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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I just want to say, the only time MC Kim tweeted YongSeo daebak was for ep 27, so we should expect something as big and lovely as that this saturday :wub:.
















































































































About the news, I don´t want to write anything yet here, cause it pains so much...
















































































































But SeoHyun, our baby, I love you and I will support you forever. YongHwa, our prince I love too and I will support you forever.































































































































































































































YongSeo Fighting!!!! my love for you is just too much, overwelming, as huge as your souls, as deep as the pure first love.
















































































































 Gogumas Saranghae ...

















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Guest b229b24k


wow, the only time mc kim tweet yongseo daebak is ep 27?

now this is something i really look forward to

as for the rumour...well i dont want to pay attention to it

just looking forward to next ep ;)

though it hurts actually,lol

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their time has come...uwarghhhh...








i'm just being denial all this time..








still in the sad mode since this evening...









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Guest cikila

















































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Guest yeobo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































waaaa is the rumor really true?? about our couple leaving WGM so soon???? :unsure:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































well we all know its something inevitable but i just can't believe they're doing it so soon after the daebak wedding episode... PD-nim please don't do this do us.... im begging you!!!!!!!! tears.gif:tears:tears.gif:tears:tears.gif:tears:tears.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omo!!! i feel so sad.. i can't believe this... just when they're starting to get cozy.. then this... waaaaa im gonna put my faith on the fact that no confirmation has yet been given by MBC.. i am crossing my fingers!!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































gogumas are there any fan account of latest filming??? the last one was the shopping right??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest tinkershellsoompi








today Gogumas have gone through a roller-coaster day...I don't even know how to react....




I'm proud of YongHwa for his new drama with tears in the eyes for my beloved Sweet Potato couple...it hadn't been many days since I got hooked to them...never thought I'll have such strong sentiments for YongSeo...




so the day has finally come...it's breaking my heart to say this....when I read other's opinions, one part of my heart still says it's not yet confirmed....but when I'm writing it feels a stern reality...




I'll always extend my support to YongHwa as both a Boice & a Goguma...It's a good opportunity for him to improve his acting skills...I know how determined this man is...once he sets out for something, he tries his best regardless of the results...WGM made me realise this more...I believe he has learnt many things from the show too...




Thnks WGM for letting me learn more about him, for letting me know an angel called SeoHyun & letting me fall in love with a beautiful love story......I hope they will keep contact & cherish their wonderful memories..




I'm supposed to prepare for a test...but it feels so empty inside...like I have lost an precious possession...YongSeo really became an important part of my life..




Gogumas let's always support & stand beside our YongSeo....Goguma couple fighting!♥



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Guest blueshoes








SEOHYUN WITH HER GUITAR BACK TO KOREA tears.giftears.giftears.gif














Uri Hyun come back and Tmr she will go to my country ..
















credit DC married , yongseofacts , as tagged












I will continue look up them out of WGM!!! until They will married








My love to yongseo will never end ^___^ :P:tongue:





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Guest Mamablues







































































































yup! i.m ahjumma ~ yongseo shippers from Malaysia, too!!!

















































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Guest panda84

Dear all goguma friends,

I posted here once, as I said before I'm a Kkapliner, it's Yongseo that introduced me to this program, i'm forever thankful for that.

Also, i never forget your supports when our AC left the show, how it helped us to get through that hard time.

So, even if i can't do much, I'd like to offer my support to you guys also.

However, until the rumor is confirmed, it's still a rumor, please keep your faith.

while AC couldn't have a special ep, only a bit over 25mins; for Yongseo, there're only 2 couples now in WGM. I hope you can get at least 40-45mins ep.

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Usually my post will be more than 20 sentences and full of beautiful stories/analysis. 



But now, all I can feel is numbness. 




The rumours struck me like a thunder and went straight to my heart.  




I am too sad to even shed a tear. 




[Demn !! I have my performance appraisal tomorrow and here I am keep refreshing this thread hoping another news will pop out overruling the sad rumours]




I need to pull myself together first. We all need to. For YongSeo sake.




