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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Can a girl make a wish??? -----> The third one is a KISS! :wub:








































































**You shoot, shoot, shoot.I laugh, laugh, laugh (hoot, hoot, hoot)** hahaha!








































































I was watching the MC Cuts from last week's Inkigayo... so, SNSD's (SEOHYUN) coming back. YEY!!!!But..... 2AM's (JINWOON) gonna have their comeback too right????








































































**YONGHWA --- I smell.... trouble, trouble, trouble.You've targeted me. You shoot, shoot, shoot.I laugh, laugh, laugh (hoot, hoot, hoot)**






































































































































































































































































































and lastly.... i think Seohyun's HOOT part is so short man!!! too short! Boo!!!!









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Guest pandasoori




yess , seohyun part in hoot song is so short , btw this sunday yong maybe check out his wife arefully because jinwoon there too . keke , aigoo yong ,


i hope snsd will win because i freakkingly want to see when yong announce them as a winner and last part when they sing . ahh god , plss make it happen :)


and this week is daebak , tomorrow mc jake tweet , sat wgm , sun inkigayo . ahhh yongseo . you make me crazy ~


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Guest constantia11






this is actually the post that i've been writing LOL! just 'cause of lunasol's awesome post, i had to ignore it for a while xD




constantia, i agree with u that fate has indeed brought these two very different people together!


how could it be a coincidence that they do not have any preference in their respective future spouse in WGM?

how could it be a coincidence that they are musically talented?

how could it be a coincidence that they wore similar outfits twice?

how could it be a coincidence that they have the same blood type & traits?

how could it be a coincidence that they walk in stride a lot of times?

how could it be a coincidence that they failed driving test twice?

how could it be a coincidence that they complement each other so well despite their initial differences?

how could it be a coincidence that they improve each others' weak points?

how could it be a coincidence that they become each others' stronghold just when the time came for them to bloom in their career?


imagine the time before they knew each other in WGM, them being on the same stage for the nth time with an invisible red string attached to them! alas, on the 11th february, that invisible red string finally brought them together~! while we wish & hope that the red string will keep on binding them closer & closer to each other until they become one, let's just enjoy the ride while we can! gahh sorry for being flowery & messy at the same time LOL xD it's just that, i've never felt such strong feeling before for any other couples! it's just impossible to have so many coincidental happenings between them! >.<






@dreamyboo: Sorry to cut your post.


About the fate we are talking about, I wish someone with artistic talent can be kind enough to put some footage or pictures that showed "the invisible red string" that bind them and brought them together (the list you mentioned, I mean).


And stop apologizing for being flowery. My feeling towards this couple is exactly the same as yours. I even think that I have been addicted to this couple. How I wish my son will be growing up to be a considerate and descent man like Yonghwa and meet a nice, kind and mature girl like Seohyun. Aahh... Sory for being too fluffy.






4 thumbs up for your post. I could not agree more!


the best way to see whether it looks real or reel is from a third party's POV.


I did that to my sister. First she complemented Seohyun for being so pure despite living in fame and showbiz (she got that not because I told her but she saw it from her gesture.


And then she saw their interaction and was amazed by their sincerity towards each other.




I remembered yesterday when watching Star Golden Bell Yonghwa's cut with SNSD Hyoyeon, Sooyoung And Tiffany, and saw the comments given by the viewers that Yonghwa is not compatible with Seohyun and how they against them pairing up.


They said he would be better off with Hyoyeon who more or less has the same personality with him.


They also said that it is more entertaining to watch the other couples (Adams and Khuntoria) because they can see how they don't have to play hard to get and go with skinship right away (unlike our couple who they think are only a one sided effort)


I refrained myself to comment and I just took the bright side that they just don't know our couple well enough.











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Again you hit the point. so true...





I think starting from the epic birthday episodes, they are taking us into their real feelings. It is dangerous but i sure wish it will work out for them. I know you hardly can date when you're in the Kpop industry let alone if you are an idol, BUT it's not IMPOSSIBLE. I once remember on a Strong Heart show, Danny Ahn (former GOD members) once said that Idol nowdays have their on ways on dating. because they often bump to each other, it is inevitable that some of them starts to date one another because afterall they are youngsters. and he said one of the most obvious way to know who's dating who is when You see or know that both are monitoring eachother, because with all the busy and crazy schedule, squeezing some time to monitor each other is a BIG statement on it's own. Soooo.... relying on this "insider" tips from Danny, i can dare to say that Yong and Hyun have mutual REAL feelings for each other and it is sure a fun ride to see





I been thinking about this monitoring for a long time since it was mentioned by Yonghwa that he received Seohyun's text about the Kyuhyun handholding in Singapore. I did some search and here goes.



