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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








@slurpeeslurp: thanks for the news. If yong is in the driver's seat, probably he finally got his license, but wasn't filmed. probably Seohyun got her later than Yonghwa due to SNSD's Japan promotions of Genie. so they are still filming? they are going to spend the whole day again together? that is indeed great news. after the promotions both in Korea and overseas, I think both of them deserves to have break and spend some time together. I heard sweet potatoes from Kanghwa (where their 2 row field is) grows the most delicious sweet potatoes.


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hey, got this off baidu..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yonghwa is rumoured to be sitting on the driver's seat (?)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































o.o yongseo couple is still filming - rumour has it that they may be going to dig the gogumas from hyun's birthday farm O:
















































































































































































































































time has really flown past...
















































































































































































































































their gogumas are ready (:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMO, OMO, OMO!!!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































as I speak, (after tweeting, and PMing our dear gogumas) DeeOmfg, naz, fengz_ (texted) raine - jossa fainted, still recovering. hehehehe. Others havent responded yet.... hoping they are still alive though. hahaha!
















































































































































































































































THANKS FOR THIS AWESOME, AWESOME news!!!!!!! slurpeeslurp
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh good God!!!! I can imagine Yonghwa's hot aura (ooohhh... that guy is just ooozing with sex appeal! WHY????!!!!! ) --- on the driver's seat. uuugh! DROOLING. hay!!!! :w00t:

















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constantia11: I agree with you. I think everything got confusing because she was specifically asking about the genie vs TMYW part so now people got confuse if he answered more about it because of her question or because it was the only part written after meeting Hyun. However, what we should take notice is that he CLEARLY stated something like the song converted into LETS WRITE A SONG, WHILE THINKING OF YOU, something that was translated in both j2dlee and rdrsubs, and as you said the MCs, who are natives, even understood and were spazzing that it was for her.    






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A small # of people are saying that he said that just for show. Others are just in denial, so lets just ignore them. He is an Idol and he knows what may be the repercussions of saying she was his inspiration, so if it is not true why would he say something like that? He could have continued with a safe answer such as the song is inspired about being in love or when you first fall in love or something along those lines as he said in an interview previously. But still, he didn't even answer YES when SHE directly asked him if it is a song about first love. Also, just look at his behavior, face and comments while she was trying to ask him in a roundabout way if it is for her or not. Even saying to her ask me with CONFIDENCE. Do you think he will tell her something like that if it is not really based on her?? Because it would have been cruel of him to say something like that and then answer "Well, it is a song I wrote thinking of my first love". And she was even stammering, so that scene was not acting.  































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So in the end, HE, the songwriter/composer, has stated his inspiration for it was SEOHYUN and that is FINAL!!! biggrin.gif:wub: (imagine the sound a judge hammer here hahaha biggrin.gif)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































:wub:  sorry to cut your post, I was just watching that part now because I was a little confused too, but I think I finally understood.
































































































































































































































































Yong was saying that the song had NOT lyrics. He started to write the lyrics AFTER meeting SeoHyun (when they showed their rings to the world ^^) and as they began to spend time together, he decided that the rap´s part would be written with her in mind.
































































































































































































































































My conclusion is: The song IS for SeoHyun, it is just that the rap was written consciously, while the other was unconsciously.
































































































































































































































































 SeoHyun is YongHwas´s lovelight! because he got inspired after meeting her. And come on guys, we just need to read the lyrics! blush.gif. (Maybe this song was his journey to find out his feelings for SeoHyun w00t.gif)
































































































































































































































































And talking about Yuri, I want to ask, Who was the unnie who said "if you like YongHwa unnie will help you"? hahaha I want that unnie to be with them :rolleyes:.
































































































































































































































































EDit: OMG!!! I´m so happy, are they still filming?? In the sweet potato field? Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh I´m dying! Please let this be true, Can you imagine? the first place to go after Saturday's episode is the sweet potatoes´s field it self! ...It's fate!! I wonder if they watched the ep,  because if they did, we are going to see Cupid again !!!!!!!!!!!!!  Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh faint!

































































































































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goguma1207, i love your take on the fishes and mosquitoes.

i should thank them too for their cooperations :lol:

raindrops, sent me a copy of that certificate, will u?

love your work, daebak!

hey! masamii found your piece of work at tumblr? how cool!

u shud've printed your id somewhere on that cert u know?

monie, tks for sharing yongseo's latest filming pic here.

my wishful thinking says that the couple with blue jacket

(the one that backhugged) was our couple...

sulong sure is one of us gogumas!

hyun is getting prettier by the day.

tks for posting the resebullet pic geumjandi

heartbreak, u should write more fictional stuffs. thats a good

one u got there! i especilly love this one

"Yong: Jungshin-ah, teach me your massage for your smile lines.

because I have been smiling all day. " :lol:

hi there miel.

on your thoughts on the pattern thingy of this thread? i agree.

my take? well,

when someone/anyone is having doubts, many others will pull back that person

to gogumaland, feed positive pills, and all is good again.. ^_^

tks for yongseo with babies pics, blueswim and genxv.

