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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest wallpaperfood

Hi all :)

Sigh I've been so occupied lately that I haven't really been able to post as often as I used to/would have liked to :"(

I still want to make sure I don't miss the weekly episode-spazz though!

I was quite amused overall, because I think this is one of the first times I've seen them switch roles, in the sense that Yong has become the serious one out of the two, and Hyun being the playful/choding mode.

The absence of balance sometimes between these two is hilarious but (can be) frustrating to watch.

To Seohyun, it was a playdate opportunity, whereas to Yonghwa, it was the one chance he's had/will have in a while to do what he loves. :P

I think that given the situation ^, it was no wonder Yonghwa didn't seem to be in the mood to fool/play around in the snow and be all la-di-da, as one usually would with a gf on a snow date. Having said that, I still loved the ep and seeing Yong's patience-cum-frustration.

I think various other factors can also be attributed to Yong's change in behaviour :P - I won't go into them too much because BlueMistLaydee has already done a marvellous job at that - but I do think that rather than just sombre/solemn/distanced, a major reason for the seriousness was because he was simply itching to display his snowboarding skills XD (or at least just enjoy it for himself, since he hadn't been in years). It must be hard to hold back from "ditching" Hyun for the advanced course lol, (most likely what occurred with his friends), so it was quite entertaining to watch. (although it felt...different not seeing Yong laugh his head off at Hyun's jokes - e.g.her imitation of a sheep, her threat to leave him, her stomping away halfway)

However, the other major reason was what he said in the backroom interviews about the both of them having a lot of "will power". I love love love how he is always so supportive of Hyun, praising her wicked "genius" abilities randomly, so I think that when he said that, he wanted to completely show us that those praises weren't just empty words all along. He wants to show how he genuinely believes in her, and thus proceeded to teach her in full-on instructor mode. "all sincerity"

The one line I loved most about this episode was what Seohyun explained in her interview regarding the effectiveness of a mother guiding her baby chick from afar, rather than holding it's hand/wing ? (LOL sorry, ok that's not the exact quote, but I can't recall off the top of my head - you guys get what I mean). To me, that makes the perfect analogy for Yongseo's whole experience/growth on WGM. (Maybe more for Seohyun's growth -.-"), because that's exactly what Yong's been doing since day one - he's been guiding her (tops up to luvtokki for that tourist-guide comparison) without directly interfering and pressuring her, and as a result, she's been able to develop into a beautiful young lady/come out of her shell/bloom/*insert other synonyms*/etc. <3


lovekin, I've felt the same way at times. To me, ep 35 was like, lol, I'm going to come up with a repulsively poor analogy because I'm not very creative, but it's as if they are being anchored by a rubber band, and everytime they venture to do something, they get pulled back to the realm within that rubber band because there are so many things that are holding them back, their professions being the top reason. Everytime they have skinship, it's as if they're taking a step against that rubber band, but in the end, they aren't strong enough (imagine a catapult that won't launch properly, I guess?). However, the thing I like about them is that they aren't being pulled back to square one - although they are always progressing, and end up falling back albeit on a higher level. It's really up to them to combine their strength and break that rubber band one day.

Btw, re:the wedding photoshoot, the thing I want to see most is not the photoshoot itself, but Yong's reaction when Seohyun walks out with her dress and makeup all done. I will die on the spot when I get to see that ^^. Honestly, at the end of the journey, I think that's what a lot of people would rank as their top WGM-moment, regardless of the which couple they ship <3

And one last thing, I think that in addition to being coy/embarrassed while sitting down on the couch in the preview, I think Seohyun's butt/back just ached and was in pain after her first time snowboarding...that's why she sat down so cautiously with that expression. hahaha.

I'm not even going to speculate the bedscene XD - we know nothing r-rated's going to happen, but as someone once said, there are seriously a lot of repressed gogumas, so we should let them fantasise to their maximum abilities...and I look forward to kubih oppa's parody on that XP


bluemistlaydee yeh man, I think everyone was hoping for that cliched accidental fall/faked incompatibility with the snowboard, just so we could see a hug in the snow. :D

 *fantasises instructor-student chemistry to a whole new level*

Oh oh and Hyun's airport fashion is daebak! She looks like a prince(ss). And those shoes - they are very similar to Nampyeon's stylee~ Thanks for the pic zealous!


umm yonghyunforever, you took the words right out of my mouth! I totally agree - it's so up/down with reading Yong (whereas reading Hyun is a clear straight line). One day he seems distant, the next, he seems totally into her like there's no other girl on earth. Aishhh gives me a headache sometimes, so for now, I've decided to just enjoy wtv's been shown.

