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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I get that she can't be angry at CNBlue concert, but she was so bubbly that its odd that on Aug 3 she could be so sad about it.  I would think if she was so sad about it she would have been more reserved about her greeting Yong.








































I tend to have the tendency not to believe everything I'm told to believe and look for supporting evidence (its the scientist in me) so I have questions on it that's all.















































































Sorry to cut your post, this mildang convo is interesting :). I have to desagree with you cause in the episodes where SeoHyun was playing the mildang game to Yong, even when she was "angry", she was also always giggling at him, so I don´t find rare her behavior at the concert. She IS cute, she can´t help. I think she got this cute fury with him.








































Why I do believe in mildang? because of the horror special episode, this was filmed with everybody knowing that it would be aired in that holiday (Chuseok special? don´t remember the name). At that episode, we could hear Yong saying "Let´s not talk about it" to Hyun and we also got the famous phrase "Make love not war". I don´t think PDnim would have done this T-Shirts if their little fight was not real cause that particular episode had nothing to do with the storyline of the couples.








































I think Hyun did get angry after hearing Yong´s reasons (August 3th), I think she was upset and confused and sad too, but not that much as it was portrayed in WGM or maybe she was that much but wherever Yong was around her, she she managed to calm her anger down (because she is shy and BTW, these episodes really got me in pain) . Anyway, as I said before, I think  Hyun´s mildang game was because of her hurted pride rather than her "anger".








































Now that I´m thinking about it, maybe that is why Yong said to Hyun in the Japan trip that he got shocked with her Black room´s interviews... just a thought :huh:.








































Edit: I´m so sorry, didn´t mean to top the page :(








































EDIT 2: me272, I really like your theory ^^... and about Sulli, Are you guys are talking about Yong singing love light to her?








































EDIT 3: andyhitman, it is not January, it is February, February 11th ^^
















































































I found this on twitter Seohyun's hair on Yonghwa's shirt spazzzzzzzzzzzzzz hahaha could be his own hair too ^^















































































and this one YongHwa´s hands :wub:















































































Cr: DC married and @yongseofacts









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Guest andyhitman




Wow everyone's so confused over the mildang period. Guess the PD  didn't  expect this when he chose to insert the concert portion inside..  Or did  he? Hahaha.




Okay so I also went digging up the dates and my findings correspond with lulu's..




Birthday (Fishing Ep) - June 29th (1 week after Yonghwa's birthday as mentioned in the epi)


Onew's warning to Yonghwa "Don't make Seohyun Cry" - Broadcast on July 11th ( Filming... 2 weeks before? Start of July?)


In between, dinner arranged by the PD to not allow awkwardness to set in. (In the month of July)


CN Blue Concert  - July 31st


Filming of TRAX MV featuring Seohyun - In the month of July/August


SM Town - August 21st


Filming (revealing of mildang) - August 22th


Lovelight + RDR performance on 2010 Korean Incheon Wave - August 29th


TRAX MV featuring Seohyun released - Sept 1


Broadcast of 2010 Korean Incheon Wave and SM Town concert - Sept 4


SM Town - Sept 11


Filming for Chuseok could be before or after mildang revealed hence her reactions on the episode may or may not be affected


Chuseok Episode - Sept 18th




In the Japan epi, After revealing her unknown fact, she continued, ‘I am very thankful to my husband for putting effort into being a great partner.’ YongHwa followed on: ‘At  one time I  tried  calling my wife but she didn’t pick up so I suddenly  missed  her alot.  It was when she was filming for her featured role in TRAX’s latest release, so I felt quite lonely.’




Link here: http://www.hellokpop...g-jung-yonghwa/




So  Yonghwa tried to contact her breaking the mildang during August  but  unfortunately this scene was edited out by the PD again. As did  many  other scenes that us gogumas have alr discussed. Maybe her doesn't  want  to affect the storyline and make Yonghwa apologetic. Maybe PD  wanted to  show how much impact his mildang had on Seohyun so he only  pasted  Seohyun's confession but not Yonghwa. If you see the video, they  zoom  out into the night sky and say "the conversations are getting  more  serious" and then they cut back to the room, totally omitting Yonghwa's confession.  She  pouts right at the end before the scene zooms away maybe because  she  expected some love confession from Yonghwa? Check it out..