PDnim should take note of that! yongseo is good with babies.. ;)

we saw yong looking tired or upset recently, so with todays filming,

i hope he can relax and share with her (off cam) what is really bothering him

and i think he will, since he once said they consult each other on other things too.

and hyun could lend hubby, her shoulder again ... ^_^:lol:

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can anyone share me the link again when yonghwa sing love light after he confess to se hyun because i cant seem to find it..thank you~ ^^


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Guest mochiling








i just read at baidu forum for goguma couple,




1.yongseo depart from their home in a blue truck,yong in the driver seat




2. fan nvr see yuri, only yongseo and fliming crew, the manager oppa nve follw also.




3. the destination is the field they plant their goguma




4. now fliming still on going




really want to see they go haverest the goguma they have plant it 2 mth since june 29



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Guest SophiaPia





OMG! here we go again can we start guessing again kekeke! coz on epi27 all the questions been answered kekeke! IM SO HAPPY W/ THIS RUMOR OR MAYBE NOT RUMOR. The new ring is rumor before but it turn out not rumor :) maybe Managers want's them to be alone kekeke!



1) Rumor Hyun get her driving license? so the rumor earlier she drives the truck.?



2) Yong, could be have driving license as well? coz rumor say's he is in driver seat?






4) They heading to harvest their very sweet potatoes yahooo?



5) It could be they going to their goguma field not by bus this time maybe they driving their truck?



6) Then Yuri, might be visiting them in their house, or Yuri join them to harvest?



So it's seems that whole day again there together filming, which is SO GOOD, I'm not complaining I WANT THEM TO BE TOGETHER AND ENJOY EVERY MIN OF IT EVEN THEY DON'T ADMIT IT. THEY MISSED EACH OTHER :) 



Only we need to wait again when they will air this episode :) YongSeo pls investigates more kekeke! Kamsahamnida


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Guest raindrops_919




@madgal: it's Tiffany who said "if you like YongHwa unnie will help you" she asked this twice, first at guirella date *i think it's the name, i'm sorry if i'm wrong* she asked if seohyun feel fluttering while meeting yonghwa and seohyun reply with her cute aigoo and say yes. :wub: Second time is when SNSD record for mc or something *maybe music core where Tiffany and Yuri was the mc* they asked about what would they do on holiday and Hyun answer she wants to spend time with her family, but then unnies say she has to take care for Jung Seobang, then hyun say that yong was busy with new album, unnies reply "don't worry, we unnies with help you" i don't know what date is it when they record this but my guess maybe sometime around their birthday, because hyun sounds a little disappointed (maybe because no reply for her birthday text to yong). And the last when they held the first fanmeeting, Tiffany asked again and say that unnies will help her (seobaby).




Yong is at the driver's seat, does this mean he's already past the driving test??  :w00t:




as he always says " YONG MIDEO ! "




p.s: saturday saturday come come pali pali *my new spell* :w00t:




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woolly, i love the fanart!

reminds me of the scene of yongseo running into the night! sweet!

your marriage proposal is a romantic one! envy u..

wait....what?! yuri joining yongseo in today's filming!

yuri? the friendly and outgoing yuri?! ack!! :w00t:

and whats this abt yong on the driver's seat? really?

so he got his license too? wow yong!

slurpee, post some more, and don't u dare say u going

to lurk again after dropping the bomb like this!

i'll haunt u! :P:lol:


tks, mochiling!

so yongseo is still filming now? does that mean they're going to spend the night

over at the farm? aaah...i'm loving this already!!

i've no idea raindrop, but i think some gogumas here doesn't know

that, that artwork is actually done by their fellow goguma, which is u..

i'm proud your work is shared everywhere..

