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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest _d3seohyun












Thank you Thai Gogumas/Sones/Seomates for making her smile <3333333333







[FANCAM] Seobaby in Thailand. March 11, 2011.




c: see uploader








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Finally, a clip you requested bubbly_zuzu.










Seohyun must have seen her pic kissing Yong and banner here.





















Also guitar spotted in this vid.










RT babyErica: on this vid you can see someone bringing a guitar with her 0:42-0:44 if this girl is part of SNSD's entourage to TH then a member brought a guitar with her :)










Another event here.










RT yongseofacts: Fans sang LOVE and Wetoriya to Seohyun ,and some told "yongseo fighting" and a fans gave hers Yonghwa's photo, She was so embarrassed.










Very clear fancam shot of Taeyeon. Too bad Hyun was not around her.





















RT perfectsaturday: I will never forget the moment Hyun waving her hand and turned to see her pic kissing Yong. Arggh. She was kinda shocked and covered her face with embarrassment. Hing~ So cute. (จ๋าจะไม่มีวันลืมวินาทีที่น้องซอโบกมือแล้วหันมาเจอตัวเองจูบยงเลย อ๊ากกกก น้องตกใจแล้วยิ้มแล้วชี้แล้วปิดหน้าด้วยความขวยเขิน ฮิง~ น่ารักมาก)










I can't take my eyes off seohyun!!!! in that moment, I see only hyun and her smiles. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ seohyun ah you drive me crazy. ㅠㅡㅠ










@kasia3goguma! You were right about another shot of Hyun's reaction. How could I overlook Hyun in that Sica pic?










Another angle of Hyun waving her hands to fans above.










[Fancam] 110311 snsd tiffany sunny hyoyeon @ suvarnabhumi airport thailand










Up-closer shot of SNSD










[FanCam] 110311.SNSD at Suvarnabhumi Airport. by zgarden










Fancam from very far spot










[HD] [FANCAM] [110311] SNSD - Suvanbhumi Airport Bangkok










็ีHyun seems like drawing something on bus window and waved goodbye to fans










[Fancam] 110311 Seohyun @ Suvarnabhumi Airport



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Guest luckynew












Thank you Kun_Cheero! Love those fanaccts and those pictures! Hahaha.. Can't wait for more news!




Thank you _d3seohyun Wow, hahaha love that fancam! She did covered her mouth and laughed. She must have saw the photo of her kissing Yong. Hahaha..




Can't wait to see more fancams of Hyun!





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After begging for JL Starnet to have our couple perform together (for many times)































































































































































































































































Finally, A manager of JL Starnet, who see our effort has given us a good sign and as you might guessed,our beloved couple will sing the song together on the same stage (you know which song, right?)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry for cutting your post short ouichan but your news really made all of us happy. What a great way to start of my day. I really want to get on a plane and fly to thailand right now! Lol. Thai Gogumas daebak! Keep up the great work !! We're really proud of u guys :lol: Can't wait for the fan accounts after the concert!
































































































































Well when I saw Seohyun's picture showing her right hand my first thought was "Why does her fingers look so red? Did she get callouses due to practicing her guitar? Maybe they'll play the guitar together during the concert" :wub: " and then BAM! I read your post saying they'll sing together. Lol. My imagination maybe will come true, and also it is also one of Yonghwa's first wished to perform together while playing the guitar right?
































































































































































































































































SophiaPia and rxp080100DAEBAK! Goguma FBI FTW!! It's amazing how you manage to get Yonghwa's picture (from WinWin recording last year!) and find the similarities with Seohyun's ring today. :w00t: You got the thread jump 4 pages :P At 1st I tried to check with SNSD friendship ring cause they have 2 versions of it and to my delight, it was not the same as SNSD friendship ring!! I was jumping up and down happily at 4am. :P It doesn't matter to me if it was sponsored, personal ring or a coincidence but I'll take it as a very beautiful coincidence.
































































































































dreamyboo love,love,love your FMV. I'm abusing the replay button and keep watching it again and again.
































































































































_d3seohyun and kun_cheero thanks for sharing the fancam. Cute reaction from Hyun buin. Her SNSD unnies will surely tease her about it after that. Can't wait to watch CN BLUE's fancam and see Yong's reaction
































































































































