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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hi gogumas!!!! just passing by to thanks J2dlee and synykiss for the latest trans and sub!!! our angels!!! thank you so much :rolleyes:.
















Happy 1500 pages gogumas!!! So proud of spending my time here with you since page 300? (lurker mode) for me.
















I have to confess that because of the ring issue I didn´t read all the post, but about what I read!































My favorite moment: This is hard but I think it is the rings moment in ep 27 for me :wub:. Why?  Because it was the first time  they completely took off their guard, and we could see their overwelmed feelings for the first time :wub:. But I like everything about them!!! tough question :tears: kekekekeke.
















And thank you all gogumas for pics, amazing gifs and everything!!!! I´m so loving this week!!
















About the ring, I found out this































My linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYY7KJZ9rbM



































It says that this was today??? and guess what??... I think this was not today... anyway... I think the very same that mrsjoker ^^, but if is still important to you guys, I think we still have a lot of places where they are going until year ends so be patience!!!
















I won´t take out the pic becuase she looks beautiful! hahaha....
































stay in go-chun gogumas!!!!
















EDIT 2: ichigo_kawai ehhhhhhhhhh thank you thank you!!! off to watch your fanvid ^^:wub:





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Guest ichigo_kawai








Anyeong all my lovely familly....^_^












Thanks everyone for all the caps, link, gifs, and all goodies about yongseo couple












After 5 times failed uploading @youtube....finally I can share this FMV with everyone in here...







Here is FMV Lovely skinship 35 (And for lovely skinship 33-34 I will make it later.







Song "Too Good" by CSJH The Grace.. (I really love this song) quote the lyric: "Let’s just go walking slowly, holding hands"







Hope u like it










And here is bonus pict....

















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Guest wallpaperfood

Hi gogumas :D

been MIA for a really long time (by my standards anyway ^^) because I've been busy packing/getting ready for a trip, and then I'm probs going to be MIA for another 2 weeks because of the limited internet access on the said trip lol!, so this is me dropping by to wish you guys Merry Christmas and Happy New Yr in advance - spend it happily with fam+friends + this thread hehe.

I want to join in the one-moment game as well!

It's really hard, but I've tried this with myself before haha. (as in, forcing myself to choose one particular moment). For some reason, this scene would always come to mind before the others, and lingers more as well:

When Yong asks Hyun if she wants to arm wrestle (the 1st time), and she thinks a little bit, and then consents. Then Yong says "that right there is your charm/attraction".

I actually have an opinion of their first meeting when she throws the blanket over him (it's not negative, it's more...logical), but seeing as so many have picked that moment as their fave, I don't want to ruin the 'fate' thing for anyone -.-" and keep it to myself. The recent overload of negatives has scared me a bit!

About the ring issue:

I was going to go into detail about it, but MrsJoker has addressed the issue the way I would have already =)

I think that Yong is aware of the attention the ring has been getting, and would be cautious of when he wears it. I wasn't epecting him to wear it today due to last night's broadcast. I recall there have been times when the ring has not been worn, and that usually happened after particularly exposing broadcasts/sentiments revealed. To me, it would have been a bonus if he did wear it today, so no worries guys :)

I so want to kick myself for not being able to spazz as freely during this period, since so much has happened - thank you gogumas, for the daebak fancams, translations, raws, pics, gifs, and the yognseo300 gift!

Just HAVE to say: Hyun at the GDA when CNBlue won - she acted like someone she's not! She's always very calm and mentally prepared, and doesn't really seem fazed by anything. Here, she acted somewhat tipsy ^^ and did not know what to do! Now of course I know she wasn't drinking, but she's probs drunk on love - this is the right time to apply the term "head over heels in love with someone"!! The whole standing up/bowing/clapping her hands/sitting was a jumble, and is not typical of her. I wonder if her suju oppas were teasing her about it too, because her unnies did keep turning back and laughing (in the new fancam).

