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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest honeyjade11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I surprisingly got out of my lurker mode when I saw anink,  SophiaPia and rxp080100 posts. Gosh!! is that ring another couple item..? they both wear it on the same hands and in specific finger... uhhh,,, it gives me energy again... need to thank everyone who post here, as well as the THAI GOGUMAS ho are busy showing their support for our couple!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lovelots GOGUMAS!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest mach8infinity


muahaha i am so tickled by the thai fans' way of greeting yongseo! heheheh with a photo of a kiss? imagine the amount of teasing seohyun will get from everyone she knows!! and her embarrassed smile. plus her confession that she wants yonghwa to be closer! kekeke only god knows how many kisses they have really had so far on-cam and off-cam since the wedding shoot blush.gif well, since the thai gogumas are the ones that can meet them both the closest to the rumored last filming, i do hope they are successful in creating the fanvideos that will remind yongseo about their precious time spend together :) kekeke the thai gogumas are really jjiang, as witnessed from the last cnblue thai concert/fan-meeting, so i look forward to listening/watching the future fan accounts! thank you the thai gogumas in advance for being the ambassadors for the international community! :)




lastly, not that i mean to offend anyone, but i seriously find the way the thread flies these few days really amazing... we are now 19 pages away from the second thread! well, whether yongseo will end their reel relationship (and advance their real one) can only be told by time, so let's keep the negativity and sadness away... sometimes, as avid fans, we can't help but peg our hopes and wishes on our favorite stars and idols. but it is important for us to take a step back sometimes to be realistic... that WGM is just a show. yes, feelings are nurtured along the process, but it will be scary if we witness every part of their development to the end end end... just imagine poor truman in the truman show (go watch the movie if you haven't :) it's about this man who had his entire life turned into a reality show...) and anyway, jung yong hwa and seo joo hyun still have 80 more years to nurture their relationship. so let's have faith in both of them. if their relationship is really as strong as what we have seen in the show (and that's after 1 year), can you imagine how solid it will be in 80 years' time?




kekeke i am blabbering nonsense already, aren't I? kekeke okay enough of spazzing and back to work! be strong, fellow fans! be strong!


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I think Thai gogumas are going to be really daebak this weekend!!! fighting!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































rxp, SophiaPia: Y O U  A R E  D A E B A K ! ! ! OMG! spaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzz
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And gollums gogumas, why not spazz about the official couple ring too??:wub: Look at the bling bling in her hand ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I´m so happy we are going into the good vibe again ^^

































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia
















rxp, no need to say anything right? this will do. Let's all sleep happy tonight compare last night that all of us can't sleep. No need to ask so many questions. Coz we cannot get any answer anyway coz of the situation. Low profile it's just fine. Just feel it. I can feel it anyway. So, it's ok to end hahhahahahhaha








Yongseo couple we love you w00t.gif
















calm down gogumas,  it's just the same accessories from old pic and now new pic but why it's the samew00t.gif
















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pia! rxp! u both can join the Goguma FBI now!

good detective job chingus ya!

luvtokki oppa will like this....he wants hard evidence!!! kekeke


more jobs for u pia..

yong's pic...what show was that? and the date?


ooh..this makes me a happy goguma again!!!



i want to quote rxp again, because it is oh so true!!!


In order to be a yongseo fan, you've got to love roller-coasters

because I've been on so many ups & downs & loop-de-loops being a goguma!

calmocean...i still dont get what those ferraris talk are all abt.. :P


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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi gogumas..is everyone feeling better already? :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was a little scared to open this thread this morning..but I think most of us are already better by now right? ^__^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG thanks for posting the ring pics ♥
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's fishy indeed..Seohyun usually only wears important rings with meanings to her outside of filming..this ring must mean something to her too keke. /spazz
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































/Shoutout to thai gogumas: You guys are daebak! Thank you for the hard work ♥

































































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Guest glennpaulo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What's that photo...???....are they implying something??...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now that their couple ring will get many rumors, if they wore it after WGM ends. they buy another couple ring for them??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If that ring won't show in this last few episode....We know what  that means??...rolleyes.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Goguma FBI is Jjang....now im sure that even they wear their couple ring in the feet...It will surely spotted..