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Guys, is it just me or maybe some of you found this.


















Hyun for airport fashion.


















Chick style + rockers vibe...











*quoted image*











trully...hyun fashion like her nampyeong..hehehe..so cool and rocker..i think hyun more to be like yong..hehe






and her face looked so red



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Yong with his precious~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He gets hotter each day aish~ the mc's were mentioning messages (saranghae of some sorts)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong had his stern look while he said "saranghae~" lol i wanna assume it's for buin~

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest blueshoes








(YongSeo Couple) 1st anniversary M/V (용서 1주년 뮤비)








made by 짜~식 @WGM gall ZZA~SIK (@ysloveu)





























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Yong With his Hyun on Inkigayo today

























































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest yonghyunforever

to Lovekin and Blumistlaydee. i agree with you totally. i feel unsecure after eps33 but i always want to delust myself that they are into each tother. but sometimes i feel really unsecure and dispointed. their relationship make me nuts. because i dont know where they gonna go. For Hyun i can see her feeling growing but for YOng i cant read him. i dont know what he wants now, i doubt him but cant doubt him. he is so difficult to read. i feel he cares for her but then distant to her. i gonna get a lot of (-) but sometimes i feel like he not totally into her but because everything is the first for her then he has to be nice. but seeing he introduced his mum, his friends to her make me confused again with his action.

this epsiode after rewatch again, i feel painful when he's teaching Hyun. his face sometimes shows annoyed. the preview when he lay down also show some annoyed from his face. really, and for some reason i wonder is he really doing it for the show but not for what he feel anymore. but then sometimes i feel like because he wants to go further with her but he cant and that makes him frustrated

their relationship is really not normal, just go up and down every epsiode, and their feeling in the unclear state make me crazy. honestly these days i have to watch a lot of Seohyun's fanboys to feel better. because i think if Hyun hurts hope these fan boys can help her. everytime she show her open side , i feel afraid...she maybe mature but when you in love you are blind, and really dont want she get hurt too much for the first relationship. I just hope if yong doesnt like her like the way he wants then better let her go. dont be too good with her. this show anyway is cruel, if both have equal feeling and want to go further than you are lucky. but if just one side love, it is really painful. their time together is long enough for Hyun to develope love not a crush anymore. that is dangerous show for both young people.

more than ever i hope all my doubts are wrong, seeing their frustrated stage make me sad. hope next eps will answer all . YOngseo fighting:-)

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wow lovekin & bluemistlaydee! i love ur in-depth posts! they're really enlightening. i know i can't express myself well but i'll try 'cause ur posts got me itching to type my mind out. i think i'd better put them in point form as i tend to get messy with my post ^^

- like lovekin, i also think that during the prawn king ep (ep 35?), yongseo's skinship & attraction are at their purest/most innocent moment.

- after that came the busan ep. IMO, i loved their skinship the most. i could still feel their chemistry/attraction coming out very strongly. but issit just me or am i just plain weird? IDKW i can't seem to feel the missing piece that u guys are feeling in that ep?

- next, the hospital ep... i had to admit that i was feeling quite skinship-deprived! it wasn't a good feeling. however, what i thought about yongseo's lack of skinship was that maybe yong came to realize that he's being out of control when it comes to skinship during their busan trip. i guess he was just too engrossed with the moment that he forgot that the whole world is gonna see his real feelings for hyun being bared.

- thus, the ski ep came out as how yong planned it to be. less skinship. also, i sense that yong is prolly just being careful not to take advantage of hyun... i mean, for example, in busan ep, yong prolly thinks that he took advantage of hyun by being more intimate with her. he's a nice guy after all.

- to like someone without hearing the true confession from him/her is like risking ur life for nothing (sorry can't think of other better analogy). this is what yongseo could be facing. they are still unsure of each other. that's why we keep on getting some hot news now & then (hot news that make us spazz like crazy). and one of the latest hot news was about yong's ideal girl. how could he described it in so detail & the details even match hyun 100%. afterward, minhyuk confirms yong's statement by saying that "when u like someone, that someone will become ur ideal".