As for the latest ep, I'm glad this was my last live streaming for the year. I could not have asked for better Yongseo moments. I don't have to list my fave scenes, because it's most likely ALL of them, and lots of you have already done a great job at that ^^. I'll just mention that I love yongseo fail moments. Hyun ruining the moment during catch, retaliating with "you wish" and the spiderman kiss pose. These fails make up Yongseo, and it's much better than skinship 24/7. I'm glad they're so comfortable now, and having said that, I also kinda miss their awkward days! Now, everything seems to have escalated at a fast pace! It's like, eps1-33 in reverse/watching a diff couple! :D so proud..

anyways, byebye! will lurk until next year when you can bet I'll be posting essays again -.-"... hahaha

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Guest wishwash
















Regarding the ring issue, I really agree with what mrsjoker said. I think yonghwa is a very deep thinker who cares a lot about seohyun. As evident from several episodes, everything he does (for seohyun) seems to come with some reason. Therefore it could be the same with the rings - whether it is to protect seohyun or to comply to his company's instructions or to keep to his endorsements - I believe he did it for the good of the both of them.
















@jnj About Seohyun's reply to her manager saying that she should follow her man's lead... i was watching a chinese-subbed version of the episode and seohyun's reply was actually subbed. She said, "I will follow (his lead)."








Seohyun's voice was actually covered by the MCs', but if you turn on the volume loud enough you can actually hear her say something. I thought I heard the korean words "da la" that means repeat or follow. Can anyone verify this?









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The episode is becoming more daebak each week...And their skinship makes us and the MC really happy!! (lol) We would erupt at anything they do..




Just with the preview of the couple song , I already can tell it's going to be sweet... Can't wait for the couple song!!! Even if the lyrics is childish or cheesy, I'm gonna really love it!!!








Well My Favorites moments:




- When they talk, they gaze into each other eyes.. It's really sweet to see them like that..




- When they have serious talk (well not that serious..) , like in the birthday episode or in the Japan episode.. They are truthfully speaking out their feelings..




- Their aegyo that comes out unexpectedly (Like Hyun when they are on the train , buying the milk)








There's so much more.. But I think it won't fit.. So just this much will do for now..





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Watching the latest episode makes me think that this couple is just heartwarming to watch. The way they interact with each other is so simple and natural that for me it's the most realistic relationship in reality TV. They're fun to watch coz they compliment each other in so many areas. In terms of look, they're both beautiful. In terms of character, one is serious and the other one is playful. They balance each other, that's the beauty of our YongSeo couple.











They started as strangers, then they became friends and who knows what's next. Watching them makes me miss my friends. It makes me recall my own first love and finally reminds me how to make my relationship work. They're journey is so fun to watch coz you know that they have come a long way though they still have a long way to go. If they're just friends, I don't think I will care, for I know that whatever their real relationship is or will be, I'll be very happy for them for I believe that what they have between them is something special that even though their time with WGM comes to an end, what they have will still last and they will treasure it as long as they live.






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Hi everyone~!!! Ep35’s daebak effect hasn’t wear off on me yet!!! xD goooueeyaahhh dunno how to express it! BUTTERFLIES IN MY TUMMY & XTREME DUGUEN DUGEUN!! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa! Haha call me cwazeee!

I agree with crystal, jnj & zealous… I found a few yongseo-related posts that got –ve signs. I wonder why too. I hope nothing like this will happen again next time.

Mrsjoker~! *waves back?* :D yahhh yongseo are SERIOUS aren’t they?! For yong to sing the song he composed with hyun in mind speaks VOLUME! Kyaaaaaaaaa xD

Ichigo-chan~ thanks for the fmv & the wallies! Love the wallies much!! :D

Wally~!! Yahhh MIA for 2 weeks!? Whoaaa… anyway, enjoy ur trip yah~! ;)

Oh ya if u guys notice… yongseo harvested gogumas in October & yong recorded NAN in October too! here’s an excerpt from genxv’s blog:

Oct 11 [WGM Filming] Driving a truck

Oct 13 SNSD @ Kiko Citizen Awareness Cultural Festival

Oct 16 [Episode 28]The one where they did their hair together and received their duet mission

Oct 16-17 SNSD @ Into the New World Concert in Taiwan

Oct 16 CNBLUE Fanmeeting in Seoul(canceled)

Oct 19 CNBLUE @ MNet Music Awards CF Filming

Oct 20 CNBLUE @ Acoustic Premiere

Oct 20 YongHwa @ SBS Night After Night Recording

So.. what I’m trying to say here is that yong asked psy “HOW TO TREAT AN UPRIGHT GIRL?” (somewhere along the line) AFTER the goguma harvest@skinship overdose! Yahhhh I guess that night was a night to remember eh! Yongseo grew another mile in this ep~! No wonder HE ASKED PSY… that Mr Jung is danngggg in love with his Mrs Jung!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

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Guest ichigo_kawai








@ Magdal..Thanks for watching my fmv & thanks for your comment....^_^







Thanks everyone....







