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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest lenovo
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seeing your full support for YongSeo on the upcoming event on Saturday is too overwhelming!!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank You so much guys. This means a lot.































































































































































































































































































































































































































Send our love to Yong and Hyun .....from all of us,goguma lovers around the WORLD. :D




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From the beautiful islands of the Philippines, (Ms. Universe pageant much??!!! LOL! keri)
















































































































































































































katsy_jung B)

















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Guest SophiaPia
















YongSeo Thailand Daebak. Thank you so much for showing the love that YongSeo couple deserved. Pls. share what will happen on this event pls. 



















If we are all sad, i guess YongSeo are both sad too. I just want to think that only in the show they will end, but they will stay YongSeo in real life whatever friendships or more than friendships they have right now. I don't think it will end just like that. 



















YongSeo couple made such a lovely and wonderful memories together, so i just think this way they will still be friends and what ever happen OFF CAM only two of them will know. If they call or text each other only them will know. If YongHwa managed to keep his friendships w/ PSH i think he can do that as well to his lovely and precious SeoHyun. That snsd girl name SeoHyun who cares a lot of him YongHwa esp. his health, and same with SeoHyun she can keep YongHwa friendships even wgm end. And for SeoHyun who's so thankful to Yonghwa for all his effort for taking care of her also.



















So, i hope YongHwa didn't lose the scarf w00t.gif Saturday paliiiiiiii



















Hugs to all gogumas here. I hope we can still continue to be YongSeo chingus

















































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Let's get hyper everyone....































































































































The beautiful angel...





























































































































































































































































































































































Additional : From DC site. Lot's of Hyun pic here































































































































# Site 1































































































































# Site 2






























































































































































































































Let's forget the sad news...































































































































Let's spazzing for the "DAEBAK" MC Jake said for this week episode...






























































































































































































































































































































































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well seohyun+snsd is ready take off to thailand
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre as tagged
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































well that is snsd rings,cannot see the other hands
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but she wearing a blue shirts ;)

































































































































































































































































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Guest vanilla88
































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello gogumas family,






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Today I wake up with my swollen eyes..































































































































































































































































It was more swollen than the night after i watched Endless Love *sad Kdrama*..^^































































































































































































































































yesterday i even can't concentrate with my works..AT ALL..































































































































































































































































I don't know what is happening to me..but this RUMOUR just attack my heart sharply..till it's bleeding so badly.. :tears:































































































































































































































































This is the same feeling when I broke up with my last EX..aigoo..































































































































































































































































I feel myself so weird right now.. :tears:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is my very first time being a REAL FAN of something..































































































































































































































































Join for the first time at forum like this..































































































































































































































































try to develop my english..try to stalk everything related Yonghwa with his CNBLUE and Seo Hyun with her SNSD..































































































































































































































































And for me this is my first experience addicted for something instead coffee *i know Hyun..it's bad for my health.. :sweatingbullets: *






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo in WGM will end.. sooner or later..































































































































































































































































But Yongseo will always there in our heart..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you Yongseo, for giving me happiness..































































































































































































































































Thank You Yongseo, for giving me lesson of a wonderful love life..































































































































































































































































Thank you Yongseo, for giving me this new experience..































































































































































































































































Thank you Yongseo, for giving me such A GOOD EXAMPLE for everything you do..































































































































































































































































Thank you Yongseo, for giving me The best saturday period *it's feel's nothing with my single status becoz i have an important things to do on saturday evening* blush.gif































































































































































































































































Thank you Yongseo, for giving me UNBELIEVABLE AWESOME new member family in this thread..































































































































































































































































Thank You YOngseo, for giving me CHANCE to know there's a way to feel a heaven in this world for a while..































































































































































































































































































































































































I will still support our couple..whatever they do..
































































































































I'll borrow Firehouse lyrics..
































































































































"We'll make a wish and send it on a prayer..We know our dreams can all come true with love that we can share"
































































































































Yes gogumas..we may feel sad..cry..even collapse for a while..
































































































































but remember..our couple still need us to support them in future..
































































































































maybe 5 years again we will be gathering together at Jung Yong Hwa & Seo Joo Hyun real wedding..*who knows?!* :wub:
































































































































