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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia

luxubu and Betty Thanks for the translations. Thanks also to baidu. It's nice to know that the audiences loves YongSeo Couple. They watching YongSeo couple coz everyday there's changes in their relationship, we are all curious what will happen next :)  and even wgm PD knows that both pure and innocent in some ways and in the end YongSeo couple match w/ each other. And it's true what wgm PD says about SeoHyun she is young but she think matured. She is might be quiet and shy, most of the time she look and observe only but, she knows what she's doing. That's why even Yong said SeoHyun think diffrently :).

luvtokki : i love what u said But I want them to END UP AS PARTNERS FOR LIFE!  THAT would be DAEBAK!  THAT would make the planets align, make me believe in the power of LOVE, warm my weary bones, make my heart melt and provide rest for my soul. This is also my wish

panGG : Thanks for the RM screen caps

Qwenli : thanks for the screen caps as well.

Excited to watch Happy together :) how about the Chocolate show when is that pls. ?

I miss YongSeo couple :(


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C.N.Blue interview for a magazine.















Betty @ sweetpotatodays got this from Baidu and translated Yong's part.
























title: autumn is....?
























please pay attention to the tree i drew. there's no leaf there but full of books! autumn is the season for reading books!
























You can see what he drew here --- > http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=931408899








It's already shared. Kekeke~








Yong loves reading books now. Wife's influence. ^^








It's only Wednesday.. Still too far from next Saturday.








I'm so YongSeo deprived already. Hahaha. ^^



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Luxubu thank u for sharing the translation here,
































































































































































































































































really appreciate it,
































































































































































































































































as well as Betty from SPD, whom been one of our angels here
































































































































































































































































I was LOLing when I read how PD-nim explained that Yong is actually a pure guy just as much as Hyun
































































































































































































































































Thanks PD-nim for putting this two lovely people together in the 1st place.
































































































































































































































































Destiny is something u can't describe
































































































































































































































































It just happened
































































































































































































































































After reading the article, I suddenly so looking forward to their Japan trip continuation
































































































































































































































































Hopefully, PD-nim can send them to snow resort to have fun haha,
































































































































































































































































after all Yong was once know as snow resort uljjang hehe :P

































































































































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*waves at everyone* :D

panGG... missed ya so much! >.< keke i LOLed hard at ur last cap!! i thought he was cheating when they were doing some kinda test in ur caps??? and the other 9 all got "mad" at him for winning the challenge bwahahahaha. his actions may not be appropriate but he's still likable xD i just realized that the difference between him being crazy, talkative, funny, etc while being with others as compared to when he's with hyun is really BIG! no wonder JS kept mentioning about yong being a different person whenever he's with hyun HAAHAHA!

qwenli, ur caps just confirmed my intuition that they're holding back a LOT while filming WGM! if there weren't anyone around & they dunno where the cams are situated... haha i'm sure they'll be all lovey dovey, just like when they were filming WGM Horror! KYAAAAAAAAAAAA @ THE THOUGHTS! :w00t:

luxubu, thanks for the link~! haha i wonder if yong is always THAT OBVIOUS??? this reminds me of crystalblue's CODED thingy. i'm sure hyun gets the message that u'll always think of ur buin, yong... :D he's soooo SHWEEET!!!!!! btw, when was this pic drawn?




2) copy the URL of the image

3) click on INSERT IMAGE (an icon after the smiley icon) & paste the URL of the image

4) click INSERT IMAGE & u're done

i hope that'll help :)


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Guest YuyuSaiyuki
































































































































































































































































































how 2 post an image eh..humm...
































































































































































































































i hv hyunn wearing blue g0wn hehe~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD new pics from samsung China heee~
































































































































































































































well, those pic credit to SNSD♥SeoHyun♥Forever♥ :wub:

































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Guest lovekin




credit to baidu and Betty at Sweet potato day. Please ignore any grammatical mistake. I only copy and paste ^^