- so, what i can conclude from their abrupt distancing of skinship/eyeship is that:

yong knows he has a dificulty in hiding his true feelings whenever he faces hyun. he just can't seem to get away with hyun's stare. since both of them are celebrities, they do have some DOs & DON'Ts in the industry which could lead him being the way he is lately in WGM. in short, yongseo do realize that they are falling for each other.

but what i find rather puzzling is that why is yong showing his affection to hyun thru' trivial things that prolly only we gogumas can always detect? for instance, the presence of PRECIOUS off-WGM. in addition, yong's answers to questions regarding hyun seem & feel more genuine of late. and how about taeyeon's statement? she won't mention something like she hopes yongseo will date carelessly if there's no potential for them to do so. and how about all the fan accounts of them during their latest WGM shooting? nevertheless, i still believe that yongseo are in love with each other. but the future for them will always remain uncertain. it's all for them to decide & for us to always support them no matter what. :)

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hi everyone. Thank you for all caps,reviews and opinions about yesterday ep.




As for me, i think nothing is wrong with yong and hyun..probably we all excited about their skin ship and we want to see more of skin ship. It is because last week we all happy with the" leg ship" and how their lovey dovey scene ..Maybe this is one of the reason that we all disappointed about yesterday's episode or perhaps make we worry a little bit.




We all know that Yong is pro when it come to ski..and he good at it..it is one of the things that he proud off. Everyone know that he ski better than play poll..and remember when he got to teach hyun poll , he is not happy with it cuz he is not good at it..and now finally he got to teach hyun how to ski ..of course he wants to show how good he is..And he suddenly change from lovely husband to a "teacher mode" character.




Maybe for us, we will take this opportunity to make things more romantic..a lot of touchy mouchy scene and etc..but i think for YOng, this is not a place to do so..He is sincere want to teach hyun how to ski, and i think he totally forgot about filming,hehehe. Plus skiing can be dangerous if u take it lightly..




and i think he know that he already captured hyun heart..so no need to work hard like he used to be :) that is what we call normal for a couple..usually guys tend to behave like that when he know that gals already fall in love with him.




well let just wait for the next episode to see what is happening..whether he back to yong or he keep himself distance.


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Sangdodong Production presents YongSeo Chair Parody written by Kubih. This is my first solo project by taking the sole responsibility to write, timing, typesetting, encoding, QC-ing and uploading to produce the parody. It was based on the cut scene after Seohyun fell hard on her back while snowboarding. Till we meet again. 안녕!
















































































































YongSeo Chair Parody
































































































































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Guest AngelVillian

Re-watching the preview and the episode over and over again.

Seriously it's amazing looking at hyun's laugh at the end of the preview.


First time taking thumbnails.

But i had to do it.


Seohyun is so cute here!!



Holding on to Yonghwa hand's, Seohyun wants to fix his headgear.

Keke. Cute.


Last thumbnail i took, perfect couple look :)

Don't they look just like a real couple?


That's about it.

Sorry if the pictures were taken and posted by other people already.

Just had to post it up again.

Oh yes,

"Dreams" Episode 14 out

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Guest l0okiemaria
























to Lovekin and Blumistlaydee. i agree with you totally. i feel unsecure after eps33 but i always want to delust myself that they are into each tother. but sometimes i feel really unsecure and dispointed. their relationship make me nuts. because i dont know where they gonna go. For Hyun i can see her feeling growing but for YOng i cant read him. i dont know what he wants now, i doubt him but cant doubt him. he is so difficult to read. i feel he cares for her but then distant to her. i gonna get a lot of (-) but sometimes i feel like he not totally into her but because everything is the first for her then he has to be nice. but seeing he introduced his mum, his friends to her make me confused again with his action.
















this epsiode after rewatch again, i feel painful when he's teaching Hyun. his face sometimes shows annoyed. the preview when he lay down also show some annoyed from his face. really, and for some reason i wonder is he really doing it for the show but not for what he feel anymore. but then sometimes i feel like because he wants to go further with her but he cant and that makes him frustrated
















their relationship is really not normal, just go up and down every epsiode, and their feeling in the unclear state make me crazy. honestly these days i have to watch a lot of Seohyun's fanboys to feel better. because i think if Hyun hurts hope these fan boys can help her. everytime she show her open side , i feel afraid...she maybe mature but when you in love you are blind, and really dont want she get hurt too much for the first relationship. I just hope if yong doesnt like her like the way he wants then better let her go. dont be too good with her. this show anyway is cruel, if both have equal feeling and want to go further than you are lucky. but if just one side love, it is really painful. their time together is long enough for Hyun to develope love not a crush anymore. that is dangerous show for both young people.
