So  maybe Yonghwa already did want to break the mildang but perhaps  why  Seohyun acted so lively in the concert video was maybe because  she  thought she was being too cold or didn't contact Yonghwa after  holding  hands on the birthday epi that she decided to surprise him on  the  concert. Maybe she thought something happened to Yonghwa (like what  she  mentioned in the epi.) But maybe she thought she was the cause of  it by  not contacting Yonghwa.




So she dressed up to surprise him at the  concert! Hence the bubbly  behaviour and hoping she would cheer him up of  course she had no idea  that Yonghwa was mildang-ing. So after the  rather cold response the PD  set up a dinner. And presumably it went  quite bad as you can read from  lulu's link at sweetpotatodays.




So when Yonghwa mentioned "Did you get home safely that night" -> it was referring to the dinner date presumably.




Anyhow,  they took another boat ride in Busan??? Our Yongseo love boats  don't  they? On another note, Seohyun has been reading lesser books  on  self-improvement and more on cooking lately huh. Hahaha. Or has  she  given up books to go searching for keyword - Jung Yonghwa  Youtube.  Hahaha.




The fact that TRAX's Jungmo said Don't make Seohyun cry  means something  probably happen but the timeline doesn't explain much  really.




Anyway, enough of theories, it's 4 episodes to the wedding? (I am estimating here)




Seeing  that YongSeo will get 30mins after this week's epi, things will  speed  up pretty fast.




AND to end off my post, (it's getting late here in Singapore) watching  them makes me want to go dating alr. It seems like every dating process  needs  to be as fun as theirs and memories to be captured on tape. Oh YongSeo inspires love! Haha!




Good night everyone!



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Guest glennpaulo
























Wow that mildang period is now trending in our Goguma thread....








Because many parts had been edited-out, that's why, Anyway its defend on us on what choose to believe in..








But one thing i surely know you all believe, YONGSEO is REAL.















Random thoughts: I don't know if you already seen it, but i like to share for those who not seen it, I just open my FB and found this cute pic... since our YONGSEO is inlove..








































































































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Guest yongseorockin




@ ena123 Are you the one who drew that drawing??




if you are?? Hey you punk! don't go here looking for attention! Everyone already apologize on behalf of CALCULATOR did and you kept saying "its like as if I were told by white people that colored are not allowed  2 watch films on cinema with white people? or the same show"! We apologize! really! 




The truth is we Love YongSeo and Adam couple... Don't you see? we even pray that Adam couple can have all the time in WGM next week, we don't mind since we have watched and loved them for more than a year....and this is what we get from you!!!  You're immature tamtrums! 




We Goguma even hear or read about antis from Adam or Khuntoria Couple and we know it's only natural... because we have are own opinion...




And about your drawing... is it enough that many GOGUMA already apologize for a rude comment of a GOGUMA?? Actually we really appreciate it cause we cant believe that you (an ADAM couple fan) drew something about GOGUMA....




Maybe you can see me as a retarded cause i kept repeating myself..But i'm just emphasizing... WE APOLOGIZED SO MANY TIMES Now... really.




stop posting anything as if we ALL offended Adam couple! 




-I;m sorry Im all alone in this fight so.. no need to credit all Gogumas...




- and for the gogumas who dislike this comment...Thank you ( no joke) .. If it hadnt with you, I wouldnt have the guts to say this.. and i'm sorry if i offended some GOGUMAS but i just wanna say what i see right now in this forum...






seriously, why are you dragging up something that has already been settled and buried in the hatchet.




not even sure what is the point. I dun even feel that ena123 thinks we are offending Adam couple. But i do feel offended that you included us in "stop posting anything as if we ALL offended Adam couple!"




lets just move on and stop digging something that is so many pages away. YongSeo Fighting~~


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@ andyhitman: thanks for pointing several things out. But I never heard about it I mean the fact that Yonghwa tried to call Seohyun and she didn't pick up and he felt lonely.




How accurate is this site, hellokpop? This is totally new to me. But I remember in episode 29 he said that he is the one who always calls first and she didn't reply?




And Seohyun answers that she didn't have her cellphone with her so she couldn't reply? Was it during TRAX MV?




Omg I think I am out of this game, I am defeated someone please clear it up.




Suddenly I have one naughty thought, we should ask one Goguma fellow who is fluent in korean, to pm sweetpotato4339 and clear the mildang issue for us, lol.