Of coz, espcially the recent mildang (push-pull) is a very good example. Since yonghwa felt that there's a wall between him and Seohyun, in order to get closer to her, he started doing mildang without contacting her for a whole month. Seohyun, without knowing any reason, would of coz felt interwined. In this moment when they both are uncomfortable at heart, they have to perform a duet stage on their 200 day. Being a director, I hope that maybe doing something together will make the couple closer. Actually, they get alot closer when they quarrel. actually, at first when they will too giving in to each other, it makes us worry (with a smile^^). So as a result, these two people's changes bring out much richer emotions. Although this is a fake love, for somone like seohyun who has no experiences at all and someone as playful and cheerful as yonghwa, this is definitely a good experience.






thanks for this!  but actually, i wanted to highlight one thing because i thought it was pretty interesting:





Actually, they get alot closer when they quarrel. actually, at first when they will too giving in to each other, it makes us worry (with a smile^^).




if i try and backtrack yong and seo's earlier experiences, they were very willing to accommodate each other.  that doesn't mean they were disingenuous at the time, but fighting – whether serious or playful – tends to force you to be more open so that you can vocalize your side of the story.  we all know seo can stand her ground in an argument, so there's something to be said about yong starting the "push-pull" game.  i think if he hadn't, both of them would have been content with the state of their relationship where it would have inevitably reached this state of stagnancy.




not that that's bad, but arguments are healthy and brings a whole new dimension to a relationship.  apart from solving issues that would otherwise remain unsolved if it weren't for starting conflict, the way one argues and handles themselves is important.  also, arguing provides people an opportunity to change their habits.  






for example, seo is learning to open up (though that has always been part of her nature; if things remain unchanged, she generally bites the bullet and attempts to fix things herself) and yong ... well, he's improving himself (but i think he needs to be more confident about telling her how he feels instead of side-stepping the issue because he assumes it's a pointless matter after a while ... nothing is pointless).





i do hope that once they've fully climbed over this "wall," that they end up showing a sense of closeness that shows they needn't second-guess each other's feelings.




and so not surprised yong is not as experienced as he comes off, though i know this topic has been covered hundreds of pages back.  but it just goes to show that, unbeknownst to yong and seo, they're actually a very smart match.  we'll never know how they feel about the pace of their relationship, but i think they match each other step-for-step.






i never quite understand why the PDs are quick to call it a "fake love."  while we're aware of this fact, they really can't discount the probability that, by setting young people up in this manner, they've essentially created a catalyst for couples to develop real feelings.  whether or not they pursue it in the future is where the uncertainty should lie, but set-up couples will more or less feel something.



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Guest joshua27












Actually I was very sad to see the words "fake love" because I hope what has been happening before our eyes every week are their genuine love for each other. I hope the love that blossomed between Junjin and Lee Si-Young(one couple from WGM Season 1) will happen on our Gogumas couple as well.








I feel exactly like Luvtokki, what she shared exactly mirriored my thoughts and sentiments towards this couple. I can't bare to see them stop filming for WGM and worst if they did not develop into a true couple in real life. :-( 



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thanks for this!  but actually, i wanted to highlight one thing because i thought it was pretty interesting:

if i try and backtrack yong and seo's earlier experiences, they were very willing to accommodate each other.  that doesn't mean they were disingenuous at the time, but fighting – whether serious or playful – tends to force you to be more open so that you can vocalize your side of the story.  we all know seo can stand her ground in an argument, so there's something to be said about yong starting the "push-pull" game.  i think if he hadn't, both of them would have been content with the state of their relationship where it would have inevitably reached this state of stagnancy.

not that that's bad, but arguments are healthy and brings a whole new dimension to a relationship.  apart from solving issues that would otherwise remain unsolved if it weren't for starting conflict, the way one argues and handles themselves is important.  also, arguing provides people an opportunity to change their habits.  

for example, seo is learning to open up (though that has always been part of her nature; if things remain unchanged, she generally bites the bullet and attempts to fix things herself) and yong ... well, he's improving himself (but i think he needs to be more confident about telling her how he feels instead of side-stepping the issue because he assumes it's a pointless matter after a while ... nothing is pointless).