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Guest raindrops_919




@jnj: what should i do? is it enough if i send the link? or should i attach it on email? yap, i've already put my nickname, maybe somebody reupload it first, it's okey as long as no one claim it as their work, i would love to share it  :wub:



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i found this from yongseofact tweet..
































































































































then try translate it using google...
































































































































dc page:
































































































































































































































































from what i try to understand, looks like yongseo fan in Korea did make uri couple some token..
































































































































not just token... gift box more like it...
































































































































if not mistaken, this is what they prepared;
































































































































for yong : shoes, banpalti (don't know what is it), photobooks, puzzle frame, special lunch box.
































































































































for hyun : Flat shoes, cardigans, photo books, puzzles, photo frames, special lunch box
































































































































gift cert
































































































































even include for staff also : hot tea, LCD clenser... etc..
































































































































from what i try to understand, they contact with the manager to passed it to uri couple...
































































































































and from the confuse translate looks like the gift already success send to the respective receiver....
































































































































i'm so happy for the couple...
































































































































they really been love by so many fans...

































































































































































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Guest miel_1301
















































Thanks shane for heeding my request, as always.
































This is one of those precious moments that never fails to leave my eyes wet even how many times I've re-watched the episode. I suddenly fell short of my vocabulary words that would accurately describe or interpret YongHwa's emotions in this particular moment--- that brief yet inexplicable gaze he gave Seobaby, as he was seemingly forcing down a lump on his throat, just kinda tugged at my heartstrings.
















baby_bo, you said you like Yong's cheeks? The gif which I re-posted highlighted his cheek bones. Me? Apart from his lips and eyes, I like YongHwa's nose--- specially the side profile. Hahaha! Okay! Enough of this as _d3seohyun might be just around monitoring us. hahaha!
















Thanks goguma1207 and kubih for the shout-out about Yuri filming with the YongSeo couple.
















And hugs to slurpeeslurp- for that "rumor" about the couple possibly going to their GoGuma field. I hope this another rumor will turn out to be true. But now this is rather confusing. Who amongst our couple really got the driver's license?
















It was tweeted that uri Hyun got hers last Friday. But if Yong is in the driver's seat then he must have gotten also his even before SeoHyun. Okay, that would be possible.
















lunasol, the Unnie who reminded Seobaby [@SNSD's Fan Meeting] that they ought to take care of their skin so as for Seobaby not to lose to Sulli and the one from KARA, I think if I remember correctly, was SooYong. Yuri is the Unnie who said she monitors Seobaby's WGM program every Saturday. When the Ueno Juri episode aired, the girls were at their own homes with their parents for the Chuseok Holiday and Yuri who was watching the Ueno Juri episode made kimchi fritters, took a photo of it and sent it to SeoHyun.
















Oohh! La..La!!! This is even a better version of the "rumor". This is just "DAEBAK!" [ueno Juri style].
















i just read at baidu forum for goguma couple,
















1.yongseo depart from their home in a blue truck,yong in the driver seat
















2. fan nvr see yuri, only yongseo and fliming crew, the manager oppa nve follw also.
















3. the destination is the field they plant their goguma
















4. now fliming still on going
















really want to see they go haverest the goguma they have plant it 2 mth since june 29































Thanks mochiling! This will for sure be another exciting episode. But what I find more exciting would be the "YongSeo moments" behind the cameras which I leave to both of them and wouldn't mind at all not being captured by the camera lens as long as they are happy together. hahaha!!!





























































































Oh! YongHwa, boy is getting his much needed "rest" now with his Hyun after those tumultuous days that he might have been through. Aigoo!

















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Guest vanilla88






annyong Goguma Villagers..


I'm totally go crazy with this super lovely AWESOME..JEONGMAL DAEBAK episode!!


I'm sure 100% that i'm infected Yongseo virus..i always have to see their vid, their song or at least see their picture..


yes..i saved every wallpaper and gifs made by our talented gogumas..thank you for all btw..


I'm smiling and laughing..show my teeth widely while watching like crazy people.. :w00t:


my mother really confused whats happen with meee..ahhaha.. :sweatingbullets:


Yonggg..you don't have to make fireworks events for hyun..


coz you are two already gives us *gogumas family* an SPECTACULAR FIREWORKS EVER !!


we can see the fireworks from the eyes..the smiles..^^ :wub::wub::wub:


yong..how i wish will have a nampyeon like you in the future..kekekek..


my fave part is when Yong put the ring to Hyun hands,,


KYaaaaahh..it's just like a mini wedding ceremony..hmmm..too hyper..just called engagement days for their personal.. ;)


and saraghae MC's..


i LOLed so hard to MC Kim expression..and kyaaahhh-screaming-special-effects from MC Park..