This video was shared a few pages back. I forgot by who, but credit to that Goguma friend. I now know why you like this video... I'll share it again for those who haven't seen it. I suggest you listen and read the translation because that is the only proof that you'll ever need. I promise you you'll be back in GOCHUN at no time! Yong wrote it with her in mind. They even wrote a version together, but he re-wrote it in a way the he wanted it to be really special for both of them. So enjoy the video:
































































































































My link
































































































































Cr to goguma1225 for the lovely video! :)































































































































































































































































Cjbaby12 I thought my post for the fmv earlier went by unnoticed. lol. The video is really beautiful right? I watch the video every night before I go to sleep :wub:

































































































































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Guest kasia3goguma
























Her reaction when she saw the kissing photo?  
















*quoted image*






























































I think here we can see this too :D :
































cr: silent_scream at snsd thread
































Hyun with all members :)




























































































































































C: tumblr
























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Guest Ljhay1401






kyyaaaaaa!!!!! this couple is driving me CRAAAZZZYYYY!!!!  :w00t:


hi guys...newbie on this posting thing...been a lurker for a while now but can't help myself today, got myself registered, joined the fun club and tadaa!!! i just can't keep quiet anymore!!! gotta say sumthin or my heart's gonna burst!!! :D


new PRECIOUS?!!!! really??!!!! daebak!!!!  (hoping and praying its not coincidence :rolleyes: pls pls pls ohhh plsss!!!) anyway at least that post got me out of an impending depression...


they're gonna have a duet?!!! banmal song?!!! deabak!!! can't wait!!!


ok...too much spazzing gotta stop now...:wub:



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Guest intoxd































































































































































Just yesterday I read more than 15 pages mourning and being sad about YongSeo leaving WGM and just today, it's totally back to spazzing mode! Which I may say, is really overwhelming! I couldn't even post yesterday about how I felt because I just had no thoughts. My mind went blank at that time and I just couldn't concentrate enough to post. But now that I feel better (especially after reading all the awesome posts today!), I thought I'd share my thoughts as well ;D
































I don't want to ruin the happy mood, so no commenting on anything sad. I do, though, want to comment on the ring pictures and the PERFORMANCE (^(&(*)_(FD*&(SGHSUGHS*!!! :wub::wub: ). Goshh, I never would have expected that!! :o Yesterday, I remember being sort of jealous about how Adam couple were reuniting to perform in Thailand, thinking if our couple would also be able to perform later on and my wishes have been answered early!! I really CANT WAIT!! Sorry for my clueless-ness, but when exactly is the concert? Is it on Friday? 
































Also, about the rings. Since Yong's picture was taken last year on a program, and the possibility that both him and Hyun bought it together are very rare, I was maybe thinking Yong gave it to her as a promise ring?? Or that he bought one for her, but that would be most unlikely :P I'm still happy to see something as small as coincidence between our couple, it gives me this little light of hope :)  
































Oh and Thai fans, YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! I love the ballooon idea, THAT IS PURE GENIUS!! I've never seen anything like that before, it really stands out! Thank you for sharing and spreading the YongSeo joy in Thailand for everyone to see how much we gogumas love them!! PLEASE TAKE LOTS OF PICS OF THE EVENT & PERFORMANCE!! :D AND THANK YOU FOR THE HARD WORK AND EFFORT!!






























































































































Darn lent, I can't watch the fancams and youtube videos!! T___T

































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*happy mode on* even if its not exactly the same ring I hope Yonghwa comes up with the same ring as Seohyun's in the near future or they'll start to wear a total new ring lol. I don't know but I am happy right now :)


BTW didn't YSinternational say something about WGM and YongSeo stint on it?! I am curious bcoz she said we didn't need to be afraid they'll be still on the show?!, hmmmm


Any news?!


