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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Dawn_amber








Oh wow...Thai gogumas are really awesome.Your efforts are really appreciated. Please get plenty of pictures & videos of the 2 of them during their performance so lucky of you. Those teddy bears,hope they have the privilege to be in their bedrooms so they can remember each other always. Again a favor for thai gogumas about their duet close up videos please... hope we can see the love in their expressive eyes also passion( i can dream right?)                                                                                                                                       Before this thread is over, i would like to thank all the gogumas who have made this thread so successful : luvtokki(fatherly & legally insights);winbros,heartbreak warfare,trent,ooty(for manly insights);Mrs Athena G(motherly advises);woolylamb,norabella,celticheart(mature women like me);M3,dduk,juhee,jd2lee(for patiently translating without any complains);KRD subs,sonems net,nulsaranghae(for subbing the episodes);jossa,dhiey23,trent,soshimonky,lingzw87,lady_lia257 and all of those writers icant name all of you(for spinning those stories we cant live without);crystal malfoy(where art thou ,we miss you)hesperide.aneng,blueshoes etc (for patiently scouring news about our couple). And to all other gogumas who i cant name because there are many to mention.Thank you for the patience,love, never giving up on this couple.every time i open this thread , i can feel all your love which surrounds me. What a comfortable feeling(like yong's scarf from hyun).Thank you for making my days enjoyable, smile when i can't because of worries at home, laugh when the going gets tough & most of all im at peace with no worries when im in this thread.THANK YOU VERY MUCH.Hope we are still together even though yongseo stint is done. We all have goguma love to give right? And i believe once a goguma, we will be gogumas forever. I LOVE YOU ALL...





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ahhh....there are so many things happen at once. about they will ending is REALLY make me sad, like you have to let go the one you love...but I believe, this is beginning for them. maybe they in REAL relationship. we never know. ONLY I know that Yonghwa is really protecting his gf...if they really in relationship, they will just keep the secret or I dont know. but let just be cheer up. the ending is not confirm yet...so meanwhile we can still enjoy them on WGM.
































anyway, I was really suprise when the photographer said this in ep 47: "since you guy a lover" mean that really alover...hahaha see rdrsub...I cant cut the line...sorry...
































anyway...THAI Goguma...pleaseeeee take alot of pictures for us......
































cant wait till saturday....(well in my time) hahaha





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Guest fabiistar07
















































Annyong chingus! ^_^
















Thanks to Thai fans for everything~!































I adore looking at the pics of you guys holding YongSeo banners, masks, pictures of their kiss, etc.. :D































It makes me so happy that we're IN-GO-PAEM, we get to share YongSeo love all over the world :)
















I hope we can get something about their performance, too bad cameras aren't allowed, but maybe a sneaky goguma :ph34r: will record it with a cellphone keke
















A shocking thing I just realized as I was reading some posts, I as well am not as torn up about our couple leaving [i thought i'd be a walking mess to be honest lol] ... Maybe it's because those rumours have been going around for a while so I knew this day will come & i was slowly preparing for it [although i wish it would never come]































So for now I am just enjoying anything and everything going on with our couple
















I'm also happy that the date has not been set, i'm being a possitive goguma and hoping it lasts until their birthdays ^^
















It's better that this experience [for us and YS] happened than to not have happened at all ;)
















And as someone posted before, no one has really talked about Saturday's episode and how much we're looking foward to see it































This thread by now is usually full of "Saturday pali~!", "Tomorrow is Saturday!" & "Can't wait for tomorrow's epi!"































So I just have to say "WOOHOOO~! Tomorrow is SATURDAY!" :lol:
















On a side note;































I'm praying for everyone in Japan ...
















When I saw the news I was completely shocked, let's hope that it's all over soon and that this disaster will not get to any more countries that are in tsunami warning
















I had to write a blog for my class, I decided to do it today since I love fridays
















I didn't know what i was going to write about
















So today I dedicated my first entry to what happened in Japan
















I'm not the best writer but I hope it gets read by some of you ^_^
















My BloG~
































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Guest tvdrama4ever
































Hello Fellow Gogumas in Go-Chun~






























Okay! I finally decided to collect my thoughts and emotions to write up another post before our 2nd home starts.






























































For those who are asking what is going to happen when this thread reaches 2000 pages, we gogumas will have a new thread, our 2nd home here at soompi, YEAH!!! :w00t: Usually, the moderator(s) will post a notice at the last page of this 1st thread that it will be closed (no new posts can be added but old posts/this thread are still available to come back and view), and they will provide us a link to our new thread. I believe a starter is working on it now. So no worries gogumas, we will always have a place to spazz about YongSeo. :D:wub:
















