@ Boo unnie...Thanks unnie....Here is I wanna share another pict....

















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i can't seem to leave this thread..hahaha

epi 35 has soo many daebak scenes, i love every minute of it..

and i can't seem to stop posting my caps and not spazz abt them..

bear with me gogumas... blush.gif

*i WILL definitely miss this thread and my lovely gogumas in a couple of days*

however..i'll be breathing the same air as yongseo! yayyy!

see if i can spot any couples with yong's brand of skinship! :lol:

i loled at these scenes..

look at MC Kim getting frustrated...

and then both MC Kim & MC Park looking as proud parents



oh hi there, mrs joker! *wave back*

abt yongseo rings that made the news recently, yup, i was surprised to know that

the ring has somewhat become the focus of attention of the media too.

for them not wearing their rings regularly now,

could be a sign of protecting each other? hmm..

hi gie! ooh..i love your last cap! the turned-upside-down heads?

aigoo..can't they get any closer?

wall, enjoy your trip as much as i hope to enjoy mine..

abt your spoiler..don't say it girl or else u'll just burst my bubble..hahaha

wishwash, i heard hyun saying something like kitalagayo?

lol..is there even such a word?..:sweatingbullets:

sometimes i just wish the MCs could be quiet for a moment..


hi there dreamy! tks for the timeline..

so..after 9 days of filming this epi, yong is still floating on air.. :rolleyes:

well, who can blame him..

this epi is even too sweet for us, the audiences

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Guest keira53




[TRANSLATIONS] YongSeo Mission Card for Episode 36


Translated By: WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews / Soompi





Yonghwa <3 Seohyun





Both of you created a list of what to do after you moved into your new house.Do you still remember?By using the song Yong hubby composed and sang at the seafood shop (?) as the main topic,  please goand compose the ”Husband And Wife Song”.





the couple song we have all been waiting for!! I really want to see YongSeo on stage together singing a couple song!!




cre: yongseo couple's facebook




We can wait one of the best song in this year from Yongseo



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Guest _hachimitsu
































































































































































































































































aigoo.. i forgot to post this! To those who's not on twitter, the backround music for episode 35 is up in the usual folder & fb. By the way, i'm exchanging information about song titles with 꾸욱 of the Korean [Goguma House] because i have songs that he/she dont have vice versa, so the song list is piling up pretty well~ Thank you to those who give us information. The korean blog owner replied in korean but in general he/she said gogumas are united^^ 
































































I rip/find the MP3s by myself though... so i appreciate it if you guys only share the links privately cuz some of the songs are really rare in the net. Will continue with the songs later, for now, enjoy these~
































































































































She drives - Listen Here
































































































































Marx & Engels - Listen here
































































































































Texas Oasis - Listen here
































































































































Scholesy's Stamp - Listen here
































































































































숨바꼭질 - Listen Here
































































































































From Flying Plans Into The Fire - Listen Here
































































































































Day Job - Listen Here
































































Not sure if i'll do caps like these for the older songs, that's too much haha. Happy spazzing!
































































































































P/s: qwenli, i feel the same way for that shrimp thingy T.T

































































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Guest shadow_of_Atum








What a good question!


My favourite Yongseo moment is one that I cannot stop thinking about every time I tune in to WGM.


To me it's one of life's little ironies and it happened when Seohyun asked Yonghwa the difference between 'love' and 'like' and Yonghwa could not answer the question. To me, the rest of their journey up till now is one about finding the answer to that very profound question she asked :lol: and the answer is certainly NOT about wearing a ring in public.