And for last filming I want them to cry together..
































































































































it will be nice if Yong give kiss to Hyun teary eyes.. am i asking too much? :phew:
































































































































In-Go-Paem family members..BE STRONG..We can through this situation together..































































































































































































































































Yongseo teach us to be POSITIVE-NEVER GIVE UP-and DIE TOGETHER right??.. blush.gif;)
































































































































Thai gogumas! you're really JJANG!!! Please shower our couple with TONS of LOVE..!!
































































































































ouichan : We will wait every single news from Thai fans.. stay healthy so you can watched their DAEBAK performances..#i'll patiently wait for TONS fancam too cingu..hehehe#
































































































































maybe this old picture can bring your smile a bit..
































































































































































































































































Isn't they too perfect each other?
































































































































































































































































We're Spazz like CRAZY becoZ of this..^^
































































































































































































































































Almost Faint becoz of this WHISPER?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He Loves her.. and Always keep looking her BACK.. Yesterday..today..Tomorrow..FOREVER..
































































































































































































































































cre : to all uploaders..
































































































































" Every story has an END.. but in Life every ENDING has just a NEW BEGINNING"

































































































































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I am watching WGM I right now, the one where Taeyeon and Hyungdon were couple. Hyungdon acted out as manager of SNSD while in Bangkok concert. I think it was an SM concert since Taeyeon introduced Hyundon to the inlaws: Shinee, SuJu, and DBSK (they were still complete back then), and of course our Hyun was there! Hyundon even interacted with Thai SNSD fans! They were jjang!
































And this Saturday it will be our couple, Yong and Hyun who will be there in Bangkok. I hope Hyun will also show Yong around with the in-laws. But one thing is for sure Thai YongSeo fans will be daebak!!!
































Thai Gogumas, fighting!!!
































Let YongSeo feel our L.O.V.E. :wub:
































If you want to watch Taeyeon-Hyungdon Bangkok episode and imagine you are in the concert with Hyun and Yong, here is it: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WRQQSX8K
































Thanks ouichan! Keep us posted!
































iK_Fen, i feel you. But let us try to cherish the remaining days!

































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Guest Anink
































































































































































































































































































































On this ring  not SNsD ring this more bigger but i find somthing about this ring , last time she never ring on that finger...
































































































































































































but start last month i see her wear thiS ring  ....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But if this SNSD ring but why look more bigger , or now she like to wear more ring...

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest sunshyne924

hi everyone. i know that this thread nowadays is bombarded by rumors/news about the end of the couple. majority is right saying that endings are inevitable. but we should also acknowledge that it is hard to let go, especially those stuffs that became a habit to us (i.e. yongseo couple). but on the other hand again, we should move on, as the world doesn't revolve around us, and it will definitely revolve without us. SO CHEER UPbiggrin.gif, and hope for a better future for all of us, especially the couplerolleyes.gif. as they say that, when a door closes, expect another door will open, something better definitely.blush.gif

and about the rumor, let's just not assume as the news is not yet confirmed. but it is also good for us to be prepared when it is really time to let go.tears.gif

i decided to post in this thread, as i realize something, somebody posted here that SNSD will go to thailand tomorrow with F.T.ISLAND on the same flight, and CN BLUE will have theirs later on that day, which is tomorrow. but it seems that wasn't true, as SNSD are flying to Thailand tonight. with this, i come up with a conclusion that maybe these news/rumors aren't true, unless there is an evidence of announcement. just think of it as what scientists/philosophers always do, a statement can't be true unless it is proven by enough evidences and it gives a rational and logical explanation. (*sorry for being a dork, i was studying for my exam tomorrow*)

FIGHTING everyone! cool.gif

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i was such an emotional wrecked yesterday that i missed the beautiful posts

by our lovely Thai gogumas...


Ouichan, anh,phokar chingu and the rest..

THANK U SOO MUCH for uplifting our moods. is it too late to fly over to Thailand now?

i want to see yongseo TOGETHER with my very own eyes..but since i can't..

u, Thai gogumas, will be our eyes and pls pls tell us if yongseo is alright..