So hacker8, am going to follow your advice.Let's call it a day, and pray that tomorrow will be a brighter day for all of us.




Good Night. See you tomorrow.Take care~








It is now 10.54 pm in Malaysia.





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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































argh, cannot do my work now........ and it's due tomorrow. I'm a dead man now :sweatingbullets:






























jut wondering, how are the Korean Gogumas doing???? any of you who understand korean (M3, Dduk, Juhee, Aisuo, Kay77), please try to find out about their reactions regarding the rumor............ they must be sad too :tears:
































hmmpphh, I don't think I'll be able to watch another WGM couple after YongSeo, I vowed that YongSeo will be my first and last couple that I watch in WGM. I have invested myself emotionally on this program, and I don't think I can do it again with another couple..... I'll be honest with you, once you are attached, there is no turning back -_-
















































EDIT: M3!!!!! thank god you're here! REALLY! that's quite strange.....they really don't know???? usually they react the fastest right?? if they still can spazz happily with rumours flying around, they sure are the best... hmmmmm.....

































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Guest MountainMadman

It's strange.

There's no mention of any kind of ending rumor at the DC Gallery at all. Like, at all. None. Zip. They're just spazzing like they always do.

The same goes for the big news sites, although that's probably to be expected if there hasn't been an official release yet.

Hmm...could it be that they haven't picked up on the rumors yet? I'm wondering, where exactly did the rumors start? If it originated in Korea, it would've spread there first. But it hasn't, which is weird.

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yup! i.m ahjumma ~ yongseo shippers from Malaysia, too!!!
































































































































































































































































*quoted image* 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello there, I'm a YongSeo shippers from Penang, Malaysia too~~
































































































































































































































































I'm very grateful have all our gogoma family here to support each others. Special Thanks to all Kkapliner who drop by and give us the best support~~ Thank you very much~~!!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest cikila








Hey gogumas, I've read through many forums (dc,baidu,boice,snsd etc.) and many many tweets and I can tell you that Sylove's tweet is 99% accurate. Someone mentioned here that it's more rare for it to be false than true. And I just read that it is now 100% true.






They will not be filming their WGM epi in Thailand because Yong has gotta to fly back to Korea for Inkigayo on Sunday. And everyone waiting for the official announcement, I am very sad to type this but that announcement will come on Monday night or Tuesday Morning depending on where you are.






Yong and Hyun received the news 2 weeks ago and their final filming will be at their house on 14th March 2011.






The episode will run 26th of March 2011. WGM PDs will only announce the end of a couple only on the last filming date. Such as the most recent Adam couple filming. Only after they film their last epi at the radio station then the official announcement would come.






Contrary to normal practice. WGM will introduce 2 new couples on 2nd April and the announcement will be made on the 26th.






Yongseo will not have any special perfomance on the 12th in Thailand but WGM will record their backroom interview for the final epi before the filming on the 14th. 14th filming will be a short affair and can only take place at night because of SNSD's rehearsal for "Mr Taxi."






Dear gogumas, endings are inevitable in life. When you leave your friends after graduation etc. For YongSeo, lets us not take in the sad ending but rejoice at the beautiful memories they made. This date is inevitable and at most will continue for a 2 months till Hyun's birthday. That is why SM had hoped Hyun could celebrate her birthday because their contract runs out on Feb. Yonghwa and Seohyun did not renew their contract so they had no filming done for the past 2 months. Their last epi is a wrapup by the PD as in Adam's couple's last epi when their contract expired.






Having said this, as much as we hoped they will continue forever, they probably would do so for a short while but with the many obstacles around them, being celebrities and from different companies, chances to meet are far and few between.






Nevertheless, when they look back in their drawers on flip through old photobooks in the future, I'll be happy if they can think back and smile at their lovely moments and their time as a married couple and for Hyun, her first love. I am gonna stop here before my tears start full flow and I sincerely wish YongSeo the best in their careers and hope they remain in close contact and lead happy lives. Thank You YongSeo for everything, for the fun, for the laughter, for the hope you have given everyone and for the chance for many gogumas to bond and have joy. Kamsahameda YongSeo. I will miss you so much!






































