really happy to have read such a possitve post like that :D



& I was also glad that there was FBI facts connected to the possitive comments :)








Well I just wanted to share something i found yesterday



It was from something kasia3goguma shared [which btw I loved]



*quoted image*



[waah~ seriously love Hyun's eyes; no wonder those eyes make Yong's heart beat faster]




And yesterday I came across the video which this was taken from




You can see it >>here<< in case you haven't seen it before








Another thing I want to share was the video I was looking at yesterday [that led me to that video]



*quoted image*



maknae hyunnie looks so cute~!



>>video here<<








And regarding the kiss i've seen many people talk about




I personally don't think they should kiss on the lips, i was thinking a kiss on the cheek or forehead




A girl's first kiss should always be speacial, and especially if that person is Seohyunnie




Although I really want Yong to kiss her, it should not be because of a photoshoot or becausewhat fans want to see,




it should be because they both feel is right [and of course they would have to be bf/gf first :D]




I just really want to see them have a cute & sweet forehead/cheeck kiss :wub:  








Since I'm hispanic a kiss on the cheek isn't really a big deal



but it will be if YongSeo does it  :w00t: hahaha xD








EDIT: i topped again keke



I'll share my FMV again since i don't have anything else beside what i already shared :sweatingbullets:










YongSeo's 1 Year Anniversary





Yong's Ideal Woman
















I totally agree with you.  They should just kiss on the cheeks or forehead...or maybe Yong should kiss Hyun's hand. 




Gosh!  Can't wait for the next episode!









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Guest _d3seohyun

I don't think we'll see a kiss during the wedding photoshoot whether it'd be on the hand, forehead or lips.

I'm not expecting one either. but hey it's uri YONGSEO, they always have a way of surprising us so who knows (:

And just in case they do surprise us with a kiss on the lips, I would probably be one of those very few who would feel a little bit upset and disappointed towards the photographer or pds(of course I would spazz too) but it's just Yonghwa is the first boy in Seobaby's life...i can't help but feel sensitive and overprotective about it :P

With that said, sharing some caps that might make some gogumas wish and long for that YONGSEO KISS even more :P


Taking their already daebak EYESHIP into a whole different level.

Go-chun and beyond! <3 :w00t:

Notice the change of the level of his gaze from 3rd cap to 4th cap? :D

5th cap...Busted! :wub:


And Oh my! at the look he had after she let out that giggle <333333

The caps don't do justice. go watch that scene again gogumas :D


No need to point out Seobaby > Lips > Eyes <3333333333



Oooh I love this one! Maybe it's the effect of the blush, but doesn't it seem like he's holding in a smile?

1st cap. He's looking at her :wub:

2nd cap. Either he closed his eyes (oh my! LOL) or he stared at her lips again kekekeke


The caps don't really capture it so I suggest watching the epi again :P but it's that EYES then LIPs thing again on this scene kekekek


And I want to point out another difference between these two scenes.

On the first one Yonghwa held Seobaby and she responded with Sincha.

On the second one, Yonghwa was actually tickling her that's why she responded with aaaaaaaaaahhhhh <3

Remember ticklish Hyun from the massage epi? :wub:


sorry for my ramblings goguma...I couldn't help but join in with all the spazzing (:

btw thanks to all gogumas for sharing and spreading the yongseo love esp to our awesome translators and subbers!

@winbros. your posts is as awesome as uri YONGSEO. I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard :D

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On my way back home after finished recording wgm, Khuntoria’s couple dance story!Goguma’s wedding ep! Very interesting! Remember to watch it live on Saturday!




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Nth special at all - -






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr:source/jake’s twitter,translated/Hannie029@sina,Valerie@khuntorialurve
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest fionatansl




























Seohyun's New Clean and Clear CF! :D Clean and Clear as always :D















































































































































Seohyun's New C&C CF





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Guest goguma_power

I would like to keep my post short and simple....

I may have no proofs at the moment, but YongSeo is not ending anytime soon :)

Just take my word :)

OMG this is what i really worry now because we havn't heard any news abt our couple for a while since shopping ep. i'll take your word and hope our couple'll stay together at least till the mid of this year,let's both of them celebrate their birthday together plzzzzzzz :tears:

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Guest Meloondella

Hello Sweet Gogumas... This is the first time for me but since i been a Goguma i have been very sad just to think that the End and maybe the begginin´of a beautifull story like this will come so soon, When episode 45 come out I decide to do the same with my Oppa so later i will post the pics that i take him with make up and his yellow hoddie cuz he says that hes turning into a Goguma Lover so that way we can play the role of Yooong~ & Hyuuun~ But in our case will be *Evaaan~   &   Silnee~* hahahah :D YONGSEO fighting!!!!!!

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Guest calmocean






i think most of us watch potato couple because seohyun is so adorable and innocent.  as mentioned earlier a ambitious person like she is (self improvement books, helen keller quotes, strict diet.....).  with actors even going under the knife to get that extra edge in the industry.  a kiss or any hint of inappropriate behavior with seohyun is unimaginable.  i think any kiss would be out of the question.  her squeaky clean  image is making sm so much money right now.  at the end of the day she is emerging as the golden girl right?  i can't wait until she gets a drama as she has said she would like to do acting.  like kim tae hee she prob will not have any bfs or even if she did no one would know.  am i wrong to be so realistic about this fantasy world wgm has created.  sweet potato couple = $$$$$$ for sm :wub:



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