Thailand, the land of smiles...i believe we shall see this in yongseo too..


winbros & luvtokki oppas..what else can i say except THANK U.

both oppas / appas are really like the pillars of strength here,

together with goguma omma (MrsAthenaG)...


reading both of your colourful, witty but with a punch POVs really makes me feel better,

and so today, i am back joking and laughing with my collegues,

whereas yesterday, all i did was sigh and no one dares to talk to me

(they know me too well..when i sigh, i spit fire)..kekeke

so yes, monie, i did not sigh today..not even once..



something random


when i was alone..in the bus, on my way home, i felt tired

and shut my eyes for a while..

when suddenly, images of smiling yongseo flashes as quick as lightning,

and my tear dropped...just like that!



winbros oppa, thank u for hearing me and soshi3 shouts!

and i hope your letter to yongseo gets translated and presented to them.

it is super daebak! i know yongseo will be touched and at the same time,

tickled pink, like the rest of us are, when reading it..

btw, if u want to smack yong..call me! ;):phew:


and to the rest of the goguma villagers..

even tho it is depressing since everyone airs their sadness, it is because we

SHARE happy and sad moments TOGETHER...

but once u let it out...dont dwell on it....


i myself is trying hard to be calm..

and i've changed my wallie again..

its used to be their wedding pic, but for now...

its just the plain pic of hyun.. :sweatingbullets:

i've yet to find a plain pic of yong..because like he said..

he looks good in all his photos :rolleyes: ...yeah, something like that..



i know i am not the only one eyeing her wedding finger.. :P

is it there or not?

no?...okay..we'll see it on Sat then...




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i dont know it has been shared or not































































































































but i just accidentally open RDRSub and they already done subbing Ep 47































































































































Ok im surprised XD,,































































































































im glad that they decide to sub this eps




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*hurry up to DL the HQ one*
































































































































































































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Guest sqwerk2

guys, juz wanna ask. any of you know what is the song played when yong hugged hyun during the photoshoot on the last episode? many many thanks.

sorry, it should be the forehead kiss scene.

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Guest bezbezbez
















































Good evening everyone!!!!


























































































































I'm sorry because I wasn't around most of the time. I'm just really busy with school works since the school year is almost ending for me.I just dropped by to thank everyone who are continuously posting and spazzing at the thread. You, guys, are the reason why our community is growing really fast. Everything is bound to end when it comes to TV shows, but rest assured that the friendship between the people at the show will continue.


























































































































To my dear gogumas, take this virtual HUG from me!!! This is the most that I can do for now =)))


























































































































TO THE THAI GOGUMAS, Thank You and Good Job on the preparation!!!! Just feel free to PM me or send a mail at seohwa.project@gmail.com just in case you'll need a help. I can always lend a help from our project team crew/staff.



























































































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Guest calmocean






i think seohyun probably has enough for a new ferrari from income wgm this past year.  i know she will remain friends with yong because he was a big part of why she was successful too.  i know we are all sad the show is ending, but i think seohyun prefer a new ferrari and possibly get a little of her life back.  according to some earlie post they film 1 time every 2 weeks.   that not bad at all , but the relationship ran its course right.  sign another contract is commitment here.  i know us fans say we will stay around but things happen in real life that unpredictable.   i think more realistic they end it here since both have so much in front of them.  they made a beautiful fairy tail that touched hearts around the world. kinda like that movie titanic. they will both live on in their respective careers! F I G H T I N G !



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i think seohyun probably has enough for a new ferrari from income wgm this past year.  i know she will remain friends with yong because he was a big part of why she was successful too.  i know we are all sad the show is ending, but i think seohyun prefer a new ferrari and possibly get a little of her life back.  according to some earlie post they film 1 time every 2 weeks.   that not bad at all , but the relationship ran its course right.  sign another contract is commitment here.  i know us fans say we will stay around but things happen in real life that unpredictable.   i think more realistic they end it here since both have so much in front of them.  they made a beautiful fairy tail that touched hearts around the world. kinda like that movie titanic. they will both live on in their respective careers! F I G H T I N G !

tks for your post, but something is not right with it.


is the income from wgm well enough for hyun to buy a ferrari?

u make it sound as if hyun is one materialistic girl..


or are u comparing yong with a ferrari?




anw, i'm going to stay put here since Ouichan promised to bring something

daebak for us tonight...yayy!!




rxp..thai gogumas are really jjang!

tks for sharing the pic here...

that will surely bring back their smile surely...


