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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I'm spazzing like crazy!  Who knew PDs can surprise us this much <3






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i wish everyday is saturday. wub.gif

































































































































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I was refreshing the page before going to the toilette, but even before I stood up... I can't leave my seat!!

OMG! the picture!!!

hahahaha... I'm grinning like crazy right now... I'm such a happy fan...

this is the best part of the day...

but I really need to go... can't hold on any longer...

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Guest linh80


woke up, first thing is to open this thread, and direct go to Go-chun. really, really dont care that is the part of filming or not. it is just enough to go to Go-chun.




So thanks for Korean fans who care for us:-)




Yongseo is the best


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I have been lurking for a LONG time now and I do all my spazzing on Twitter....but this photo is beyond bliss!






They both look so content and oblivious to the whole world. You know how they say "a picture is worth a thousand words"? I think this is one of those photos where the world seemed to have stopped for a moment for these two beautiful people.






To everyone who complained about lack of skinship, about the awkwardness, about the mildang period - this is why we love Yongseo so much. Because it was never about skinship, it was never about making people laugh but it was about their growing relationship with each other. The only word to really describe this couple is - beautiful. They are pure, humble and incredibly simple. In a world that is full of complication and pain, they remind us of how simple love is.






I really love this couple!






Just something I did on my iphone since I topped the page:












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Guest uh-ohxev
































































First we get Yong putting his head on Hyun's shoulder... then we get Seohyun putting her head on Yongs shoulder... and now the 2 love birds are leaning their heads on each other! I'M IN GOCHUN HEAVEN! :tears::wub:
















Also, HELLO TO KOREAN FANS! We are also crying and spazzing... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
















Is it possible to link Korean gogumas to this thread? Anyone with a DC Gallery account want to link them?

















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Guest myblue































































































































this is enough for us to spazz until Saturday..































































Did MC Kim tweet anything???






























































































































to CheriMerci... TQ for the "ATOMIC BOMB"...hehe































































to MountainMadman... TQ again for translation.































































Do by any chance got id for DC... hehe































































just reply to them taht we are died but alive again... and then died again in happiness with this picture..






























































































































So they really concern about our reaction naaa...





























































































































































































Nice of them...






























































































































Let's spazz the pic again...






























































































































*quoted image*































































cr to : Pantip cafe & CheriMerci





























































































































































































sorry to cut your post zealous... their just lovely to stare at;) oh that hyun's coat right? im thinking maybe their hands are lock together hehehe;)  saturday come quickly!!!! we cant wait any longer!!!

































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Guest biancacoolio
















that picture is pure bliss. 






they look so peaceful. 









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Guest crystalblue
















THANK YOU CheriMerci for that EPIC photo! I had to blow it up to see if it was photoshopped!! Yowza! Wowza!! Do a little dance, make a little love. Get down tonight!!! haha... I can't help it but do a little old school disco groovin' for the gleeful joy I'm having. It's a dream come true solidify bits of my deranged Yongseo inner fantasies. She looks like she's really sleeping and he looks like he is pretending to sleep too but really not and was thinking about how he's now her man to lean on... He's thinking how amazingly fated meeting her was on this show and how crazy in love he is with this adorable sweet and smart and pretty girl who's nodding off like a child leaning against his shoulder. He's thinking how perfect she is when she was with his mother a few hours ago. Wow, the luck in life... She's so his... :wub:
















Edit:New thought... must add... WHAT ELSE DON'T WE KNOW YET??? HAVE THESE TWO KISSED ALREADY???? AHHHHHH!! What are we missing that hasn't come out yet?? Tell us NOW!!! hahaha- Sorry- Crazy is my middle name right now. :w00t:









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OMG OMG OMG!! I'm dying here! THanks so much for this picture cuz it totally made my day :wub::wub:



It's not the first time Hyun has put her head on Yong's shoulder as we had seen her done it before when they recorded the Banmal song video, but what makes me spazz so much is that this actually looks like a candid shot secretly taken by WGM staff, which just confirms how comfortable and close our couple is offscreen! And those eyeglasses are matching too , too cute for words!



Ah.. YongSeo ah please go on and date for real now! :wub:


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Guest oppa09








ok. going out of my cave.. i have been lurking this thread for so long.. i really love this couple. so many reasons why. :lol:






regarding the pic.. OMG-OMG.. im in go-chun..!!! i cant say anything.. they're so lovely. and they're wearing couple glass, right? blue for yong and as what i can see, hyun's color pink.??






i need to do something but this made me forget about it :phew: ... im crazy right now.






this two... ur so into doing this thing right?? immune already :wub: ?? kekeke.. next skinship: HUG!!!!