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest wallpaperfood

PIA YOU ARE JJANG! Mate, that's why I love you <3

rxp, thanks for posting those images! Wow as much as the kissing pic tangles my insides and makes me inwardly squeal, i gotta say Hyun will be one very embarrassed lady ^^!! And no doubt Yong will get teased a tonne too - what's more, practically every kpop group is going to be there to witness it! hahaha <3 

magdal, glad my dp made u laugh :D. We should all channel MC Jake's facial expressions and emotions at this time. Great therapy!

aNd OMG the ring WOW wow I'm speechless.

Expect the unexpected with Yongseo! they never let us down, baby.

Do you think it's what we're going to see this coming Sat? Or do you think it's a more recent thing? Gosh - if it's to do with their days drawing to a close, can I take this to mean a level of commitment? I mean, it'd be suspicious to wear it on the fourth finger, so hence the 2nd finger? :D lol ok I won't get too carried away. But yes my smile is coming back in full blast :D. If not a <3 commitment, it still looks like something that ties them together...^^ !!!! <3 <3 <3


drmyboo I love your FMV! Made me tear up! <3

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Guest Luv_cheese
























Omg. It is perhaps, a promise ring!!!!!!!  :):):)  my heart is jumping!haha. Im ok with off cam yongseo and I will be supporting them with individual careers. I pray for their happiness! I hope the haters will also spare them the happiness that they both deserve in private. Come on haters! be human. :) These two deserves your blessing ;)









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Guest the_ghost_of_a_saber_tooth_tiger












Hello YongSeo chingus! i got out  of lurking mode and just want to say my thanks to the all gogumas from soompi ;)




and say that Lee JongHyun have the same ring or maybe sharing ring with YongHwa








SeoHyun in CN Blue family ?:Dhaha




i'm goguma from Russia sorry for my bad english blush.gif





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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































delurk! the photos by SophiaPia and rxp080100 just made me forget all that rumours instantly!!!!!!! are those "special rings" or just a coincidence?? more likely the first one :lol:. suddenly I'm really happy again, REALLY! I don't care about the news anymore because we can see two other IDENTICAL rings beside their couple rings!! what does that mean?? Omo I'm over the moon now!
































seriously now I can't wait for ouichan's GOOD news that he/she's going to share with us tonight!!! wonder what it will be.... reading the "good news" on the post already make me cheer up a little bit! is it something related to the upcoming concert in Thailand? maybe....
































calmocean.... err, wonder why suddenly ferrari is mentioned... nothing to do with YongSeo anyway. I think I understand your post, but maybe some gogumas misinterpreted your message so you got (-).... care to explain a little bit more?
































wallpaperfood! yes! I know, my posts are sometimes perky..... I still have that "choding" side in me. but yeah, I tend to get emotional easily, especially when it comes to YongSeo....
































winbros appa! thank you for cheering me up! your PMs brought my mood back! once again, thank you very much ^_^
















dreamyboo!! BEAUTIFUL FMV! nothing more can be said :wub::wub::wub:. thanks for sharing..
































jnj nuna, that random side of you.... it's just.... INDESCRIBABLE :tears: please don't cry, we are strong, right?

































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Guest mahalkoyongseo




YongSeo, do you have a new rings? :wub: If its their new rings, i think it is now a gift from Yong.


Thank you for that pictures, it brightens my mood!




And Thai Gogumas are jjang!:D



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Guest ainigoguma






OH MY GOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:w00t:


It truly is a ROLLER COASTER for GOGUMAS !!!! kyaaa~~~~~


I was planning on lurking till the END and bury myself deep beyond my blanket and listening to all yongseo's song (just like what Yong always does when he feels sad)...:mellow:


BUT THEN.... HAHAHA.... I'm jumping up on GO~CHUN ONCE AGAIN!!!:D THE RING...!!


WHAT IS THAT??? If it's REAL, then I would not be so upset to watch them leaving WGM, I feel like I, as goguma acute fan, have something assured already.:rolleyes:


KYAA~~H !!


Please Please Please... Gollums, Goguma FBI, or everybody who can get more information about this SUSPECTED~NEW~GOGUMA~COUPLE~RING


please post it here....


AH! How I wish that those rings are really truly new private couple ring...:wub:



YONGSEO FIGHTING !! goguma fighting !!!!