I am this curious and desperate :)





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Guest lovekin


i think people are reading too much into the push-pull period, wondering if it truly existed or not because she was so bubbly to see yong, but i think everyone should read goguma1207's opinion on this matter.  i don't think her excitable behavior backstage is any reflection of how she feels about the issue - just that she took the time to visit and congratulate them.




though i have to disagree that yong wanted to pull her in for a hug or was enthusiastic to see her.  not saying that he wasn't happy, but it's pretty clear from the get-go that he's fairly standoffish with her.  the two of them smiling and being polite comes off as basic necessity, being that they're in a public arena.  and it makes sense because yong is still carrying out his push-pull without having revealed it to her yet, and this is about the time seo is aware that something is amiss but doesn't know what to make of it.




as for whether it was for WGM filming or not, i think it was to some extent. i think the filming for that concert was something akin to what we saw during the fishing trip where she went to customize the new set of rings.  like it was filmed in part of WGM but doesn't necessarily have any ties to whatever plotline the PDs conceived.  in other words, i think it was an opportunity that they took advantage of but likely unscripted in any fashion.










my opinion of yongseo has changed a little bit.  i still love them as a pair and hope the very best for them, but i think that delusional ship has sailed away for me.  basically, i'm over it.  

sweatingbullets.gif  it doesn't really change my overall perception of them, and i'm not saying that i'm over spazzing (lol, puh-lease) but i've definitely been a lot more biased than normal and overlooking a lot of things that i would otherwise be objective about, and i miss that.  so no more lovestruck lovekin in your midst!  if anything, any suspension of disbelief i might entertain will be solely restricted to fic (unless, of course, there is a legit reason for me to go bananas over something that's newsworthy and true).





i think everyone else has more or less waxed poetic about what they loved about the recent episode, but i just wanted to mention two things and one thing that i thought about overnight as i was hacking my lungs out from this flu:




1. when yong is being a total cheeseball and tells her that he doesn't want anyone else overhearing their conversation, seo gets momentarily flustered before saying, "yes, i understand."  and although she still cringes at some of his more saccharine lines, i thought it was cute that she decided to just ~roll with the punches, so to speak.




2. i don't know why no one has mentioned this yet, but when seo first lies down on his shoulder and yong jokingly exclaims that it's heavy, she actively retorts by bringing her head up and slamming (a bit of an excessive word to use, but i can't find the right one i'm looking for) it back down.  now i'm not saying that they're in a relationship, but i find it funny how this sort of reflects what happens in relationships or between flirtatious friends ... or even just friends.  when one person playfully suggests something "negative," the other person usually plays on that using emphasis.  for example:




A: you eat too much.


B: <takes an even bigger spoonful of food>




A: get off, you're heavy.


B: <presses down harder to accentuate extra weight>




basically, all this means is that seo can be playful.  which isn't particularly striking or surprising in any way, but the only significance here is that she's doing it in this friendly context with a boy.  i just find it fascinating how less reserved she is at given times with him because there's a serious contrast when she gets like this versus her appearances on variety shows where she is consistently seen to act very proper (but understandably so because there is a certain image to maintain when you're not just representing yourself, so this is a bit of a gray area).




3. nothing related to the episode, but as i said, i was thinking last night.  and last night, i thought about how interesting it would be if she composed her own song for yong and learned to play chords on the guitar for it. we all know that yong writes love songs for other people, etc., but he's never had one written for him and i, personally, think seo should use what she's learnt to prepare it for him as a spontaneous gift, given the fact he's done a lot of giving lately.  and frankly, i want to see the guy reduced to tears. tongue.gif


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Guest crinkle_twinkle































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm loving reading the discussion here...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But what's up with people putting negative points on posts that is not even remotely offensive??? <_<






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sheez, this thread has always been a peaceful one...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why there are trolls now? <_<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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My 2 cents about why Hyun didn’t wear the ring at the CNBlue concert BTS.

This concert was at the end of July – and Yong hadn’t contacted her for anything since they left each other at the fishing place for the ‘Birthdays’ episode at the end of June!

And Yong wasn’t wearing his ring!   

So maybe she thought – he’s not wearing his, so I’m not wearing mine, until I find out what is going on with him.

The next time they meet up is at the ‘beauty shop’ episode where they both get their hair done and Yong drops the bomb about the mildang  ‘push and pull’ maneuver. 