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Guest Anink
































































































































































































































































































































HOpe someone can transl this , thx
































































































































































































" 용화♡서현 : Sorry Sorry~♡
































































































































































































오랜만에 신혼집에서 한가로운 아침 시간을 보내는 용서부부!
































































































































































































그런데 용 남편, 무슨 죄를 지었는지 자꾸만 현 부인의 눈을 피하고~
































































































































































































용 남편의 자백(?)을 들은 현 부인, 꽃샘추위에 용 남편을 쫓아내기까지 하는데~
































































































































































































현 부인을 분노에 차오르게 만든 용 남편의 치명적인 실수는 무엇?
































































































































































































현 부인의 기분전환을 위해 옷 한 벌 쫙~ 뽑아주겠다며
































































































































































































명동 데이트를 제안한 용 남편!
































































































































































































기세등등하게 현 부인의 맘에 드는 옷은 뭐든 다 사주겠다고 하지만~
































































































































































































깔끔하고 베이직한 스타일을 좋아하는 현 부인vs.
































































































































































































블링블링한 금박(?) 스타일을 선호하는 용 남편!
































































































































































































과연 현 부인은 어떤 스타일의 옷을 사게 될 것인지?
































































































































































































명동 데이트를 즐긴 이후, 현부인의 심경을 표현한 결정적 한마디는? "

































































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oh thai gogumas are so adorable & awesome greeting Seobb & SNSD :)
































































































































































































































































from: perfectsaturday@twitter
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just want to take the time to say how grateful I am for the love & support Thai fans are showing for YongSeo in Bangkok.
































































































































































































































































Their support could not have come at a better time when the rest of the Gogumas here are feeling so depressed.
































































































































































































































































Really the best happy pill & therapy for such things is to come & spazz with my in-go-phaem about YongSeo couple.
































































































































































































































































I plan to do an EPIC Pic Spam post here in a of couple hours when I come home later on. I hope the rest of Go-Chun will be humming along & spazzing as always.
































































































































































































































































I wish for all of us to move on from the initial heartbreak so we can focus on the good things to come. We may not feel it now, but really things will get better & memories will always be treasured. 
































































































































































































































































I'd like to encourage other gogumas to do pic spams, spazz-posts, etc :)
































































































































































































































































Let's bring the good vibes back to this go-chun! okay?

































































































































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Guest SophiaPia
















Anink i noticed that too... that ring of SeoHyun 1st time i saw it last Feb28th looks like it's not her unnies ring.








and pls. check this outttttttttt
















why looks the same?





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uhhh...I'll let this speak for itself:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@mamapia you've got the eyes of one of an eagle!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1 more thing:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In order to be a yongseo fan you've got to love roller-coasters because I've been on so many ups & downs & loop-de-loops being a goguma! 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This ring thing? WTF?! WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO ME?! T____T

































































































































































































































































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Guest calmocean






tks for your post, but something is not right with it.






is the income from wgm well enough for hyun to buy a ferrari?



u make it sound as if hyun is one materialistic girl..






or are u comparing yong with a ferrari?












anw, i'm going to stay put here since Ouichan promised to bring something



daebak for us tonight...yayy!!















of course i think highly of both yong and hyun.  i think they started this as an opportunity for both to enhance their careers and new experiences and earnings too right. after all that is the world work.  i would guess since no need to split salary yong and hyun made enough for ferrari definitely.   both so tireless and hard working nice to know can buy ferrari right after 1 yr hard work!  hopefully both will stay very busy to buy more ferraris! there story like titanic movie. it end but still go on, good news no one die. ferrari is just nice to imagine after 1 yr of tough schedule.









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bezbezbez dearie, we missed u much! and gonna miss u again soon! LOL anyways, all the best in ur studies ya~!

yeah, calmocean... like jnj, i also wonder where did the ferrari come from! kekeke

ouichan~!!! can't wait for ur surprise!!! u thai gogumas are daebak!

haha rxp u're right it's about time to bring in the good vibes! so here i am... i just finished making this magical couple's wedding video... i hope this FMV will not only brighten ur mood but make us reminisce all yongseo's wonderful journey together. i present to u...


i hope u'll enjoy it 'cause i totally enjoyed making it~ :)


pia, whoaaaa!!! eagle eyes!!!! dugeun dugeun...could it be?!!?? :w00t:

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