Also to Thai Gogumas, you gogumas are soooooo..... lucky witnessing and cheering on Yong and CNBLUE at Holika Holika Concert and hearing Banmel Song...and NOW... also doing the same and seeing YongSeo together performing, awkkkk… Major Thanks for bringing in all these wonderful news and pics, you gogumas really cheered us all up. I can’t wait to see what else are in-store for us later. Scream and have fun on our behalf. :D
































































I’ll keep my thoughts about the ending under the spoiler, it’s nothing to spazz about.








































Initially, in the back of mind I thought about YongSeo ending on WGM because if there’s a start, there’s always an end to anything and everything. However, I didn’t force myself to think too much about it then. There were always the negative rumors, the fabricated ones from hamburgers too, and early speculation started trickling in, and some gogumas (here and at spd blog cbox) bringing up the inevitable ending now and again. Each time I read about them, I felt badly hurt, I cried, my heart ached, I was blank, my body was numb, and my head pounded. My mind then rushed through thinking about what IF, then what and how am I going to spend my usual YongSeo-spazzing times, I have been doing this for 1+ years since they started, now what!? What about the time I spent excitedly waiting for live streaming on Fridays (Fridays in the US), spazzing with other gogumas, then waiting for raws and subbed videos, then rewatching over and over again, then waiting for possible filming news, the fan accounts, MC Jake's tweet, news, the preview text, and waiting for the slow week to pass by to Friday, and on and on....what was I going to do??! There won't be anymore of that. I was thinking too selfishly, YongSeo has provided over 1+ years of a beautiful and lovely journey and allowing us to witness it. The more I heard and discussed about their ending on WGM, the gradually I was less painful and back to a little reality. But really what am I going to do in the future :unsure: , besides rewatching past episodes and being a future FBI goguma... I know what some of you will say, "Get a life!"...I know, I'll try :(:lol: .
















































So, when the confirmation came out, I was actually not as emotional-wreck as I thought, rather calm and collective...maybe...O.K.maybe not, aishh *sigh*…I still felt a slight punch in the heart. However, I got over a bit quicker than some of you. I really did, ok :unsure:. Time will heal, I will believe that.
















































Lucky or not, we have the inevitable but nevertheless early confirmation, so we know what we are up against. Whatever Yonghwa and Seohyun wants, it's their journey!
















































I would like to thank the spd blog cbox gogumas for helping me facing the inevitable ending earlier head on before the confirmation and holding therapy sessions, hahaha…. Helped a bit to lessen my pain. Sorry, I am usually an anonymous ####,(a positive and cause no trouble anon, hahaha…) popping up time and time with comments and help, and more of a lurker :sweatingbullets: . Hello cbox gogumas *waves*















































































And yes, we gogumas have definitely been on a h*lla of a rollercoaster ride. I believe that’s what made us gogumas different than other shippers. We have experienced many negative rumors, bashers, antis and what not from the very beginning. Many hamburgers appearing to affect our emotions, moods and thoughts, however, we have stayed strong together even until now. I am really happy and proud of us gogumas and this community that we all built together, GOGUMAS JJANG! So remember don’t let any negatives affect us because a true goguma believes and trust what we see and feel coming from YongSeo. Some just don’t have the sixth sense or woman’s intuition that YongSeo has something going on between them, I don’t blame hamburgers… well, I will try not to blame them because it’s their lose.
















I won't forget: YongSeo = Forgiveness.
















































I will support YongSeo, Yonghwa, Seohyun, CNBLUE and SNSD in their future endeavors, and wish them success no matter what, being a true supporter. :D
















































With Much Love ~
















Once a Goguma, Always a Goguma
































































































My heart and prayers go out to people in Japan and others who are affected by the earthquake and tsunami.
































Hmmm...I don't know if I can post the link or not but I saw the 2nd thread already. But I know we can't post on the new one until this one is officially closed. If you look at the soompi forum page-->korean celeb photos-->scroll down, it's there. Fairy/YSInternational started it, Thanks Fairy!
































And where were my manners, thanks MountainMadMan, DDuk, Juhee, thesonesource, Tetsuya, and many many others (sorry I couldn't name all of you) for translating, providing raw and subbed videos, and filling in translations here and there. THANK YOU!

















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GOOD MORNING, GOGUMAS! I’m very shy at posting at this thread, but I wanted to post before we move to our second home.








Well, how did I start being a YongSeo fan? I am a fan of Yonghwa (since YAB) and CNBLUE since their debut. I was watching Adam and Caramel couple in WGM, though occasionally just when I get the chance to catch it.








When YongSeo couple was announced, I became curious. I heard about Seohyun and her indifference(?) to boys. So I became interested.








I watched their first episode live. It was really, really awkward. I searched for their subbed videos for days, and chanced upon nulsaranghae. I rewatched and rewatched again. I was hooked.








Every Saturday, I make sure I am home to watch WGM live. The next day, I am busy hunting for their subbed videos. It has been a routine for me in the first month. Then I found this thread.