So she’s trying to ‘reconnect’ with him at the CNBlue concert, still hopeful that ‘he is just busy and tired, that’s why he didn’t contact me!”

That’s why the ‘beauty shop' episode is so confusing for everyone, because it was filmed early August and they act like they haven’t seen each other, but they have at the CNBlue concert!

And also, there were reports from WGM that the staff at WGM didn’t want their relationship to ‘cool down’ after the ‘birthday’ episode because their schedules were heavy in July.  So WGM set up meetings for Yong and Hyun to meet for meals together.  During these meetings (we don’t know how many times they met in July) it was observed that Yong was being ‘distant’ to Hyun.

I believe this was also the time when Onew told Yong not to hurt Seohyun’s heart, and was teasing Yong that he had visited SNSD’s dorm to see Seohyun.  Was Onew passing a message to Yong?  Did Hyun summon Onew to find out if he knew why Yong wasn’t contacting her?  These are more questions we’ll probably never get answered!

But it truly looks like Hyun was really trying to reconnect with Yong, she was really putting herself out there to get back in contact with him!  Poor Hyunnie!  She was really worried about Yong!  And there were rumors going around that maybe Yong was acting that way because he had a girlfriend or had a change of heart about their relationship!  I’m sure there were many worrying thoughts going through her poor head at this time!    I’m glad that’s all behind them!

Oh BTW, I’ve listened to CBBlue’s 3rd Nippon album and it’s pretty good.  One song, “Don’t Say Goodbye” I think could be Hyunnie related.  It sounds a lot like an old Beatle tune sung by George  Harrison on ‘Abbey Road’ I think the album was called –the song was  “Something”.   At least in the beginning.       

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I'm loving reading the discussion here...


But what's up with people putting negative points on posts that is not even remotely offensive??? <_<


Sheez, this thread has always been a peaceful one...


Why there are trolls now? <_<


yeah i think that too, i think there are someone really want to make this thread bad. because it never happen before. i just have click + but i cant give more than one +. i feel really anoying when peole doing that without thinking and reading.

I hope our thread will come back with peace and joyful. please understand the rules and if you dont like to read dont put the (-) so easily to other opinions. :wub:


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Guest crystalblue
















So I posted this a few pages back and received 4 or 5 positive replies for contributing recipes and photos. I am being annoying and reposting it since there were 40 likes but only 5 volunteers. I need more of us to contribute since we need to end up with 52 recipes for the book. We would love to make it truly international so we need a few from each country!
























We would like to put together a cook book to be included in Yongseo's anniversary present package! I have volunteered to help coordinate this effort. Although we don't have much time left since the present package is due by end of January... but knowing how passionate this group of fans are, we can do it - no problem!







So the idea is to collect recipes from around the world. SIMPLE TO COOK recipes with EASY TO FIND INGREDIENTS in Korea. Remember Seohyun is a newbie at culinary so please provide a recipe that YOU yourself has successfully cooked! Here are the guide lines:














1. Submit your recipe by Jan. 25th, 2011 to me. You can PM me and I will reply to you with my email address.







2. Test cook your recipe as you've written it and make sure it's easy, tastes good and fool proof.







3. Take photos of the steps and most importantly, a photo of the finished dish to show what it is supposed to look like. Please make sure your photos are in High resolution with minimum of 300 dpi. 4 x 6 inches in size. 1 inch = 25.4 mm.







4. Keep in mind what kinds of foods they like. If you are an avid fan, you'd know!!!







5. Savory and sweet dishes are welcomed.







6. WE NEED KOREAN Goguma Villagers ESPECIALLY!!! for some great Korean dishes too!







7. No outdoor BBQ recipes since they live in dorms.







8. Make sure ingredients are easy to find in a Korea grocerie store. (Just imagine what they won't have...)














We hope to get recipes from a wide assortment of countries to show them they are loved internationally! We are thinking about 52 final recipes representing 52 weeks in a year because 365 recipes in 19 days is too unrealistic. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY!! Please PM me via Soompi with what dish and what country you are from ASAP and then you'll have a few weeks to send me the recipes and photos. Who's got great sweet potato recipes for Hyun? Who's got a yummy pasta recipe for Yong? Let's do THIS!!!









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Do you remember the episodes where Yong would always say to Hyun, "I am cool right?" . Example was when he showed Hyun his room full of musical instruments.
