i do hope that once they've fully climbed over this "wall," that they end up showing a sense of closeness that shows they needn't second-guess each other's feelings.

and so not surprised yong is not as experienced as he comes off, though i know this topic has been covered hundreds of pages back.  but it just goes to show that, unbeknownst to yong and seo, they're actually a very smart match.  we'll never know how they feel about the pace of their relationship, but i think they match each other step-for-step.

i never quite understand why the PDs are quick to call it a "fake love."  while we're aware of this fact, they really can't discount the probability that, by setting young people up in this manner, they've essentially created a catalyst for couples to develop real feelings.  whether or not they pursue it in the future is where the uncertainty should lie, but set-up couples will more or less feel something.

I get that feeling too and do think the mildang thing has it's merits. If they'd gone on the way they were...I don't think Seo would have understood the longer term problem of the way they were. Things just wouldn't progress beyond where they were if they didn't have a disagreement and air what they really thought. Compromise is needed but you never really understand someone if they just don't tell you what they think. Second-guessing is very tiring in any relationship, friendship, family or romantic (or maybe I'm just very direct and hate playing games :P).

Not very surprised about the comment on Yong's lack of experience as well. He IS still young and living the busy celebrity life doesn't leave much room for love does it? To me, he's a naturally popular type of guy who gets along with people and has charisma sometimes it makes him seem kinda smooth as well. But from the way he behaves towards Seo in the show, he seems very attentive and considerate. Cautious with the things that matter! Seo may be the 'brains' of the pair, but I think Yong is the 'heart' (i.e. Yong is the one who has more foresight and thinks longer term when it comes to people relationships)

soooo reply to the stuff in the spoiler I suppose should also go into a spoiler....

I think as a PD, they know very well what they're doing is a 'dangerous experiment' but for the sake of not creating any scandals etc, saying it's a fake love helps prevent that kind of talk. I think they're just being politically correct :P. These are the people who paired up all these couples out of so many celebrities who audition for the show. I'd think they know a thing or two about human behaviour keke.

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hello my wonderful goguma villagers!~































































































































































it's only tuesday... and i'm already dying of hypergogumalization (©hafunohane, 2010 =p)































































































































































sooo, i decided to share my despair over the fact that there'll be no 20 mins of yongseo this saturday, i decided to share a few screencaps with you guys...














































































































































































































































































































































































mischievous yong!!~ i like it still hehehehe..















































































































































































































































it was only their second episode and hyun was already making yong so happy =p way to go, maknae!













































































































































































































































































































































































































this feels really real.. it's like the kind of conversation that commonly takes place between my dad and my mom every night. yong sounds so husband-ly and manly when he said those words.





























































































































































































































































































































some of the screencaps are related to my debut post... i was gonna put them under each point but at that time i couldn't figure out how to upload an image (i'm technologically challenged, i know) and now that i have found out how, i'm already too lazy to click 'back' and edit that post. 































































































































































anyway i promised myself to do another 'top 10' kinda post... and so here goes my second top 10 yongseo moments. other ppl may get better with time, but i guess inventing a title is something that i'm just poor at doing.. and i noticed a lot of typos on my previous post, and i am truly sorry for that... i shall preview and revise my post before i hit the button this time... hehehehe but thank you all for the positive feedbacks.. i'll try to post more frequently from now on! 

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































10. when seohyun and yong went fishing. she suddenly felt something while fishing, thinking that a fish had eaten her bait. she pulled the rod out of the pond only to find out that she had caught nothing. lol... and yonghwa laughed so hard too... =p






























































































































































































































































































































9. when the camera caught them doing the same thing at the same time inside the cinema when the movie showed a mellow scene. hehehehe this is so funny...





























































































































































































































































































































8. jungshin chingoo. uri chingoo. our nation's chingoo. this one is daebak. i laughed real hard when hyun read this. the tone of her voice made it all the more LOL-worthy.














































































































































































































































































































































































































