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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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kay77:  thank you so much for the insights, love to read them.




Btw does anybody know if there is any filming in january? the last filming we know of is the wedding photo shoot right?




I am curious if they met since then but I am sure they keep in contact :phew:  








I really didn't mean to top the page *sigh*









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Guest love_andy94
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Eng Sub for Busan Trip has been released ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHOLJHEzXew&feature=related
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGJo921aBb0&feature=related
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Enjoy :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Germbaby













Hi Goguma family,











It's 4.30am and I am awake rewatching this episode again. Just can't stop watching this couple. I just realised something. Yong's mother is one smart lady. She must have known about the push and pull period as she seems to be hinting to Seohyun not to worry about "One sided love" as it's Yong's style "Not to call but he cares" One smart lady confessing "LOVE: on behalf of son. And Yong seems worried when mum commented about Seohyun's cooking. Look at the way he steals glances at Seohyun while laughing. I think he cares alot about Seohyun.













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Everyone has talked and spazzed about pretty much everything in this episode!

I would like to add my POV –

LUVTOKKI’s TOP TEN THINGS TO SPAZZ ABOUT, (in order of spazzworthiness):

1.  Hyun’s head on Yong’s shoulder (duh!)  I told you she had done it before the ‘banmal song BTS!

2.  Yong’s pretty and classy Mom greeting and treating Seohyun like her REAL daughter-in-law. (grabbing and holding her hand!)

3.  Hyun being nervous and practicing banmal before meeting MIL ( shes’ so cute!) and Hyun asking MIL to help her learn how to cook.

4.  Yong’s Mom being nervous about meeting Seohyun, even losing sleep over it!

5.  Yong – ‘You’re the FIRST GIRL!’ :w00t:

6.  Yungmo oppa telling Yong ‘not to make Seohyun-ie cry and to take good care of her’.   Would he say something like that if he didn’t feel Seohyun had her heart invested in Yong?  Another clue that it’s REAL!

7.  Park Shin Hye’s advice to Hyun about how to capture Yong’s attention/heart and their discussion about why Yong would be jealous if Hyun didn’t speak banmal to him!

8.  Hyunnie all over Yong in the train, leaning over into his face, easily invading his personal space w/o awkwardness.  Teasing him, hitting him.

9.  Yong – ‘Don’t look at me with those cute eyes, my heart will flutter!’ :wub:

10.            Cute fangirl Hyunnie showing up at CN Blue concert.  She was so cute and giggly and happy to see him, but he was still in ‘mildang’ mode. Kind of showed where their relationship COULD have been if Yong hadn’t decided to execute his ill-fated ‘push and pull’.  It still burns me up!

It's hard to keep it limited to ten, there are so many!!

Don’t get me wrong, not bashing Yong, he had his reasons for mildang, but I can’t help but wonder where they would be now if the 2 months lost over Yong’s mildang and Hyun’s ‘revenge’ hadn’t happened and they would have carried on normally after the beautiful and wonderful ‘Birthday’ episode……….ah, well…..  


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Me again -_-! last time I  swear XD, it is that I just realize that when Yong and Hyun awoke from their nap Yong moved a little bit away from her, like if they were sleeping the whole time just like we saw it :wub::wub::wub: and the best part is that the cap says that they slept for 2 hours... spaaaazzzzzzzzzz kekeke (I´m a crazy goguma, I know).








































Here my caps








































































































































































































What are we going to do with them! hahaha













































































































































































































jnj: Just because of your post, I´m going to watch the episode again LOL!!!, I don´t wanna miss anything about mom´s reactions  so thanks for pointing that out.:wub:









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Guest kjtodd08






hi gogumas!!this is my first time posting!!(it feels really weird)




i've lurking around this thread for a couple of months now and you guys are really great!!




I was really inspired on every FANFICS so i decided to make my own,,soo pls pls plsss try to read thnx:DD












 btw,,,i really love GOGUMASS!!!








CN BLUE FIGHTING~sweatingbullets.gif


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magdal, u are funny..hehehe

well, just like u, sometimes i too would spazz on one thing,

then rmbrs another..and post again...

ottoke? there are too many things to spazz abt... :sweatingbullets:

we could go on & on & on..hope the other gogumas won't get sick of us..

so here's another random thing from me again... blush.gif


the soft loving gaze that yong gave hyun..

mom noticed it..

and the way she looked at hyun, then at her son...she knows... ;):D

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Guest Fluorescent.Flower




Don’t get me wrong, not bashing Yong, he had his reasons for mildang, but I can’t help but wonder where they would be now if the 2 months lost over Yong’s mildang and Hyun’s ‘revenge’ hadn’t happened and they would have carried on normally after the beautiful and wonderful ‘Birthday’ episode……….ah, well…..  