There was also this one time that he said, "Compliment me." Sorry I forgot which episode.















































Sorries to cut your post, the other time i remember he ask for compliment is when they move into their house the 1st day and he is changing the pillowcase and he remark what a good job he had done and ask his wife to compliment him.
























Been doing a lot of revision lately ^_^
























Thanks to goguma fans for fanart, fanvid, fanfic and even your views/analysis of the couple.
























Great to see so many different points of views from the villagers whethers is from the young to the elder, east to the west culture. We all learn something from each other. And oh even as simple as whether YH sitting behind or not, bring out the lesson in Korea/asia culture. And I should said that this is not only apply to elder, even among friends, if one is driving, we are suppose to sit beside. I was once too tired to move to the front seat after it was vacant but was chided by another friend as it will be seen that i taken granted of my friend who was driving as taxi driver.
























Have watched both the english (Thanks to Lalacakes and dduk for the translation!) and chinese sub (mr-cnblue.com) I will always try to watch both english and chinese sub, sometimes certain phase are being translated a bit differently so by watching a few different clips will help to understand more of what going on.
























Anyway, have notice a few words not being fully sub so would like to help fill in the blanks. Hope lalacake and dduk dun mind. Pls note that this is translated from korean to chinese then to english. Hence, hope it does not lost in translation. Btw, my point of video reference as below
























Just want to repost the subbed link :
































part 1









part 2









part 3

and want to say DAEBAK !! *quoted image*















































Part 1
























4.48 - the caption of the screen "after hearing the story of "Banmal song"
























Park Shin Hye then start asking SH about the whether there are any other members that are same age as her. So it was not out of random that PSH asked this question...
























8.36 - they are on the escalator down to to the train track when SH was talking to YH on how she get confused going back and forth in Japan. YH asked what. she is saying "left side to pass, right side to pass" (I think she meant which side of the escalator to let passengers move? - remind me of their date to the bookstore when they were taking the escalator and SH moved to the left side and immediately YH follow her.) YH response by saying that he is not confused.
























9.14 - YH: "Do i look intellectual? SH:"yes" YH:"I look totally intellectual" caption: self-declared
























9.28 caption - heard it from the same hair salon (?) meeting the in-law , she was asking around for advice - in the raw vid, there is a '?' there.
























(So am wondering is this basis the WGM PD knowledge of the couple as in they know that SH still go to the same salon as YH hence this is their assumption. Interesting~ anyway, shall leave it to the rest of the goguma villagers to analyze. ^_^
























part 2
























0:10 SH holding her head Caption: "Heachache" "Heachache" "Meeting MIL" "Very sensitive today"
























2:25 after YH saying" Why are glasses suspicious?" YH:"could there be goguma inside?" (Ha! SH and her goguma! - did she start thinking about the time when YH hide her bday present in the field?"
























2:31 YH: "bought it becos is cheap, cheap" (I like the way how he emphasis that the gift is not expensive and how he bought the glasses for her after her mum present. Very thoughtful of him as when her mum saw this clip, at least it show that her son did not forget her when he buy the present. It won't be good making his mother feel jealous of his wife! And since that day is not any special day, YH by making light of this present like "oh i just pick this present along the way" will not make SH feel burden. It's only then after, we know that this gift is not any random gift, is a gift with such a sweet story behind!
























And oh, i really would love to hear what SH wanted to say in full as she was saying "that time was.. before YH interupted saying "Red frame"
























part 3
























8.13 - in the blackroom interview, she recalled that in her 1st meeting with YH, she is really like reporter interviewing her husband like asking him what is his mentor in life. (Frankly, I broke out in sweat when i heard her asking this to YH. YH~you have gone a long way~~)
























Anyway, here are 2 questions at 8.32 - when did his parents know of YH's talent and their concern level on his activties.
























(Recently that i got to watch SNSD radio interview which was a week after the 1st filming shoot of SH and YH. And the host asked about their 1st meeting and she mentioned that she wrote down the questions in the diary. And Sooyoung was mentioning that she was shocked by SH question like who is his life mentor etc.
























And she ended up giving advise to maknae like how she heard from SH that he dun like reading so he should belong to the outdoor type so she should asked him on sports and since he is making music, she can also chat with him on music. I guess maknae being herself forgot all about her unnie advise so am glad that she was too nervous that she forgot to ask. :sweatingbullets: )
























9.51 - YH:"The 2 of you work together to attack me." (MIL & DIL on the same line! would love to see YH blackroom interview on this!)
