It was heaven for me. I only kept lurking, because I’m shy. (LOL) but everything I need was here and every day I always make sure I get to visit this thread at least once (which became many times per day)








Without me knowing, YongSeo became a big part of my life. I met lots of awesome friends and gained a new family. I have lots of unnies, dongsaengs and oppas from all parts of the world. I am a proud goguma.








My friends also noticed the changes in me. I was home every Saturday, rejecting all offers of going to the mall, hanging out with friends, just to watch WGM live. Saturday became my favourite day, it was the day when all the stress I’ve gone through that week disappears because I get to see my favourite couple. Waiting for Saturday (when it’s still Saturday) because I can’t wait to watch the next episode of YongSeo.








You won’t see me that much in facebook anymore because I’m always at twitter (where my goguma pals are) SPD and in this thread. The fics that are written by gogumas always make my day brighter and leaves me with a smile on my face (I always check gogumafics! Without fail!). I’ve stopped eating hamburgers and replaced it with sweet potatoes instead. I try to avoid coffee and drink milk instead, I also drink fruit juice and teas instead of my favourite coke. (My bestfriend said this is one of the positive things that I learned from this fandom)








As we always say, being a goguma is like riding a roller coaster of emotions. Sometimes we’re up, then we’re down again, then we’re up in go-chun again. But I never once regretted being in this fandom. It’s the best ride I’ve ever been on. I became a better person and I’ll always be thankful for that.








Yonghwa , you are amazing. The patience you have for Seohyun, the way you care for her, the way you look at her, the way you protect her, the things you do to make her laugh. The things you’ve done everything to reach the comfort level that you two share now.








Seohyun, our pure hearted maknae, thank you. Watching the first episode, I had the same reaction as Yonghwa had. How can you be so pure and innocent? We’ve witnessed how you slowly opened your heart to Yonghwa and look at where at you two now. You can hold his hand, place your head on his shoulder (why do I hear the song in my mind -.-‘) , join his jokes, play footsies (lol) with this guy.








To YongSeo, thank you. I have a lot of things in my mind but if I have to summarize it all – it’s “thank you”. You never failed to surprise us with everything that you do. (Expect the unexpected from this couple is our motto :P) I am so grateful that I became a part of this awesome fandom and that I was able to witness this beautiful journey of yours. I will forever treasure it.








When the rumor came out last Wednesday, it was horrible. I cried and cried. My heart was so heavy, like I just suffered from a break up. When the official news came out, my reactions were better than the previous 2 days. It was inevitable, maybe I already knew it beforehand that it will happen soon but just denied it to myself. It’s hard, because Yongseo is a big part of me now and these two leaving the show would mean lots of changes that will happen to me.








But I believe this is not the end. An end in the program, yes - but not for you two. It’s just a new chapter, a new beginning for you two. We may not be able to witness it first-hand (like in WGM) but it’s more beautiful – just the two of you, no cameras, no pressure, no contracts – just being yourselves. We’ll keep supporting you, no matter what! :)








To all gogumas, thank you. My journey with YongSeo would definitely not the same if it were all for you people! We’ve been through a lot – the burgers, the rumors. I remember that crazy night in where YongSeo performed on stage and we thought that was the first time they held hands, or that day when Hyun first initiated skinship with Yong. That roller coaster ride in the last week of December, the Christmas and new year that I spent with gogumas in the chatbox and twitter… This week, where you guys became my source of strength – to overcome this heartbreak. The daily spazzings, crazy conversations in the chatbox, waiting for news of our couple and updated fanfics, fangirling or fanboying our couple and their respective groups – these things may be just little for the others, but it gives lots of happiness to me. We promised, didn’t we? These wouldn’t change. We would always be a family, a family that we’ve gained thanks to these amazing people – Yonghwa and Seohyun.








I’ve written quite a long essay. I’m sorry. I woke up early because I dreamt of YongSeo. (Yesterday, it was Hyun waking me up early because I need to study in my exam) and I couldn’t resist to open my laptop and post, instead of just going back to sleep.








AND TODAY IS SATURDAY! OUR FAVORITE DAY! Let’s anticipate today’s episode! For sure – it’ll be awesome because it’s our couple. What have you got under your sleeves, Yong? :P








And they’ll be performing Banmal song tonight too. (Thai gogumas jjang!)Guess we’ll be staying up today just to hunt for fancams! :)








YONGSEO FIGHTING! GOGUMAS FIGHTING! Let’s stay positive, enjoy the remaining episodes of our couple and keep (our next) thread alive.








PS: Again, thank you to all! The fanvids (who keeps me awake in boring classes) the fanfics (goguma writers are the best, seriously! Updates make my day :P), translators (thank you, thank you, thank you! <3), those who share news, pictures and all - a big big thank you! More goodies in the next thread, okay? :P








And let's keep praying for Japan and the rest of the world..