21 August 2010



CNBlue concert started at 3pm and ended at 4.30pm Singapore time, about 3.30pm  5.30pm Korea time.



SM Town concert started at 5pm Korea time. Seohyun's performance with Kyuhyun was the 27th songs so given about 3-5 mins per song, it will be about 7pm KST when she was done with the performance.



CNBlue went for their chilly crabs dinner and proceed to the airport for their departure at 10.50pm Singapore time, about 10.50pm  11.50pm Korea Time



Yonghwa mentioned that he already knew about it when he received the text from Seohyun in Singapore in the lastest wgm episode. Hence, I think that he was looking for her news to be able to know that the hand holding happened before she texted him after the performance, 7pm to maybe around 9pm 11pm KST before he reached the airport. There could be a possibility that somebody or fans updated him through twitter or sms etc.



So it all happened within a few hours and not days. Mmm???



Edit: Sorry was a bit confused over the timing. Singapore is one hour earlier than Korea



"I Love Yongseo because" project update.



Thanks for everybody's participation. We need about 20 more submission to reach our 300 target. Please send in yours soon. In the event that we received more than the required 300 postings, the crew will have the discretion to give priority to people with name, age and country submitted and dropped those wth incomplete information. So PM me with your information if it was not provided earlier.






As the thread do fly some times, please check that your name is captured below to ensure that I do not miss your posting.








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I love YONGSEO because they show how an ideal relationship should progress and they are making a good example on how to deal with having a relationship to young people this days.





ahyee, 32, philippines





- hope this qualifies...


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Guest wallpaperfood

redtulip, nice detective work!!! It would have made me nuts just trying to figure these timing things out...now we know what yong does in his limited free time ^^

lenovo, OMG although I knew 2am was going to have their comeback the same time as SNSD, the whole <3 triangle thing didn't occur to me (sloww..), Now I'm even more excited because you've pointed out that Yong might be aware of Jinwoon or vice versa or sth XD And Seobaby's just going to be all naive, probably, giving her unnies a field day.. I'm going to monitor Yong VERY carefully on Inki now!

On a very outdated note;

I was just reading the article (from AGES ago) when Yong was filming Sebakwi (Change the World show...sorry, not sure about the name), and they made him make a call to Hyun during filming (which did not end up on the show, unfortunately)...I wonder what her ringtone would have been - in my head, i'm fantasising that it could have been CN Blue's Loner (since she was so addicted to that, revealed by evil unnies). If it was, I wonder how the others on set would have reacted!! hahaha 

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I remembered yesterday when watching Star Golden Bell Yonghwa's cut with SNSD Hyoyeon, Sooyoung And Tiffany, and saw the comments given by the viewers that Yonghwa is not compatible with Seohyun and how they against them pairing up.









They said he would be better off with Hyoyeon who more or less has the same personality with him.









They also said that it is more entertaining to watch the other couples (Adams and Khuntoria) because they can see how they don't have to play hard to get and go with skinship right away (unlike our couple who they think are only a one sided effort)









I refrained myself to comment and I just took the bright side that they just don't know our couple well enough.





























Sorry to cut your post, I think if Yonghwa was paired with Hyoyeon the relationship will not be that interesting to watch. It will just be two wacky people in a relationship. It won't be this meaningful. It won't be able to top the birthday series episodes. Seohyun and Yonghwa just click in a weird wonderful way. Not everybody can appreciate them maybe because they are looking for something else, but for us people who have watched and followed their story, we know better. We know that if their stint with WGM will be over, they would still have a wonderful friendship and a relationship full of memories. They just don't know how a very romantic Yonghwa prepares events and accommodates his wife's whims and how a very serious Seohyun would somehow show a different side of her personality that even her unnies are telling her that she's changed for the better.


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Guest anne0129
















hi, i can't watch the video coz it's private....












i'm new with this sompi thing ... i usually watch goguma couple with eng sub, by sweet potato days and i get the link from there but i can watch the video...












please...please...please.... can you hel pme to watch goguma couple ep 29 eng sub...



































Hi! You can watch the new episode at rdrsubs. Here is the link. rdrsubs












You can go to the streaming section and just click on the episode you want to watch. You can even download the episodes if you want.