Overall, i like how YH mother interact with SH, i would say not too awkward as both side make the effort to make each other at ease/be eased. Yet at the same time, there is still element of realism as in she try to share her 1 sided love (i love the way his mum has put it!) with SH , asking questions about SH cooking skill like what a real MIL will do. Because if his mother did not treat this meeting seriously, she can chose to play to the camera and keep on piling compliment on SH.









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Guest teoki61
































































So I posted this a few pages back and received 4 or 5 positive replies for contributing recipes and photos. I am being annoying and reposting it since there were 40 likes but only 5 volunteers. I need more of us to contribute since we need to end up with 52 recipes for the book. We would love to make it truly international so we need a few from each country!
























































































































We would like to put together a cook book to be included in Yongseo's anniversary present package! I have volunteered to help coordinate this effort. Although we don't have much time left since the present package is due by end of January... but knowing how passionate this group of fans are, we can do it - no problem!























































































































So the idea is to collect recipes from around the world. SIMPLE TO COOK recipes with EASY TO FIND INGREDIENTS in Korea. Remember Seohyun is a newbie at culinary so please provide a recipe that YOU yourself has successfully cooked! Here are the guide lines:






















































































































































































1. Submit your recipe by Jan. 25th, 2011 to me. You can PM me and I will reply to you with my email address.























































































































2. Test cook your recipe as you've written it and make sure it's easy, tastes good and fool proof.























































































































3. Take photos of the steps and most importantly, a photo of the finished dish to show what it is supposed to look like. Please make sure your photos are in High resolution with minimum of 300 dpi. 4 x 6 inches in size. 1 inch = 25.4 mm.























































































































4. Keep in mind what kinds of foods they like. If you are an avid fan, you'd know!!!























































































































5. Savory and sweet dishes are welcomed.























































































































6. WE NEED KOREAN Goguma Villagers ESPECIALLY!!! for some great Korean dishes too!























































































































7. No outdoor BBQ recipes since they live in dorms.























































































































8. Make sure ingredients are easy to find in a Korea grocerie store. (Just imagine what they won't have...)






















































































































































































We hope to get recipes from a wide assortment of countries to show them they are loved internationally! We are thinking about 52 final recipes representing 52 weeks in a year because 365 recipes in 19 days is too unrealistic. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY!! Please PM me via Soompi with what dish and what country you are from ASAP and then you'll have a few weeks to send me the recipes and photos. Who's got great sweet potato recipes for Hyun? Who's got a yummy pasta recipe for Yong? Let's do THIS!!!























































































































I really like this idea!! I will ask my mother for help and make recipes of turkish food (really difficult to makedry.gif  but since Seohyun is not that good at cooking, I will choose easy meals to make^^). My mother will be very surprised because she always tells me to cook but I never do it:sweatingbullets:   but if I tell her I'm doing it for Yongseo she will be :blink: hahahahaha




























































@lulu2 I agree with you. To be honest I also thought they were "acting" during the mildang period...to me they didn't look like they were really angry..I don't know if it was just a script by the PD (to make them more interesting):huh:





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Guest yongseorockin




So I posted this a few pages back and received 4 or 5 positive replies for contributing recipes and photos. I am being annoying and reposting it since there were 40 likes but only 5 volunteers. I need more of us to contribute since we need to end up with 52 recipes for the book. We would love to make it truly international so we need a few from each country!






We would like to put together a cook book to be included in Yongseo's anniversary present package! I have volunteered to help coordinate this effort. Although we don't have much time left since the present package is due by end of January... but knowing how passionate this group of fans are, we can do it - no problem!

So the idea is to collect recipes from around the world. SIMPLE TO COOK recipes with EASY TO FIND INGREDIENTS in Korea. Remember Seohyun is a newbie at culinary so please provide a recipe that YOU yourself has successfully cooked! Here are the guide lines:

1. Submit your recipe by Jan. 25th, 2011 to me. You can PM me and I will reply to you with my email address.

2. Test cook your recipe as you've written it and make sure it's easy, tastes good and fool proof.

3. Take photos of the steps and most importantly, a photo of the finished dish to show what it is supposed to look like. Please make sure your photos are in High resolution with minimum of 300 dpi. 4 x 6 inches in size. 1 inch = 25.4 mm.

