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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Oh wow! These last few weeks feel like a roller coaster ride!!!































































































































































































































I'm not even done recovering from one spazz-worthy event and the next one arrives! Each Saturday, the episodes keep getting better and better. Every time I think to myself, this, this is my absolute favorite episode! But whaddya know, come the NEXT saturday and there's a new winner all over again.
































































































And let's not even get into what happens in between episodes. Every week since 26 December!!!
































































































First, banmal song video on youtube....
































































































Then, the head on shoulder sleeping pose...
































































































Yonghwa's song for first time lovers....
































































































Shopping trip! Shopping trip??? It's like Yong and Hyun wanted to give a gift to their fans so they decided to conduct the most public date possible!! Not that I'm complaining. At all! It was like watching one of those 24 hour reality shows. At one point I was stalking twitter, SPD chat, soompi AND DC married at the same time. Not that I found much on DC married since my hangul knowledge is less than zero....
































































































Oh how I wished I had Korean friends who were as into WGM and Yongseo as I am....
































































































So what's the point of this post??
































































































Mostly, I wanted to thank the amazing goguma FBI agents, the translators, subbers, fanfic writers, fan mv creators, who keep us in go-chun from Saturday to Saturday. You guys are uber cool! B)































































































































































































































Special thanks to the Yongseo International team which is going to extraordinary lengths to make sure that Hyun and Yong realize the extent of our love for them! Saranghae guys :wub:
































































































I love the discussions and analysis that happen in this thread. Some of us analyze Yong and Hyun's every action (in WGM and outside of it) to death. Others just go with the flow and feel happy with every little tidbit that comes their way! I think its just our way of coping with the extraordinary emotions that this couple invokes in us.































































































































































































































I can't decide if the mid week shooting news helps or makes the waiting worse. On the one hand its great to see something new midweek. But on the other hand I know that this particular episode is probably a couple of months away, and I can't wait to see the current status of their relationship NOW!!!
































































































As always waiting for saturday! Looking forward to the kimbap moment - maybe it'll lead to a scarf hug!! SQUEEEEE!!!!
































































































































































































@PanGG - Welcome back! Have missed reading your posts. Love the screencaps!
































































































And I so agree with you about that moment. I was also watching Yong at that time (since it was one of those rare moments when both Hyun and Yong were in the same frame *squeeees again*) And I really felt he was worried/jealous in case Hyun got hugged or something! He didn't look happy at all.... Aah, me and my delusions....

































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such a wild imagination going in my head. hahah. i just want Yong brave enough to go to Seo's waiting room. hahha and kiss her.

We can see that lately, yonh looks at Seo's lip quite a lot. like cant take his eyes of them. :w00t:


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Guest yongseorockin




Hi Mountainmadman, thank you for answering my question. Anyway just want to say that I enjoyed reading Love Story in Gogumafic.




Another question which may or may not be related to Yongseo. To anyone who watched the streaming of Seoul Music Award and understand Korean, there was this moment when MC said something and Yonghwa raised his hand. Some people mentioned that the MC asked "Anybody here believe that they deserve an award?" and some other people mentioned that the MC asked "Anybody here believe that SNSD deserve an award?" Yonghwa was the only one who raised his hand. After that MC joked "Yonghwa don't need to ask permission if you want to go to toilet" (disclaimer: this is based on the translation done by some people on twitter). Anybody know what actually happened?






Oh, would really like to know the twitter account you got it from. I got the translations from a twitter account as well.


It would be really great if it was "Anybody here believe SNSD deserve an award?", because the first seems kinda requires a lot of guts to do it. Somehow I personally dont think Yong would do that and feel more for the 2nd option.




Would like to read the twitter account as well! Hope its the 2nd! ^_______________^




EDIT: Ok, after reading a 2nd time of what the oniontaker@twitter translated, which I copied word for word. I have come to a realisation that they need not necessarily refer to CN Blue since they won an award earlier on already. Rather, perhaps the they in oniontaker translation refers to SNSD!




So because we didn't understand the context in which the translation was made, we misinterpreted that the they referred to CN Blue when they could have really being referring to SNSD.




*will ask the translator about the translation.


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Just noticed something. when CN Blue won the award for best Rookie, Yuri(MC) listed the songs they mainly promoted and as we know these are "I am a loner" and "Love" but she added "Sarang Bit/Love Light" :)




I am off to Go-Chun, good night!!!





