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MY GOD What happend? Yong what's wrong? what he did ? !!  he lose something or forget something >,< !!! 






This episode was soo cute T___T and MBC are soo mean T___T !!! so evil ; _ ;  why?


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more dose of the photo shoot









































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest jajay





OMG gogumas!! May I dare say that I see true love beautifully exemplified today in our goguma couple?! Although it's loaded with TONS of skinships that is enough to send us to goguma heaven, I'm really touched by Yong's gentleness towards Hyun and Hyun's gift to Yong!



Seriously, I cannnot believe that all these act of love is done for the cameras! Yong and Hyun ah, you guys are so lucky to have each other :wub: *envy*


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Guest just_a_dream
















































waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh sincha, sincha..OMO,OMO!.i died just by looking at the caps posted..what have you done to me..i've been so tired from school and now you'll give me this?.waaaaahhh..gotta watch now, now, now









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Guest mfkzai


the preview is just soooooooooo cute


i know ppl r worried coz f it but it looks too cute


or is that sleep deprivation talking


(she's smilling when she's walking back)






cant bring myself to see the episode fully yet it'll probaby take me days if not weeks to do that 


cant believe im ontop of d page 


sorry dont hve anything interesting to share


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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
























NONONONONONO I refused....... Yes I refused to believe that after such a epic episode we are going to turn back to square one.:tears:
























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Screencaps from todays ep!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit: Baidu yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My favourite wedding pic!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































THERE MUST BE LOVE BETWEEN THEM :w00t: Oh man i still cant calm down! This ep is so precious. And seriously who knows they might alr have kissed when there's only 2 of them alone :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And regarding the preview, although it makes ppl worry, i think its nothing big! Might be something small but couples like to quarrell over it. So no worries! i just find them cute rather then worrying over them. haha.

































































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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































OMO GOGUMAS! This episode is one of my favorites ever.. it was already sweet without subtitles.. I can only imagine how much sweeter it will be with a translation!
































As for next weeks episode..
































































What is your speculation of what happened?
































Mine is that either he lost the scarf she made him, or he forgot it at home. Just pure speculation! What do you guys think?

































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Guest sachet




i'm crying right now !! Why the ... That preview ?!!!!!  They fight?!!! Yong living from the house? Hyun kick him out? !!! Please we need seriously a translation T___T !! 





MY GOD What happend? Yong what's wrong? what he did ? !!  he lose something or forget something >,< !!! 








This episode was soo cute T___T and MBC are soo mean T___T !!! so evil ; _ ;  why?



I think nothing serious happen, just lover quarrel. u know, every preview make us,goguma crazy, just wait next week ep and let's spazz today ep. i think they are fighting and then closing again, because we have picture, account about thier shopping( i think that why yong bought her so much things).so, dont worry. They just too much in love^^



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Guest DJHinata




I think nothing serious happen, just lover quarrel. u know, every preview make us,goguma crazy, just wait next week ep and let's spazz today ep. i think they are fighting and then closing again, because we have picture, account about thier shopping( i think that why yong bought her so much things).so, dont worry. They just too much in love^^






OMG You have a point !!! it's right XDD hahaha when man feel guilty they bought to us a lot of stuff XD ; 3 ;  Thank you 


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i think for today, we should be allowed to use bigger fonts because..


better than the birthday episode!!!

i dont even know where to start..

among many things that happen, i LOVE how yong just hugged her while walking on the park!!

ahhh...sooo sweet!

and to those who voted on the kiss on the forehead, one bag of gogumas for u guys!

i'm so glad that those books are only used as props!

kiss on the forehead..and the whole world got to see it!

hyun's first kiss is taken by yong!!! :wub::wub:

and just for this week, can we spazz more on today's episode

instead of the preview? ;)

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Guest tecle
































































oh the preview...does yong lost something?..i saw the ring hes wearing it...so htars not it..i hope its not the scarf..gosh this 2...kekeke

















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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































it IS something that he lost, but I guess we'll have to speculate, because the PD made us do that!!!! fury.gif






























































could be the scarf, but who knows...































Yong might be faking it? who knows......































maybe we're just overly worried? who knows...
































































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Guest zztingling
































































































OMG!!! All their wedding shots look extremely gorgeous & sweet! They're so photogenic & compatible! :wub::wub::wub: hope they're really a real couple! hee hee
































By thw way, does anyone know what's the bag that Seohyun is carrying at the end (when she fished out a scarf from it)? It's so pretty....I wish to own it hahaha Hope someone can tell me! :P

































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