Let's be happy and reach the 2nd thread with a smile on our face. I know uri Couple will definitely surprise us like they always do :)



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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Annyeong chingus,
































































































































































































































































I'm glad to feel all that positive energy from the thread again, it's everybody's happy place so let's try to keep it that way.  Just some random thoughts/comments on my part over the last few pages of scaps, accounts and posts....
































































































































































































































































Possible duet by Yongseo in Bangkok
































































































































































































































































I'm really kicking myself here for not booking a direct ticket for the wife and kids to Bangkok for the concert now, maybe I should have planned a business trip but I would have to explain to the wife why I had to stay for the weekend, and that would be "complicated" :phew:.  Ah well, I take heart that my fellow shipper is on the way today and will do her best to capture many many pics, especially since I told her about the possibility of a duet.  For the Thai goguma chingus, many many thumbs up and kudos to you for all your effort in showing our love to Yongseo :wub:, you guys/gals are DAEBAK.  Just by your post and pictures, we can feel you passion and love.  We know you will scream your hearts and lungs out tomorrow night at the concert.   If you are still alive, please drop tweets or a post to let us know what happened.....  On the song itself, they could either duet FFTL, or the original Banmal song, or Yong could just serenade Hyun with it, any of the 3 would be just awesome.  It could be Yong's pledge to Hyun that no matter what happens in the next few weeks, you're mine forever.... wahahahahaha (ok, that's the shipper me talking again, /facepalm)
































































































































































































































































New Couple Ring?  Old Couple Ring?  Whatever Ring (or accessory for that matter)
































































































































































































































































That's what we're talking about!!  Goguma FBIs For The Win (FTW).  The rational part in me agrees with snccrockz that the new rings may be pure coincidence, the shipper part in me says what the heck, let's just go with the flow, and like snccrockz says, just look at their eyes and body cues, its just screaming pure L.O.V.E.  Get together already you two.  I'm going to be lurking around the threads waiting for sharp-eyed goguma FBIs like yourselves to post snippets of their "togetherness" via new rings, old rings or whatever other accessories we can link with (in our happy delusional minds).... :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































Episode 48 TOMORROW
































































































































































































































































From the reaction of Hyun and the fact that Yong was wearing the couple ring during the preview, I think the item he lost may have been the scarf she knitted him.   I don't think there was any account of him wearing it at all, so either he really lost it, or he's keeping it safe and just getting her out to go shopping so he can spoil her silly, we can only wait and see.  But it is shaping up to be a sweet episode it seems.......  Can't wait for tomorrow!
































































































































































































































































Take care all, and thanks again to our Thai chingus, enjoy stalking uri Yongseo and the concert, we look forward to the many scaps and pictures and fanvideos.....

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Cjbaby12





Cjbaby12 I thought my post for the fmv earlier went by unnoticed. lol. The video is really beautiful right? I watch the video every night before I go to sleep :wub:







@ Maybe07: I read every single post here if I can or have the time and that definitely didn't go unnoticed. I'm surprised that the video doesn't have that much views yet and it deserves to be viewed. The message is just amazing! :)




I just think people didn't like my post earlier because all my votes got voted down by some people. Now it's zero. Maybe they didn't like the zoomed in picture of the ring. I was just trying to be helpful. :tears: Sorry if you didn't like my post...




I just want to say:




To the Thai Fans and everyone else sharing all the Fan accounts, videos and pictures especially Kun_Cheero!!! :) You guys are awesome!!!! :D




I can't wait for YONG to arrive and see if Hyun will be waiting at the Airport. HAHAHAHA! I'm day dreaming here! I wonder if he brought the room spray that HYUN gave... LOL!!!! :wub:








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Guest niixxii




























It seems he wrote a REVIEW about last episode ^^






































*quoted image*


























again.. can someone translate this??? Or did it has been translated?? can someone repost please? thanks gogumas~~~~








i'm loving the hype around now. <3





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Guest aneng
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용화♡서현 : Sorry Sorry~♡
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































오랜만에 신혼집에서 한가로운 아침 시간을 보내는 용서부부!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그런데 용 남편, 무슨 죄를 지었는지 자꾸만 현 부인의 눈을 피하고~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용 남편의 자백(?)을 들은 현 부인, 꽃샘추위에 용 남편을 쫓아내기까지 하는데~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































현 부인을 분노에 차오르게 만든 용 남편의 치명적인 실수는 무엇?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































현 부인의 기분전환을 위해 옷 한 벌 쫙~ 뽑아주겠다며
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































명동 데이트를 제안한 용 남편!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































기세등등하게 현 부인의 맘에 드는 옷은 뭐든 다 사주겠다고 하지만~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































깔끔하고 베이직한 스타일을 좋아하는 현 부인vs.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































블링블링한 금박(?) 스타일을 선호하는 용 남편!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































과연 현 부인은 어떤 스타일의 옷을 사게 될 것인지?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































명동 데이트를 즐긴 이후, 현부인의 심경을 표현한 결정적 한마디는?

