more than ever i hope all my doubts are wrong, seeing their frustrated stage make me sad. hope next eps will answer all . YOngseo fighting:-)



























i totally get what your saying.. i start worrying between the two of them. But of course, i must be realistic as well though.. As much as i would love them to be together.. i am accepting the possibility of that not happening:vicx:  (sorry if this seems mean). I'm really just curious though to what their relationship REALLY is, whether it be together, close friends, etc. I want to feel secure to what they really are to each other.. wahhh:tears: . I must say though, as like everyone else, that Hyun is a very unique girl, i cannot help but smile in this episode because she seemed so comfortable in willing to learn to snowboard & be the cutie that she is & enjoy herself.^_^









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Guest ahn_annann





Thank you so much for all translated ..



Semi-fly, Thank you for raw videos, esp. english name's files in your blog...



+ + + +



Ep44 YongSeo... OMG! OMG! so sweet and so fun.. saranghae yongseo!!



so hard to capture on this episode.. more moving and blurred sorry T-T



share my caps :





























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hello gogumas..
















































were back to POV of our latest episode..its not my nature to analyze every angle of the episode..i just want to enjoy watcing and not let confusion linger in my mind...but i do respect your opinion..everyone has their believe..as long as we stand together supporting this couple in whatever ways we can..let just remain positive for our couple...im sure we all agree that our yong and hyun respect, care and love each other , on what level that we will never know..and im sure even this 2 will not reveal it..theyre an idol they have so many aspect to consider, right?
















































"kubih..i enjoy your paody...it make me laugh..keep it up...
















































@ angelvillain...thank you for your fanfiction, i enjoy it, it brings me back to a feeling of being young ..
















































@M3..hey your fanfic is something...to have this kind of plot is awesome..you need a lot of brainstorming..
















































oh ya please keep on viewing our couple banaml song in youtube and their BTS (imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/wedding/svod/)
















































for first loading takes time that if you continously viewing it then its fine..
















































fighting in go paem...

















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Guest soshisoshisoshi




uh oh, it's gonna be very long discussion again! after days without in-depth discussion, now finally we have something heavy to talk about :lol:






- next, the hospital ep... i  had to admit that i was feeling quite skinship-deprived! it wasn't a  good feeling. however, what i thought about yongseo's lack of skinship  was that maybe yong came to realize that he's being out of control when  it comes to skinship during their busan trip. i guess he was just too  engrossed with the moment that he forgot that the whole world is gonna  see his real feelings for hyun being bared.








dreamyboo! is it weird if I find your post here funny?? (sorry to cut your post!) LOL at your statement! actually I'm not saying it's funny without a reason. you actually got a point there! I'm not claiming that I know about Yonghwa's heart whatsoever, but isn't it natural for guys to act like that?? honestly, I think after all those touchy, skinship overload moments, you obviously want more right? but the thing is, as for Korean stereotypes that blood type A people are usually timid, I guess this what makes Yonghwa becoming like this now. He is unsure where to start, but actually in his mind HE WANTS THE SKINSHIP SOOOO BADLY!




Nevertheless, we all could be proven wrong! we have only seen the half of the whole skiing episode, and PD's editing might be one of the factors to that.



EDIT: annann..... great caps, AS ALWAYS! :w00t:





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Hi Boo,
































Thank you for your post, you’ve really pointed out and kinda put my mind at ease on some observations made with Yong’s behavior these past 2 episodes.  I sensed the “holding back” and awkwardness of Yong in terms of display of affection towards Hyun but never commented because I reminded myself that this is just a show which should not affect me emotionally and for the simple reason that no one really knows how they are beyond the show except for them and the people around them.  Reading your post also made me realize and sad at the same time knowing how hard it could be for both of them to restrain and hide their emotions even on a show wherein they can supposedly display their affections as they are supposedly playing a married couple.  And I agree with what you said that Yong is becoming more vocal on his feelings lately towards Hyun basing from how he answers his interviews.  And I am with you too, about being in love with each other, their actions show it all, and that “precious thing” I think in a way is a semi-declaration of how they meant to each other.
















I know I’ve mentioned above that this is just a show and may sound contradictory on my remaining post, but honestly this show really tends to get into our emotions that sometimes leads us to get confuse on the situation, right?  This is probably why I am a follower of this two, they can put me in a state of emotional turmoil which nobody told me to do so, HAHAHA.  They are the only “celebrity couple” who made me do things that I have never done even on my own local celebrity here in my country, hehehe, they made me open an account here in soompi, and twitter and other sites just so I can read anything and everything about them.
