Seulong Godfather skinship!! you're "Iritating slowly" just soooo afeccted them..d("u)b


Jinwoon..so happy that finally you can smile-with-your-heart..hehe..i always see jinwoon always smile or laugh when yong get suffered.. :D


last but not least HUGE thanks for j2dlee..and subber team..sun_sun..


and everyoneeeee..goguma alien villagers..


@Trent : awwwww...your artwork just tooooo cuteeee..*saved*saved* :w00t:


back to lurker mode again..zzzZZzz



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mochiling - thks for the news!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong driving? Wow both of them got their licence!! Must be going off to harvest the gogumas!! Wonder when we will see this ep.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wonder what we will see this sat too, so many things yet to be shown, their charity visit, the concert backstage and the Japanese trip. Omo, why cant they just show more of them each week?? :unsure:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anybody out there willing to share your hunch? :)

































































































































































































































































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i found this from yongseofact tweet..

then try translate it using google...

dc page:


from what i try to understand, looks like yongseo fan in Korea did make uri couple some token..

not just token... gift box more like it...

if not mistaken, this is what they prepared;

for yong : shoes, banpalti (don't know what is it), photobooks, puzzle frame, special lunch box.

for hyun : Flat shoes, cardigans, photo books, puzzles, photo frames, special lunch box

gift cert

even include for staff also : hot tea, LCD clenser... etc..

from what i try to understand, they contact with the manager to passed it to uri couple...

and from the confuse translate looks like the gift already success send to the respective receiver....

i'm so happy for the couple...

they really been love by so many fans...


how cute is this! yongseo getting more love aww... :wub:

now even their fans have started to make their own photobooks

and its all thanks to yong who started it!

so, no managers following them eh? good!

more privacy for yongseo!

tks for sharing this, zealous!

ah, miel, just like d3, u are also a lip person.. :lol:

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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for the rumor info, guys. They're filming today! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wait, if the rumor is true and Yong was in the driver's seat and the fan didn't see Yuri and that they're gonna harvest the potatoes, would that mean they traveled all the way to the village riding on the truck, JUST THE TWO OF THEM ALONE? :phew:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I mean, I'm sure they put the cameras on the dashboard and vans with crew following them at the back and front. But I feel excited just thinking it's only the two of them inside the truck and pretty sure the travel time is sooooo long, plenty of time to be together. :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well, it's just a thought. I might still have hangover from the giddiness of last Saturday's episode. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oops, topped the page. Sharing a fave screen cap.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































By far, it's the most intimate look I have seen from Seohyun since.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Perhaps, she's glowing from all the things that was revealed or happened that night. But seriously, aigoo, this is really a "kiss-worthy" moment! :wub: But well, for this couple, yes, holding hands will suffice. :lol:

































































































































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Guest slurpeeslurp-






jnj : HAHA, guess i still got that lurker attitude in me (: but i really wished yonghwa got his license alr ! (:


to all who thanked me for the news/rumour : Np (: can't wait for more news and saturday :D


PS: people are saying that this sat's episode is the one where hyun wears the dress :DD and yong probably drooling over it.



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i think that so called rumors is true....
































































































































based from dc page, the fans send their gift heading "to the fields"
































































































































maybe tomorrow they will try to upload new picture of today event... :rolleyes:
































































































































let's hope 4 new pic to rise.... :phew:

































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Guest fara_m7





jnj : HAHA, guess i still got that lurker attitude in me (: but i really wished yonghwa got his license alr ! (:




to all who thanked me for the news/rumour : Np (: can't wait for more news and saturday :D




PS: people are saying that this sat's episode is the one where hyun wears the dress :DD and yong probably drooling over it.







:lol: hello.. sorry to cut your post.. may i know what do you mean by "hyun wears the dress"?? im curious.. what dress??


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








@jnj: you like what I wrote? thank you. :) i was just imagining some scenarios when they got to their respective dorms when I was driving home. and I remembered Jungshin's smile line massage. as for SNSD's dorm, I just remembered when Taeyeon, Fany, and Hyoyeon visited YongSeo house and they fell after hearing that Yong liked Hyun's eyes. I always wanted to be a writer but I followed a more different career path. my imagination was inspired by all the events in episode 27. ** if they are still filming, they are together again the whole day. probably Yong has a driver's license now. do anyone know CNBlue's schedule in July? I think July and August are the months when they did not film that much due to activities of their respective groups. Im guessing Yong got his license in July or August. then Hyun got hers recently.


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