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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia





OMG! look at that kekeke! thanks luv_sp_couple



OK SIGN w00t.gif it could be ? (whatever it's in ur mind) :) i'm speechless as well. I don't know what to say really hahaha! every thing they do it's always similar. Good God it's really destiny the YongSeo couple yeah! baby.



Saturday pls hurry up. Pali Pali pls. :)


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Hello to all Gogumas,


First time poster here, but have been lurking for quite sometime now.  Have to say my thanks to all posters here for keeping this goguma planet a fun and lovely place. I am insanely in-love with this adorable couple, but i feel normal reading all your post expressing how this couple affects each one of you.

Since "ok sign" is the hot topic, i want to share this picture. Please excuse me if I make a mistake in posting the picture. I am not familiar yet how this works.

hi there~ welcome to gogumaland! :) uwahhh thanks for that! they're more REAL than REEL! >.<

heartbreak, i believe that yongseo are....ON!!!! LOL if u know what i mean xD i mean other couples in WGM don't do such things like them making signs to each other on shows. it's becoming more obvious to us now. KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i just hope no antis will make further trouble when they detect this hand gestures from yongseo.

edit: btw, how come there's no inkigayo vids of yong in YT????

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jnj & panGG... glad that u like my MV :D too bad YT disabled the audio T.T btw, what're u guys talking about in the SPOILER? it seems soooo juicy that i'm becoming more & more curious? >.< issit something u guys posted in hyun's thread? i haven't stepped into that thread though. gahhhh i'm curious pls tell meeee :P edit: uuhhh sorry, i just saw ur SPOILER, panGG. it was right in front of my eyes!!! @_@ i must be lacking a lot of sleep! ROFL!!!!!!!! xD hahaahahahaha good one there!!! didn't know junsu used to like her. but i can see that hyun didn't dare to really see him face-to-face? scared to face the jealous seobang? kekeeke







sorry to cut! but yea, we were just talking about how a lot of seohyun fanboys were in the G20 Lets Go video. hahaha.

and junsu had sang to her during army idol he sang and then ended with a cheesy "it's seohyun shidae" lol meaning "it's seohyun genearation" lol.







edit hello dreamyboo! and goodnight, i'm heading to bed. so tired. :wacko: lol







so now i'm definitely obsessing over the "OK" sign now too. hahaha.


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Guest lovekin


in reference to the "OK" sign yong and seo have been seen to do, i think there's more logic behind yong's actions.




i feel like he does it to acknowledge his fans, as if to thank them for their presence.  but he's holding a pick, so it comes off as the "OK" signal.  it's not uncommon for guitarists to do, to be honest.  many musicians who play the guitar do the same thing with their audience before, during, or after their act.




however, in seo's case, i can't find an explanation behind it – or none that i can surmise – especially since she wasn't consistent with it from the beginning.  using her as proof, it's easy to say that this "OK" sign is a secret code between yongseo.




is it?  i don't know, but if it is, it's a cute concept.  it's easier and more subtle to do than showing off the ring, which often strays from the planned choreography (snsd) or strumming (c.n.blue).  so i can definitely see it as something they planned amongst themselves.






however, as is my nature, i wish there was more concrete proof.  for me, it's only coincidence for now – but a divine one at that!





like everyone else, though, i'm no different.  i often indulge in the possibility and deeper meaning of those signals.  but it only makes me yearn for more news between themtongue.gif


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer

And the way he calls her by her full name, it's just pure  :wub:

"Seo Ju Hyun..."

Ahhhhh! it kills me every time he does that.  :w00t:

Except from her unnies, I've never really heard anyone call Seohyun by her by her real name...

Even us fans, we just call her SeoHyun most of the time...

So, Yong calling Hyun "Seo Ju Hyun" seems so intimate...

I noticed when he call her that, it's usually because he's overwhelmed with emotion or something.

He's doing it unconsciously... :wub:

- - -


He's so smitten...  :wub:

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Guest blancface








Since we're on the topic of the OK sign...I don't think it's a pure coincidence that she did the OK sign and the avatar hair move on Music Bank when they were both there together, especially since the girls had their goodbye stage already.








Also, whoever mentioned the award season coming up...I also agree that the broadcasting companies hopefully will have a special stage where these two end up together. ESPECIALLY MBC since all 3 of their couples are all idols...they HAVE to do a special with the couples. And maybe for SBS...SNSD and CNBLUE can do music drama that is done every year together? Who knows! I think we should write to MBC though...it only makes sense to have a special stage with your WGM couples when they're all idols of some of the biggest groups in the industry.








