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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest bonbon31



                               @  sweet_spy: thanks for your pic and thanks for everyone post. Your posts make me feel better. :rolleyes:. I am very happy when I join this thread. we like a huge family who always support out sister/ brother ( Yong and Seo), hehe!


Again, thanks for the caps, translations and pictures.

I wish everyone have a nice week. Let's wait Saturday together. Everyone fighting!


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Guest desirenhope
































































































This ring business is making my head hurt. I think initially he used a different ring but changed it.
































































































































































When Seohyun was giving the winning speech at 0.44 mark you can clearly see, Yonghwa was wearing their ring and Seohyun too.
















































































Cheer up everybody!









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Guest ixakimi



@sweet_spy is that really the couple ring? coz i think it looks kinda different. it is the same ring that yong wore when taking picture with minhyuk in SBS studio.

well, i hope it is the couple ring. but if it's not, i dun think we have to worry too much. as hyun is wearing hers today. i dun think yong will dare to purposely not wearing the ring especially when he's goin to meet hyun. they oredy have their ring fight. maybe if yong really not wearing it, he surely has reason. maybe bcoz the PD told him not too. maybe not to create too much commotion abt WGM in SBS studio, right after NAN episode and yesterday's WGM.

EDIT: did he change the ring for Today's Winner session? hwaaa,, see, uri Yongseo never disappoint us. :)


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Guest SophiaPia














Still happy happy because of epi yesterday, i sleep 2 in the morning just watch it over and over again, esp. that DAEBAK move from wifey Hyun kekeke! Thanks again to all of you who shared the raw vid, the translations and screen caps. it's really very sweet moment. Even the MC's really really happy.










Today inkigayo, not lucky again watching stream coz it's lag so much. But thanks again to all who shared the raw vid they are really so quick. yap! wifey Hyun showing belly button kekeke! hubby might watching in the monitor with open mouth hahahaha!. Wifey Hyun and her unnies did it again Lovely. Hubby give the trophy to his wife, stand next to each other, bow THEN WAVE TO EACH OTHER . Yap! Yongseo couple both had their rings so don't worry guys. And even they don't wear it we dont worry, there's a valid reason for sure. But right now they both love to wear it. They loving it. I wonder if YongSeo couple will watch harry potter kekeke! When YongSeo couple wave to each other looks like very comfortable scene is it because of the epi yesterday YEAH!












also Jinwoon greet hubby Yong, that's nice, and Nicole teaching hubby Yong to dance. Nicole is wife SeoHyun friend





















YongSeo couple Hwaiting! Cheers



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Guest crystalblue


Just saw these posted on FB's Yongseo page- Credit to CrazyCarrot360 for these:




SNSD won Inkigayo Yongseo




SNSD's Performance




Enjoy watching!! and yes, anticipation of these two are orange alert high now that we've seen what happened in Japan!


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Yes! Yong changed his ring for the winner annoucement/ending. :sweatingbullets:


When I rewatched at allkpop, u also notice that at the ending when Yong is walking away, Jinwoon kind of greeted him by giving a friendly pat at Yong's elbow! Yes Jinwoon!! Also, during Kara's comeback interview, Nicole who is Hyun's good friend was smiling really sweetly and really polite, bowing to Yong after teaching him to dance.


Acknowledgement from the Hyun's gang of 91ers??




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Guest anayuson
















Just saw these posted on FB's Yongseo page- Credit to CrazyCarrot360 for these:














SNSD won Inkigayo Yongseo














SNSD's Performance














Enjoy watching!! and yes, anticipation of these two are orange alert high now that we've seen what happened in Japan!



























Yonghwa waving to Seohyun is so cute!!! to bad SNSD can't win next week coz i think there is a limit of 3 wins per song in inki!ooopps its still snsd second win in inki!lol! tnx crystalblue for the correction;)














this is little OT but i spot Jinwoon and Yonghwa moment in the encore!how sweet! ahahahaha



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who is awkward now?..hehe...




shy boy...
























i think even his hand turned red...hahah... if you watch the video carefully..yong is really overwhelmed..even got a teary eye..hehe




honestly i want to snatch this camera..bwhhaha...so i can see all their pictures...it will be so daebak!.








even eating ice cream so pretty....








so sexy buin.. on upcoming chocolate...












hoot ingikayo..



































since Tiffany got injured and resting at home..definelty she saw the japan II episode!....teasing seo hyun...hahaha :wub:




this weekend is daebak!.. :w00t:





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Guest YourStar




Ahhh!! Yong and Jinwoon are friendly towards each other in Inkigayo!~ At around 1:18, you can see Jinwoon reaching towards Yong's elbow. And also at 1:27, Yong's hand is on Jinwoon's back.