I agree with Mrs Joker's insight that Yong may not be wearing the ring to get the media hounds off his and Seohyun's trail. After the very intense episode when he actually sang 'Saranghae' to conclude a song he wrote JUST for her, he may have realised that he could be putting her in a tight spot if antifans/the media suspect that something is going on between these two. Yong strikes me as someone who is very conscious of their public image - remember the time he reminded Seohyun of her image i.e. in the japan episode when she was eating ice cream and he covered her because she has an image to protect? He made reference to it again later when they were dining.


From their interactions, many of us have concluded that Yong is indeed a gentleman and I think quite traditional in a relationship - he believes the man should protect the woman. We also know that he has promised to wear the ring because he does not want Seohyun to be angry with him or to get hurt again after the birthday episode. So what could possibly be an over-riding factor that would make him stop wearing the ring - my guess would be to protect her and maybe whatever they may have which should be given a chance to develop. This is just my speculation. :ph34r:


Anyway, thanks to MountainMadman, j2dlee, synkiss, sun_sun and her sis for your weekly efforts. And the rest for your lovely caps and fanvids and images. @ Moutainmadman, I hope you managed to be on time for your study sessions ^_^ . Fighting!


Crystalblue was right about the magic they possess. I too am under their spell. Good week ahead all!


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




























because of my new job, I can't even lurk in this thread anymore. and every week, I try to catch up on the latest events in this thread and of course, our YongSeo couple. so I'll be posting every week.




















I don't know why the ring issue comes up again. A few of us, including myself, has already explained it a hundred pages back. and mrs joker explained it again today.




















personally, I am not bothered when one of them is not wearing the ring because of the following reasons:




















1. both of them are not regular people, they are idols. and idols have to do performances wherein they have to be coordinated with other members. and to do that, jewelry must be added or removed to match the other members. and in Seohyun's case, its only her that has a couple ring. another example would be SNSD's hoot. it required all members to wear earrings. but Seohyun doesn't wear earring because her ears aren't pierced. so they used a type that is clipped on to coordinate with the others.




















2. as idols, they have endorsements, in Yonghwa's case, he is an endorser of accessories. he may be required to wear those accessories.




















3. broadcast stations. WGM is MBC, and when they appear on other shows outside MBC (like Inkigayo, etc.), they maybe discouraged to display or show behaviors or things that would be reminiscent of WGM. we should be thankful that both of them still wears the ring in most shows outside MBC. we are lucky that both of them wears the ring even in their respective group's activities as seen in numerous pictures, fan cams, etc.




















4. at one point in Inkigayo a few weeks back, Yonghwa wasn't wearing the ring. but when he presented the award to SNSD for their win, he was wearing the ring. this means that even though they are not wearing the ring, they still have it with them. or keeping it safe.




















5. Yonghwa and Seohyun shown us their commitment to each other not by just wearing the rings, but also in their actions outside WGM. the fact that they monitor each other outside the show (as said by both of them and also fan accounts) is proof.




















a ring is a symbol of commitment. it is a bond. both of them showed us their bond. but by not wearing it doesn't mean that they are mad at each other or something between them is wrong. there would always be a logical reason behind it, and it is usually work-related. although technically WGM is still work, they have remained faithful to their coupe ring because they want to. they are not forced to.




















hope this alleviates the sadness of some villagers of Go-Chun who becomes sad when one of either Yonghwa or Seohyun is spotted not wearing their couple ring.




















see you guys again next week.





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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































AHH..... I just can't sleep right now my mind is still in GO-CHUN!!!






























I just can't stop watching episode 35, it's just too sweet to be not replayed over and over again.............. somebody help me please!! I'm dying because of too much smiling :wub: :wub::wub:... somebody save me please hahaha.














































Y: Where do you think it is Hyu~n? [NOTE: For the next few lines, they are joking around by putting their names at the end of every sentence.]
















H: I don't know Yo~ng!
















Y: Then just come along Hyu~n!
















H: Okay Yo~ng!
















MC: They're cute like that.
















Y: Seo Joohyun!
















H: Jung Yonghwa oppa.







































































anyways, am I the only one who feel that this particular scene is cute?? This is where I keep smiling and I can't seem stop and keep replaying :wub:. They look soo much like a real couple when they play around like that.....












  from 04:55 - 05:14























I guess I need to sleep now, I will be dreaming about GOGUMAS all the way....
