Sorry to have cut your post. I totally agree with your top ten~! I really liked how Yonghwa's Mum was so friendly and loving towards Seohyun from the minute she met her, even though things got a little heated towards the end when the "cooking" subject arose. About Yonghwa's "pull and push" stunt, I'm glad he did it because I think Seohyun does appreciate him more now, through that she realised what was on his mind - "He thought that I wasn't thinking of him as much as he was thinking of me". I doubt she would have known that if it hadn't been for his act. And knowing Seohyun, if he had done it for 3 days like the MCs suggested, she probably wouldn't have noticed and assumed he was too busy. But because he dragged it for a month, it shook her up a little, caused her to worry, in the end she learned how much he cares about her and that he stalks her on the internet when he misses her. Lol. It seems she's becoming more like him...*cough*pre-debut video*cough*


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She is not just bit, but totally oblivious to see YongHwa's flirting. However, sweet part is that Yonghwa knows that she is innocent, naive, and totally oblivious with no response. Someone else would have given up already, if the other persons completely non responsive. Hahahha But poor Seunhyun, she only says Yes?! What?!























































I don't think she is oblivious to it; she hears what he is saying due to her outward expressions of embarrassment. But my perspective is also because she is shy and in her first relationship with a boy, she is not going to immediately acknowledge something like that from Yong. Rather (if he truly means something to her), she will store up some of these lines and perhaps ponder why he even said such things later.
















But he does keep throwing those lines out there; seemingly testing her reaction. She doesn't tell him to "Stop!" ... so, I guess he keeps going. :lol:

















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Guest _d3seohyun

Fany: "Do you get nervous/excited when you meet Seohyun?"

------------------------------- - March 31, 2010. Episode 12 [broadcasted June 26]

That question/scene was one of the first things that popped in my head when I saw the

HEART FLUTTERING scene from the most recent episode.

O M F G! Fanyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!

He sadi yes! O M G ! He said his heart flutters!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :lol:

I know. I've read the translations, and he said it jokingly. BUT no freakn way!

Before, when Fany asked Yonghwa that question all he could say was "Do I get excited?" and now...

Yong: What is that?

Hyun: Nothing~ *doing an aegyo eye-smile at him*

Yong: Don't do your eye-smile

Hyun: I'm not~

Yong: Cause it makes my heart race, thump thump~

- translations by -insideout

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkk! I'm celebrating! :w00t: hahahha

* December 26, 2010. [broadcasted Jan 1, 2011]

"Don't act cute."


* November 30, 2010. [broadcasted Jan 8, 2011]

"Don't do your eye smile."


* November 9, 2010. [broadcasted Dec 18, 2010]



Because of all of that, I MUST repost this. Reliving this moment....

"Those Sparkling Eyes."


and the most recent episode is making me way TOO excited for their wedding photoshoot.

I ended up looking up past couples' photoshoots. Past Couples' Wedding Photos

Waaaah! NO to new wgm couple until after the YONGSEO's wedding photoshoot episodes have aired. :D

THANK YOU SO MUCH translators, subbers and the whole goguma family!

thank you, thank you, thank you!

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Guest scatterbrain

i watched the chinese subbed episode. so i don't know whether this specific part was translated. yong's mom mentioned that BOTH her sons had never brought a girl home before. so hyun is truly the first girl ever in the family :w00t:

now i understand why yong's mom's so straightforward in saying things. she was never introduced to any girl before.

also, in the car, yong proudly told her mom that hyun learnt satoori to greet his mom. i think his mom was too nervous when she greeted hyun so she said that hyun had not used it. so yong told hyun to say it again, 'hyun, say it again' and hyun happily comply. this scene makes hyun looks like a daughter in law and a wife. i dunno why i feel that way

also after yong's mom corrected hyun( i like how she tried to teach hyun the original way. she's a nice mom-in-law), yong defended hyun saying, ' I'm not good at saying satoori girl's way'. he put the blame on him for not being able to teach the correct way.