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Some of us are still sad over the news but why do I feel that we are as well excited, as if we are having a countdown to a new year? Maybe, because we are racing for the new thread? Or maybe waiting for YongSeo stage at Bangkok? Or excited on how Yong and Hyun will give us the unexpected for their farewell? Whatever it is, it is good that gogumas has bounced back from their gloomy feelings. YongSeo L.O.V.E.! :wub:

Moving on to my ramblings…

Thank you for the Kkapliners and Khuntoria fans who are extending their strength. Thank you!

To all ex-lurkers, welcome! Finally, you are all coming out of your shells.

Is it not Thai Goguma fans lucky? I know that Japan is a special place for Hyun and Yong but Thailand is serendipity for them. Why?

  • Yong promised Hyun that he will attend SNSD concert in Thailand.
  • When Yong came from a show in Thailand, he was surprised by Hyun at the airport.
  • Yong came home from Thailand with presents, their elephant-children.
  • Yong wasn’t able to attend SNSD concert at Thailand but still, Hyun gave him presents from Thailand that she gave during their 200th day danniversary.
  • Thailand is where Yong first sang the complete Banmal Song live.
  • And now, finally, Yong and Hyun will be together in Thailand, sharing the same stage.
  • And since Thai gogumas have been jjang (Seohyun said that in one of the episodes, right?) in supporting the couple whenever they were in Thailand, they are now going to witness YongSeo together live! When they do the rehearsals, Yong and Hyun will 100% see the big, pink Yong <3 Seo balloon!

EDIT: Ooops...I read somewhere here that Yong already saw the pink balloon! Congrats Thai gogumas! That's success!...I'm liking the picture with the Y<3S banner with megaphone. Daring Thai gogumas! Jashik!

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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i just saw the second thread of yongseo (:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this is exciting! ahahah






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i swear this week has been a tough one...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but im happy to hear that our couple will preform the final stage in thailand!! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omg thai fans you are so luckyyy!! first you get to hear cnblue sing it now you get to yongseo preform!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but you know what? you guys totally deserve it!! from the posters, to the gigantic balloon, from the airport.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG you guys are totally awesome! making our favorite couple smile (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and in 8 hours episode 48 airs!! (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we get to see their myeoungdong date from january 19!!

































































































































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Guest monkie2804

I still feel sad about them leaving the show, but like everyone, hope they'll date for real someday. I rewatched the old eps from the beginning and realized it rained on both the very first date and the last day being to-be-married couple [which means it's the first day they started as married couple because it rained hard from the night before to the next morning] and I suddenly remember my friend told me once that she heard if on your 1st date and it rains, you two are something like fated to be together. I'm not saying I believe 100% what she said since I have never seen it before, but I HOPE it is real, not only bcuz of Yongseo but also bcuz it rained on my first date with current bf as well LOL [and we've been together for nearly 3 yrs without much argument and many people said we are kinda like made for each other :P].

Re-watching the eps made me remember how I felt about them at first. I was at a party when I played with my phone I went to Allkpop, then I saw the news about their pairing up in WGM. And with all honesty and I want to apologize in advance, although I did feel a tiny bit excited since I was in love with the handsome guy in Loner and I do love SNSD, I thought they both were boring and the pairing was so random. He was like emotionless/stiff the whole time in YAB [which i started watching bcuz of him, but then ended up loving JGS more], and she almost never had any facial expressions on stage. But also bcuz WGM decided to pair up these two together, I got curious about how they're gonna carry out the show and their relationship, and this is really new to me bcuz in previous couples, there was always at least one interesting/funny/talkative person in a couple.

Then I watched the first ep and I don't know how so many people found it boring. I thought it was so real and interesting. It was funny to see her throw out random questions, and Yonghwa suffered to answer them and he was always like "What?" "what did u just say?" LOL Yes it was so awkward, but it's REAL given their situation and it creates even more curiosity in me to know how they'll become. Watching them develop their relationship was a really fun experience, there was a period of time it DID get kinda boring bcuz they were like not improving much. It was around the time before the birthday ep, but after that, things became really awesome and they got more and more interesting. Evidently, in the earlier days of WGM, if you went to any Yongseo articles in AKP, there would be a bunch of haters calling them the most boring/awkward couples ever but now, It's really hard to find comments like that.

I still remember how I felt reading those hateful comments, I thought to myself "What exactly are these people thinking? They want a REALITY SHOW, this can't get any more realistic. How can they expect some complete strangers who are still so young and very inexperienced in love to ACT like they're close? Do they expect to see holding hands on the first ep and a make-out session on the 3rd ep? And honestly, even if they DID hold hands, hug each other at that time, people would go "ohhh this couple is so fake, how can someone like SH accept skinship so quickly, etc"" So I learned to ignore the comment section in AKP LOL but these days I found it kinda funny bcuz there are quite a few people comment how they think Khuntoria is fake bcuz they have skinshsip so quickly and they're acting mushy. There's no way anyone can satisfies everybody, haters would find all kinds of reasons to hate.