2 more days until Saturday!





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Guest lovekim
























































































































Hey everyone!!








































































































Thanks for all the spazz and info and trans!!








































































































Love ya jd2lee and redtulip!!








































































































dreamyboo dearie, you mean of last sunday's? there wasn't Inkigayo last sunday. Was cancelled last minute due to a baseball game.








































































































I'm still smiling to Yong's "Seo Hyun -yang~~" LOL









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Hello to all Gogumas,






























































































































First time poster here, but have been lurking for quite sometime now.  Have to say my thanks to all posters here for keeping this goguma planet a fun and lovely place. I am insanely in-love with this adorable couple, but i feel normal reading all your post expressing how this couple affects each one of you.






































































































Since "ok sign" is the hot topic, i want to share this picture. Please excuse me if I make a mistake in posting the picture. I am not familiar yet how this works.






































































































































Hi luv_sp_couple. I love your post. I've watched a show I can't remember the name and whose the guest but the topic is about Kpop idols in a relatioship with other idols or actors/actress. The guest saying that although the company is not allowing their talents to have a relationship but most of the idols hide it and they have a "CERTAIN SIGNS" or a certain words that she/he can only understand. This is their way to pass a message or something. The guest also said that they are a lot of idols doing this...... so in my conclusion... OK SIGN is a kind of gesture that only Yong and Hyun know what it means.






































































































If anybody can remember Yong did the OK sign when he sings LoveLight on their major concert (when Hyun and his parents was there). So every goguma knows what it means...As for me I knew the message, he is dedicating the song to Hyun without mentioning her name on his concert....lol.... that`s what I believe and I know Hyun did the same thing... She has a show or something and she did also the OK sign (that is for our Yonghwa saying HI  and she was thingking of him)  hahhahaha... well, I have the right to think and interpret it in my way right???







































































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i agree with jhetd.

if u guys watch Happy Together, some of the idols guests shared this too.

its like their secret code.

and before doing it, one of them will tell the other to look out for it.

so, if yongseo is doing it...i'm just super duper elated!!

dreamy, abt panGG spoiler, its just us spazzing abt hyun and her fanboys..

but i can tell u that most hyun-biased fans such as me, d3, miel, cunna, blueswim,

soleil, and oh, i should count lenovo too, still vote for yong to be THE ONE..

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panGG: aishhh i just missed bumping into u! ahhh so it's like that! hmmm thankfully hyun wasn't interested in boys at that time kekeke! LOL i guess u should be in bed at this hour over at ur place! xD SWEET POTATO DREAMS yah! i think i'm in dire need of some beauty sleep too tonite! :huh:

lovekin~! :D yes i think so too! thanks to u, i now understand what i wanted to say LOL (i'm not very good with words -.-")

CallMeDayDreamer, one sentence for ya.... YONGSEO IS REAL! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :w00t::wub:

annyeong lovekim~! :D hahah geez i didn't know that! whooops! my bad... no wonder i didn't see any vids posted in cnblue thread & YT xD oh, thanks for clearing that up for me ^______^

edit: *waves at jnj* xD haha yes... i just realized that not long ago LOL! i guess sleep is important huh :P my head's not in the right order again! hahaaha btw, count me in! i want yong to be THE ONE too!!! :wub:

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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































annyong GOGUMA  :wub:
































































































































































































































































@ crystal_malfoy : thank you  :wub:
































































































































































































































































@ panGG : omo, you right ! well maybe we just wait another goguma made awesome artwork and save it :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here's part two

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest anne0129




















Hello! Coming out of my lurking mode....I would love to thank everyone who contributed to keep this thread happy and full of spazzing.....j2dlee, redtulip, Yuki for your translations thank you. sun_sun and rdrsubs for subbing the goguma couple segments thank you so much. jnj, dreamyboo, d3seohyun, lenovo, crystal_malfoy, for keeping this thread alive and oh so well. Special thanks to kay77 and silisnoy for helping us understand about the life of this 2 great artist as perceived by the Korean fans.












I just have something on my mind and hope you can just let me voice it out.