Lastly Boo before I go, Advance Happy Hearts Day to you!  Not sure though if you celebrate it the way we do here in my country but I wish you to have a wonderful time spending it with your special someone and the rest of your love ones.
















To the rest of you Goguma’s, Happy Valentine’s Day!

































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Guest anne0129
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello! So much analyses going on. And though I love reading all the posts here....for now I am refraining from reading everything. I am still in spazz mode and I like to stay that way for awhile. For me I honestly don't see anything wrong or anything fishy in this episode. I am just enjoying the ride that I am taking in this GoChun Rollercoaster. I can't even say which my fave part is in this episode cause for me every second and every minute was worthy of my spazzing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Even the preview is too much for me that I know the wait for next Saturday will be tortuous. So how about we do a guessing game then....Hyun in the preview said something about her wish.....Want to take a guess as to what her wish is? For the delusional me....I am imagining that Hyun will be asking Yong to take wedding pictures....LOL....since we know that after their ski trip they did film for their wedding photos....So that is my guess. HYUN'S WISH IS FOR THEM TO TAKE THEIR WEDDING PHOTOS.... :wub::wub::wub: How I wish this will come true!!! LOL

































































































































































































































































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Guest LiyLiy14
































First of all thumbs up to Juhee for the translation and credit goes to the subbing team. All of you have done a good job.
















I think it is not too late for me to wish HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY to Yong and Hyun
















Just able to catch up with u all.. The pages jump tremendously.. I was away since Wednesday and i miss the celebration of 1st anniversary for YongSeo couple with all the GOGUMA LOVERS.
















Since i'm in Bangkok for 4 days, i managed to buy the elephant which can be found at Yong Seo's house. I bought this on 11 February 2011 which was YongSeo 1st anniversary. Even though i could not found the same colour as their, i choose pink to represent HYUN and the blues cloth represent CN BLUE.
































Having this elephant with me, make me thinking of YONG and HYUN from morning till night.
















Regarding the latest episode, I love all the moments they spend their time together.
















After medical check up
















Hyun advised Yong to quit coffee moment is such a sweet moment. The way she advised seem she care YONG more than herself. 








The expected moment between husband and wife when the was an incoming sms for HYUN, YONG looked so annoying while he asked "Who is that at this time".








































The SKI-ing moment























The protective Yong moments
































Yong bought protective gear for Hyun. Since he is an expert in ski-ing, he knows better than Hyun. He is such an amazing husband. 
































He even bought sock for her. To me even it is a small thing, Yong is protecting Hyun from getting cold. His deep thinking make me touch. If i'm Hyun i will definitely love him for real.
















































Why i love this moment? First, even Yong is balancing Hyun by supporting her from back, to me its seem Yong is back hugging Hyun. Like TItanic's moment.  Second, Hyun is sitting at Yong's lap.
























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Guest Tetsuya9





Repost + Inform you guys that the download links for E44 Subbed are up.



110212 We Got Married S2 E44 English Subbed



Part 1 >





Part 2 > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQDhObnhbsI



For Download, you can visit here.






Preview and Information





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Guest ichigo_kawai








Hello...All my goguma family..it's been a long time ago since my last post.







I really miss all of u in here...







I just wanna say thanks to all my family, thanks for sharing everything about yongseo. 







Say Thanks to all My lovely unnie...my lovely dongsaeng, chingu, oppa, omma, appa...







Seems like I can't sharing again about yongseo couple, my fanart, or my fan mv for this time.







I have some FMV about yongseo, but I can't share that FMV for now...




I have to do something...for getting my dreams....




Thanks everyone for all your support,  thanks for visiting my youtube channel, and thanks for all your comments..







I really appreciate it. Jeongmal Kamsahamnida. Thank you..

















I hope someday I can posting again my fan art, or my fan mv in here...but I don't know when?????




I learn everything in here....Learn about love, Learn about Friendship and Learn about Family.




Once again thanks everyone....Kamsahamnida, Arigatou, Terima kasih.







"I hope all of you in here can find your true happiness in your life...."




And when I come back again to this thread, I hope all of you still remember me " Ichigo Kawai/Gie"




Aishh it's really hard for me.....crying..crying.....:tears:




Take care




Love & HuGs to all of you..:wub:




Anyeong my goguma family....:tears:




I really love all of you.


















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