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Guest lovekin




@lovekin, thanks for first backing me up at my previous post. At times I do feel afraid and pressurized to post on my POV because it might offend some other gogumas unitentionally although I do not mean to. To other gogumas, I believe you all noticed that this thread has been more quiet recently. We should seriously welcome all to post their own POV except in a way to offend others. Else, others might just shy from this thread. Again, thanks again to lovekin! You are great.






it's really not a problem!  and please don't ever feel afraid to post your own perspective, even if it's in severe contrast to the majority view.  (-) won't kill you.








"oh my god, she's talking again.  she's always talking!  can she stop?" - LOL, honestly, you can move right along.  no one is forcing you to read anything i have to say.






it's been said numerous times before that we should be accepting of varying opinions, and i think that's great with as big a forum as we have, but it seems like if so-and-so opinion causes even the slightest discord (e.g., criticizing either yong or seo often results in opposing factions), everyone wants you to stop.




which makes no sense to me because you can maintain peace in a forum, regardless of the opinions that start floating around.  i feel like this forum is capable of holding discussions with each other without getting into fights; however, i find it a little bit extreme when those unfavorable opinions draw vehement negativity.  it's not even the difference of opinion (e.g., i think this way but you think i'm wrong) that bothers me but the attitude that gets served around here because someone has upset the status quo.




i am not the type to take that sitting down.  if i have to call people out on it, i will, because i don't think it's right.  obviously, my inclination to be very outspoken about things has drawn criticism - and, as i've found out, some doubt of my major (which, by the way, if you ever take personal issue to me, i'd rather you message me instead of lurking in my usual hangs just to tell me you think i'm unprofessional, thanks) - but i think my previous "outbursts" have typically been done in defense of someone else or because my words have been taken out of context and completely mangled, or even because people have passively aggressively told me to censor myself, which i think is a bit in poor taste.




i don't project myself as being some kind of angel, and i don't think it's particularly fair to uphold me to a certain standard just because many of you are now privy to my field of study, as if i have to act a certain way because of it.




i know most people would rather have this place be full of rainbows and wishes, but i happen to like the idea of diverse opinions, even if it means those opinions might rough this place up a bit.





and as for the ear muffs, i can say i stand corrected.  i'm not questioning seo's efforts, but i stand by my initial opinion that she still does need to learn more, in general.


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Seriously how sweet, sincere and supportive can this picture get? She can totally be CNBlue's biggest supporter.
































































































































































































































































































































































credots: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































DC Married is producing a Yongseo calendar. If you want to purchase it, here's the info: http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com
















































































































































































































































































































































Hurry because the deadline is today!

















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I’m sorry folks, but who can say that there isn’t something REAL between these 2?

The SMA awards - fancams and newscams and new reports - show us more of what we suspected all along - YONGSEO is real!

Evidence –

Yong’s bold statement about visiting Hyun in her waiting room if he doesn’t get a chance to see her!

Hyun’s loving look at her husband as he performs in front of her.  You can’t fake that, why would you if you didn’t care?

The SNSD unnies freaking out when CN Blue wins the rookie award.  Note Hyoyeon’s, Jessica’s, Yoona’s reactions – all the unnies love their bro-in-laws. 

Except for Taeyeon – while watching CN Blue perform, it looks like she’s thinking, “Our maknae is so lucky, she got Yong for WGM, and all I got was an old, fat has-been comedian – life’s not fair!”

Did you notice Yoona (and I think it’s Jessica) singing along to ‘Love’?

And this kind of freaked me out at first.   In some of the screencaps showing Hyun lovingly watching her husband perform on stage, in the background there is a guy wearing a white t-shirt with a black hoodie standing in the background.  The effect looks like a little white ghostly heart floating over Hyun’s head!   At first, I thought it was something that was painted into the picture like a special effect like the little hearts they always show in WGM, but it’s this guy and the white, ghostly heart looks like it is floating up out of Hyun’s head!

The cameraman’s attention to the couple, the news articles, the other idols, everybody is watching them, everyone suspects there is something going on, that this is beyond normal actions for two people just filming a reality drama together.  These two are beyond popular, they are hot news!

The shopping trip and filming – god, Hyun looks like a fashion model with her heels and big furry coat and super slim legs!   Their hair matches again, same color, both straightened.   There is a large crowd around them, but in the middle of all this commotion they just seem like a normal pair on a shopping trip, giggling and playing jokes on one another, happy to be in their own go-chun happiness bubble.  The outside world just disappears and they are just enjoying each other’s lovely company.  They only have eyes for each other.