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Guest missmoomin101


I don't know if this has been mentioned but at 00:58, I paused the screen of today's performance in the hd vid:








And guess what I found?? 우리 Yo~ng standing and watching the performance.




Completely spazzing right now.  I just love these two!!!


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Guest crystalblue




Yonghwa waving to Seohyun is so cute!!! to bad SNSD can't win next week coz i think there is a limit of 3 wins per song in inki! this is little OT but i spot Jinwoon and Yonghwa moment in the encore!how sweet! ahahahaha






Hi Anayuson! I think since 2AM won last week when Inkigayo was preempted, this would be SNSD's 2nd win so they can win one more if that 3 win thing is in effect...


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He did not wear the ring today and yesterday in the picture tool with Mink. What's wrong with him? But Seo wear the ring yesterday.

What are you doing YongHwa?? Can not understand him!!!:wacko: We have to wait to see Seo wear the ring or not??

okay i'm a bit sad because of yong didnt wear the ring. why yong always do something bad when the last episode on wgm was very romantic? like the fishing episode, tomorrow after that eps yong didnt wear the ring too. what's wrong with him? didnt he feel something to hyun? didnt he in love with hyun? :tears::tears:

i wanna see the ring. to both of them. not just one of them. it isnt couple ring, if the other didnt wear it. i want to yongseo alive. i want them to be a true couple :tears::tears::tears:

i'm still feeling terrible because of the ring. please gogumas cheer me up with your argument about it. please gimme some vitamin of yongseo :tears:

i can't believe i'm reading these..

pls do not let the ring issue be the reason u guys start to post like this.. <_<

i missed inki again, so tks for the links, & caps.

yup, yongseo waved at each other, and jinwoon tapped yong's hand, i think.

seems like everyone already acknowledged yongseo is indeed made for each other... :wub:


gie, i love your artwork! tks again

d_..tks for the lovely caps!

yong patience has finally paid off! hyun has finally taken her baby step at skinship!

mountain madman, tks for trans..

ricevol.. lol at your cap!

d3 chingu, i think u got your wish granted today.

didn't u wish that yong see buin in this outfit?

edit 2:

missmoomin, i saw it! tks for poiting it out!

but since its dark..have to rewind it a few times..

shane!!! was waiting for your gifs.. blush.gif

tks dear! did u get my PM?

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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































HAH I never regret waiting for Inkigayo every Sunday and every Saturday :P YongSeo greeted each other, waylt 8)
































































































































































































































































































































































































My screencap is not that clear. So let's just watch it again. XD - Today's Winner
































































































































































































What is eyesex, Yongseo? WHAAAT - Made another FMV Haha I get bored easily I'm so sorry | LINK
































































































































































































missmoomin101, May I see a SC of it? I can't clearly see :(

































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Guest ricevol





Anyong goguma villagers!!! Still in the goguma heaven like I am right now? haha



Today Perf was HOT, see the abs w00t.gif lol Even a girl like me can't take my eyes off them haha Yong, I think he cannot control his eyes w00t.gif



Oh I saw this and found it was hilarious. HUSBAND DUO keke






caps by me


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Guest shane09

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Yesterday's ep was DAEBAK.  SOOOO proud of Hyun.  With two big sighs she got up the courage to put her arm through Yong's.  They were soooo flirting with each other throughout the ep.


I loved the fact that Yong was the one who suggested that they went to the temple since he heard its a blessing temple for couples.  I may be reading too much into it but it may have a deeper meaning with him wanting to go there.


I laughed so hard when they accidentally chose the card that's for couples wishing for a healthy baby and easy labor - this is tooooo good to be made up - the expression on their faces - priceless.


I loved that they chose another card for affinity - having the relationship grow and last for a long time.


I loved the hair conversation.  Yong was stuttering and speechless when Hyun untied her hair and it swished around.  If he thougt he was in go-chun then he must have elevated to a higher heaven when his buin did that.