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Guest d3j1k0
































































































































Hi everyone, just wanted to share some videos I found at YouTube:





























































































































































































































































































































YongSeo Story






























































































































































































































Yong's Cuteness overload <--just warning you all (girls; Pregnant women beware! XD), this may make you faint from Yong's aegyo <3 These are the various reactions of Yong in the Hazzy Bag commercial.






























































































































































































































Please don't forget the maker of those videos :)

































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Guest basketsfruit89
































































































































































































































Thai fans, tks for all your information, fancams, pictures about the concert in TL, you really bring the happy mood in this thread again <3































































































































































































































































































































I've never obsessed with their couple rings before but now, I just so excited with Seohyun's new ring :). Not mention about Yonghwa's old ring, not mention about the ring shape (but I still sure they are the same shape ^^), the fact that Seohyun has a new ring made me so curious. Not many women buy the ring by themselve, it usually is the gift from family, friend, boyfriend, husband..., especially, that's Seohyun, the girl like simple, clean things, she'll not buy that bling bling ring style by herself. Can I delusive now? is it from her husband???hehehe































































































































































































































































































































Ok, too much delusion from me :)































































































































































































































































































































I prayed much last night for uri Yongseo will perform together in TL tomorow, I know Thai fan have already informed the good news, but I think it don't hurt if I pray more, right? (although I'm not follow any religious LOL)































































































































































































































































































































I want to ask Thai fans how about Yong seobang & CNBLUE, they arrived TL or not? bc we didn't heard any information about them

































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Hi aneng, you may refer below for the translation I've done at page 1983... hehe... :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































YongSeo couple enjoying a relaxing moment in the morning at their house. But, not sure what have Yong nampyeon done, keep on avoiding Hyun buin's eyes~
































































































































































































































































After listening to Yong nampyeon's confession, Hyun buin chase him out from the house in the cold weather~
































































































































































































































































What did Yong nampyeon done and make Hyun buin so angry?
































































































































































































































































In order to cheer her up, Yong nampyeon suggested to have a date at Myeondong and promise to buy her everything that she likes from head to toe. Hyun buin likes clean and simple design vs Yong nampyeon likes bling bling design, how will Hyun buin choose and buy the dress? After enjoying the Myeondong date, what is the crucial word from Hyun buin of what she felt during that particular moment?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thai Gogomans are really jjangg~~!! Thank you very much for those great news and fancam, it really giving me a best mood to start my Friday here... ;)... OMO... Tomorrow, tomorrow is the day~~ Epi 48 + The Bangkok concert~!! Counting on Thai gogomas to share us the 1st hand news~~!! jeongmal kamasahamida~~





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@wallpaperfood: haha, your family is from Penang, and you should come back more often. This is a nice place :P. Btw, how I wish the crucial word from Hyun is "saranghae".. but I think the possibility is quite low.. haha.. Perhaps she will say "I forgive you" to Yong for he have lost anything? (oh, pls don't be the scarf, pls pls...)

































































































































































































































































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Guest -insideout




































^ ah! hapiangle i guess it was your tl i saw, hahaha. i guess this is kind of like a repost, sorry about that~




























용화♡서현 : Sorry Sorry~♡




























오랜만에 신혼집에서 한가로운 아침 시간을 보내는 용서부부!




























그런데 용 남편, 무슨 죄를 지었는지 자꾸만 현 부인의 눈을 피하고~




























용 남편의 자백(?)을 들은 현 부인, 꽃샘추위에 용 남편을 쫓아내기까지 하는데~




























현 부인을 분노에 차오르게 만든 용 남편의 치명적인 실수는 무엇?




























현 부인의 기분전환을 위해 옷 한 벌 쫙~ 뽑아주겠다며




























명동 데이트를 제안한 용 남편!




























기세등등하게 현 부인의 맘에 드는 옷은 뭐든 다 사주겠다고 하지만~




























깔끔하고 베이직한 스타일을 좋아하는 현 부인vs.




























블링블링한 금박(?) 스타일을 선호하는 용 남편!




























과연 현 부인은 어떤 스타일의 옷을 사게 될 것인지?




