7. the boys before flowers scene. the background music is so perfect.. i couldn't help but laughing alone while watching this scene.













































































































































































































































































































































































































6. when they played tekken inside the train and picked their fighters. hyun accidentally chose the kangaroo to fight with yong. to top it off, she chose wrongly again the second time, and her next character of choice is even more hilarious (a wooden robot)... lol.














































































































































































































































































































































































































5. when yong talked to the dog. i seriously pitied him at that time... but yet i laughed at his loneliness hahahahaha. especially when during the next scene, yong stared at the view from the balcony and there's this traditional music on the background while the camera zooms out... hahahahah














































































































































































































































































































































































































4. jungshin chingoo and yonghwa's expression when seohyun surprised them by hiding under the blanket. priceless, i swear =p






























































































































































































































































































































3. when yong n the other nampyeons were calling hyun and the other wives using the drum and all that,  i find it really hilarious... especially with kwon doing his "thing" xD













































































































































































































































































































































































































2. when hyun unconsciously called yong, and yong listened to her talking to her friend.. at one point, he even tried calling her and said, "hyunnnn~" i found it so hilarious and cute...






























































































































































































































































































































1. all their bickering moments.. like in the bus on their way to the sweet potato farm, and on their couch.. my faves are when they practiced for their special duet stage. yong did the merong, and i tried so hard to stop myself from laughing, and i failed badly because yong then stood up and started to sing that mellow song while staring at the window.. so funny...













































































































































































































































































































































































































that goes my second list... the list could actually go on and on... and along the way i kept on replacing one scene with another.. i guess it's because there are just too many funny and cute moments of them to remember. the ones i listed above are the ones that crossed my mind while i was typing this down.. what's your favorite funny yongseo moments, folks?? hehehe, anyway... i extremely encourage u guys to share them with me and the rest of the thread members, since i know i couldn't possibly be the only one feeling sad and gloomy for being yongseo-less. (right? right?? righttt????)














































































































































































































































 anyway i'd like to once again thank all the outside informations and teeny little updates that you guys keep on sharing with us here.. every little detail, every little info about either one or both of them is really appreciated. sometimes i feel like every time i click the bookmark bar of this thread, it's like i'm going to gogumaville, with yong and hyun being the rulers as the king and queen and we are all the citizens who always monitor them 24/7. it's like a sweet escape. every visit is an instant mood- lifter. every opinion is an eye- opener.  every update, info, spoiler, and translated article is a guarantee of a brighter day. i can't thank you all enough, i swear. i'm so lucky that i am welcomed here in this thread. hehe. have a daebak day everyone!

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest joshua27












Don't know whether it has been posted before but this is a news article on CNBlue when they visited Taiwan in September:
















I will try to translate as accurately as possible with regards to Goguma Couple.








Title : Jung YongHwa visited Taiwan with CNBlue wearing his couple ring
















<H2 class=article_title></H2>-> He and SNSD SeoHyun are a make-believe married couple in a reality show, and even bought a pair of couple ring; he never to forget to wear his ring for this press conference and admited " "Yes, this is the couple ring I bought with SeoHyun"
















-> Yesterday he wore a few rings on both his hands, but the ring on his left ring finger especially caught the attention, hence he was asked : "does the ring has any special significant/meaning?". He smiled and answer : "I love to wear many rings." He asked back the audience/reporters :" is it because you know something that's why you asked?" and he admitted voluntarily : "This is my couple ring with SeoHyun, I am afraid of losing it so I wear it wherever  I go." The article further stated that it added on to the suspicion that they have fallen in love.








I am so sad that I will be missing the couple this weekend and was going through my archive and saw this news, so just to share and help ease some goguma withdrawal syndrome that most of us are suffering.



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Guest Crystal392




Thanks for sharing all those screencaps and info. hafunohane I loved your top 10 moments :D





I wish they wouldn't have cancelled WGM this saturday... aww :( I need my YongSeo weekly dose. Thankfully I have all of you hehehehe :wub:





So in the preview you see they were writing something on a temple (?), does anyone know what was it that they were writing? where they wishes? :o


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   hafunohane: I loved your caps and top 10 moments :D do post more...