Ice skating – kyyyaaaaaahh!  I hope they hold on to each other, Yong hold Hyun while she learns to skate.  Can’t wait for this filming to come out.

Slap me if you think I’m delirious, but they are real!  I don’t know to what degree, but they love and care for each other A LOT, and it shows, it SHOWS!       


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Guest hannahgarrido




this is what i know, i just learn korean.....from that i can say that, the narrator said when snsd perform OH!, he look at YH and when YH shout SNSD, he said that YH is trully SH's husband......


when CNBlue win, he said SNSD look at SH as her hubby won d award..... all member in SNSD are pointing at SH coz they want YH to recognize her at the front....


when YH made a speech, her wife were looking at him..... concentrate.... not even blink her eyes...


when CNBlue perform, she may said 'He is handsome' to yuri..... and she did some hand gesture at 'Love' song.... yuri said that YH did some sign to SH but she said she didnt see it....


last scene when SH cry when they win award, it said look at YH as he see his wife cry in front him.....


p/s: hope it help.....since im still learning it.....



thank you very much!!! i really appreciate your help!!



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I don\t know if its late for me to react but blame it on my net connection...hehehehe...i saw how this couple are getting more attention now in korea. Does this mean the antis before are now gogumas?ohmy.gif Wow, love it...hope this will be true. Congrats on both groups SNSD and CNBlue for winning their group awards...Continue your hard work and more power!!! You know your all your hard work are being appreciated by the fans and by your music industry...Fighting guys!!! Don't worry we are always at your backs...



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Guest K1L1On1Mr4
































































































































































































































































































































Congratulations for SNSD and CNBLUE for their awards :D
































































































































































































I really admire this CNBLUE boys, they can produced many versions of Loner and Love, and i love all of their versions. It demonstrated how brilliant they are, their musicalities are beyond my imagination :D
































































































































































































Love how SNSD's unnies were singing along with CNBLUE while Hyun gave lovely and sweet gaze to YongHwa. It's pure LOVE ladswub.gif

































































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Funky though,t but I think having Shinee between SNSD and CN Blue was not a bad idea. If CN Blue was directly behind SNSD then Yong would have been directly behind Hyun. In my mind I could see Yong constanly leaning forward to talk to her and Hyun constantly turned around in her seat to talk to him. Good job of the PD's or camermen to get what they did on film.































I don't know if I am crazy or seriously obsessed with this couple but I think something is going on or about to happen with them. There is way too much stuff going on and a lot of info leaks that we didn't we get before. It used to be just previews and tweets but all this stuff coming  now is way weird.































About Yong going to the waiting room (and/or) dressing room, well he has done it before and he knows that he won't be alone with her, she will be with all the unnies. Maybe he will stop by to say hello to the SILs and just have a chance to see her.































I don't know but everything with these two seems strange right now but maybe love is in the air and we, as fans are just finding out about it, or love had been in the air for a while and now they are telling us about it.































I am at the point now where Saturday is a blessing and a curse. On Saturday I get to see the newest episode but then the I remember that it will be another week before the next one.































Thank all of you to keep me happy through the week until the next episode.
















































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Guest bolmaejung


* 서현, 남편 정용화의 소꿉친구를 만나다!

지난 주, 정용화의 고향인 부산으로 여행을 떠났던 용서부부. 이번 주는 해운대 바닷가에서 갈매기와의 달콤 살벌(?)한 시간을 보내는 등 부부만의 오붓한 시간을 보낸 후, 용 남편의 소꿉친구들과의 만남이 이어진다.

정용화의 친구들은 초등학생 때부터 정용화와 함께 학창시절을 보낸 10년 지기 친구들. 어머니 앞에선 과묵남이 됐던 정용화는 친구들을 만나니 다시금 부산스타일 용초딩으로 돌아왔고, 부산토박이 정용화의 친구들은 상도동 새댁 서현마저 금세 자신들에게 적응시켰다는 전언.

특히, 이날 모인 정용화의 소꿉친구들 중에는 여자 친구도 있어 이목을 끌었다고. 정용화가 이 여자 친구를 초대한 데에는 특별한 이유가 있었다는데.

과연 용남편의 속내는 무엇이었을지, 현부인은 부산 사투리 작렬하는 남편과 남편의 소꿉친구들 사이에서 좋은 추억을 만들고 갈 수 있을지, 이와 같은 내용은 오는 22일 오후 5시 10분 MBC [우리 결혼했어요]에서 방송될 예정이다.