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I Love Yongseo because they make me feel happy when i see them. They show different sides to them that allows us gogumas to learn more about them. They may accomadate to each other but comparing from episode 1 till now anyone can see the drastic change the both of them have gone through. Being the most awkward couple to the most comfortable one. They may not show much skinship but thats how a normal relationship really is. They make me smile when I think about them and I can talk enthusiastically about them with my friends because they make me feel warm inside. Yongseo couple is really a fairytale couply :) they make people feel happy to see them and us gogumas will always support them.









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Guest clothpighwa
















































I wonder if these have been posted before...
















Seohyun stole Yonghwa's heart! ♥
















Awww so cute! ^_^
















































































credits to gogumalove@tumblr

















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Guest Faith_memory














































































































































































I remembered yesterday when watching Star Golden Bell Yonghwa's cut with SNSD Hyoyeon, Sooyoung And Tiffany, and saw the comments given by the viewers that Yonghwa is not compatible with Seohyun and how they against them pairing up.































































































They said he would be better off with Hyoyeon who more or less has the same personality with him.































































































They also said that it is more entertaining to watch the other couples (Adams and Khuntoria) because they can see how they don't have to play hard to get and go with skinship right away (unlike our couple who they think are only a one sided effort)































































































I refrained myself to comment and I just took the bright side that they just don't know our couple well enough.






























































































































































hmm.. for me, YongSeo is the most interesting pair on WGM. really. they show different emotions, unlike the other pairs who looks just cute, sweet and funny all the time. YongSeo gives a different feel in the show. they started like whatever in the show, but at it goes on, their progress was well observed. their segments are really something else that makes you want to look forward to the next week. ♥ right now, they are on Top of my list ♥
















































we should stick our eyes own and watch our couple carefully this week.. kekeke~ ♥
















































btw, on the ring performance episode, they did not show hy~un's reaction when it's yo~ng's turn to show his ring on tv, right? hmmm.. where did that scene go?? they only wrote, EMERGENCY, scene cut... something.... placed elsewhere... something. lol.
















































anyway, hello gogumas!! ♥
































































































redtulip i PMed you something. ♥

















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Guest SophiaPia





anyoung wallpaperfood :)



That's pity, that they didn't show that part when Yong call Hyun. It could be interesting hmmm! i wonder why they edited or didn't show it? anyhow this weeks lot's of happenings again w/ our YongSeo from wifey Hoot then, the couple 200th day celebration. I really don't have any idea what's Yong up to. We can only have a hint when MCJake twitter tomorrow wednesday :) Cheersmate



and yes! i agree, i think YongSeo couple look good w/ each other. They are match and they really click yeah! baby



redtulip, nice detective work!!! It would have made me nuts just trying to figure these timing things out...now we know what yong does in his limited free time ^^



lenovo, OMG although I knew 2am was going to have their comeback the same time as SNSD, the whole <3 triangle thing didn't occur to me (sloww..), Now I'm even more excited because you've pointed out that Yong might be aware of Jinwoon or vice versa or sth XD And Seobaby's just going to be all naive, probably, giving her unnies a field day.. I'm going to monitor Yong VERY carefully on Inki now!



On a very outdated note;



I was just reading the article (from AGES ago) when Yong was filming Sebakwi (Change the World show...sorry, not sure about the name), and they made him make a call to Hyun during filming (which did not end up on the show, unfortunately)...I wonder what her ringtone would have been - in my head, i'm fantasising that it could have been CN Blue's Loner (since she was so addicted to that, revealed by evil unnies). If it was, I wonder how the others on set would have reacted!! hahaha




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[Rumor] Kyuhyun might be appearing on WGM YongSeo couple. (credit: cloiee18 @ soompi)






























































































































































































































This Got me really, really, really excited!!!!









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Guest Faith_memory
















































































I Love YongSeo because... [project]
















































I love YongSeo because they are honest and innocent. They compliment each other and gives out their true feelings to their fans. They are an interesting couple indeed, different than the rest and genuine. They surprisingly look great together and are fun to watch! ♥ Even though they move in a slow pace their progress are observable, as they say, 'slowly but surely.' ♥ Their personalities are well-loved, and their actions speaks louder than the scripts. ♥ I'd love to see them more and I will anticipate their further development. ♥
















































































































































Philippines ♥
































































































lenovo hahaha that's just a rumor for now.

















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Guest rjcm127






Just something I wanted to share with you guys. I don't know if it's been posted b4 but it seems to be bts of YongSeo as a co-host on MC with Yuri...