Now that they're leaving soon, I'll miss them very much and continue to watch their career progress [but I can't promise to follow YH through ALL of his new drama episodes though, the reason is not Yongseo-related, it's just I don't have much hope for an idol drama and music topic is really not my taste, but for him, i'll watch it if the actors and actresses can act good enough and the story is interesting enough because even with all my love for JGS, I dropped Marry me Mary after 7 eps]. Beside hoping they'll date for real, I wish they'll at least keep in touch,be a close friend of each other, AND hope YH won't be so quick to change his "extremely specific" ideal type to someone else to satisfy the new fans of his drama. I wish MBC will publish a photo book or sth for their wedding pics. And lastly, OMG what am i gonna watch on Saturday??? T__T

EDIT: I forgot to mention how I love the fact that after joining WGM, Seobaby started to become such a gorgeous lady. She was pretty before too but she gave the vibe of a beautiful class monitor, hard-working student or something similar. But now, most evidently during Hoot promotion, Maknae special performance and [for me] whenever she wears anything yellow on WGM, her beauty just blossoms. She looks mature, but not old, she actually glows/shines and gives a classy/elegant [sometimes a little sexy] vibe like a rich woman. I don't know why and how, but I feel Yonghwa is partly responsible for this LOL

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Guest YongSeoForever












Hi Gogumas




Haven't been posting for a while....I am very depressed today because of school...so I have to come out here and get love from this BIG FAMILY...




In the past one year, I am proud to be a Gugoma..and will forever be one..




Because of YongSeo...I learned to be positive all the time,




Because of YongSeo...I learned to work hard all the time,




Because of YongSeo...I have the motivation to get up so so so early on Saturday mornings...




Because of YongSeo...I have shipped a couple more than a year




Because of YongSeo...I learned to LOVE




Because of YongSeo...I learned to be benevolent




Because of YongSeo...my past one year is the most special year in my life....




Because of YongSeo...I cried the first time because there is an end to this virtue marriage




Because of YongSeo...I am a Gugoma




Because of YongSeo...I love them




Because of YongSeo...I have another family.




Because of YongSeo....this world is full of LOVE.





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I initially didn't want to post much anymore, but I thought it'd be nice to leave my last print here in this thread that contains so many emotions and love during this ride before we start a new one. I encourage everyone else to do so too; leave your last sweet potato thought and let's start the new thread with much contentment and happiness looking back to their moments shared with us. And also look forward to what they might surprise us with. Always expect the unexpected.







Truthfully, the news has had my throat choke up a bit and had left my mind blank for a few minutes. But the thing is that I've prepared myself for this moment some time ago already. Not that I expected them to end so soon, but I knew, we all knew, that it wouldn't last as long as we all wanted it to. Which was probably forever. Even so, I think in the past year we've been more than blessed to be with them in a sense and witness a beautiful relationship (whatever one it might be) blossom in front of us.







It's been one year - and actually, that's more than enough for me. They've reached the stage which we've all been hoping for since the beginning. The comfortableness between them is what I've been wanting to see - tell one another they're mad or disappointed, compliment one another, hug, hold hands and simply just open their hearts for each other. Seohyun was thankful towards Yonghwa for doing that and I'm thankful towards the both of them for sharing the process to it.







Partially, I do wish we could see all the things left in the future, because there's still so much left that hasn't been done yet - I want to see them riding their bikes during a holiday in Nami Island, officially release a duet together, have Yonghwa meet Seohyun's parents, have Yonghwa establish a more comfortable relationship with the sister-in-laws, etc, etc. The list keeps going on and even if we were to be given another year, it'll never be enough. But I'm actually quite content - that it has stopped here. Because in a way, it gives them the chance to do these things in private and more importantly, room to think things over. They can get accustomed to the idea of having camera's around, but never actually be 100% themselves. And now, without 8 camera's pointing its lenses at them and 10 staff members laughing along with them, they have the room to confirm their feelings. And whether it's merely friendship or more, I'd like it for them to happen off-screen.







For the very last episode though, I wish Seohyun would speak at least that last day in banmal with Yonghwa and ultimately achieve that kind of relationship with him.







P.S. Highly unlikely, but maybe we'll still be able to witness their trip to Italy some time far in the future - may it be through a rumor or picture. I just hope they won't forget about that promise, because somehow it has left quite an impression on me that one.