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Guest MountainMadman

Thanks to Bolmaejung for the tip! (Did I mention I loved your username, BTW?)

서현, 남편 정용화의 소꿉친구를 만나다!

지난 주, 정용화의 고향인 부산으로 여행을 떠났던 용서부부. 이번 주는 해운대 바닷가에서 갈매기와의 달콤 살벌(?)한 시간을 보내는 등 부부만의 오붓한 시간을 보낸 후, 용 남편의 소꿉친구들과의 만남이 이어진다. 

정용화의 친구들은 초등학생 때부터 정용화와 함께 학창시절을 보낸 10년 지기 친구들. 어머니 앞에선 과묵남이 됐던 정용화는 친구들을 만나니 다시금 부산스타일 용초딩으로 돌아왔고, 부산토박이 정용화의 친구들은 상도동 새댁 서현마저 금세 자신들에게 적응시켰다는 전언. 

특히, 이날 모인 정용화의 소꿉친구들 중에는 여자 친구도 있어 이목을 끌었다고. 정용화가 이 여자 친구를 초대한 데에는 특별한 이유가 있었다는데.

과연 용남편의 속내는 무엇이었을지, 현부인은 부산 사투리 작렬하는 남편과 남편의 소꿉친구들 사이에서 좋은 추억을 만들고 갈 수 있을지, 이와 같은 내용은 오는 22일 오후 5시 10분 MBC [우리 결혼했어요]에서 방송될 예정이다. 

Seohyun, meets husband Jung Yonghwa’s childhood friends!

Last week, the YongSeo couple traveled to Busan, Yonghwa’s hometown. This week, their trip continues with a sweet and chilling (?) meeting with the seagulls at the Haewoondae beach followed by a meeting with Yonghusband’s childhood friends.

His friends have been with him for 10 years and have spent their school years together. While he turned quiet in front of his mother, the Yong choding returned with full force once he met his friends, and his native Busan friends quickly became friendly with Seohyun.

In particular, among his friends gathered that day was a female friend, which drew special attention. It is speculated that there is a special reason why Jung Yonghwa invited her along.

What will be his secret plan, and will she be able to make lasting memories among her husband and his childhood friends? It will be revealed on the 22nd, on MBC’s “We Got Married” broadcast at 5:10 PM.


EDIT: About the article I translated a few hours ago (the one with Yonghwa's comment): I would take it with a grain of salt. There's something subtly wrong with that article that I can't put my finger on. What's strange is, normally once a news outlet puts out an article with a bombshell (like this one) we would've seen the other news outlets pick up on it and run similar articles, but in this case, nothing. The more I think about it, the stranger I gets. I've re-read the article many times, and while there's nothing WRONG with it...per se...I still feel uncomfortable going around and telling everyone that it's a "fact". I don't know, it could just be my imagination, but it feels...wrong.

But since they *directly quoted* him, and nothing I've seen contradicts the notion that it's a factual news item, it would be true, theoretically...but there's still something that I can't put my finger on. It's strange.

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Guest toomuchsmiling




omg, bolmaejung thanks for text preview?! hopefully translations soon!! :)


lol, the quick and amazing MountainMadMan to the rescue!! Thank youuu!






wow i haven't been in here for a few days (poor me) but so much stuffs came out!! :lol:


but wat can i say?? luvtokki said all i wanted to say!!! hahaha, my spazz would have sounded exactly the same!!




but i AM excited that they went ICE SKATING!!!! knowing our yongseo it was probably really sweet~~ :wub: omg i SAW the SMA awards!!! w00t.gif well the cuts anyway. yesss the way Hyun looked at Yong! but u know i wish that the cameraman would have spotted C.N. Blue when SNSD had been performing. it had been a hot perf!! w00t.gif






When SNSD won Daesang also~ you can see Yong's reaction. He was kinda playing with confetti at some parts :sweatingbullets: lol, and paying attention at other parts, and then I saw him do that dance move Taeyeon does-the first line of their song Hoot. :lol: that was cute.




and if according to that article that what Yong said was NOT fake then -GASP- :crazy: yong you jashik you! :lol:



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Guest ikekeyou
























thank you bolmaejung for the preview
















and a thank you to MountainMadman for translation the preview!!! (:
















cant wait for saturday!!!
















for those who miss yong and his choding i guess its back next episode!! YAY!! (i've missed his choding too!)
















so i wonder what's the special reason why he brought the female...
