They look soo cute together (sigh of happiness)....Can anyone help and translate?


imbc WGM-MC co-host



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































I don't really pay attention to those people saying that Yonghwa would have been better off if he was paired with another girl. what makes YongSeo special for me is that the relationship grew at their own pace. and skinship is not what I'm after from the two, its their interactions and growth. and personality-wise, they click. the reserved girl and the patient guy.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































talking about skinship. Seohyun is open to that, Yonghwa is just being careful to not "go strong" into skinship because he is considerate of Seohyun's inexperience. Yonghwa I think is a touchy guy (even holds hands with Minhyuk and Jungshin) to people he is close to, to show that they are close to him. but he hesitates at first with Seohyun and he results to bets to make Seohyun comfortable with the idea of skinship. but now he can put his elbow on her shoulder and suddenly grab her hand (without any sign from Seohyun that she doesn't like it) plus he calls her with his Busan accent. he just wants to show that Seohyun is special to him.
































































































































































































Seohyun has already shown us that Yonghwa is special to her. she is very known to bottle up her emotions. but with Yonghwa, she tells him directly. she is very open with him and I think that is a big step for Seohyun as it makes her vulnerable. but knowing that, she is still open because I think she genuinely trusts Yonghwa. another thing is that on June 28, her birthday, instead of really celebrating or getting a good night sleep, she stayed up and made her gift to Yonghwa, a guy that didn't even text her on her birthday.
































































































































































































their relationship is special, they started of as an engaged couple before going into "marriage" and it allowed them to really get to know each other well. they know each other well to a point that both of them are really honest, shows their cutesy side, and even arguing. but at the end of their arguments, they still giggles and smiles at each other.
































































































































































































If Yonghwa or Seohyun was paired with another person, I don't think I'll be as hooked to them as I am now. 
































































































































































































YongSeo is like fishing. their awkwardness at first is the BAIT, then we got HOOKED by their interactions, and they REELED US IN by their progress together.

































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Guest athrun_azzoe






annyong goguma




long time no post here. cheongmal, cant wait any longer for next episode. I wonder what's yong prepared for hyun.




he really know how to make woman fly




btw, I just heard full house OST, and the lyric is kinda suitable for hyun. I imagine hyun's thinking like that




here's the lyric:




Choumgujariye (Full House OST) op. song




Singer: Lee Bo Ram/ Romanization by Kreah




kudae chigum naegasume durowa




sarangul marhago itjyo




kkumi anigirul / nanun kido-hae-bwayo




nae-mami jakku gudae-ran saram




nochi malrago haneyo




yokshimul nae-ramyo




pabo gatun marul haneyo




uyon-hi daga-on ku-dae sara-ngi




waen-ji nassolji a-nhat-jyo




hajiman yaksokdwen inyo-i-giye




sarangi dwel jul molratjyo




chogum humyon ku-dae




konaeya haltende kurol jashini opjyo








na holro itdon gujarirul chaja / ije doragal ppu-inde




dangyonhan irinde / wae mami apujyo




gudae won-hadon sarangul chaja / ije doragal ppun-inde




haengbokhan kudae-rul / usumyo bonae-ya haltende




nae nunul pomyo sarangul marhajyo




suchyogan sarangichiman




I sungan nanun nomu haengbokhaeyo




machi kkumul kun got chorom




ijeya arassoyo choumbuto urin




saranghaessotdanun gol




Repeat Chorus




naege sarangul chumyon andwenayo




gudae chongmal andwenayo




ijenun kudaerul itorok sarang-hanunde








You’ve entered my heart and what you’re telling me is love




I pray this isn’t all a dream




My heart keeps telling me not to let you go




It keeps telling me to act greedy, what a stupid thing to think




Fate brought your love to me, it seems so familiar




It was meant to be, but I didn’t know it’d turn to love




Soon it’ll be time to let you go, but I don’t know if I can




All I have to do is return to where I once stood




It’s how it’s supposed to be, but why does my heart ache so?




You’re finally going back to your true love




I should send you off with a smile




You look into my eyes and profess your love, though it’s a passing love




I’ve never felt happier, as if I’m in a dream




I’ve finally realized it now, that we’ve been in love since the start




All I have to do is return to where I once stood




It’s how it’s supposed to be, but why does my heart ache so?




You’re finally going back to your true love




I should send you off with a smile




Can’t you give me your love, is it really impossible?