I mean with regards to Love Light, I know why they sang it in the Incheon concert, and because of last weeks episdoe we find out the big significance of that song in their story so it just fits that they will sing it together. But I always wondered why Run Devil Run for the other song in their duet? If they were looking for a more significant song it should have been Tell Me Your Wish since it has been a big part of their relationship on the show. But they sand Run Devil Run and Love Light so the question for me is why? With MC Kim's tweet, I think and I hope that may be Saturday's episode will answer it....May be Hyun showed the first real jealousy since per MC Kim's tweet it seems like there was some twist? May be the twist is a role reversal wherein Hyun is the one telling Yong to not to flirt too much or interact too much with the opposite sex...(hey I can wish about it right)...It was just that Yong asking Hyun if she was jealous of UJ just felt so bold that I feel something must have happened prior to that episode to have given Yong some other indications that Hyun may have manifested some jealousy of some sorts.












Anyway, as I said I was just voicing out some weird ideas. Sorry if I wasted your time. blush.gif
























Wow! :w00t: Just saw the gifts for the couple and staff of WGM....They really give awesome stuff to this lovely couple. I'm not starting something but can I ask if other couples' fans do this kind of stuff too. I'm just curious. Don't mean any harm. :unsure:





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i just noticed another even Yong has done that relates to Hyun.








































I was watching the Win Win episode which featured Yong, Siwon, and Taecyeon and they were doing Cinderella Sister drama reenactment of Taecyeon's running scene (the one where he picks up moon geun yeung and runs while carrying her --it was a "fresh feeling/expression")








































anyhow, after Taecyeon does the reenacment with the MC lady, Yong is invited to do the same reenactment...but he does it with his own twist.








































If you watch the vid you may find there's a HUGE similarity with what our Yongseo couple did in episode 19 (the one in which they played pool and Hyun lost the bet)
















































































(Start at 10:34 for Yong's scene)








































i apologize if this has been pointed out before but ever since ep 27 I've been backtracking on a lot Yong & Hyun's appearances and I'm seeing things in a whole new light. I can't help but believe that they think about each other so many times and we're lucky it's on camera so that we can witness they're beautiful relationship, however serious it may be.









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Guest constantia11

Was roaming over Youtube, and found this beautiful MV.

THe song is one of my favorite CN Blue songs: One of A Kind.

I'm sorry if it has been shared before.


cr:popange194 @ youtube

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Guest CheriMerci








hello everyone!!




i'd like to ask for help.:sweatingbullets:




My sis found this news article. We think it's about Minhyuk will be casted in some drama.




If so, it means that Yong kinda have time to be (film) with his wife, Hyun. :wub:  




Pls translate to us. Thank you in advance. ^^














씨엔블루 강민혁, SBS 새월화극 전격 캐스팅








영화 이어 이번엔 드라마 출연!








[머니투데이 스타뉴스 김지연 기자]








배우 자격으로 부산국제영화제 레드카펫을 밟았던 씨엔블루의 강민혁이 SBS 새 월화드라마 '괜찮아, 아빠딸'에 전격 캐스팅됐다.








강민혁은 '닥터챔프' 후속으로 오는 11월22일 방송 예정인 '괜찮아, 아빠딸'에서 연두 역을 맡아 안방극장을 찾는다.








극중 강민혁이 연기할 연두라는 인물은 음악을 하는 친구로, 향후 여주인공 은채령(문채원 분)을 짝사랑하게 된다. 특히 극중 등장하는 밴드 멤버로 활약할 전망이다.








문채원이 일찌감치 주연을 확정한 '괜찮아, 아빠딸'은 철부지로 걱정 없이 자란 채령이 갑작스런 아버지의 변고를 겪으며 스스로 삶을 개척해 나가는 내용을 담을 예정이다.












CR: butthegirl@mtstarnews.com





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Guest Kerube-Chan




















































Ok! Not really Yongseo related, but now I know why the album was delayed...












































News about Minhyuk and his drama... Cr. the CNBLUE Soompi thread.












































Min Hyuk in drama












































SBS Monday&Tuesday 9pm drama '괜찮아, 아빠딸'(I'm alright, daddy's daughter) time slot of Doctor Champ, from Nove.22.












































Leading actress Moon Chae Won and sub role Min Hyuk are confirmed.












































Leading actor is not fixed, Dong Hae of SUJU is being considered.












































It's a story of 3 daughters of a wealthy family. Suddenly father passes away. Three daughters begin to live a hard life without father. Especially Chae Ryung(MCW) who was infantile princess faces a tough world, carves out her own life.












































Yeon Du(Min Hyuk, means light green, what a lovely name) is a musician and a band member, watches her and later he begins to love her.















































































































































