The thought of being YongSeo deprived the next 2 weeks tears.gif  made me rewatch their videos for the ‘only god knows how many times’. smile.gif

     I think other gogumas had mentioned that these 2 lovely people couldn’t really express their feeling verbally but when they put them in words they are just beautiful. wub.gif

    I really lovethe messages they wrote to each other. What were written clearly potray what’s inside their heart. I think this what made them special other than their unexpectedness or unpredictability. happy.gif

    Watching them is like eating a box of chocolates. A box is filled with many  beautiful and colourful shapes of chocolates with mixed flavors. You will not know the flavor until you actually take a bite.  laugh.gifJust like uri YongSeo. We’ll never know what they’ll do or how they’ll behave until we actually see them do so...

    Again... I just love the words they wrote for each other that I posted their letters to each other many pages back. Since I kept on having ‘YongSeo’break while working keukeukeu... biggrin.gif  I came up with a new FMV just to make up for the 2 weeks without vitamin YS

    Their beautiful and meaningful words for each other... laugh.gifwub.gifwub.gif



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"Yes, this is the couple ring I bought with SeoHyun"

hi joshua~! sorry, to cut ur post drastically -.-" i wonder if it's a typo error on their part as highlighted... 'cause it was hyun who bought it for him & not them buying the ring together.

redrev, i like ur previous fmv... thanks for sharing :) but i can't seem to open ur latest one >.< i suggest that u especially remove MBC logo in any of ur future fmv so as to avoid this --> This video contains content from iMBC and WMG, one or more of whom have blocked it on copyright grounds. all the best~!


joshua, it's not ur fault. i thought it was a typo error or prolly misinterpretation on their part not urs. no biggy :) besides, i just realized i only hi-lighted "BOUGHT" whoops! -.-"


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Guest icarus_fly








i was so happy to read all the posts here..



i tried not to visit the forum, for so many reasons, such as school and not showing of wgm this week, which makes my heart ache so much, but i failed badly..



i always end up reading all the posts here and waited for those updates about our couple..



@pangg, i was laughing watching your pic...



it was 1 vs 9 indeed..



but 3 in the show helped him..



i bet one was seohyun, other was hyoyeon, and other one was taeyon....






thanks for sharing PDnims POV...



i agree that quarrellings can deepen ones relationship. if someone keeps on agreeing to the other party, he or she wants to please the other party, and not show what he or she really is.



being seohyun as she is, standing on her own opinion, which in turn will create small bickering between the couple, it just shows that she is showing her true self to yong and not just keep on agreeing just to please him.









this article was the reason why i get back to the thread, when someone shared this to tumblr..






i am out of words..



it just show that yong really treasures hyun's gift. and value hyun as well as his wife..






i was quite sad that wgm will not air this week..



but your thoughts will suffice....











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Guest joshua27












Thank you Dreamy for highlighting my error.








Think the translation should be " this is my couple ring with Seohyun" and not bought with SeoHyun. Please pardon me.



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dreamy, Thanks for the tips. M still new to this FMV making business. I make the effort to venture into it because of YongSeo. happy.gif  I've never bothered with it before coz it is time consuming. But now I like it coz I got to watch YongSeo over and over and over again biggrin.gif They surely make goguma like me do crazy but satisfying YongSeo's related stuffs...

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Hi gogumas!!, so we have to survive without WGM and Inki this week -_-, this is sad... and because I´m missing them to death I want to have a very crazy spazzing! but first, Thank you all gogumas for the interview, pics, Yongseo moments, and everything!












I want to say to that goguma who made y,why fan video that I loved it!!! awwww to cute to words ^^. I remember that in that very same concert he sang I don´t know why, but I can´t find it anywhere... seems like our Yong was very emotional that day :wub:.












and now my crazy spazz, because we are missing holding hands to hell, but in the latest episode they gave us... Touching fingers hahaha.
