I love you with all my heart…




*sorry for long post blush.gif


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Guest DJHinata

Hello goguma lovers !! Here a present ~~ 

**You shoot, shoot, shoot.I laugh, laugh, laugh (hoot, hoot, hoot)** hahaha! 

 ejejej i really think this song is so YONGSEO couple ♥ 




This wall was dedicated to Magdal ♥

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Guest wallpaperfood

SophiaPia!!! Anyeong :D

Yeah Yongseo's got my mind overloaded - which is not cool cos my exams are in 2 weeks, but I can't help it <3

heartbreak_warfare22, I always like reading your posts :) 

To sort of 'quote myself' from a few pages back, I agree that what Yongseo couple has is unique. Unlike other couples, they don't just bicker over tivial things for the point of making the show entertaining/ have tonnes of skinship/ click like magic from the start.

It's becAUSE they didn't click at the start that they are so interesting, as now they obviously DO. That's why it's hard to wait for each week, cos you want to see their relationship progress , not b/c you want to be entertained by 2 ppl playing husband and wife.

"YongSeo is like fishing. their awkwardness at first is the BAIT, then we got HOOKED by their interactions, and they REELED US IN by their progress together"

^ dude that's awesome (sorry, I just had to edit my post twice b/c my quoting skills are dodgy. I gave up in the end..)

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Guest bizzie_b


Hi guys! So here I am at Krispy Kreme, waiting for my bf. haha.  Would just like to share what I have in mind regarding Yong's surprise and all.  Also, this might be a long post so I'm very sorry for that! haha rolleyes.gif

Anyway, hmmm.. I was kind of imagining stuff like these: wub.gif

1.  They are going to visit a school where Yong will play with CN Blue and he will sing a song to Hyun.  

  • -Also possible that he will sing 'I don't know why'  and tell her that the she's the inspiration behind the song and like every word of the song expresses his feelings for Hyun!

2.  They will visit a school and ride bikes.  Since most HS Koreans go to school with bikes. (Or not? haha)

3. Visit a school and go to a library where he prepared all the surpises for her.  he filled the floor with bue and pink balloons. then like maybe the singing thing I was talking about.

4.  Again visit a school, go to a library and hand her a book.  the the book is pretty special because it's like those books which when you open them, the middle is missing.  And there goes his another surprise gift.  errrrr, how do you call     those kind of books!?  Anyways, I hope you get what I mean.  This kind of 'books' are like boxes where you put special or important stuff.  Oh gee, it's hard to explain. haha

5.  Hmmm...  again visit a school, CN Blue will play, Yong will sing for her, then Jonghyun takes over the singing and Yong will invite Hyun to dance?  Just like a prom!  I don't think Hyun was able to experience prom! haha.  and and and.. there 

goes the fireworks!  

6.  How about walking down the streets, they will stop in one corner then Yong will point out to one particualr spot, could 

be a building or could be the school.  Then goes down the big tarp or banner greeting her, "Happy 200th day!" LOL.

      - Or Yong could blindfold his buin again.

However, upon watching RDR's subs, the 3rd gift is something that would give her encouragement so I think think that the 

stuff I mentioned above might not qualify. LOL

My Wish List--to name a few (activities together or simply what I want to see them do):

1.  Go to Namee Island and enjoy riding the bike together.  (One of Hyun's wish) 

2. Yong giving Hyun a piggy back ride. biggrin.gif

3. Spend some quality time together at the beach.  I remember watching a video during CN Blue's pictorial at the beach where Yong was asked by the reporter if he would bring Hyun there or something like that.  I wanna see them running after the waves. Or running after each other.  Or play catching up!  Waaaaaah wub.gif

4.  Of course, the wedding pictorial.  I can't wait to see what I've seen during the season 1 where the couple chooses the 

dress and suit.  It's very exciting and nerve wracking as well most especially to the guys.  wub.gif  I wonder how Yong would react! haha laugh.gif

5.  Yong cooking for Hyun.

6.  Yong driving Hyun to school.  Yong fetching Hyun from school.

7.  Meet each other's parents!  Oh please!  wub.gif

8.  Trip together abroad (apart from the Japan filming).


9.  Revisit places like Jeongdongjin. :)

10. Write a song together.  I think this is included on their wish list as well.

11. Go to the playground.  Have some picnic and try the swing together while talking or laughing or just merely staring at each other! haha

12. Yong or Hyun waiting for each other or watching each other during photo shoots or CFs or whatever their schedule is.

13. Attending each other's concerts.



Oops, got to go for now.  BF's already here.  See you later guys! wub.gif


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