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Guest MountainMadman


Looks like our couple is quite the popular topic on the news...they're going crazy!


Credit: DC Gallery

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Guest shenibabi








































oh my god iam SO CRAZY now
























yongsep let see what you did to me
























iam screaming like crazy now
























no doubt yongseo is real couple
























they're so beutiful together
























cryng huhu









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Your right myblue..















































that's what i wanna said it earlier.. But forgot.. hehe :sweatingbullets:










































































The coat surely was Hyun coat...















































And possibility was high they holding hands under the coat...










































































So I just post some of their pic in Busan. Taken from http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/












































































































































Credit: soulmate~@DCGallery















































As posted by: Kubih

























































































































Credits: DCGal + as tagged















































As posted by Yuyusaiyuki@soompi

























































































































cr: dcinside

























































































































Cr : DCmarried


















































































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Guest myblue































































































































































Looks like our couple is quite the popular topic on the news...they're going crazy!































































*quoted image*
































Credit: DC Gallery































































 thanks mountainmadman.. i cant finish my work hahahaha!!!!  i was thingking that awhile ago that this picture will be the talk of the town again!!! and its happening!!! 

































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I'm in the middle of making work and I just went bonkers with that photo.!!!
























That's it, no more restraining..crazy fangirl  has been unleashed from me...





























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GUYS...... I just about to close my internet connection (i'm at office right now hehe) and decide to take peek at soompi and i see the thread already jump 4 pages already... and i wonder something must be happen if the pages jumps rapidly and i click it and what i've got OMG...OMG... THE PICTURE!!!!!! waaaaah i'm can't breath and my office mate looking at me weirdly (i don't care!!!) i'm in go chun right now.....
























So we can expect this in saturday ep right??? that's just my bad luck, i usually stream wgm live but tomorrow i'm going on vacation where the net connection really poor!!!!! what am i suppose to do, just thinking not able to watch it live it makes me go crazy...why oh why i have to go tomorrow!!!!!!









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Guest begturtle
































































































































































































(coming out from lurker-mode)
































































Oh my god!!!!!! YONGSEO IS REAL!!!
































































This week will be the bestest week of my life because of this two lovely people...
































































My new semester have just started and with the class schedule that I have to make and the class doesn't even have a lecturer and other problems are making my life misery tears.giftears.gif BUT seeing the Busan picture have made my day!!! w00t.gifw00t.gif
































































































































I can't wait for this lovely weekend..please SATURDAY come please..paliii10000x... :D
































































thanks to those that have been sharing a lot of yongseo news here..
































































































































































































Im proud to be a Gogumas!!!hehehehe... :wub::wub:
































































(back to lurker-mode again :ph34r:)

































































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Guest glennpaulo
















































Wow......that photo is killing me....
















I already posted back page that i want to see Yongseo with that position and now dream come true...
















I hope everyone is still ok,, let's try to control ourself....keke... 
















I hope if someone will post a photo with YONGSEO hugging each other.. please give us a warning at least a week before, so we still have time to prepare ourself...Because right now i can't control myself.. I can't stop spazzing that photo....kekeke....What i great news for all of us.. And today is MC Kim tweet day......
















This Photo really give me too much happiness....
































































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HI Goguma Villagers
































































































































































































































































Thank you for the pic. of YONGSOE (they look so cutewub.gif) and the info.
































































































































I'm so spazzing w00t.gif right now, I have to tell my self to breath ohmy.gifhuh.gif
































































































































Oh honestly I taught that they going to show the continuation of Bamil song, 
































































































































(witch I wouldn't mind). But the Busan trip I've bean waiting for this (especially 
































































































































seeing that Hyun get to meet Yong's mom). If this what Yongseo does to me
































































































































now I don't know if I will survive this year. smile.gif
































































































































































































































































AAAHhh can't wait for Saturday.    
































































































































































































































































Cant wait for MC KIM's tweet (witch I was originally looking for) blush.gif
































































































































































































































































huh.gifSomething just dawn on me Adam and Kuntoria couple had 
































































































































40min. on WGM the last 2 weeks so does that mean that 
































































































































Yongseo gets 40min. this week.

































































































































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