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Guest aya otohata

Hello gogumas...do you guys know where to find good Yongseo fics? I have a lot of free time nowadays and I have been wanting to read fanfiction about our couple but I don't know where to find them. I would really appreciate it you guys can recommend me any good fanfiction. Thank you in advance.

and here are my favorites:

I love how Seohyun was strumming the guitar playfully...


There was something cute about this...


Yonghwa's family...


Sorry Hyun, you're husband will not stop staring at you (kekeke my imagination goes there)...


Hyun: Am I cute or what?


Violent Couple...


Look into my eyes...




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i watched the chinese subbed episode. so i don't know whether this specific part was translated. yong's mom mentioned that BOTH her sons had never brought a girl home before. so hyun is truly the first girl ever in the family :w00t:




























now i understand why yong's mom's so straightforward in saying things. she was never introduced to any girl before.




























also, in the car, yong proudly told her mom that hyun learnt satoori to greet his mom. i think his mom was too nervous when she greeted hyun so she said that hyun had not used it. so yong told hyun to say it again, 'hyun, say it again' and hyun happily comply. this scene makes hyun looks like a daughter in law and a wife. i dunno how i feel that way




























also after yong's mom corrected hyun( i like how she tried to teach hyun the original way. she's a nice mom-in-law), yong defended hyun saying, ' I'm not good at saying satoori girl's way'. he put the blame on him for not being able to teach the correct way.























































these past 2 days i have been constantly exhausted my (+) as i have been clicking it countless times. don't really have much to say cos i think most of it has been said and been said better than me so i hid but i came out cos of your post scatterbrain. thanks! :lol:




























i just have to say that from that episode, yong has definitely won my heart! he is such a sweet guy! the great thing is that he is not flawless at all. i love the fact that he falls, embarrass himself sometimes, saying the darnest things but at the end of the day when it calls for, he is there for hyun. during the episode he might be quieter than usual but he is there for his buin and he makes sure he got her back no matter. :wub::wub: i think he just became my ideal guy!




























EDIT: aya otohata - you can check out GogumaFics or SojuHeaven and you will be able to find lotsa great fics there.





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That means, Yonghwa is weak to compliments. In other words, Yonghwa responds very well to compliments. What Shinhye was encouraging Seohyun to do is to freely compliment him whenever he does something nice or something good because he is weak to compliments ( or also can be read as "he responds well to compliments or he has a particular weakness for complements").
































































Nice job _d3seohyun, i want to collect pictures like these, too. Such rare precious spazzable moments.
































































again, big thanks to kay77 and scatterbrain.
































































Do you remember the episodes where Yong would always say to Hyun, "I am cool right?" . Example was when he showed Hyun his room full of musical instruments.
































































There was also this one time that he said, "Compliment me." Sorry I forgot which episode.
































































Or when he said, "I did right, right?" When he bought just 2 goguma fields because if he bought more than 2 they would have a hard time planting sweet potatoes.
































































I remember these because ...

... these are rare times when my eyebrow would raise because of Yong's behavior. Not that it's bad but it's just me. I'm a type of person who would like his man to wait for compliments and not solicit them. Though Yong is forgivable since he's pretty (bolmaejung!) and I understand that is part of his playful nature.

































































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Guest gogumacraze


Annyeong Mr n Mrs CEO and DAEBAK gogumas!!!




Everyone recovering from the Y6S6 Virus yet? I thot of using YH6SH6 but they both hav the same initials so I dropped the H. I'm sure u gogumas hav already guessed tht the #6 is their month of birth, ryt? If these two kids r not contagious, happy virus then I don't know wht they r!!! They sure know how to create an upheaval each wk for 20 mins n any news tht we hear of them causes the same reactions!! It's such an agonizing wait for tht 20 mins each sat but thank gdness there's Go-Chun here on this thread to tide us over till then!! Thank you to all translators, subbers, fanfic writers n scaps posters!! Well, I'm open to suggestions if any goguma wants the virus' name chged. :)




It was so nice of Yong Seobang's mummy to come on screen. I find tht this episode is so lovely n homey. I had a hard time trying to discern if it's reel or real!!  My mum told me b4 I got married tht when I get married, I don't jus marry the man tht I love but also his whole family n extended family (NickKhun)! In my opinion, I think it is true! Yong's mummy was nice to try n make Seobb comfortable. Meeting MIL is pretty intimidating. I like how Yong Seobang was observing on the side n grinning till his cheeks were abt to explode! Don't get me wrong, my mil is super nice to me. Mayb coz' I'm thousands of miles away fr home n our culture do differ a little too. She takes very gd care of me!! I'm a total disaster in the kitchen too( reminds me of lovekin's fic) to the extent tht my young kids said tht it's ok even if I give them spaghetti everyday! Lolz  I'm a great baker tho' (trying to make myself less guilty!)  sweatingbullets.gif I'm trying hard to work on my cooking skills!blush.gif