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Guest Cjbaby12


I'm feeling a lot better now. After taking the time to sink all of it in... I've already accepted the fact of what was bound to happen anyway. Now I'm all I'm looking forward to is an announcement of a real wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:


Though that may not be anytime soon... I'm hoping that they will stay in touch with each other and continue to be together. As I've mentioned in my past posts, I hope that they will just stay true to themselves and not be afraid of how they feel. We outnumber the antis so I hope they know that they will have more supporters if they do end up being together. Even if they won't announce it, I hope they stay really close and be the person they could both lean on or count on when they need it. A bond that they have is something not easily broken and I hope they won't let the public or haters dictate how they should act. Stay strong YONGSEO!!!! We are right behind you!!!!


I've been re-watching all their episodes for the past week and repeating most of them if it's my favorite every day for the past months. It's the only thing on repeat in my PC and in my IPAD. They are the last thing I see on my screen before I go to sleep... Maybe because of that I've been seeing them both in my dreams and they look so beautiful together. You know how they say you start to resemble your partner? The mannerisms, the way they talk or their faces somewhat look the same? YONGSEO has become that... It just shows over time how much they've both changed for the better and learned new things along the way. I'm so happy that the producers picked them. I mean who would have thought right? That these two will actually be the best together. They compliment each other well!


I actually want to make a video, but I've never done one before. If any of you have any suggestions on a program I should use or if someone could teach me how, I would really appreciate it. I just feel like I want to put some moments together for them.


Listening to their song... the BANMAL song.. just explains everything for me. On how their journey was... That they might have started being shy and everything was new, but the possibility of them falling in love is truly possible. So I'm going to hold on to that possibility as long as I can... :wub:






For now, I'm looking forward to the duet and the new episode. There's so many things I want to spazz about re-watching all the episodes, but I'll do that later. Thanks again to everyone for giving us inspiration that we need when we need it! :D








cr to all the photo uploaders!




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Guest dangshin

Goodmoring Gogumas..

only 2 Pages Left and we'll reached 2000 Pages ALready... congrats EVERYONE!

it's been a whirlwind week.. and we've been through up and Down like riding a roller coaster ride.. hehehe

but it's been fun right? though a little scary at first,... :-)

i'm so grateful to each and everyone of you.. staying so Strong and encouraging everyone to believe that it's not the END but only a WONDERFUL BEGINNING for our Lovely YONGSEO!

just want to share my Favorite song..

Love Never Fails by Sandy and Junior

There will be those times we fight back tears

And there will be those times when we get scared

As long as we're together we'll get there

Cause love never fails

I have all that I need

So much so I feel weak

Cause the love that we have is never ending

All the moments we make

Are too precious to waste

In a world that is forever changing

I wouldn't change you for anything

I will be forever loving you


Asleep or awake

No there's never a day

That goes by when I don't think about you

Only you touched my life

For the very first time

I'll be lost surely without you


There's no greater gift

Than the love that you breathe

Forever hold me

Many rivers to cross

But our love will guide us

It's all we need



There will be those times that test our faith

On some of the roads that we have to take

But I Know that we'll always find our way

Cause love never fails

Love never fails

 To the Thai Gogumas Thank you Sooooo Much!

looking forward to see more Fan pics and vids.... from you guys.. keep it up!


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Guest funkyjunky_












Hi guys,




You guys may have seen me on Allkpop, lurking around YongSeo/CNBLUE/SNSD related articles, “liking” good comments and bringing down haters (LOL).




This is my first ever post on Soompi. In fact, this is my first ever post on a fanforum period. Like many of you, YongSeo has got me hook. <3 Anyways, I thought I would break my silence since we only have two more pages until we get our new thread.  




Basically, I’ve been in love with this couple since the day Allkpop announced that they would be the new WGM couple. Yonghwa was my bias in CNBLUE and Seohyun was my bias in SNSD. I was a fan of both groups but I didn’t really know their personalities. I just liked them. So when it was announced that they’d be the new couple on WGM, I was ecstatic. I admit that the first couple of episodes were awkward but tell me, what relationship doesn’t start out as awkward (especially if you’re being filmed the whole time)? It takes time to get to know one another and that’s exactly what our couple did. No doubt about it. So I became a fan. I wasn’t obsessed back then as I am now until the legendary episode 27! From then on, I began seeking out any means of YongSeo I could. I discovered the Yongseo Facebook page, the YongSeo fanfiction page, Sweet Potato Days, and of course, this awesome Soompi page! Anyways, the fact of the matter is I love the YongSeo couple and I’m glad that I was able to watch them grow from the beginning of their journey up until now.




The main point of this post was to say that I absolutely love the atmosphere of this thread. I love how everyone is supportive of one another and I love how we can spaz together despite the fact that we’re dispersed all across the world (I am from Canada by the way. Any other Canadian Gogumas out there?). Though I haven’t met any of you guys, I feel that we truly are a family – the Goguma villagers. I hope that even when YongSeo’s stint on WGM ends, we’ll continue to inhabit the second thread and continue to support them in group/individual activities. I don’t want us to all go our own separate ways. Like the YongSeo couple, we MUST KEEP IN TOUCH. Okay?