Of course, I loved it also when they went to buy the beer and Hyun put her hand on his arm.


I can't help thinking that their conversation about the stars looking at them has some alternate meaning only for them to know.


About Hyun preference for Yong having a fringe.  I think that Hyun may have mentioned it outside of filming.  If its during filming I would have thought that the PD would show a clip of when she said it - kind of like the flashback they had in the bus about the red bean ice cream.  I mean the PD even put a clip of the Japanese movie that Yong mentioned.


For Hyun to do something like this - variety show or not - is huge.  So Yong please take care of buin Hyun.  It was so cute when Yong was so dumbfounded he did not know what to do with his hand.  I think that he was embarrased as well when he was in the blackroom so he said "Busan Style" to save himself.  I wonder though what made Hyun decide to initiate skinship.  Did she miss him sooo much when they were separated from each other...and probably only able to communicate by phone?


About Yong choding.  Being a series person like Hyun, I am always attracted to someone who is choding - funny and playful.  My mind is always racing and things are sometimes so tense that its really great to have someone who is more calm and can help you relax.  Hyun becomes playful too and don't take things so seriously with Yong around.  In contrast, being with someone equally tense is sooo bad on the nerves.  It make you feel more tense.


About today's inki - Yong bowed and waved to Hyun and Hyun did the same.  I think that they're doing well.  Did people see that JW tapped Yong and I think spoke to him? You can see towards the end of the take 7 video that Yong was the last to leave the stage.  About the ring, if you see in the take 7 video - he wore the couple ring.  Its very clear because of the single stone.  He may have changed rings several times today.  But it seems that he always carry the couple ring with him everywhere.  So its all good.  I understand though why some may be upset if he did not wear the ring - because the last time he did not wear the new couple ring - the whole mildang thing happened.  But it seems they are doing well.  You know that they've been able to see each other at least once a week since hoot came out.  Also, probably that's why they haven't filmed (i'm not sure whether the wedding makeup rumor is true so I'm discounting that).


After watching this week's ep, I still think that the NAN question is not scripted because I can't understand why he would put himself (and drag Hyun's name) through that interrogation.  I think the initial question (before yong's question about the upright girl) was about how to become close to a girl and psy mentioned that phone calls are important.  We've seen that Yong wants to be closer to Hyun - from the mildang - and I think that hasn't changed even with the latest ep.  Although he has been patient, I think that he may at times get frustrated by the slowness of the relationship.  I think that Yong is always trying to look at how to improve the relationship - wherever the source.  That's why I think in this ep he suggested going to the temple.  So I think that's where he was coming from his question at NAN.  I guess we'll never know for sure.


About Busan, I think we'll find out if its true after the Japan ep so hopefully we'll see it in next week's preview.


Thank you for the translation.  You are lifesavers for someone like me who don't speak Korean.  The translation makes the ep more richer.  Thank you for the caps, clips and photos. 


Happy spazzing and sooo looking forward to the next ep.  I think that it may be sweeter than this ep.



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Guest missmoomin101


Here is the picture with Yong watching.




I hope it's ok.  It's a little blurry but you can still see him standing there in his white clothes.












Also, I just wanted to say that I loved yesterday's episode.  I know I don't post much as I'm busy with uni and so things get really hectic, but when I can, I go a little crazy ph34r.gif


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Looks to be a great episode, I love when Goguma dresses in such casual clothes :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can't wait for sun_sun and the subbed episode! Thank you sun_sun in advance

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































Here is the picture with Yong watching.
































































































































































I hope it's ok.  It's a little blurry but you can still see him standing there in his white clothes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Uploaded with [link]http://imageshack.us/[/link]
































































































































































































Also, I just wanted to say that I loved yesterday's episode.  I know I don't post much but I'm busy with uni and so things get really hectic! 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































missmoomin101, Wah. Kamsahamnida. So he's watching eh? wub.gif
































































































































































































Also rewatched the performance, and I also saw him! So... Saturday and Sunday are Happy Big-richard simmons Smile Days for us. XD
































































































































































































Here is my cap, one and only cap XD

































































































































































































































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Guest chilipadi_22



thanks for all the caps and nice pictures of uri yongseo!!

chukka hae to snsd for winning at inkigayo today. :)

omo~ yong looking at his sexy buin perform today!! heehee^^


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