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Guest emmanuellee




tears.gif tears.giftears.giftears.giftears.gif


i know time will come for them to grow apart, to grow individually, i thought i'm prepared...thought its just  a part of being a korean pop fangirl.  but i'm hurting, i don't think i'll watch their individual dramas for now, coz it hurts. maybe in time.....don't know when.... but i know i will someday.  but still support their group as a singer. coz, they are a good singer specially yongwha, who is a good composer.  hope that they achieve whatever their endeavors are.  wish them luck. my god, it really hurts. tears.giftears.giftears.giftears.gif



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Guest calmocean






he has her phone number.  i'm sure they will call each other right!  i'm sure when they have time they can go grab a se7en chicken to eat.  but just no cameras will be around!  all info is out not a rumor anymore.  i'm really surprised this show touched such heartstrings the pd is really good .   i think it's too much this affects our hearts this much!  remember they got paid for this!  i miss them too of course!



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Guest blueshoes








Sica 's fancam but I upload cos Uri Hyun so beautiful






[110309] 시카 입국영상에 서현이
















(cr 완소용서 @ DCmarried)
















K gogumas know same as us cos I following K gogumas twitter who always post on DC






on the afternoon there was topic about leaving posted on DC (there were 800+ views on this topic)






but a few minutes the topic was deleted same as on bestiz





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Guest wallpaperfood

That's really weird if the Korean sites are as per normal...

I would have thought those rumours would be caught on first by Koreans. (Isn't that how it usually works? Correct me if i'm wrong - I don't know much about the mechanics behind all of this). It's understandable that the official sites aren't saying anything, but I honestly thought DCGallery-ers would be pouring tears too o_O

soshi3, same here - I haven't done my work which is due tmr for 2 different classes! still refreshing this page...

Kkapliners, thank you so much for coming here to show your support! it's very much appreciated - it's so nice of you guys to wish a worthy farewell ep for yongseo when you had a measly 25min (<-- SHOCKING). It was really touching to read that, so yeah, thank you.  :")


omo my family is from Penang too and I go back there twice a year! (just got a bit hyped up to see someone else form tiny Penang lol, hi!)

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Guest Luv_cheese



Hello everyone! I hope you all are in good health. Same with some new posters, it is also my first time to post here.  I've been watching this thread for a week now. I just finished watching the yongseo wgm episodes which ultimately encouraged me to look for related stuff and eventually brought me here. You guys are amazing. I had really fun reading your messages here. I honestly never thought of registering for an account here however, the recent news affect me enough to come here and leave a message of thank you to everyone whom i shared same love for Yongseo couple. Knowing a lot of people are loving them same as I do makes my heart happy as well. Thank you again.

As for this couple, they are the first couple on WGM that I follow. These two just brought me pure joy and if not with the popularity and curiosity i have for this couple I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't have that chance to know them more so, for those that have been posting stuff on twitter about yongseo, I thank them. I've known Yonghwa since YB days but never really had the chance to know him better. I didn't even know that he has a great band that does the kind of music I love. Also, I was not so interested in all female Kpop group so I don't know who SnSD was. Only when I was following their show that I spent time knowing more about these two. Sadly, their show will eventually come to an end but I still have high hopes that they stay for long and maybe end up being together in real life. Oh how I love happy ending stories and other than that, I also think that the two of them suit well with each other. Their looks and personality are just perfect match.