I would just like to suggest something. I know that these past few days have been a roller coaster ride for us and many of us have shed tears (I myself, cried last night when the news was finally confirmed). However, I think we should save our tears for when we watch their last episode. My idea is that we will all show up here and stream the final episode together. I will stay up until 1:00AM to do so. Afterwards, we will reminisce and cry on each others' shoulders (figuratively). You like?  Being sad is always better when you have people you love by your side sharing your pain. And since I love you guys... phew.gif So if you guys like the idea, I will be here waiting to lend you my shoulders. wub.gif



















PS. Remember this from one of their earlier episodes? Their impromptu piano duet in a music store proves they belong together. If that’s not fate telling them they should be together, I don’t know what is <3 (Sorry for the quality, I don’t know how to do caps).









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Guest yongseorockin


Went lurking around at soompi's SNSD thread.




Found great videos. Will link more when I find more.


Here's one of them. Think its a Jessica fan but Hyun was next to her, so she was captured as well.




Its that press conference at Bangkok. just held ytd.




cr: uploader










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morning here in my place and straight to soompi and i wanna say big thanks to thai goguma you all jjang!!!!thanks to keep us update on the mbc concert and i'm waiting for more fancam, fan account and all!!!!



























and about moving to second home, how will we know the new thread already open??












and my pray and condolence for japan!!!! hope japan people stay strong and can overcome this disaster!!!!












yongseo fighting!!!!!!!!





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Guest BluMistLaydee
































































































































































































































































































So I've been lurking the board for the past few days. And it's taking me this long to really gather my thoughts and put to word what I want to say.
































































































































































































































































And to be honest I have nothing. You all have said pretty much what I wanted to say. But I have to say something. We had our ups and downs with this couple and I've loved every step of the way. They've brought me back to my own journey of first love and I want if nothing else is for them to continue on their beautiful friendship that they spent all year long building.

















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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's Saturday already. Today we have 2 event to spazz. WGM and yongseo duet in Thailand. Yay.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Since this page almost reach 2000 pages, I want to leave a message before we move to the new thread.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I want to thanks to everybody who keep this thread lively. For all uploaders, screencappers, translaters, fan fiction writer, and everyone on this thread, thank you very much for every joy and tears you've share in this thread.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Last, my very big thanks to YONGSEO. I don't know how to explain how many things both of you give to my life, how both of you change my perspective about love, how many positive things you share to me. All I can say just I love both of you, like I love my little sister and little brother. SARANGHAE YONGSEO.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And for gita-cinta






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































moga nggak kapok ya ka udah saya "jerumuskan" ke dunia goguma
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i really sad about they leaving WGM , the truth is they are the most LOVABLE couple .i learn a lot from this couple












from HATE to LOVE




they really started it from ZERO till now, i don't understand why they must end it like this T______T i hate it .




but no matter what i still LOVE THEM ! :wub:



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Guest Puge2
















































































































































































































My gogumas Chingoo first lets HUG together
















































































































































































really thank you so much for all the lovely, warm interaction in this thread really THANK YOU SO MUCH
















































































































































































thank to all the korean translator M3, Dduk, Juhee, Kay77, aisuo and many more (sorry cant mention one by one) really KAmsahamida :)
















































































































































































and to jnj, seychan, bee_ichigo because i can share my mind with you thank you :)  and to Winbros and luvtokki appa for amazing post
















































































































































































to AC fans thank you so much for your support [HUG]
















































































































































































and to THAI GOGUMA you guys DAEBAK man!!! really thank you so much for your effort... Thank You
















































































































































































And TO ALL MY Gogumas CHINGOO IN THIS Thread.. really thank you Because of this thread i can met all of you really thank you :wub:
















































































































































































And to URI YONGSEO because of them we can know each other as Gogumas thank you YongSeo :wub:
















































































































































































well, i'm born in 1992 one year younger then Hyun Unnie, for the true im never in relationship before.. but i'm not awkard with boys maybe because my tomboy-ish personality.. so when i saw Seohyun "woowww, what a pure girl" and really a kind girl.. Amazing..
















































































































































































and about Yong.. i know from the first epi. he really try his best to comfort hyun.. so i really adore a boy like that.. hope my future husband gonna be like Yong.. AMIN :wub:
















































































































































































and YongSeo really give me a good impact.. i always wait for saturday with hyper mood, after go to college YongSeo really my stress relieve :) so when i know they gonna end (still rumour that time) i depressed 100% haa... really frustated :(
















































































































































































but after the official news i felt little relieve because even YongSeo felt dissapointed nee..  and PD nim want the last episode really meaningfull for our couple.. Really thank you PD-nim because paired uri YongSeo...
















































































































































