- to make seohyun more comfortable so she's not the only female?
















- because she's a close female friend?
















- she is a yongseo/snsd fan?
































ahahah i hope it's the DOUBLE DATE reason!! :D





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Guest fabiistar07












First ... Gotta say how exited i was when i read Yong~'s quote on how he hasn't seen Hyunnie yet and if he doesn't the he will go visit her waiting room :wub: It seemed very bold, this couple is seriously making me wonder ...:huh: Also ... of WGM episodes he seemed very nervous when going to Hyunnie's waiting room because of SoShi unnies, maybe this means that they got much closer since he sounded very determined :)




Second ... Hyunnie's face while watching Yong~ hubby; her face seemed like she was enjoying the song a lot, some unnies were not as focused as she was or just happily singing along, but she seemed very at peace and just enjoying the song ^_^




Third ... To what celticheart47 said, about seating arrangements. I don't know it it was done on purpose or not, but Yong~ would've been right behind Hyun~ if SHINee hadn't been in between. I just can't help but wonder, "What if SHINee hadn't been there?" "Would they have talked a lot? Been teased by unnies too much? keke




Fourth ... This couple has been getting lots of attention ... It's not that i don't love it, but if something is happening or were to happen between uri YongSeo the media may be making them doubt on the steps they take towards a relationship or just a close friendship. I'm dying for this couple to date, it'd be amazing~! :wub: Let's hope too much attention from the media doesn't affect whatever is happening ^_^




Fifth ... I think i wrote a lot ... Can't wait for Saturday! :D





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I don\t know if its late for me to react but blame it on my net connection...hehehehe...i saw how this couple are getting more attention now in korea. Does this mean the antis before are now gogumas?*quoted image* Wow, love it...hope this will be true. Congrats on both groups SNSD and CNBlue for winning their group awards...Continue your hard work and more power!!! You know your all your hard work are being appreciated by the fans and by your music industry...Fighting guys!!! Don't worry we are always at your backs...













I agree I feel that they are getting more attention now. I guess it has something to do with the fact that the Adam couple are gone in WGM. So majority of the people are turning their eyes on Yongseo couple. I do feel that Yongseo couple is more popular that the Khuntoria couple (no offese to Khuntoria fans).





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Guest harajukudezz
































































































Thanks to Bolmaejung for the tip! (Did I mention I loved your username, BTW?)































































































































Seohyun, meets husband Jung Yonghwa’s childhood friends!






























































Last week, the YongSeo couple traveled to Busan, Yonghwa’s hometown. This week, their trip continues with a sweet and chilling (?) meeting with the seagulls at the Haewoondae beach followed by a meeting with Yonghusband’s childhood friends.






























































His friends have been with him for 10 years and have spent their school years together. While he turned quiet in front of his mother, the Yong choding returned with full force once he met his friends, and his native Busan friends quickly became friendly with Seohyun.






























































In particular, among his friends gathered that day was a female friend, which drew special attention. It is speculated that there is a special reason why Jung Yonghwa invited her along.






























































What will be his secret plan, and will she be able to make lasting memories among her husband and his childhood friends? It will be revealed on the 22nd, on MBC’s “We Got Married” broadcast at 5:10 PM.











































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks 3M  for the speed translation you'r an "ANGEL" as alway's!!!smile.gif and also to all of you who share's all this wonderful  news BTS, pics, etc..etc..etc..
































































BTW!! Congratulation also to uri couple such a happy moment  watching/seeing them on the same show supporting each other...
































our Seohyunnie look's like a real BUIN (indeed she is a legal BUIN) the way she clap and smile while Yong nampoyeon is performing..wub.gif  LOVE is alway's in the air !!! I won't be surprise if one this day all MC's CAMERAMAN, even FLOOR PD/PD'S will be one of us (Goguma family/YongSeo spazzer) paying more attention to our couple and every show that there were together....
































































kamshamida!!! again to all of you for all the goodies ya'll shared..

































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Guest billieberlian

oh, this couple is so real! well, at least in this show...whatever this relationship is actually, i just hope they will remain close like this 4ever..i cant imagine the day when they finally leave WGM..like adam couple, suddenly no more news about their activities as a couple..OMG, ill be crazy i think...ill cherish all the moments they have in WGM forever..............

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