4. Keep in mind what kinds of foods they like. If you are an avid fan, you'd know!!!

5. Savory and sweet dishes are welcomed.

6. WE NEED KOREAN Goguma Villagers ESPECIALLY!!! for some great Korean dishes too!

7. No outdoor BBQ recipes since they live in dorms.

8. Make sure ingredients are easy to find in a Korea grocerie store. (Just imagine what they won't have...)

We hope to get recipes from a wide assortment of countries to show them they are loved internationally! We are thinking about 52 final recipes representing 52 weeks in a year because 365 recipes in 19 days is too unrealistic. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY!! Please PM me via Soompi with what dish and what country you are from ASAP and then you'll have a few weeks to send me the recipes and photos. Who's got great sweet potato recipes for Hyun? Who's got a yummy pasta recipe for Yong? Let's do THIS!!!












Ah... So sorry, I don't know how to cook as well, so I can only put plus signs to your post. The only thing I have learned thus far is really cooking MAGGI MEE and Sweet Potatoes (due to Goguma Couple)




By the way, think you guys need a translator for the recipe since it would be harder to read in English. (unless of cos Jessica and Tiffany helps out with the translation.) Just a suggestion. 




Crystalblue Fighting ~

YongSeo Project Fighting ~


Goguma Couple Fighting !! ^^


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Guest MaeDang





We  would like to put together a cook book to be included in Yongseo's  anniversary present package! I have volunteered to help coordinate this  effort. Although we don't have much time left since the present package  is due by end of January... but knowing how passionate this group of  fans are, we can do it - no problem!



So the idea is to collect recipes from around the world. SIMPLE TO COOK  recipes with EASY TO FIND INGREDIENTS in Korea. Remember Seohyun is a  newbie at culinary so please provide a recipe that YOU yourself has  successfully cooked! Here are the guide lines:






1. Submit your recipe by Jan. 25th, 2011 to me. You can PM me and I will reply to you with my email address.



2. Test cook your recipe as you've written it and make sure it's easy, tastes good and fool proof.



3. Take photos of the steps and most importantly, a photo of the  finished dish to show what it is supposed to look like. Please make sure  your photos are in High resolution with minimum of 300 dpi. 4 x 6  inches in size. 1 inch = 25.4 mm.



4. Keep in mind what kinds of foods they like. If you are an avid fan, you'd know!!!



5. Savory and sweet dishes are welcomed.



6. WE NEED KOREAN Goguma Villagers ESPECIALLY!!! for some great Korean dishes too!



7. No outdoor BBQ recipes since they live in dorms.



8. Make sure ingredients are easy to find in a Korea grocerie store. (Just imagine what they won't have...)






We hope to get recipes from a wide assortment of countries to show them  they are loved internationally! We are thinking about 52 final recipes  representing 52 weeks in a year because 365 recipes in 19 days is too  unrealistic. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY!! Please PM me via Soompi with what  dish and what country you are from ASAP and then you'll have a few weeks  to send me the recipes and photos. Who's got great sweet potato recipes  for Hyun? Who's got a yummy pasta recipe for Yong? Let's do THIS!!!



I love this idea :wub:. I don't cook much but I know some recipes which I found on internet that Seohyun may like.  I have some research paper due this week so I'll start next week (or this weekend if I have a chance). I have recipes of



1. Sweet potato appetizer ( sweet potato + carrot ). It super duper easy and more important, it is made of sweet potato



2. Chocolate cupcake (but instead of sugar frosting, I use tofu to make it healthier. I made it couple time so I know it will look good and taste good.



3. fried sweet rice cake + home made sauce



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i so miss jd2lee and her translation. i so used to read all translation and then read jd2lee translation. but since 4 weeks she just dispeared, and sun-sun also not appear anymore.feel so sad.

i feel quite alot of people left this forum. may be the peak anticipation is gone. dont know how to say, the way we spazz now it is different with the way we spazzed before. when everything is so mystery with our couple. also like love, you feel so excited begining and always feel axious when you didnt get your girl/boy yet, but when you get your love, the anticipation is somehow gone, but it not means you dont love anymore, but just move to another stage. remember when the time Hyun initiated skinship just small thing made goguma crazy. and Mcs too.

really wish all the old goguma will be back, and translators, and thank you to all gogumas who help in translation, subbing and making caps, ect :wub:


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Guest Yangie12








































I don't think there is the need to 'worry' about Yongseo (: I cannot speak for everyone, but it seems like a lot of students are in their exam period. We have to consider other factors in their/our life; probably busy with school, work etc. If they are truly Yongseo fans, which I believe they are, they will eventually return.


