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Regarding the ring, I agree with MrsJoker.

They've been trying to keep it low-key for some time now. Whether it's because they themselves wanted it or the companies, you can't deny the fact that since the Japan episode aired everything have been kind of kept quiet around them. Especially after it went public that Shinee's Jonghyun was dating. I think their companies were aware of what were coming in the next episodes that they thought it'd be wise to not mention WGM anywhere outside the show itself.

In a way I do want to see them interact outside the show, but I do feel like the way it is now that it's the best for both of them. They're not the only ones in this; they have their career, members etc. Being a celebrity has given them the chance to meet each other in this circumstance, but with that also comes its difficulties.

I'm not sure if I'm breaking some people's bubbles regarding WGM, but this is just what confuses me about this show in general and the people involved in it. Should I put this in spoiler? I think I should lol :ph34r:

I suddenly remember how dangerous of a show WGM is. It plays with people's feelings. The MCs for example, go with the contradiction of it. They put two people in a situation that forces them to act like a couple because they're 'married' anyhow and expects them to be what a real married couple is like. For example, taking care of the husband if he's sick, call each other when one's having a comeback or care/get jealous when one of them mentions someone from the opposite sex. They are expecting these people to be committed to each other, like people are when they're married. Yet at the same time, it's something shocking/surprising when they hold hands or act lovey-dovey. As if they're not realizing that feelings can grow into something more when you see a certain side from another person repeatedly.

I honestly feel a bit uncomfortable looking at it that way, because I've been a fan since season 1. I was still a teenager then so it's understandable I wouldn't have looked at it this way, but now I do wonder how each couple can be the way the are. All couples are/were acting like couples, no less, but has any one of them drawn the line between real and reel? How or why is it okay to hold someone's hand, hug or even kiss that person or write a song about/for that person when in fact (and this is what I'm assuming for all the couples right now, maybe excluding Adam couple) you're not dating for real? I bet real emotions are involved, but it still confuses me how for example in Khuntoria's case, Nickhun has said multiple times that he 'can still control it now'. It feels so weird to think that someone's holding your hand, feeding you, taking care of you and supporting you knows very well that this is a show and that after this you will just remain as friends. Wouldn't you kind of feel.. played?

I sense that for some of couples (whether in this season or the earlier ones), they honestly liked each other but that after the show these feelings fade because the situations that were given played a huge part. They were supposed to be married and therefor did all the things that were expected of a husband or wife once in a while. Seeing that caring, hardworking and charming side of a person can make you start liking them for real.

This is just for the show in general as I realize how it's actually really dangerous lol

As for YongSeo... I think they both know very well what their feelings are towards each other whether as friends or more. The main reason for that is that when entering this show, they didn't act as a couple nor a married one, but as strangers and slowly progressed from there. I just wonder at what stage they are now in their relationship and did they at some point thought about this?

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:wub::wub: Hyun is really a unique girl, even a woman i just feel like feeling in love with Hyun, she is really unique.Yong is really good to break the wall from Hyun. all the girls always want to act cute but Hyun never tried to do it, her bluntness, her unique is just so cute and lovable. like this eps, when she said now snsd, just so cute, and she even tried to do cute thing but still feel so atractive. they are really heaven -made, really, at the moment i just want they stay with WGM till Yong finish his military and then they marry for real. yeah, then i will eat goguma whole my life. ahahha, cant stop thinking about this couple


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Guest Crystal392










^ I think they have thought about that.... probably at the beginning of the show: what if in the end I end up falling for YongHwa/SeoHyun? I mean imo it's what every person who has participated in WGM has thought about. But I think we will never know what kind of relationship they have in real life and if they thought about something or not and be 100% sure of that because we don't know them xD Imo they are at least friends, and just that makes me happy ^^

























































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Hi Sweet Potato Couple fan didn't see you for long ^_^
















































so I would like to ask you guy know Chinese language some question
















































me and my friend saw this
































































































some pic at epop magazine so that fan art from my friend he made it ^_^
















































he just wanna know what they say? hope you guy can help me
















































I don't understand Chinese much I will translate to him ..thank you









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Guest ahn_annann
































Ep 35
















share my caps..
















my fav. captured.























































































































































credit to xhachimitsu









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