Because of YongSeo : I can know CNBLUE, I can Know SNSD, I can know JUng Yong Hwa, I can know Seo Jo Hyun, I can know all goguma friends, I can know how to achieve my dreams because YongSeo, and I can know what love means bacuse i see YongSeo :wub:
















































































































































































really thank you so much YongSeo .
















































































































































































And I hope YongSeo can become a Couple even not right know.. 3 or 5 or 10 years later they will end with each other as a Couple. AMIN
















































































































































































YongSeo Fighting!!!
















































































































































































I love this song from Spice Girl - Love Lead The Way
















































































































































































What makes this world go round?
















































































































































































Will the answer let her down?
















































































































































































She is so sweet and young and her life has just begun.
















































































































































































What does her future hold?
















































































































































































That's the story left unknown.
















































































































































































Will she make it through her days?
















































































































































































Let our love lead the way.
















































































































































































Part of me laughs. (ooooh)
















































































































































































Part of me cries.
















































































































































































Part of me wants to question why. (question why)
















































































































































































Why is there joy?
















































































































































































Why is there pain?
















































































































































































Why is there sunshine then the rain?
















































































































































































One day you're here. (one day)
















































































































































































Next you are gone. (are gone)
















































































































































































No matter what we must go on.
















































































































































































Just keep the faith.
















































































































































































And let love lead the way.
















































































































































































Everything will work out fine.
















































































































































































If you let love, love lead the way.
















































































































































































Sitting there all alone in the window of her room.
















































































































































































Watching the world go by brings tears to her eyes.
















































































































































































All she sees is hurt and pain and she wants to break the chains.
















































































































































































She'll keep pressing everyday and she'll find her own sweet way.
















































































































































































Part of me laughs. (me laughs)
















































































































































































Part of me cries. (I cry)
















































































































































































Part of me wants to question why. (wants to question why)
















































































































































































Why is there joy?
















































































































































































why is there pain? (so much pain)
















































































































































































why is there sunshine then the rain? (sunshine and the rain)
















































































































































































One day you're here. (you're here)
















































































































































































Next you are gone. (you're gone)
















































































































































































No matter what we must go on. (I will go on)
















































































































































































Just keep the faith. (keep your faith)
















































































































































































And let love lead the way. (I know, I know, I know, I know)
















































































































































































You can be all that and still can be who you are.
















































































































































































You've gotta know for sure that it isn't make believe.
















































































































































































You may feel weak but you are strong.
















































































































































































Don't you give up girl.
















































































































































































If you keep holding on, you'll never be wrong.
















































































































































































Just close your eyes cause it lies deep in your heart, yeah.
















































































































































































Part of me laughs.
















































































































































































Part of me cries. (I cry)
















































































































































































Part of me wants to question why. (I do, I do)
















































































































































































Why is there joy? (yeah, yeah, oh, oh, oh, oh)
















































































































































































why is there pain? (why is there, why is there sunshine then the rain?)
















































































































































































why is there sunshine then the rain?
















































































































































































One day you're here. (you're here)
















































































































































































Next you are gone.(you're gone)
















































































































































































No matter what we must go on. (we must keep the faith)
















































































































































































Just keep the faith.
















































































































































































And let love lead the way. (love lead the way)
















































































































































































Part of me laughs. (I love ya)
















































































































































































Part of me cries. (I cry)
















































































































































































Part of me wants to question why. (question why)
















































































































































































Why is there joy? (so much joy)
















































































































































































why is there pain? (so much pain)
















































































































































































why is there sunshine then the rain? (sunshine and the rain)
















































































































































































One day you're here. (you're here)
















































































































































































Next you are gone. (you're gone)
















































































































































































No matter what we must go on. (and I will)
















































































































































































Just keep the faith.
















































































































































































And let love lead the way. (lead the way)
















































































































































































Everything will work out fine,
















































































































































































If you let love, love lead the way.
















































































































































































Love lead the way
















































































































































































Love lead the way.
















































































































































































Love lead the way.
















































































































































































Love lead the way.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yeiii... Saturday!! lets spazz everyone :)
















































































































































































Sorry for grammar error.. Thank You
















































































































































































Pray For Japan we always pray for you.. Be Strong































































































































































































































































































































































Regards Putri, Indonesia

















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Guest HelloDreamer
























Blehs....Just when they were getting closer. Why does WGM always do this to us...after taking wedding pictures within a few episodes, most couples leave WGM. Hyun is going to be busy with protions and touring for SNSD's new album, and Yong is doing a new drama/series and promotions for CNblue's new album too...Argies...I don't want it to end so suddenly! LOL.








But I hope they will still contact each other alot, and get closer, even if the show is over.
















They changed each other alot over just a short amount of time. They learn alot from each other too. In the future I hope they do alot of programs together! At least then I can still see my Sweet potato couple together.









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