Love from Indonesia


P.S. Thailand Gogumas...I'm Counting on You GUYS !!! I'll be waiting!!



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Guest Luv_cheese
























Thank you for your wondeful posts. And the hardwork you put on making everyone in here happy! :) you guys are the best! Bravo!









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Anink i noticed that too... that ring of SeoHyun 1st time i saw it last Feb28th looks like it's not her unnies ring.
















and pls. check this outttttttttt
































why looks the same?































Thanks for sharing this SophiaPia...it does look the same.  This post kinda lift my spirit up after reading all the depressing unconfirmed rumour...hehehe...after seeing this I'm now a bit happy knowing that their decision to leave the show could be because of some greater things that's happening between the two of them :wub:(wishful thinking) and they're wearing it on the same side of their hand :wub:
































One other thing I've noticed on the ring, the setting looks like an eternity ring...have they reached an understanding to be with each other till eternity??? blush.gif:rolleyes:, wouldn't it be nice w00t.gif

















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Soompi Gogumas must be bi-polar sweatingbullets.gif 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(& I say this with the most loving & tender intentions!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this is shared by anacapridge@twitter
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I try to stay away from being a Gollum b/c the term it refers to is such a disgusting & pitiful character.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































& when Yongseo does things like this w/ Precious #1 & (now) Precious #2 I don't mind being called a Gollum! 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Really thank you so much mamapia, cappy, & spd friends for always being on the lookout :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Once a Gollum, always a Gollum
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Once a Goguma, always a Goguma
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also, can anyone tell me when Yonghwa's picture was taken I think it's from one of the old NII cf pics but I'm unsure...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Even if it is just sponsored....I think it's okay to be delusional about things like this 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT:: Thanks @laila-chan for answering my query! So I was incorrect & it's from his Win-Win guesting w/ Siwon & Taecyeon...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































kekekeke ppl remember this: Yonghwa Fancam @ Win Win Jumping Rope & Yonghwa talking about Seohyun @ Win Win

































































































































































































































































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 Alright guys, as promised. My friend Phokar is on her way to welcome Seo Hyun at the airport now.























She left me with this typing job for you guys, what a boring thing to do,  just kidding :P












After begging for JL Starnet to have our couple perform together (for many times)












Finally, A manager of JL Starnet, who see our effort has given us a good sign and as you might guessed,our beloved couple will sing the song together on the same stage (you know which song, right?)



























Yeahhhhh!!! we heard about this news a few days ago but not quite sure if JL, at last minute,will change their mind. But this time, it seems very promising so here you goooooooooo,I hope this news is good enough to bring your mood up. :D












(MBC and WGM crew knew about our project and they just came to inspect the venue today, so let hope that they will film our couple as well.)





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Is it weird that I am overwhelming with happiness seeing Rxp, mamapia, and Aning's post? The rings are still unconfirmed but...




























Anyway, Saturday, please come faster. IDC if They're going to end their WGM stint or not, I still love them as much as before, and silently praying for them to be a couple in real life. I'm sorry this is just a short post without any goodies, I just want to type a small spazz about that ring. :) It's funny how yesterday I decided not to visit soompi for awhile. I guess I can't help it. :0














random obligatory yongseo gifs, cr as tagged.
























































edit: Jonghyun maybe have the same ring? maybe there are more evidence, I can't see his ring clearly because of the scans >.> My fanfiction world in my head exploded lolololol





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Guest Luv_cheese








































































I know they can pull this relationship and make it work! I know they are very capable of making it last!!!!!!!!! They are perfect for each other.









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Guest yongseoisreal




















woah!! :w00t:
















the new Precious suddenly made me jumping and flying through the roof to go-chun!!!!!
















and i'm crying for this, for god sake..
















this is totally a Roller Coaster ride..
















if it's not, it like the DNA Twister..
















or The Hammer..
















seriously, i'm feeling really happy now..
































really thankful for all goguma's FBI who got eyes that sharper and brighter than a microscope.. ^^
















Gollums!!!  let's keep our eyes open for the new Precious on their fingers after this.. ><
















































oh, can't thankful enough for Goguma Thai..
















you guys are JJANG!!!! :lol:



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