I sense that Yong Seobang was really happy to see buin at the concert but at the same time upset tht buin is sitting so far bhind. If he had known earlier, he'd probably give her front row seats or hav her sit with his family!! When his face showed that it made me go 'awww' so sweet of him!! In episode 5-6, buin did mention tht for things like concerts, the other partner shld b there to support. N I think it was really sweet of her to show up like a fan-girl. So gwiyeopda! Wish we cld see Yong Seobang do the same for his lovable buin.




The list I got fr Yangie12 a few pgs back:




1. Get a Driving License


2. Ride a bike in a trip


3. Compose a song together


4. Charity Event


5. Regular Exercise


6. Guitar Performance together


7. Save money for a ring


8. Visit Busan

9. Visit both family


10. Write a diary


11. Visit Firenze Duomo


12. Bungee Jump




I didn't cross out #1 coz' I'm not sure if Yong Seobang got his already or not. There was a rumor tht he did but we haven't seen him drive ryt? I added #12. I wanna see them hug tightly like AC cp when they did theirs!! I hav to remind uri cp of #11. Please remember to meet in 10 yrs' time. ( shld I count fr the time they meet or after they leave WGM?) Please date n after u visit Firenze, get married for real!! I'll wait patiently for tht day (hopefully I'll still b around to witness it!)




N if wedding photo shoot hav kissing scenes or even a light peck on the cheeks, pls give us prior warning PDnim so I can prepare a team of paramedics to stand by!!




These two kids hav had to fore go their childhood n family fr young to pursue their passion in music. They hav the greatest respect fr me!! I got to know SNSD first n CN BLUE fr YAB, The amt of hrs tht they've had to put in on top of sch is beyond description! (how can trolls not see this pt is beyond me?!) They're practically working 24/7!! Please take care of urselves Yong Seobang n Seobb!! As it is said, Health is Wealth! If one is not healthy, even if u hav tons of wealth, u won't b able to enjoy it, ryt? These two also taught me abt Korean culture, language n food ( if any gogumas interested- www.maangchi.com is an excellent lady to learn Korean cooking fr!) I'm trying to self learn Korean n it's eoryeo!! (picked up fr epi 37) N this week, I learned-omoni, pe ko shiposo yo. Aigoo!! Sorry gogumas, I ended up with an essay again! 




From tseuksunghae's post few pgs back. (thk u n if it's not ok to use,I'll edit it out.)




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHOLJHEzXew part 1


http://www.youtube.c...h?v=vGJo921aBb0 part


http://www.youtube.c...h?v=xp8AunfTxMs part 3






I also feel sad tht AC is leaving, l'll b crying a  river this sat!! Hwaiting kkapliners!!! Thk u ena for sharing your  artwork n for thinking of us gogumas even in your own down time!! Hwaiting ena!!  Don't mind the troll ( u know who u r!!)


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Hello fellow gogumas!!!




Since the Busan episode came out. I think we need review the information that was already release in the internet....




Since I'm too lazy to compile all the post that came out in this thread. I'm just using the blog entry from sweet potato days.




If anyone wants to reread when we first heard the Busan trip, they should start reading at page 1438.








Another Busan Filming Fan Account


   Posted by genxv   at 6:57 AM   Source: 너네가 짱^^@DCInside


Translation credits: MountainMadman@soompi





Seohyun was in the van and Yonghwa went into Starbucks with a friend


They're shooting for the entire day...isn't it more weird to have them together for the whole day?


Seohyun should have time to fix makeup and etc. etc.


A lot of people complaining about stupid things...it's ridiculous...



At first I thought it was the Starbucks by the aquarium


but then I found out the correct location


and I  could see the staff hovering nearby


and a white car that look like Seohyuns...kekeke


I was waiting there


Across from the hotel and the staff


And I saw her walking from the opposite direction



She was beautiful...like rays coming out of her body...


Wow...Seohyun was walking with the staff and I was following them from across the street


And I saw Yonghwa cross the street and come to where Seohyun and the staff were standing


Wow~~~Yonghwa was really handsome


I saw him a few times before but never this close



Anyways the filming started soon after and I could see the PD...wow....