명동 데이트를 즐긴 이후, 현부인의 심경을 표현한 결정적 한마디는?




























i saw that someone tled this from the chinese translation a couple pages ago, but here is a quick tl from the korean~

Yonghwa♡Seohyun: Sorry Sorry~♡




























For the first time in a while, the Yongseo couple, spending a peaceful morning at their apartment!




























However, [it seems as if] Yong nampyun committed some kind of crime as he constantly avoids eye contact with Hyun buin~




























After hearing Yong nampyun's confession, Hyun buin goes as far as kicking Yong nampyun out in the midst of the last cold spell~




























What was Yong nampyun's fatal mistake that caused Hyun buin's anger to fill up?




























To change Hyun buin's mood, Yong nampyun says that he'll pick out a set of clothes for her~ and suggests a date in Myung Dong!




























He confidently says that he'll buy all the clothes that Hyun buin likes, but~




























Hyun buin who likes the clean and basic style vs. Yong nampyun who prefers the bling bling golden style!




























What style of clothes will Hyun buin end up getting?




























After enjoying the Myung Dong date, what is the one important thing Hyun buin says that expresses what's on her mind?
























































and omg!!!!! all of you thai fans are so lucky! despite all the ups and downs that have been going on in this thread, hopefully the concert will go super duper well. can't wait to see all the fancams and AHHHHHH! even if they don't perform together, hopefully there will be some kind of behind the scenes interaction like the other gayo shows they were on together. thank you thai fans for the wonderful news<3





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I want to ask Thai fans how about Yong seobang & CNBLUE, they arrived TL or not? bc we didn't heard any information about them










Sorry to cut your post. Yong and CNBLUE BIL will arrive late tonight.










It seems SNSD flight was changed.








MBC BKK Concert Artistes' Arrival Flights








10 March 2011---










2PM: TG659 - 01.59pm;










2AM,Miss A,MBLAQ,4Minute,After School: OZ743 - 23.54pm;










11 March 2011---










SNSD,FT.Island: TG677 - 21.15pm.



















BEAST,CN Blue: OZ743 - 23.54pm.



















TVXQ: TG657 - 01.10am.










(artistes reaching on 11march wont go press con)










cr: @@allMadam_TH / HELLO*xXxXx*$HINee










via jeansg2010










Press Conference MBC KOREAN MUSIC WAVE at Centara 11 Mar 11








































Artists NOT Attend!! Press Con MBC KOREAN MUSIC WAVE at Centara 11 Mar 11






























March 12, 2011










MBC Korean Music Wave in Bangkok










6:30PM @ Rajamangala National Stadium Hua Mak



















More goodies.




















Hyun with her couple ring and the new precious? This is the same pic zealous posted below.




















Ok, I just knew how to get direct link from imageshack. So this is the pic yongseorockin talking about below.













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Hyunie with clearly wedding ring last night...




























































































































































































































































































































































































cr to : snsdgallery's images






























































































































































































































BTW, Thai Goguma... You guys are DAEBAK...































































































































Pleae bring back the vid for this couple tonight yeahh...































































































































+ Will you guys update when Yong Seobang arrive later??































































































































Q: Will he also wears the "promise" ring..































































































































If YES, then this thread will reach 2000 tonite.. Hehe..































































































































Who know right.. Always expect the unexpected....































































































































So jealous of you...































































































































Enjoy the concert..






























































































































































































































































































































































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got to the office this morning and straight to soompi and already jump 5 page from last night, so i wonder is it still about the E but when read it, i smile cos it makes my day!!!!! i'm sooooo happy :wub: :wub:












the new precious!!! but most of all the news that they're gonna perform a duet!!!!!!thanks ouichan for gave me and all of goguma something to look forward too and end our sadness!!!












i really envy thai goguma!!!! and i want a lot of fancam ok??? :D :D thai goguma jjang!!!



























yongseo fighting!!!!





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Guest yongseorockin


Daebak KUN_CHEERO!! Thank you so much for sharing information with us!! Really really thank you Thai Fans. I am so jealous. vicx.gif


Saw another pic from the link you put up. Apparently (I presume) almost all SIL saw the kiss picture as well. Hahaha. Really gave me a good laugh. They were looking when Hyun was covering her mouth? Haha.






Other picture from Kun_Cheero link:




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