I'm really sad about the recent news but I'm very happy that they are both very busy. I can't be selfish. It is every artist's dream to be popular than they were and of course, having a continuous job and success is good for them. For Yongwha, he deserves all the blessings that he has now and will have in the future. He's been really great with what he does. Same with Seohyun, who also is as hard worker as her husband. They both have good hearts and they deserve all the success they are getting. I wish them well and more than anything, I wish them happiness. Gosh I love these two so much that I just want to see them together.. how i wish! They are just so perfect for each other. How they handle each other is on top of the list. Yonghwa seems to be that guy who loves his job and set his love life aside because he didn't find the right yet. Seohyun of course is that girl who was raised like a perfect child. When they were paired on the show it's just boom! They were awkward atfirst, but it was the most honest thing I have seen. Though they try to portray the fake couple figure for this show, they are too real to be neglected. Their smiles and natural charm, their imperfections, their passion for their craft, their family values and etc., are just too real and too strong that i can't afford to not love them. I love them so much! I think that they adore each other for real. I think that if nothing big stops them from having a relationship, they do want to be together. Seohyun may be young but she has the maturity of a successful career woman with virtues. She handles Yongwha perfectly. And with that, I know she is good for him. She's the type that don't cheat on her man. She's the type that can work with men in the entertainment industry but still have that decency of not flirting off cam. She is a young girl that is not only beautiful but also, pure and kind, confident and focused. She's that girl who allows her man to fulfill his own dreams and together they grow in happiness and comfort. Thus, she's the girl that deserves a man like Yonghwa who can make her achieve her own goals as well with him by side making her the happiest person she can be. Yongwha on the other hand is that guy  who fits perfectly with somebody like Seohyun. He is too cool to end up with somebody that don't suit him well. His personality is too wonderful to not end up with someone whom he truly deserves. Yonghwa has the most amazing group of friends and bandmates. Amidst his playful side, he remains to be disciplined and grounded. He is such a wonderful human being who has killer looks yet enjoys his free time resting and making music the most.  He has that look of an arrogant guy but deep inside he has so much to give.Only a guy like him can perfectly understand Seohyun and only a girl like Seohyun can perfectly spare him his freedom to fulfill his own dreams and rest assured that he has a beautiful,honest and loyal girl on his side supporting him. We have come to know a bunch of their side on this show. Things that are so significant and brought us learnings that only them can offer. I really really wish them happiness, ever lasting relationship may it be friendship or more than that...

As for Yongs upcoming drama, I can only hope that as fans of good match up and story, that fans spare the artists respect for their profession. Let them do their job and let ourselves enjoy the outcome of it. Let us not dictate them who they must be with and not as we will only make them unhappy.  There's no greater feeling than being able to bring happiness to somebody right? As fans, let us make our idols happy with their choices of on and off cam partners :) We will always have an opinion but whatever Yonghwa and Seohyun decides, I will respect it. It's easier that way. I know I want them together in real life and it's up to them if they will continue. I really hope so. If not, I wish that one day in the future they will have that chance to work again.

Lastly, I think that Yongwha and Park Shin Hye have a wonderful friendship. How awesome was Shin Hye's message to Seohyun about Yongwha (during Banmal song promotion).  I find it wonderful how Yongwha and Shin Hye maintain such friendship amidst pressure from fans. I'm really happy for that. With Seohyun as well, I like how comfortable she was to call his guy friends even those that admires her but she clearly means friendship "only" with them. Both Seohyun and Yonghwa has been calling their friends that's been linked to them in each others faces on the show :) how awesome is that. If only I have the power to make them last forever, I would have done it by now :) May the good Lord bring them both happiness, success and safety as always. I will always be a Yongseo fan and they will always be in my heart forever!

Cheers to Yongseo's continued success, happiness, friendship and love!

Yongseo fan - USA


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Guest MrRam






Since the drama is from MBC, I think it is possible for them to countinue filming WGM. I mean, filming WGM only took 1 day right? Yong and Hyun already known each other over a year right? But accually they only meet up about 30 times to film am I right? and better of all, the drama is from MBC, they have the schedule of both Yong and Hyun, i think they can arrange a day for them to film am I right? it is up to Yong or Hyun to decide whether to countinue or not, bcuz im sure MBC pretty much want them to stay, cuz see how fans are crazy over them... they making profit for MBC :> am i right? SO Stop panic and think more logocaly, you will see there are posibility for then to countinue.


This is just my thinking, I might be crazy but this might happen.


Let just wait for satuday to come, hoping for good news :D



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