Bad pic... but to the gifs makers gogumas, can you make a gif of that part?? :wub: hahaha...  thank you!












And Is Yong staring at Hyun´s hand??? :)












Bye gogumas!!!





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Guest soshisoshisoshi








hello gogumas!!!






seems like the thread is kinda slow today, guess many people are studying for their exams huh?? I guess there is still no news about the rumoured filming whatsoever. How could hyun be gone when her unnies were attending the fanmeeting....... I think it's correct enough to assume that they did WGM filming.






Arrgh,,,,, no goguma this week is already a torture..... I need my weekly medicine to release my stress. icarus_fly, I agree with you, I cannot even stop looking at this thread. The moment I'm going to study using my laptop, my fingers seem to automatically type "seohwa couple thread" on google....




wow, I guess many gogumas are starting to make FMVs... I should follow this trend, but too bad I have lack of knowledge in using the programs, but I'll try to make one for sure!!!








so, where are our impressive gogumas, please make this thread lively again with all your POVs.......








P.S. My exam will finally end in 2 days.... yayyyy!!! I should celebrate by rewatching our couple's episodes since the first one..








Bye for now









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... I’m obsessed about 2 Korean idols that I’ve never met...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































... They’re both easy on the eyes...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































... When they are going through a rough spot in their relationship, I’m sad.  When everything is lovey-dovey I’m on top of the world!...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































... And most of all, I don’t want to see either of them hurt in any possible way... I just hope they come out of their filming of WGM with their hearts and minds still healthy and unhindered by any bitterness or resentment...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































... But most of all I want them to END UP AS PARTNERS FOR LIFE!  THAT would be DAEBAK!  THAT would make the planets align, make me believe in the power of LOVE, warm my weary bones, make my heart melt and provide rest for my soul...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































luvtokki, I super love your post! You exactly captured what I feel for our YongSeo couple, from my impression of them, what i feel for them, to my wishes for them. I was just planning to repost a line but ended copying a lot. When I was thinking of what to send the "Why I love YongSeo couple" project, I really wanted to say this: "They’re both easy on the eyes." But I backed out, embarrassed that I would not make sense (and it would have been hard for me to explain why in the next 44 words :D ).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And to all goguma lovers, CNBlue will hold a Christmas Concert in Busan!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And that means...Seohyun can watch the concert and afterwards spend Christmas eve/day with YongHwa and the parents-in-law!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Am I asking too much? :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe we can make that as our Christmas wish for our favorite couple. :wub:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1) I love how things doesn't turn out right or perfect for them. It's so funny and interesting, it makes them unpredictable, it makes them even more lovable. And what happens in the end is that things turn out for the better instead.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Movie date.
































































































































































































































































Hyun whispers. Yong's face full of anticipation. :w00t:
































































































































































































































































Hyun: Popcorn is too salty!
































































































































































































































































































Jeongdeonjin, where everything began. No sunrise for uri couple, only the tempest.
































































































































































































































































Rain and wind. Rough waves. The hidden sun... We'll live well.
































































































































































































































































































Hyun wants to choose a blond fighter but Roger Jr. appears! :o
































































































































































































































































































This one is totally unforgettable. I bet the black rice incident will haunt them for the rest of their lives. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































Like husband, like wife. Failing together and then Yong Nyuh Shi Dae emerges.
































































































































































































































































































The ring incident. 'Nuff said. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































Girl piggybacks the boy. Can't be more unpredictable than that. :D
































































































































































































































































































Yong's fail birthday surprise.
































































































































































































































































ROFL at Yong's priceless expression. Hyun is so clueless. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































Yong's infamous fail skinship. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm really curious how did the slippers beside the table end up in that position. :blink:
































































































































































































































































































Whew! I can't believe I'm still at point no. 1 in this case. There's so much to spazz. Well, since there's no WGM this saturday, I'll prolly post number 2 and up in later days.
































































































































































































































































Stay cheerful, gogumas! B)
































































































































































































































































To be continued...

































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