And I'm also pretty sure that most of the gogumas fans still spazz over Yongseo even if it's a small thing. I think the main prove is the detailed speculations, the many screencaps from the gestures between Yonghwa and Seohyun etc from our gogumas fans(: Perhaps eventually we will not spazz as much as we do now when they hold hands, but I actually think that is a good thing. It means that holding hands is normal to our couple; it's nothing new anymore; it means they are comfortable with skinship (I would totally love that, can't get enough of them even touching each other slightly..let alone full blow skinship, lol). However, that does not mean that Yongseo doesn't interest us anymore..I'm pretty sure there will be greater things than skinship for us to go crazy for; like you said, the fondness of our couple will still be there. Let's take an example of the Adam couple and Khuntoria; Adam couple even kissed and Khuntoria are pro when it comes down to skinship..but that doesn't mean I don't spazz about them anymore ^^ But just like you, I hope those translators and other fans will be back soon so that we can spazz altogether! (:




































Oh, and some fellow gogumas wondered where Minhyuk was during the backstage scene of CNB concert. And yeah, some other people already said that they saw Minhyuk walking around..well, I wanted to point him out in some screencaps. These screencaps were made by Rouenna; hope that you don't mind, otherwise just say so ^^






















And after Yong introduced his family members, the camera focuses on Hyun. You can see Minhyuk happily walking behind Seohyun ^^



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Guest eric-original



I was quite shocked when I read this after Seohyun mentioned this to her hubby.




This confused me, since it just sounds like it's all for the show.

Making it sound like she's gonna disappear soon.


What do you girls think about this?


He just agreed to this and told her that he would do as she said, but

I'm guessing they all know that it's going to happen no matter what.


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I was quite shocked when I read this after Seohyun mentioned this to her hubby.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*quoted image*






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This confused me, since it just sounds like it's all for the show.































































































































































































































































Making it sound like she's gonna disappear soon.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What do you girls think about this?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He just agreed to this and told her that he would do as she said, but































































































































































































































































I'm guessing they all know that it's going to happen no matter what.































































































































































































































































oh, dont worry. Call often when you have this chance = call often when you have time/ chance, but actually, she told him to call his parent often. hope it helps u.
































































































































And about the "mildang" thing, let it be. it was happend. the most important thing that now they are closer than before, so dont confuse about the past.

































































































































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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































I was quite shocked when I read this after Seohyun mentioned this to her hubby.






























































































































































































































































*quoted image*






























































































































































































































































This confused me, since it just sounds like it's all for the show.































































































































































Making it sound like she's gonna disappear soon.






























































































































































































































































What do you girls think about this?






























































































































































































































































He just agreed to this and told her that he would do as she said, but































































































































































I'm guessing they all know that it's going to happen no matter what.































































































































































The conversation changed, first YHMom opened the conversation asking about if YH is calling her (SH)... but in the middle of it, it turned to how YH doesnt call often his mom and in the end SH was ganging up with his mother and told him, he have to call often his parents, something about showing his love to them... it have been translated by several people, so we got a lot of different meanings and some things can get lost in translation... (It happened to me, thanks for the clarification Kay77)
















































































But in the end I think YHMom iniciated the conversation to make SH see that YH was just like that, that he even treated his mother that way, so she has not to worry about the less calls from him... His mom was helping him and SH helped his mother by making him agree to call often. Win/Win situation I am sure MIL is very happy with her DIL... :)
















































































Note: For reference we have to had in mind that in that moment in time Ep. 34 was aired so this was filmed after the Japan episode... that is why I think, for his mother, the phonecall issue was pretty recent... but we have to remember that Japan episode was filmed a lot of months before busan episode was filmed, but that was the only reference his mother had in that moment... We can see how close they are in recent episode, I do think the comunication deparment improved a lot after Japan Episode... blush.gif
















































































@CrystalBlue... I will try my best with a recipe from my country (Panama), the food in my country is not really healthy, as a caribbean country we make a lot of things fried and with things from this region... I dont think SH will consider fried food as healthy, It is Not healthy at all, I will try with an easy dessert.
















































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! Have a nice day/night/afternoon... XD

















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