This is a little awkward but he was so cute


Shooting with an earphone in one ear and his hands in his pocket...



And our Yonghwa kyaa~~~~~~so handsome


So much better than at the fan signing I went to


He was wearing glasses and his eyes were pretty...


Our Yonghwa has great body proportions...handsome bastard... ^^


너네가 짱^^@DCInside


Translation credits: MountainMadman@soompi

And some observations by fans at Baidu


As translated and psoted by: Phoebechiu@soompi




*Busan-Haeundae-Had a lunch with Yong's teacher and friends (1:00 PM)


*Had a tour and took boat in 五陆岛 (sorry!  I don't know the English of this island)  (15:00 PM)



holding hand
(I think it's like what Hyun did in Japan trip not holding hand.  Actually, I like the scene more)


*Starbucks - Ride the car of a friend of Yong (Yong's friend was  driving.  Yong and Hyun were sitting in the back seat.  Left with Yong's  friend around 6:30 pm.  Since then, they were not seen by fans.  A  reasonable guess is that they went back to Yong's home.  During  6:30-12:00 pm, filming was stopped.


*Yong's high school-12:00 pm



Credit: Baidu + Phoebechiu@soompi










Should we expect the boat trip and the beach necklace scene on the next episode? (maybe 2 weeks from now? I think it will all be Adam couple this saturday.)


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Hello fellow Gogumas!














It was such a thrilling ride for us Gogumas these past few weeks, eh? So many things to spazz about. A lot of spazzworthy moments have been highlighted by my fellow Gogumas already, so I will not lay them out anymore. However, I want to point out something interesting with Yong's play of Mr Froggie which caught my eyes and made me go... hmmm... ;)
























































Yong playing with Mr Froggie and putting him into his mouth meant that he was anxious with what PSH had to say to Hyun. Now, why would Yong be anxious from PSH's words? I would like to interpret that behaviour as thus:














PSH is highlighting Yong's "weaknesses" to Hyun. He is having an "anxiety attack" because he wants Hyun to understand his weaknesses (as pointed out by PSH) and not be put off by them. He wants Hyun to have a good impression of him.





























To me, that makes it REAL.














That's just my PERSONAL opinion and in no way should it be regarded as a professional opinion. :sweatingbullets:



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Guest exceptional.chic








































Thanks everyone for the trans, screen caps and everything else. :D
























This episode is at its sweetest. Even though there aren't too many skinship, their simple eye contacts and Yong's pick-up lines were daebak.
























When he told Hyun to stop smiling with her eyes because it makes his heart beat faster. I was like :wub:. Sweeeeeeeeet. Hyun resting/sleeping on Yong's shoulder - Yaaahhhh, what more can I say? Comfortability at its peak. Seriously. They had a long way before getting into that situation wherein they were both able to tease each other.
























Well, who wouldn't be nervous when one is meeting his/her MIL. Yong has somehow done a good job in keeping both woman in his life comfortable in each other. That's one good personality of Yong, I guess. He's trying just enough to ease the awkwardness. Just like the first to fifth episodes, he tried his best to became closer to Hyun. Kudos to Yong. ^^
























And, giving gift to Hyun without any occasion is really something. Every girl would appreciate that - a lot!
























So they already had a wedding photo shoot? Am I correct? Upon watching the posted vid here about the past WGM couples photo shoot. I wonder if they have a picture kissing each other even just on the cheeks. Urgh, my thoughts. LOL.
























I bet the next episode will be daebak as well.









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Guest bittersweet_


I am back to investigate again. So I tried to read few fan accounts from the Busan trip back in Novemberish.


Does anyone know what time they went back to Seoul? Did they go to YongHwa's home?


Few pages back, it said they were at Yonghwa's high school around 12AM. That's pretty late. I wonder if they went back on the train that night (Seohyun didn't look like she packed for overnight trip) but whether they did or not, they definitely had some alone/private time in Busan. This is just wonderful!!


Scenario 1. If they did go back to Seoul the night, they probably slept on each other's shoulders again. Aww How cute!


Scenario 2. It was too late, they decided to stay overnight in Busan. Most likely, they would go to YongHwa's home. I am not sure if Korean culture would even allow Seohyun to stay at his house or not. But if she did, it would be DAEBACK!


Scenario 3. Hm Hyun and film team stayed at a hotel.


LOL. I am totally over-imagining things.~


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