This is bad of me, but I was thinking FNC will put YH in another drama and really the poor man needs to rest, it is good that now they are promoting other members with dramas. (The news say MH was casted in the PIFF event, that is why they make the announcement of the album delay the next day)












































As always, thanks to everyone for sharing the goodies, this is such a happy day, I love you all. Hope the preview is out soon, I really want to know what they are doing... XD












































Edit: Toped the page with nothing to share... Aishhh!!! Sorry!!! This comment was totally random, but it give me hope because YH is going to have more free time. I just hope YH can rest as much as possible the rest of the year... ^_^





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Guest sassysnsd

Tiffany just did a starcall with Jessica and Hyoyeon and said that SNSD will be going to Taiwan tomorrow. They will be performing their Into The New World concert. I'm not very clued up about CN Blue's schedule, have they left Taiwan already? I wish that Yong would stay to watch the concert. In one of the older episodes didn't Hyun want Yong to come to her concert in Thailand? Correct me if I am wrong.

Thanks again to all the devout Gogumas!!

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haha... gogumafan~! u're right!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA  :wub: i wonder what does the OK sign mean to them. issit some kinda greeting to each other? or some kinda mission they assigned to each other to do? i'm guessing that it's prolly some kinda mission for themselves kekekeke























Kerube-Chan, fara: thanks for the links to what gogumafan was talking about ^^












jnj & panGG... glad that u like my MV :D too bad YT disabled the audio T.T btw, what're u guys talking about in the SPOILER? it seems soooo juicy that i'm becoming more & more curious? >.< issit something u guys posted in hyun's thread? i haven't stepped into that thread though. gahhhh i'm curious pls tell meeee :P












edit: uuhhh sorry, i just saw ur SPOILER, panGG. it was right in front of my eyes!!! @_@ i must be lacking a lot of sleep! ROFL!!!!!!!! xD hahaahahahaha good one there!!! didn't know junsu used to like her. but i can see that hyun didn't dare to really see him face-to-face? scared to face the jealous seobang? kekeekek xD












hi luv1822~! i luv ur post & i agree with everything u said. although we don't have much to share or offer, but just to spazz with our goguma love is enough :D u're one of the loveliest gogumas in this thread ya know ;)












shane09, again... thanks for the gif. luv ur captures! :D












lunasol, thanks for the pics~ :) when i saw them holding fruits, i recall in the cnblue thread that the boys all got disgusted with the looks of those fruits except for MH though. but once they tasted them, they ate them all LOL! boys will always be boys huh  :wub:












oh, here's a gif of one similar scene... i wonder if u guys remember that scene or not ;)












i guess that's prolly where they got that kinda new style of hi-5? xD












%7Boption%7D10372211948752.gif%7Boption%7Dcr. yenhong90@cnblue soompi












edit: shawie, i'm glad u like my MV too ^^




































hi boo and the rest of the goguma's... SORRY, I don't mean to repost this, in fact I've made a comment on this, but since I got a negative remark I decided to edit it and edit again, up to the point of just deleting my comment,   for fear of violating the thread rules (if, I was).  So if you see I sort of reposted the post without any comment from me, please excuse me for I have no idea what I was doing.  Anyway, hoping for your kind understandstanding.... Thank you.














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Guest Germbaby


Hi, I am interested in your reading on Yongseo match. Pls post here to share . Thanks in advance. I hope they match each other well.

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Guest SophiaPia





Waiting for Saturday, so while waiting watching epi27 again almost every day really! :) So, the SNSD are going to Taiwan. I hope they ask seoHyun about the couple ring, like what they did to Yonghwa when cnblue are in Taiwan. Hopefully YongSeo Taiwan are all in full force again for wifey Hyun and her unnies. At least YongSeo meet before Hyun goes to Taiwan and Singapore. 



YongSeo might prepare for winter, i wonder what they will do :) 



Just wondering, IF HUBBY YONG WILL WEAR HIS COUPLE RING WHILE DOING THE NEW SHOW NIGHT AFTER NIGHT. And i'm wondering if it's gonna be in livestream. 



Oct 16 [Episode 28]






Oct 16-17 SNSD @ Into the New World Concert in Taiwan





Oct 16 CNBLUE Fanmeeting in Seoul 






Oct 23 [Episode 29]





Oct 23 SNSD @ Korean Pop Night in Singapore





Oct 28 CNBLUE @ Japan Fanmeeting





Oct 30 [Episode 30]


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